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Thread: (M) The Adventures of the mixed and messed up [IC]

  1. #21
    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    Gasha awoke upon the ground. Her head swimming. She sat up slowly and placed her hand on her head. When her vision focused she noticed something was off. She felt well...lighter. Her normal heavier bulk was replaced with a lythe body and with tan skin. She looked at her hands in suspense. They were not hers. Where was her green flesh tone, the one that allowed her to blend in with the trees? She continued to look her new body up and down. For one she was wearing boots and a shirt and pants. That was very different from her normal style. She liked to have barefeet to feel the Earth beneath each step. "What is going on?" She asked herself and was shocked when a deep male voice replace her normal lilted tone. "Oh no!" She screamed, instantly realizing the pulse from the necklace that hit her must have swapped her bodies with another. She needed to find her body before someone else did. But one thing first...Gasha used her new hands to feel between her legs and felt the fleshy member of the opposite sex. She instantly blushed and then removed her hand, upset with herself for being so preverse. But she had to be sure this was real.

    Just as she was getting up a short armored woman came over to her, extending her hand. She hesitantly grabbed it but allowed herself to be helped up. "I'm sorry.. I don't mean to take your body...but I need to find my body ..." She said slowly trying to speak up it had been months since others had addressed her. She wanted to stay though and at least make sure her mortal body was OK.

  2. #22
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Jaydeen felt his cheeks get hot as his own body raised and grew taller than himself. And the thought popped into his own head how hot he looked before he shook it off.
    "it's fine." he started, looking away a little bit. "let's just get to the bottom of this-" he was cut of by a woman screaming over at the carriage, going on about how this wasn't right. He rushed over to find a the noble woman.

    "hey, calm down." he said as got over and noticed the blood running down part of her head. "hold still so I can take care of that head."
    he looked around for something before ripping a piece of her new tunic off and started to gently dab at the blood. "as you may have noticed, you're in someone else's body, and so are several other people. Shouting isn't gonna help anyone."
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  3. #23
    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    Gasha stood in her newer and lighter body and took her first few steps. She over compensated and almost toppled over. She took a deep breath and then steadied herself, slowly and deliberately taking steps to get use to her new frame. She began to look around and still saw her body in the alleyway. Gasha went over to the figure and was amazing to see herself from an outside perspective. She didn't realize how tall and big she looked. No wonder people thought she was trouble.Gasha looked back over to her shoulder and noticed the woman that had helped her fled to the cart that was tipped over. "I found my body! I'll meet you over there in a few minutes." She called out, hoping she wouldn't be abandoned. Gasha then went to her body and knelt down beside it, gently tapping the body to wake up whoever was inside. "Um..hi.. who's in there? That's my body..." Was all she could manage to say.

  4. #24
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    The female elf with magic effects who Arapegol had just seen earlier rushed into the carriage, before "they" pulled the carriage door shut. That elf lady said, "Hey, calm down, just hold still so I can take care of that head. As you may have noticed, you're in someone else's body, and so are several other people. Shouting isn't gonna help anyone."

    As the elf lady dabbed their head, which was bleeding, with fabric torn from the tunic, and they tucked the knife away into a loose pocket, they said, "I was not aware I had shouted. There must be involuntary actions from women they do not notice. This is a woman's body. But I am not a woman. I am not even one of the people of this Quadick city. I am a man who came here from the Primal Forest, where I had been sent by my own city, where I was dealing with a threat from that forest to people coming there, but that went tragically. This is not where I should be." They looked at the elf lady caring for their head, and another thought came. "How is it you found me here? This switching to another's body is happening to others out there...? So, you are not really who you appear to be, either! Who are you?"

  5. #25
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    The elf woman sighed.
    "The name's Jaydeen." she said. "and I'm in the same boat, so pipe down and hold still."
    She continued to dab at the wound. "I just say myself not too long ago and could hardly keep from blushing." she said, hiding their unease well. "You can at least take comfort in knowing that you're not alone in this event. At least the fighting has stopped, though now I need to find out which scumbag is in what body. I'll have enough trouble trying to explain things to my friends and the officers when I try to collect the bounty on someone who has swapped bodies." Her voice had an irritated edge to it as she spoke and was still going before she noticed she was pressing a little hard with the cloth.
    "Sorry." she said as she pulled the cloth away and heaved a sigh. "think you can walk?"
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  6. #26
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    "The name's Jaydeen, and I'm in the same boat, so pipe down and hold still. I just say myself not too long ago and could hardly keep from blushing. You can at least take comfort in knowing that you're not alone in this event. At least the fighting has stopped, though now I need to find out which scumbag is in what body. I'll have enough trouble trying to explain things to my friends and the officers when I try to collect the bounty on someone who has swapped bodies." Her voice had an irritated edge to it and as she spoke she was pressing a little hard with the cloth. "Sorry." She pulled the cloth away and heaved a sigh. "Think you can walk?"

    "I cannot tell for sure with this woman's body, which I have not had as mine before just now. But I seem weak. Should the wound to the head not be covered? I think there must be supplies for some urgent issues in this elegant carriage." They looked about that interior. "There, just a little further on that side of that door. There is a box there. Maybe there are supplies for some medical needs in there." The former rod and orb user now the injured woman, the one who apparently had an imp fiend serving her, carefully adjusted to a position that could feel better, still not sure of being able to walk well, but still said, "How are you not so concerned about a change to another body? You were a man who changed to that body? Anyone coming to have another body as their's has never happened before, I am sure. And now it happened to us, and we do not know how. And you said it happened to others. That means those whose bodies we have are still somewhere, then, in other bodies. And you are not so concerned? If we don't know how this happened this way, why are you not? Do you believe that we have a way to go back to our bodies? How, when this has not happened before and we don't know how it did? And if we do go back, what about all the others? How can all go back to before the change?"

  7. #27
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    "well..." She tried as she looked in the box, but it seemed that she had spoken too softly because she was talked over. "I don't know!" She finally burst out. "I've been in danger and other odd situations, and I'v dealt with them. I see this as one of those situations where you need to cool head to survive. I'm freaking out right now, and I'm sure if we'll ever find a way to get back."
    She took a deep breath. "Now shut up and hold still! You probably have a concussion."
    Using some bandages from the box she had looked through, she started wrapping the wound.
    "I'll never be the same, that's for sure. And if we can get back, how long will it take?" She said, more just thinking aloud. "I suppose the worst part about this so far is thinking myself attractive." she shuddered.

    Once she was done wrapping the woman's head wound, she got out of the carriage and turned to say, "Just stay there for a bit. you need to rest with that." And then she walked off to see who else she could help and saw that some of the robbers were starting to slink off. Now, it's possible that some of those robbers no longer were, so she did nothing but grit her teeth. And the grinding was for more than just the possible bounty slipping through her hands.
    She walked over to a man on the ground who seemed to just be stirring and knelt next to him. And odd orb, just small enough to hold in one hand, was just within arms reach of him.
    "Hey, you ok?" She asked.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  8. #28
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    Nasa groaned. Someone was tapping her, talking to her in words that hesitated. The darkness parted and she found herself looking up at the man she'd seen before, standing outside the shop?

    Ýmen eádha, tiën urthsû," she managed, pushing herself upright. The light was so bright! She brought up her hand to shade her eyes. "Hatwé appénedhí, Iën èelfa osën trétchedsü...?"

    That wasn't her hand.

    "Eh?" she demanded, incredulously as she brought both of them together. They were huge! As were the arms that they were attached to..!

    "Hátwa iddën hìsti? Hèrewó siën ymën õdybì?" Nasa demanded, looking up at Jaydeen's face with Gasha looking out at her.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  9. #29
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Hearing the rough, disturbed voice coming from near by, Jaydeen turned her head to see who it was.
    Blinking, she tried to think for a moment.
    "Uh... heten obbersa, uh... ahden aen... uh... agicmi evicedë" She said haltingly, racking her brain for the words. You tend to pick up a few things when chasing bounties across the countries. "Tië roceba." She thought for another moment before grimacing. "orryso. I... Ien... uh... histë ouyen õdybì?" She couldn't help but blush.
    Being himself, the half-orc wouldn't be too bad height wise, but now she towered over her.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 11-05-2020 at 12:35 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  10. #30
    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    "Um.. I'm sorry. I do not understand..."Gasha's mind began to race. Of course the person inhabiting her body she would not be able to communicate with. She already had a hard enough time talking to people that spoke the same language. How would she work through this ? Then as if saved the short woman who had helped her earlier, or man, whoever they were, chimed in with the same language. "See all is well. Let's regroup with them." Gasha used her new body to help boost up her old body. She walked with them over to where Jayden was. "I have found my body at least..." That was all she could say for now. She was not one for being hopeful.

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