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Thread: [M] Plagued Encounters (Sparkz and NoviDome)

  1. #21
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    Johnny undid the straps slowly and took off the jacket. He let his hands glide down her arms, feeling her skin. His eyes watched how her body moved and reacted to him. He was tall enough to look over her shoulder and down her shirt to take a peak now that her arms weren't blocking the view. He smirked a bit as he pulled the jacket away. "Now... Isn't that better?" He asked, still using his kind sounding voice but his eyes betrayed what he was truly thinking.

    "Now come over here and eat. You must be hungry Maeva." He said as he took a step back. "I'll help you eat. I know your arms must be rather stiff. Come on. Be a good girl for me."

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  2. #22
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    Maeva repressed a shudder as the man touched her arms, and closed her eyes, trying to keep calm. However, she could hear a primal growling in the back of her head, and knew this man was walking a thin line. She glanced over her shoulder at him as he stared down her shirt and bit her lips. Keep your cool. We want to get out of here. But this is outrageous! What a fucking creep!

    She breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped back, thinking it was over. But then he spoke. Again, she felt nauseous at his tone, and she wasn't alone. She started to breathe more heavily as her vision became blurry. "No," she muttered. "No, don't-" Oh yes, fuck this guy!

    There was a visible change in Maeva's posture then, and she turned to the man, snarling like a wild animal. "I'll show you a good girl, you dirty piece of shit," she muttered before charging at him at full speed. She slammed him into the wall with surprising strength and wrapped a hand around his throat, her nails digging into his skin. "Just who the fuck do you think you are, huh?! You keep your greasy hands to yourself or I'll shove that bacon right up your ass!" she yelled and spit into his face. Her voice was raspy and dark again, and her eyes shot fire.

  3. #23
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    Johnny watched her as she started to breathe heavier. He wasn't concerned until all of a sudden, her entire posture... The way she carried herself... Everything about her changed. He was barely able to let out a yell of surprise before she charged at him and grabbed his neck.

    His fingers tried to pry hers off of his neck but this shy timid girl seemed to possess a crazy amount of strength. Her voice was different! He tried to pull away. To escape but he couldn't. All he could do was cough as she was choking him.

    Roger dragged his cleaning cart behind him as one of the patients had made a mess of everything in his room with.... Various bodily fluids. He shuddered. Not his favorite part of the day. As he passed by Maeva's room, he saw several ghosts moving around it. He glanced at them. They were active! Odd. Why would they...? Then he heard a yell. A man's yell coming from inside.

    Roger's eyes widened as he flung the door open and saw Johnny pinned to the wall by Maeva! "Hey! Put him down!" He ordered as he shut the door and walked over. He looked at Johnny then at Maeva. "What did he do to you?" He asked her gently. It was a question he hated asking. He hoped that Johnny didn't try anything. Roger thought that he was one of the good ones.

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  4. #24
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    Maeva glared at Roger as he came in. "Don't you dare get closer, mister janitor," she muttered with that venomous voice. Her nails were drawing blood now, and she could smell it, too. It made her rage even worse. When he asked what Johnny had done, she hesitated, flustered. There was a moment she seemed vulnerable, even. But then she toughened herself back up, let out a loud growl, and threw Johnny at Roger, knocking them both to the floor.

    "Open the damn door and I'll consider not slaughtering the both of you," she barked, grabbing the straightjacket off the floor. "I bet I can hurt you in all sorts of ways with this... I bet you know that all too well, don't you, Johnny?! I bet you enjoy your little power trips, DON'T YOU?!" She grabbed him by the hair and wrapped one sleeve of the straightjacket around his throat, pulling it tight.

  5. #25
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    Roger noted the change in her voice. This wasn't the same Maeva that he had spoken to yesterday. So... this must be the voice in her head. The other personality. This was the one that everyone saw on her way in. To see it face to face was a bit daunting but he persevered. He had to know. Did he send in a man who was going to hurt Maeva when all he wanted to do was help? This was all on him now. He had to fix it.

    When he asked her what he did, this... other Maeva seemed to hesitate. That told him all he needed to know. He glared at Johnny. He had brought out this other personality. This must the one that protects her from creeps like JOhnny. Before he could say anything, Johnny was throw at him and they both were sent sprawling onto the floor with a grunt. Johnny got onto his hands and knees and rubbed his bleeding neck. "Crazy bitch..." He muttered. Roger glared at him.
    "Not helping.' he hissed.

    Roger sat up and looked up at her as she made her demands. He shook his head. Once again, this other Maeva was too fast for him. Even before he could open his mouth to say no, Maeva pounced and started choking Johnny with the sleeve. Johnny coughed and gasped for air. "Roger... please... help..." He gasped out as his legs kicked and struggled. His hands busy trying to pull the sleeve away.

    Roger stood up slowly. "Maeva... or... whoever you are now. You kill either one of us, then that door is going to stay locked and you will die in here too." He said, forcing himself to remain calm. He held his hands up to show that he didn't mean her any harm. "You let Johnny go. I don't know what he did to you or what he was planning but he probably deserves what you're doing to him but I can't let you kill him, okay? Let me talk to Maeva... the... other you. If you let her talk to me, then maybe I can arrange for you to came out and eat with everyone else. If you can behave yourself."

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  6. #26
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    Maeva, or what was left of her, glared daggers at Roger. She didn't want to release this shitty excuse for a human. But deep down she knew the man was right. Killing him would only make her situation worse. Unless I kill both of them. No, even then. We'll be caught. You need several keys to walk out of here. No way that's going to end well!

    "You're damn right he deserves it! He deserves a slow and agonising death, just like the rest of you! You can't keep me in here! Fuck 'eating with everyone else'. Is that supposed to be a reward?!" She laughed. "No. Here's how this works: you open the goddamn door or this little fuckmonkey's blood is on your hands."

  7. #27
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    Roger looked at her evenly, making eye contact with her deranged eyes. "Listen. They can and will keep you in here if they see you as a threat. Right now... you are a threat. For good reason, yes. But they are not going to open that door. Not until you let him go before you kill him. If you don't want to eat with everyone else, fine. But they will put that jacket back on you and I know you don't want that."

    They were at a stalemate and while Maeva or whoever was willing to wait it out and kill Johnny, he couldn't let that happen. "Maeva.... I know you're in there... You don't want another ghost in here." He said softly. You kill him and his ghost will linger. The suicide and the murdered ghosts always linger. I think you know that too. In fact, I know you know that. You don't want to be trapped with a man who wanted to..." he shuddered. " things to you."

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  8. #28
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    She was about to defend herself, to say the jacket didn't bother her, that she'd rather be in the jacket knowing she sent this guy straight to hell, but then he addressed Maeva. With a damn good point. And it shook her to her core. Again he spoke about ghosts... She had convinced herself - or let herself be convinced - multiple times over that yesterday had been a coincidence, a misunderstanding, anything but him truly being like her. Her eyes slowly got wider and wider as he said he knew she knew what he meant. And she did, she really did. He was right.

    "No," she said, but it sounded like she was talking to herself - or rather, to Maeva - now more than to him. "No, I'll find a way, I'll... exorcise him or whatever! Pull some strings!" No, you can't do that, and you know it. We have to let him go. Remember, win their trust. This is not the way to do that.

    Eventually the girl released Johnny, but still smashed the straightjacket into the back of his head with a growl. "Fuck all of you," she muttered, walking over to her bed.

  9. #29
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    Roger saw her hesitate. He was right! She did know and she knew the implications of killing a man. Especially in the same room in which you sleep. She seemed to consider it. Then that thoughtful look seemed conflicted. Her eyes widened and he felt some hope. He was getting through to her! Good! He waited silently, he wasn't about to jeopardize his last effort to calm her down without violence. She would only react with violence.

    She spoke in that deep voice but it wasn't to him. She had a faraway look in her eyes. She was having a conversation with herself. She mentioned pulling strings and exorcising him. What the hell did that mean? He wasn't about to ask either. After what seemed like forever, she had let Johnny go, hitting him with the jacket. He wasn't about to argue with that. The bastard deserved it. Johnny scrabbled to the door and sucked in deep breaths as he rubbed his neck, glaring at the girl but he stayed silent. THis girl would kill him!

    Roger forced himself to smile. "Thank you..." He looked at her as she moved over to the bed. "Do you have a name? I know you're not Maeva but you both still need to eat and your breakfast is getting cold." He reminded gently. "When he leaves, will you stay on the bed until the door is shut again?"

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  10. #30
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    The girl glared back at Johnny, challenging him with her eyes. Go on, they said. Try me again. See how that works out for you. She almost wanted him to. To giver her an excuse to finish him off. Then Roger asked her name and she let out a sharp laugh. "I have a name all right, but it's none of your business. For your convenience... You can call me Becky," she said with a sarcastic smirk. Maeva hated that name, which was an added cherry on top for her.

    She sat down on the bed with a sigh and waved her hand indifferently. "Whatever, mister janitor. I'll stay here. Get your nasty friend back to safety. I'll wait. You convinced us." She reached over to the table and grabbed a piece of banana to chew on while she watched them.

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