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Thread: Stargate: Phoenix

  1. #21
    The Grey Lady
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    The Kull were creations of their masters, but more precisely they were abominations to Andrew. They were hollow shells grown and genetically manipulated to be the strongest of the strongest warriors. But even he remembered, or had read from the reports submitted by Sam. Selmak had noted that the cost of great strength was a rather limited life span, noting that the Kull were prone to multi system organ failure and fatal cardiac arrests. Not even the healing properties of a Goa'uld symbiote would be enough to sustain their lives for an extended period of time.

    The Kull were grown in a lab, and given life with an ancient healing device... The thought gave Andrew a bit of a shudder. But he did as instructed and proceeded to move toward the birthing chamber, which was more accurately a laboratory where these creatures were grown. Their pale white flesh and eyes were haunting, there must have been hundreds of them, each in a large tube or container. There were faint sounds of machinery whirring and computers calculating, doing their best to keep these specimens viable. Though the plan was to destroy the facility and thereby rendering it permanently inoperable, Andrew felt a twinge of sadness. It was not ending a life, no, as no life had been given to these husks yet, but it was still a creation, a marvel of science and now it would be rendered useless, destroyed.

    Andrew approached the central terminal, when he did so the Goa'uld technology came to life, a reminder that it was not that long ago this place was used, probably shockingly recent. Though he noted a good number of the tubes had been either broken, or seemingly turned rancid by the rapid decay of the former inhabitant. Retrieving his standard issue laptop, he began the interface with the Goa'uld computers, and quickly began to download the logs and medical data therein. Frankly, Goa'uld wasn't entirely that complicated, and he had an excellent teacher.


    Evie confirmed the details with Oki'na who was headed to the library. Just as began to settle in at the infirmary, Saunders began to seize rather violently. She jumped into action and with the help of the nursing staff, was able to turn Saunders onto their side. An assortment of syringes began to be handed to her, and without wasting a single second she jabbed on into Saunders, and watched as the seizure slowly began to subside.

    "Get me the Airman's latest labs please. And then let's get new samples." Saunders at this point was unconscious, and highly febrile. With mask donned, and gloves on, Evie sighed deeply. The pulse was fading quickly. "Not today Saunders, you are not going to die today." Evie repeated, donning the stethoscope and taking a listen to his chest. "Free fluid build up." Another sigh. His condition was rapidly deteriorating.

    "Let's get Saunders intubated, on the vent." This would give Evie time to read the reports, and the latest blood work when it was brought to her.

    The results were not what she expected. "A new strain... fantastic."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  2. #22
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Oki'na returns to the infirmary and immediately notices that there was recently more chaos. Quickly, she passes off the book to Chris before going off to find Evelyn in her office.

    "What happened?" Oki'na asked as she walked in, sounding a little worried, "We didn't lose anyone, did we?"

    If they had lost anyone, she might be able to bring them back with the ritual if they acted quickly. She just hoped it didn't have to come to that.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  3. #23
    The Grey Lady
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    Evie looked distressed, concerned. It was a challenging event. One that should have not happened, and for that she blamed herself. Pouring over the blood work and other reports, she analyzed what they knew about this new strain. It wasn't particularly pleasant. The worst of the Phoenix bug, and the worst of what seemed to be the typical Earth flu. They were dancing together in some macabre way. The doctor looked up as Oki'na entered her office.

    "Not yet." Evie responded with a faint smile. Thankfully for the moment they had managed to barely stabilize Saunders. "Saunders is now on a vent, medically induced coma." To make sure there was no fighting against the machine which would perform the essential function of breathing. "Won't last long at this rate... another few hours if there aren't improvements." Evie sighed deeply, it was not the news she wanted to give.

    "We need to re-do everyone's blood work. It's a new strain and we need to confirm if everyone has it... if so, we'll need to increase the meds, and the watches. If not, we'll need to separate those with the new strain, so they don't re-infect the others." That was all they needed, further mutation.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  4. #24
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    Austin was going down the eerily creepy silent hallway. She seen movies like this. An axe murderer usually pops around the corner at some point. She really hated this place. She saw a shadow, the shadow was huge and moved. She couldn’t tell what it was based on the shadow. She readied her weapon and almost obliterated a mouse like creature. She really wished she hadn’t ordered them to split up at the moment, she also was really glad no one saw her almost obliterate the mouse. She turned the corner and what she saw and smelled was absolutely disgusting. “There are dead Kull corpses here, animals have been eating on them. Not so much anymore since the flesh is all rotten now. Just watch out one of the Kull snakeheads might have jumped ship from the Kull body to the animal. Wouldn’t be the first time. I don’t think it would be likely but best to keep on your guard. Also watch out for the smell, it is by far worse than a normal rotting corpse.” She turned the corner and finally found the armory. She was highly disappointed. “No joy on the armory, nothing left here. Seeing what else I can find. Ward, Andrew report in.”

    Ward got the lights on just as Andrew entered the birthing chamber. She began downloading the data she wanted. While it downloaded she pulled up the floor plan for the base. She was going through the floor plan looking for anything useful when Austin wanted a sitrep. “Got the computers going downloading some weapon schematics and got the floor plan pulled up. I see both of you. If you go up two floors and basically retrace your route back there is a room listed as being for resupplying the orbital weapons, if the orbital weapons function in the same way as the staff weapons we can cause one heck of a boom, no telling what might or might not be there. Also have a cargo bay there might be ships there to overload that’s seven floors up from your current location. Good news there is a ring platform in the orbital weapons munition room and the cargo bay.”

    In orbit a Ha'tak ship appears. A dozen Jaffa warriors ring in to the base in the cargo bay. Ward saw the ring activates on the monitor. “Someone just ringed into the cargo bay.”

  5. #25
    The Grey Lady
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    "I've always wanted company." Andrew spoke quietly and sighed, he was hoping to do this with as few casualties as possible, though now it seemed unavoidable, either through direct combat or death via the destruction of the base itself. Andrew turned to move quickly an maneuver the two floors up to where the weapons resupply was located. At least from there he might be able to get to the cargo bay, but that seemed too risky. One thing at a time. The orbital defense weapons on a facility like this were absolutely massive, and quite numerous. There was certainly the potential for a significant amount of damage.

    But - the question had remained, who was on board now? What were they after? Running into them, if they weren't particularly friendly was not exactly a welcome thought. But that was a problem for another time. But he remained in position and continued work on the task at hand within the chamber. At the very least, it would take time for who, or whatever it was to get from one location to the next.
    Last edited by Hannelorian; 07-25-2023 at 07:24 PM. Reason: Editing in Progress!
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  6. #26
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    "Bloody hell," Oki'na said under her breath "We'll probably want to test everyone, since we might not be entirely sure of the gestation rate of this thing."

    She rubbed the bridge of her nose, a gesture of some frustration or irritation that she had learned from the humans. It seemed the universe itself woke up and decided it didn't particularly like the Phoenix Site. She'd only been here for a year, and sure there were some ups and downs, but did it really always have to be like this?

    "Do we already have people taking samples?" She asked with a little bit of exasperation.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  7. #27
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    Austin was on her way to the orbital weapons resupply room when Ward said someone ringed in. “Alright everyone regroup at the armory. Ward bring your computer and the floor plan.” Austin made her way back to the armory.

    Ward’s download finished. She grabbed her computer and went to the armory.

    Once everyone arrived she addressed the situation. “More than likely whoever is here is Jaffa, unless there is a fourth group at work we don’t know about. Now the question remains if they are Jaffa are we creating a diplomatic incident or are we encountering the ones with the new System Lords. With the Kull armor both groups are more than likely to shoot us on site. Just remember with standard staff weapons they can’t hurt us. The new staff weapons dubbed lightning and thunder who knows. If we encounter those be careful and try to acquire at least one of each. R&D want to look at them.”

    Ward pulled up the floor plan. “If we go up one floor higher there is a room that overlooks the cargo bay and we can observe them.” Austin examined the floor plan. She liked Ward’s idea but had another idea. “Andrew and Ward go and observe only. Fire only if absolutely necessary and be sure to watch out for what anything that can explode, we may need to save it to destroy the base. Also keep in mind these weapons are leas accurate than a staff weapon, the farther you are the more likely you are to miss the target. I’ll go to the orbital weapons resupply room. If they plan to go there I don’t want them to have free reign of the place.” Austin was kind of hoping these Jaffa were with the new System Lords, she wasn’t really in the mood to do some diplomatic ass kissing.

    “Before we split up Andrew do you have any suggestions?”

  8. #28
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    “Unscheduled offworld activation.” Erupted from the speakers, as the gate spun, chevrons locking into place.With a whoosh the event horizon rushed into the room and the shield shimmered into place. The Officer of the Watch moved to stand behind the airman manning the shield console. She rekeyed an inquiry and frowned. The OoW glanced at the screen over the airmen’s shoulder. “Is there a problem?”

    The airmen jumped in surprise, her concentration on the screen before her. “I’m not sure sir.”
    The officer motioned for her to elaborate. “The system says the IDC is good, but there is no user identity listed.”

    “Security to the Embarkation Room ,” The officer spoke into the mic near the airmen, then turned his attention back to her. “Run it again, if the computer still says it’s good send the ok.”

    Armed troops surged into the gate room, their weapons trained on the shimmering gate. Just as the last guard fell into position the shield on the stargate fell. Thirty seconds later the first travelers arrived.

    They stepped out of the gate in sync, marching smoothly forward until all six armored Jaffa had arrived. They came to a stop in the middle of the ramp, their staves held perfectly upright. Each Jaffa has a different helmet. Five of the warriors stood in a circle around the sixth. The centered Jaffa begins barking orders in Goa’uld, their clawed hand making motions as they spoke.

    The other five Jaffa clear the area in front of the one giving instructions. The cat head rotates scanning the room before studying the highest ranking guard present. Their hand extends a finger, the claws having retracted. “Please notify your Major General Loyer that I would like to speak with him.” Their robotic voice requested.
    Last edited by Dnafein; 08-30-2023 at 07:28 PM.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  9. #29
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    When the alarms went off signaling off-world activation Loyer started making his way to the control room. Loyer knew the shield would hold as long as someone didn't have Kull armor. If they did they were screwed. He would have preferred a physical shield. He may insist upon it with the next year's budget.

    Upon arrival, someone started to say something about Jaffa. He silenced them with a hand gesture. He could already see the arrivals. "This is going to be a long day." He rubbed his temples. Loyer made his way to the embarkation room.

    "Everyone stand down." He approached the one clearly in charge cautiously. He made sure to keep his hands visible at all times. "I am Major General Loyer. Should we take this to the conference room?"

  10. #30
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    ”Jaffa Kreel” The voice barked after the general had spoken. The other five Faffa stiffened. Slamming the butts of their Ma’Tok Staves against the rank and slamming a hand to their chest in salute. The robotic voice spoke again, the authority in it remained though the harshness was absent. ”After you, General” They stated while motioning him to lead the way.

    Loyer took note that the Jaffa leader did not give her name. He escorted the Jaffa to the conference room. Once in the conference room, he walked over to the refreshment cart. “Would you like a glass of water before we start?”

    The Bast Guard followed the general. Its head rotated taking in the conference room. A hand raised to tap below the ear. The helmet came apart smoothly, carefully designed interlocking plates folding neatly into the collar around a woman's neck. Her green eyes rest upon the general. "Please." Without the suit's modification her voice was accented, yet still touched by the familiar tinge of authority.

    Loyer poured a glass of water for the Bast Guard and handed it to her. Then he poured a pack of BC powder into his glass of water. “So how can I help the Free Jaffa Nation?”

    At his question, she reached into what resembled a courier pouch and withdrew a manila envelope. "I was told this would answer any questions our discussion does not answer. As all Jaffa are free now, so we are simply the Jaffa Nation."

    Loyer took the envelope. "I wouldn't say all Jaffa are free, intel says some are working for the new Systems Lords. Could be human slaves in Jaffa armor." He recognized the handwriting right away. It was from Lieutenant General O'Neill. I bet O'Neill intentionally didn't warn me. Another one of his jokes. Loyer read through the orders.

    "I have been sent here to assist with the Tau'Ri operations from this place, and to establish an.." She hesitated trying to remember the word. "Embassy here."

    "We have several buildings in the town of Haven you can use for your embassy and housing. Almost every building was built for either housing or recreation. There are a few warehouses. At the time Haven was built embassies were not a consideration. You'll need to coordinate with the town council to register the inhabitants so they know what buildings are being occupied. The council can have someone show you around. If you don't mind me asking just how many Jaffa will be coming through? Will you also be needing an office on the base?"

    ”There are another fifteen warriors waiting on Bubastis, they are to escort the volunteers that will work in the embassy; Afterwards I’ve been told to release them to aid your operations however they are needed.” She stopped to take a short drink from the glass she was given. ”I’ve been assigned a second, one more dedicated to diplomacy. We’ll each have an aide, and there will be a handful of scribes for record-keeping and generation. Which reminds me that I will likely keep unassigned warriors guarding our embassy. State Security I think was the term one of your people used. AN office on base would likely be beneficial to all involved. Reduce the time it takes to get messengers back and forth.”

    Her fingers clicked upon the glass she held as she considered her next statement. ”A few of those coming with me have asked to bring their families. And while I see how well the children can serve as runners, and the others can work as well. However given the… Intensity of the situation, I have decided to follow your recommendation as an answer.”

    "I think it will be good show of faith for there to be an all-Jaffa team. Plus maybe a few spread out amongst the Phoenix exploration teams. I'll have my executive officer find you an office. While my executive officer looks for a suitable office why not begin looking for somewhere to call home and pick out your embassy? Unless there is more we need to discuss?"

    ”I believe that has covered every immediate issue. I will send for the rest of the embassy. It has been a pleasure, General.” She responded before turning back to the embarkation room.
    Last edited by Dnafein; 08-14-2023 at 10:03 PM. Reason: co-post with KRCmdrSheppard
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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