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Thread: [R] The Walking Dead - IC - (ALWAYS OPEN)

  1. #21
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    When Ilia looked back from talking to the two males who were walking towards where the three had stopped, she saw that the two kids were gone.
    'Oh my god!' She whispered quietly to herself. Ilia didn't leave the end of the road which Christopher and Micheal were walking down her way. She had found another survivor but she was too busy to see if they were alright or not. The two older men had disappeared from her sight and must have went to find shelter.

    'Where did they go?' She thought just as several moans came from behind her. Ilia slowly turned around as her hair just got out of the way of a decaying bloody finger reached out to grab her. Ilia's mouth dropped open as she slowly started backing up, running into another one. She screamed and she began swinging her baseball bat around, slowly taking them down.
    "Some help me!" She shouted.
    After Jason learned the girl's name, he smiled lightly.
    "I'm Jason." He whispered to her in a quiet voice like he usually had. "This all happened when I was walking back from a friends house in the country. As I was walking back through the forest he came running after me yelling for me to help him. When I looked behind him, I saw his nanny all bloody and decaying. I wound up killing her." He said before hesitating.

    "After we got back to the city there were almost forty people still alive. As the two of us wondered around for a bit, helping out some kids from our class. We found out they all had been bitten before we helped them out so we killed them. When we got closer to the hospital, the stupid.. st-stupid walkers took him. They took him!" He had began to cry as they sat on op of a roof of a house that was atleast four stories high. The girl showed some sympathy.
    Ella looked at him before sighing. She knew his was horrible but hers, nothing really happened.
    "I don't really have anything to be sad about. My biological parents were killed in a shooting when I was four so i've been living with my grandma. I do miss her but she said she would be making sure I was okay when she died. She helped me up onto her roof as dozens of them got her. Of couse, she took the latter down before she died."

    "I do kind of miss her but I guess its okay. Grandma and I never had much of a bond anyways. We should go find some food." Ella spoke to him in a quiet voice. Jason eventually stopped crying and they left the roof, being super quiet and sneaky.

    After awhile of walking around, they found a store and went in very quietly. It still had most windows in but the floors were bloody.
    "Be careful." Jason spoke quieter than a whisper. Ella nodded and the two kept going through the stores.

    Eventually, after going through at least five or so stores, they noticed movement in the store. They turned the corner and saw Bridget. Jason lightly taped on an empty shelf so that it would make a light tink to let her know someone was there.

  2. #22
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    Sans was quick when it came to stuffing his backpack with cannabis, a glass pipe, several lighters, wrapped sandwiches, water bottles, and a roll of toilet paper he'd have to ration. But even this, he knew wasn't enough on his trek towards Washington, D.C. He'd need to hit the stores. But there was absolutely nothing in the apartment to be used as a weapon. He hated this.

    He zipped up his jacket and strapped on his backpack before he was out the door. He leaned on the banister and looked down the sunken flight of stairs. Utter silence. He gave a wavering exhale at the constant reminder of having nothing in his hands and descended as swiftly as he could in quiet. Sans passed an open doorway and caught a glimpse of an old lady gnawing on her Yorkie. It looked patient for it to be over. He suppressed a shudder.

    Darting down the front lobby, he nearly leaped out of his skin when the landlord rose from behind the desk, his face half-bitten and painfully cerise. He crashed through the door, which banged too loudly, and realized that drew a lot of attention. A lot, Sans figured by the countless, dim heads that snapped and glared at him from across the street. He sprinted in the other direction, giddy that he could run faster and was already losing them.

    "Stores, stores," Sans mumbled to himself, scrutinizing the dark windows. He looked over his shoulder. A closer walker scrambled out of a car, missing arms, spitting blood through occasional growls. He looked back at where he was running and saw a woman with wild hair. She didn't advance or behave in a way a monster would, so he took the chance.

    "Hey!" he hissed at her. "We got a walker coming."

  3. #23
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    Bridget paused as she was leaving the small boutique, a soft tapping noise near the front of the store grabbing her attention. She had already been through countless shops, and this one had been like so many others…empty. She turned quickly with her knife posed in defense, expecting another walker looking for a meal. Instead, two children met her gaze. She gasped in surprise, raising her hands in front of her and pointing her knife out to the side, to show she was not a threat.

    “Are you alone?” She whispered. She moved closer to the store’s entrance, keeping the two in sight as she checked out the road for any immediate threat. Main Street ran east and west, a busy thoroughfare on any normal day, filled with commuters and shoppers. Normal would not describe any day since Bree had escaped the institution, and tonight, the street was void of any happy faces. She saw a few walkers, one notable due to her lack of arms, but otherwise, things were as quiet as she could expect.

    Bridget turned back to the kids, ready to get them moving to another location, hopefully to somewhere safe. It was then that she received her second surprise of the evening. Another voice…another survivor…

    "Hey!" the man hissed at her. "We got a walker coming."

    She jerked back around at the sudden intrusion, noticing the man and the armless walker growling and heading his way. Backpack slung over his shoulders, she didn’t see any weapon in his possession.

    “No shit Sherlock.” She responded, tossing him her knife.

  4. #24
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    Ella nodded to Bree when she asked then looked over to the male, wondering who he was. The two kids didnt speak of anything. Not even a peep came from them. They didn't move nor blink. They seemed completely frozen. They stared at the lady as she tossed the male the knife she had been holding. Jason wasn't there anymore and had whispered something to Ella. Ella gave him a nod before he ran off to go find anyone else.
    After running for a long time, he passed his friends corpse as he looked away and started running again. Soon enough, Wilhemina came into sight and he waved at her, seeing if he could get her attention. He stayed completely silent as he watched the car.

  5. #25
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    Wil had driven for days, the chickens settling down in the trunk. She had passed town after town, seeing nothing but walkers. Luckily the few country gas stations she entered were walker-less. Still, she was nervous about the higher risk of walkers in the city. She had her gun but would rather not have to use it and attract more.

    As she slowly drove through the deserted streets of Atlanta, she couldn't see any evidence of people. She sighed, realizing she would have to either move on or get out and explore more closely. Then she noticed something odd.

    There was a boy waving at her. He wasn't a walker that was for sure and he looked young. What was a kid doing out here? He must be part of a group of survivors. She didn't think a kid could survive all on his own in such a place.

    Slowing down even more, she pulled over to him and rolled her window down halfway.

    "Do you need help? Is there anyone with you?"

  6. #26
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    "No shit, Sherlock." He was surprised he hadn't smiled at that, but the knife sailing towards him to catch became the immediate priority. He gripped it, impressed with the way it felt. "Thanks."

    Sans glanced past the little girl and turned to the staggering zombie. The stench was almost unbearable. Its stride wasn't stable so it was unpredictable where the infected rotting teeth would sway towards. He eventually figured it wasn't worth the bite to try and take it down. He muttered to the others, "We gotta go. Others are coming."

  7. #27
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    Ella pulled out a gun, a silencer on it. She shot twice to the walker's head. After putting the gun away she looked at Sans and smiled. She didn't seem to talk much, ever. Though she did sing quiet well.
    ''Mansion. Rich place.'' That's all she could come up with. She meant that there was a rich community where there were a few mansions with gates and everything so walkers' couldn't get in.
    When the girl pulled up, and rolled her window half down he looked at him and moved his head in response. Jason nodded to her second question and shook his head to her first.
    ''Jason.'' He said in a soft voice. He motioned to the passenger seat. ''Haven't been bitten. Unharmed. No danger towards you.''

  8. #28
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    Wil struggled to hear the boy. So he wasn't alone but wasn't in need of help with any walkers. She looked around for any other people that were part of his group. At first she didn't see any but supposed he could lead her to them. She noticed his attention on the passenger seat.

    "You need a ride? I'm fine with that. You seem like a good kid, albeit a tad quiet. Can you lead me to your friends?"

    Wil motioned for him to come around the other side and popped up the passenger down, with a smile. She had accomplished her goal of finding others!

  9. #29
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    As Jason made his way around a car a walker was coming forward towards him, getting too close for comfort. It was about four feet from him so he picked up the baseball bat he took from his friends corpse, or of what was remaining, and beat the zombies head until it was just a pile of mush. Of course, he was all bloody so he wiped it off the best he could and got it, apologizing quietly.
    ''Sorry i'm getting your seat bloody.'' He was very well-mannered.

  10. #30
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    Rochelle listened to Issac carefully, she was glad that she was getting to know him better. "I guess we are kinda in the same boat there, we are both looking for our family" the girl replied as she continued listening to the man's story. "They robbed you? Why would they do such a thing?" Rochelle asked with pain in her eyes. She couldn't believe that people were doing this, living was hard enough as it is. "I guess this has changed some people, for the worse" Rochelle added and sighed.

    Rochelle thought about his question for a bit, her first plan was to stay here. "Ruby convinced me that we should go out. Try and find some supplies, some know?" Rochelle started as she looked at him again. "I'm just afraid. Afraid of something going wrong" she finished as she moved her gaze back to the family photo again. She knew deep down that she had to find them, she needed to find them before it was too late.

    Rochelle stopped looking at the photo and looked back at Issac. "Are you going to stick aro-" Rochelle stopped mid sentence when she heard a blood curdling scream coming from downstairs. "RUBY!" Rochelle screamed as she ran down the stairs as fast as she could. Ruby was shaking from head to toe, she looked as pale as a ghost. The door had broken from the weight of the walkers and they were now pilling in the room. Rochelle quickly grabbed her sister by the arm and pulled her towards the staircase. She still had the butchers knife in her hand and ran back up the stairs, pulling her sister with her. The walkers were following the girls up the stairs, it was slowing them down a bit but there was at least ten of them coming up the stairs. Rochelle was terrified, the only option of escape would be through the window.

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