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  1. #21
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    Oddysen waved at Scottie and Karma as they entered, but neither approached him. Oh well, they'd have plenty of time to socialise later, if they wanted to catch up with each other first, that was fine. He sipped his champagne and stated sampling the food. He felt rather stressed by the entire situation, but tried to tell himself to calm down and enjoy the party. Everything would surely be fine.

    Once the creepy old man started speaking, Oddysen started inching his way towards the door, quickly emptying his champagne glass as he went. He hated speeches. Creepy speeches even more so. As luck with have it, this turned out to have been a smart choice, as when the death games (yea, ofc, the first RPA party thing I join is an f-ing death game) began, he was fairly close to the door, and dashed out into the hall, before he had a chance to see anyone die. He rounded a corner, into a library, and hid behind a fancy bookshelf, so that anyone following him would have to turn around to see him. Not the best hiding spot, but hopefully if any of the horrid things would be too busy chasing someone else to turn around to see him. He could hear the horrid sounds of people dying and saw someone else run into the room. Initially unsure whether to reveal himself, when the girl started crying, he stepped out from the alcove he'd hidden in, and said weakly "Hi.".

  2. #22
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    Crazywolf saw G up ahead, he also saw Mysticfire and Ay-Jay were following just behind. Well that was four of them at least. He came to the door where G had entered and ran inside, trusting the other pair would follow as well.

    Once they got inside the room he saw that Oddysen was there as well. A glance around the room revealled two large windows that were both locked with shutters. There was also a side door leading to another room but whether it was locked or open he didn't know.

    He half-turned back toward the doorway to check that Ay-Jay and Mystic had followed him in. "Quick we need to shut the door" he said mentally assuming they had indeed followed him in and that he wasn't talking to a space of thin air.

    After they got the door closed maybe they could try to jam it with something... Or maybe they should just lie low and hide in the corner... Or maybe they should find a heavy item to try and bash open a window... Aside from a brief visit to RPAlandia from which he was recovering well in therapy he really wasn't used to these life and death scenarios. Most of all he feared making the wrong choices.
    Last edited by Crazywolf; 10-14-2017 at 06:21 PM.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

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  3. #23
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    She still seemed to be glassy-eyed, with her brain clearly ticking off inside her skull. AyJay ducked in just a split second after Mystic, stopping abruptly when she was a good distance from the door. The small girl huffed exhaustedly, shoulders heaving with every small breath. A small groan escaped out of her.

    "Why is this happening?" She asked a soft voice, eyes trying to observe every nook and cranny. She wanted to get out. Old man wheelchair be dammned . She didn't understand, and vaguely, she remembered that time in her life when things went awry. "What now?"
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  4. #24
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    D'nafein had filled a plate and taken a seat to eat. He was halfway through his third drink when the speech was given. He raised an eyebrow as it went on then donned a smirk as the three terrorizes made their appearance. Dna stood and walked to the buffet, sipping on his drink he neatly avoided the panicked rush.

    He sampled a morsel or two as the room quickly emptied. Calmly D'nafein sort down his glass and moved a few of the plates to the side berore hefting a gorgeous serving platter; One which was most likely used to bring the food out. Frowning at his reflection Dna scrubbed at his teeth for a moment. "That's better; Don't you think?" He asked the masked butcher behind him.

    Spinning quickly D'nafein slammed the platter into the mask of entity behind him. Grabbing his glass Dna finished off his drink and trotted off down a random hallway. "Where's the bar?" He asked himself.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  5. #25
    The Art Vandal

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    A lone figure stomped up the driveway, hands buried deep in her jacket pockets. It was Leanna, the new person in town, looking as exhausted as she was cranky; the evidence of this being her heavy breathing and current case of RBF (Resting Bitch Face).

    I'm just the smartest. 'I'll walk there!' Woooonderful idea, that. Go me. Just oh-so-fucking-healthy.

    As Leanna veered closer to the front entrance of the eerie mansion, she snapped out of her sarcastic mood, if not only for a moment. She paused to consider the overall appearance of the party venue.

    Hm. Seems legit.

    Well, at least she was finally here, right? Despite the horrible idea of walking, she smiled at the thought of slaughtering a G&T... and perhaps a canape, or two, or ten. She had to balance out all that healthy with some good old-fashioned overindulgence, right?

    Shrugging lightly, she placed one foot forward... and then came a squidge.



    A quick glance down revealed that her brand new, immaculately white sneakers were now smeared with what seemed to be dog shit.


    Leanna headlined for the front entrance, wanting to find a water faucet, ASAP. Once through the door, she smiled awkwardly at all the other party-goers, hopping through on one foot straight towards the bathroom. Locking the door behind her, she removed her shit-covered shoe, and ran it under the tap, absentmindedly - just as Mister Gaunt was beginning to make his introduction.

    A short time later, as Leanna was putting her shoe back on, she couldn't help but notice how oddly silent it had suddenly become.

    Huh. That party really died.

    Then the sound of mayhem.

    Merely a listener of the impending chaos, Leanna decided it was probably safest to stay securely within the locked bathroom, unnoticed. So she turned off the light, and went to grab her iPhone from her pocket. She was of the mind to call 9-1-1, only to find that her phone was out of juice (unsurprisingly).

    All of that damn YouTubing.

    So, instead, the girl in the beanie sat in the darkness, waiting for her instincts to tell her when was the proper time to run for it.
    Last edited by Leanna; 10-17-2017 at 08:04 AM.

    art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable

    - banksy

  6. #26
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Default Co-post with .Karma. and ScottishGal

    Forgiveness could have been gifted...had Karma not stolen the motherhugging skittles from Scottie’s bowl of Skittles! Eyes narrow and a orange skittle is popped past her lips as the room comes to life. The man of the hour arrived and Scottie let her gaze land on him. Listening as she so desperately wanted her wish...or the money….but that wish yo. Skittles were continuously popped past her lips, the small pile in her hand decreasing until only the green ones remained (her favourite).

    Karma listened as well, but didn’t turn to look, focusing instead on the skittles in her fluffy friends hand. The only reason she was really here was because she hated to be left out, and this was one of those things where if she hadn’t have come she would have felt like she had missed out on something.

    Sneaking her hand up, she snatched a couple of green skittles from Scotties hand and quickly popped them into her mouth with a triumphant grin at her friend. “I love green, thank you.”

    A look of pure anger echoed in her blue eyes as she slowly swivelled her eyes around to see Karma. ‘This bitch… motherhugging skittles.’ The words danced around her skull as she glared at her friend. Green were her favourite, not to be shared. How very DARE she. Her lips parted and a whole flurry of swear words buzzed on her tongue. The words would have stumbled forth at that triumphant grin in a weak attempt at showing her anger...had it not been for the orange clad monster that caught her eye.

    Scottie’s eyes went wide, no longer anger echoing in them but pure fear. The joy etched on that metal mask was terrifying and her feet were promptly rooted to the floor. She couldn’t even focus on the chaos happening around her, her eyes were latched onto the horrifying creature. With no skittles resting in her palm, she slowly raised her hand..pointing the joyful thing out to her friend who was happily...munching Scottie’s Skittles.

    The anger in Scottie’s face was expected and Karma even let out a little giggle, but that was promptly changed by the look of horror that seemed etched across her friends features. Knowing her it was probably a spid-

    As Karma turned she caught glimpse of the horrifying creature, her eyes going big. She wasted no time in turning right back around and grabbing Scottie’s arm and running a few steps. Quickly she turned around, pulling the little scottish girl back where they originally were, reaching her hand into the bowl of skittles before quickly running off to the kitchen, curly haired woman in tow.

    Her eyes frantically searched the small kitchen before landing in the perfect spot. Opening the cupboard, she began desperately shoving Scottie into the tiny space, throwing the skittles, and slamming the door after her. She was about to run off to the pantry when she turned to see dozens of curls sticking out from the door.

    “Shit… God damn you and your fluff!” She mumbled as she started to desperately push curls into the cupboard with Scottie, but as soon as she pushed one it, three more popped out. It was useless!

    Fingers wrapped around her arm and she was like a rag doll under Karma’s grip. Her boots skid in the hardwood floor as Karma twisted and returned back for some skittles. Fear still coursed through her veins. In a silly attempt to stop herself from panicking, she concentrated on the bouncing skittles that rained from Karma’s palm. Yet, the dropping sweets just sounded like the thundering footsteps that were following them.

    A chorus of childish swear words left her lips and before she could even attempt to protest, she was shoved into a far too small space. Skittles hit her in the forehead and she finally truly found her voice. “Woman. Watch it” The darkness started to eat at her and Scottie could feel a handful of her hair still locked in the door.

    “You know you love it truly!!!” Scottie grumbled back at the woman. She attempted to push the door open when felt Karma push her hair back through the thin gap. Oh how an argument could have blossomed there and then. But footsteps coming down the corridor got her attention. “H..Hide...Hide Karma.” The harsh whisper escaped through the wooden door where only three curls remained out.

    Karma heard them too and with just a bit of the hair poking out, it would just have to be enough! Dashing off to the pantry she shoved herself inside, tripping over a broom that had been placed inside and knocking down a whole row of cans that came crashing to the floor. A slew of swear words came from her lips from where she lay on the floor tangled in food and a stupid broom. Who put brooms in a pantry? Finally she reached up and shut the door behind her, not even bothering to lift herself off the floor.

  7. #27
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    ROUND 2

    The event was off to a great start for Mr. Gaunt as several lives had already been claimed within the maelstrom. Like rats, the survivors scurried to find sanctuary in the nearby rooms, but such proved useless due to their opposition tracking them down. However, by Mr. Gaunt's hand, the horrors came in waves. The present monsters appeared from the darkness and soon returned to such as the entire mansion went pitch black for only several seconds. Any candle was magically put out and returned just as the lights did to illuminate the corpses that remain within the mansion.

    From where the shadows still remained, three new beings replaced the old.
    One was a swarm of bees that managed to barely hold the shape of a human as they wandered the halls, ready to disperse and attack any unlucky individual.

    The next was a monstrous carnivorous plant that was hidden away and would ambush its prey via the barbed tendrils it would deploy through any crack in the floorboards of the home. Once a victim was snared, many other tendrils would assist in pulling the body down into the basement where the gaping maw was eager to feast and suck nutrients from the poor victim.

    The final creature of the three was simply a well dressed and handsome young man named Kevin. As Mr. Gaunt knew all too well, Kevin would lead his victim astray, as if to help them escape, and then take his time with them in one of his many torture rooms throughout the mansion. Kevin also really loved to experiment on his victims in unthinkable ways.

  8. #28
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    Crazywolf listened to the various distant screams that came from outside the room as Mr Gaunt's three killers hunted the guests through the rooms and hallways. Then after just a short while it all went quiet. He looked round at the others wondered what they should do next then suddenly the lights went out which gave him the jumps and caused him to swear out loud. After the lights came back he let out a breath of relief but wondered how much of this he was going to take.

    The heavy locks on the window shutters looked like they would be impossible to break and definately not without creating a huge amount of noise - for the moment the mansion seemed quiet but that did not fool him. "Well" he said to the others "we either wait here and hope no-one finds us or we keep on looking for a way out."

    As he spoke he wondered what other threats might be lurking in this place and hoped that none of their small group who had stayed alive was about to suddenly die in a dramatic and unexpected fashion not least Ay-Jay who was the youngest one among them and still had the most life ahead.
    Last edited by Crazywolf; 10-26-2017 at 07:50 AM.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

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  9. #29
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    D'nafein was comfortably seated behind the bar he had found. He'd been experimenting with a variety of mixed drinks, and was more then a little tipsy. He felt quite safe however. A number of bottles rested in easy reach for the brackish rogue. And a lit candles rested safely nearby.

    Dna was surrounded by Molotovs and he was prepared to use them. Not that he expected to; A chuckle shook him as he again reconsidered the old man's words. Gaunt had secrets, hell everyone present had secrets, Dna's secret was hilarious in the current situation. Raising his Run Runner to the candle's flame the man muttered to himself, "It was a damn fine sandwich."
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  10. #30
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    As quiet as she was, the inner turmoil inside her was louder than two megaphones blaring at her eardrums. AyJay could sense Crazywolf who was probably worrying about her. After all, she seemed to be one of the youngest in their group. She had a life ahead of her. Probably.

    'Nah... You and I both know what happened that night. Quitter.'

    She shuffled around on her feet. Casting wary glances on her surroundings. She knows what she wants. And frankly, she doesn't mind handing it over on a silver platter. AyJay knew she had been haughty. Wishing for the dead to come back to life. The girl averted her eyes.

    'Well? No sense in dragging your death on.' She could feel her chest growing lighter at the words. She agreed. This was the first step in dying. The girl staggered on her feet. 'I promise, I'll take care of the rest.' The sound of footsteps caught her ear and the girl straightened, eyes dull and composure calm. She stalked past the other escapees and walked directly in front of the figure nearby.

    He was good-looking, a good lot taller than her... Then again everyone's taller than her. He had a kind smile, but she knew, and the others knew that he wasn't to be trusted. "Hey. You can help me get out, right?" She said. The young man only smiled kindly. It was obvious that she was sacrificing herself, though it wasn't anything that noble.

    "There's a secret passage here, that goes out." He said. Her lips twitched up to a smile. He extended his hand to her and she quietly walked with him. The others probably tried to follow, or stop her, but the two of them had disappeared down the hall, into a multitude of rooms. One of them seemed to hold the two, but it was almost impossible to tell which room she had stepped in.

    What came next was the sickening sound of metal against metal, followed by a choked gasp and a sharp scream that lasted for a few seconds. It was obvious whose scream that was, as AyJay's voice had a rather youngish hint to them. The sound bounced through the halls, and every sickening bone crack and pained whimper seemed amplified. Oddly enough, you couldn't tell which room was which. The pained sound of suffering lingered in the air, mixed in with sharp breaths and the sound of someone who has given up. Finally, after a long while, the screams stop, only the sound of squishy flesh remaining.

    The door at the far end opened quietly, creaking softly as it did so. The room inside was a gruesome sight, all scattered flesh and broken bones. And sitting at the very corner, was AyJay's smiling face. Her dark, brown gaze staring at the open door expectantly. Her killer was nowhere in sight.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

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