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Thread: Halo: We Are ODST {IC}{M}

  1. #21
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    The two camouflaged sniper-wielding elites had grown impatient, as brute after brute got one-tapped by either the sniperjumper or Spark - all after they had placed crippling beam particle shots on the brutes.

    "Blasted humans!" One elite shouted as he waved the heat off his hand, coming from the beamer's overheated barrel.
    "Be calm, brother! There is no glory in greed!"

    When the elites of the Impotence pushed up to the elevated wall, their grunts were already there; reinforcing their allies with the superior covenant tech. While the green grunt unleashed his fuel rod on the wraiths moments before the carpet run set the ground ablaze, the other grunts deployed some bubble shields, which gave the ODSTs some much-needed cover as the captured wall had taken plasma from all sides.

    "Kappa 4, you are clear to move up when you are ready, the Wasps will be on station to provide top cover for the remainder of your forces, continue mission so we can drop reinforcements, Strident out."

    Talgott was far too distracted by the bombardment to respond. He dropped his auto-mag and stared into the fire. It's good his helmet had filters, or he'd smelled the horrors of carpet-bombed apes and their burning fur. The elites, who just arrived at the wall, seemed to enjoy it - the red-armored Veras let out his battle roar.


    Kappa four's radio jockey got turned around by his LT. In the little time they had spent on the field, Talgott had grown accustomed to his lady-in-command. It reminded him of his previous tour, where a similarly hard-boiled bosslady had shown him the ropes. He just hoped this didn't end up like that last time he dropped.

    The allied infantry took a breather. The Impotent Elites joined up with Field Marshall 'Vurumai and the grunts began scavenging weapons and supplies. While Wolf shouted into the microphone, the green-colored grunt picked up Talgott's auto-mag from the wall floor.


    Though the grunt turned around and distinctly saw the human point at his pistol, he sanctimoniously scurried off before Wolf was done with Talgo's radio.

    "-have better information then the guy your keeping pinned to this fucking radio."

    Lezz frowned and directed his attention to the LT and his radio.

    "What's this dude's problem, gunny? Ma'am. LT."

    While stumbling over his words, he knew hierarchy was never his strong suit.

    "He's a bit of a foulmouth."

  2. #22
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    "Indeed he does Private." She chuckled and set the mic back on the radio set. "But he's holding the line, I'll give him that." She gives Radio a pat on the back which would indicate that she was done with the radio and got on her own comm. link. "Delta Squad. Form up!" She announced. "Sergeant Major keep a few of our own on those turrets. I don't want no visitors coming up on our flanks." Looking around her surroundings and seeing other troops making it towards the edge to see the fort burn with smoke and fire. Wolf checked her magazine and her pouches for ammo.

    Other soldiers were checking bodies for both ammo and collecting dog tags as they moved through the field. "We'll get their bodies once this is over." She muttered. "Sergeant!" She called out again and her second in command appeared behind her. "Take Kelly and Spark with you and cover the west gate. We'll take the east." The sounds of explosions echoed which Wolf looked to see a fire blazing up to the sky. "That fort isn't gonna hold out much longer."

    "Radio. Call in vehicle support. We're gonna need tanks and hogs to push out those heavy units." She looked to the leader of allied soldiers. "Can you cover the middle?" She asked.

    'Vurumai growled softly at first then he looked again and noticed the middle was heavily attacked. More Brutes and others charged in with full force. He chuckled and looked to the human. "Your not strong enough to fight in the middle anyway." Then moved forward with his own troops. "Move quickly or you will lose your base!" And started moving fast to his enemies.
    Last edited by MidKnight; 09-15-2018 at 03:26 PM.

  3. #23
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    "Aye aye, ma'am."

    Talgott had already gotten up and was tiredly stepping down the slopes of the captured wall.

    "Strident! This is Kappa-four, we need vehicle support to make the last push, break."

    The first cloud of ash became visible behind the hill.

    "Preferably scorpions, over."

    He somewhat carelessly removed his helmet to spit out some saliva. Once he had slid it back on, he turned to his CO.

    "Where do you want me, LT?"

  4. #24
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    "Kappa-four, this is Strident, armoured support is being dropped at your location, over"

    A group of heavy transports landed, dropping off Scorpions, warthogs and four Grizzlys. Kelly recognized the markings on the lead Grizzly. "Hayley, is that you?" she said over the radio, hailing the tanks. "Kelly, good to see you here, want a ride sis?" the driver of the tank responded. "Damn right I do, we're on the western gate, part of a pincer maneuver" Kally said, as Hayley's tank came up beside her. "West gate, copy, just make sure no anti-tank weapons hit us and the enemy vehicles wont give you any hassle" Hayley said as Kelly jumped onto her tank. "Spark, if you want you can grab a jetpack from one of the fallen Air Assault troopers, I can give you a crash course in it's use too" Kelly said to her squad mate.

    Thank you to Alice for making my sig and avi <3


  5. #25
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    Sergeant Lowe hopped in a Warthog and looked over past the gunner while the driver begun to move. "Keep close and watch out for heavy units." He said over his radio. "Call out and check your targets. Once we're at the West gate we'll be flanking the enemies position and we'll have friendlies just ahead of them. I hate to see one of our own get blown sky high."

    His driver rushed to the gate with a few others followed by the Grizzlies. But once they came around the corner a Wraith was waiting and fired a mortar around. "Punch it!" Sergeant Lowe said as he leans down for cover. "Open fire on those grunts!" He ordered. "Grizzlies take out those Wraiths before they take us out."


    "Your with me in case I need you for orbital support." Wolf gets up and contacted 'Vurumai. "I need a few of your troops to use as support. We need some assistance with the East gate." There was a low growl on the radio.

    "Thanks." She looked to where the Hogs had dropped. "Get on the gunner and I'll drive." She rushed quickly to one. "Let's me like we got a purpose people!" She shouted. Getting inside and checked the settings once before making her next move. Another soldier hops inside in the passenger seat and positioned himself. He looked to radio on the gun. "Hope you got good aim." He said.

  6. #26
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    When Spark arrived at the remains of Fletcher's brother-in-arm, two elites were already standing next to it.

    "Poor human."

    The other elite nodded along with his brother.

    "His dexterity was impressive!"


    Unbeknownst to his squadmate, it was Lezz's first time warty-gunning. Gunny always kept him shotgun so he could play with the radio and shut the fuck up for once. That's why they gave him the grenade launcher. Nevertheless, Radio was confident, in all his bitterness. He cocked the machine gun and bonked the top frame.

    "Hope we can handle her driving."

  7. #27
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    Spark blinked when Kelly mentioned him using an Air assault pack. He had never used one before and when he tried to one guy had accidentally launched himself to god knows where. "Sorry Kelly, I'll have to pass on that one! Last time I saw someone new use that thing they launched themselves into space." He said with a laugh and hopped onto the opposite side of the tank. "Just gotta catch a ride here. I like my feet planted on the ground when fighting anyways."

    Giving a look at the battlefield he watched as a few of the other soldiers had fallen and humans as well as the Elites filled out a whole Landing zone for the area. Dropping any opposing brutes who had decided they wanted to test their luck on things. Spark could have gone for a fancier ride such as a mantis or something but a Tank was so much better and more fun. He enjoyed the sounds and explosions from a tank round going off as it had always interested him.
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  8. #28
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    “What are you doing?” Johnny snarled at a marine on a stationary turret. “Your firing zone is from there to there.” The ODST’s finger jabbed.

    “But…” The Marine started.

    “I don't give a fuck.” Shen interrupted. “I see you shooting anywhere but your zone and we will march out there and walk it covies alive or otherwi-”

    The former Gunners Mate turned as gunfire faded behind him. He stormed on the direction the noise had stopped. “Why aren't you firing?” He demanded arriving at another turret.

    The Marine there turned looking pale “I need a medic.”

    “It’s just a scratch.”

    “A scratch? They shot my arm off.” The Marine stated.

    “No they didn't.” Shen responded shaking his head.

    The Marine reeled briefly before he angrily shook his stump under the ODST’s nose. “What the fuck is this then?”

    Shen smiled behind his visor. “A reason to keep shooting.”

    The marine was no longer shocked by the loss of his arm, his anger distracted him from the phantom pain his plasma burned flesh couldn't feel. And the ODST gave him a target; Together the two of them adjusted the turret so the one armed marine could still rotate it while maintaining his aim while firing.

    Raijin continued on his route, dodging incoming fire and boosting the morale of the humans armed and spaced along the wall of the fortress. The man without a rank insignia moved to the courtyard in the middle of the fort, he sent a medic up to provide aid to those on the wall who need it. The ODST’s route ended before an old grizzled man in a marines uniform but lacking a rank and a sniveling bloody faced officer cowering in a nearby animal cage.

    “Things aren't looking good Gunny.” Johnny said to the grizzled man. “May need you on the wall. If it happens shoot the Lieutenant. Can’t spare the men to guard a coward.”

    The marine flashed a quick salute. “Aye skipper. Remember the Alamo.”

    “Remember the Alamo,” Shen returned the unofficial salute and moved on. His day was completely different then it should have been. Instead of escorting some pretentious officer/scientist he had punched an officer, declared the fort an independent state and conscripted as many of its occupants as he could put on the wall as enemies started falling from the sky.

    The situation reminded the ODST of a story Lt. Lightfoot told the bashers. A story about a similarly doomed fortress, and so he redubbed whiskey outpost as the Alamo when he declared its independence. However the change in the sound of cannon fire outside the forts walls gave the Gunners Mate hope that altered the Alamo’s future. Charging back to the top of the wall he took note of the armored vehicles charging into the conflict. “Well fuck. Now i gotta decide on a title. President seems popular.”
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  9. #29
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    Together with another elite, Veras Mu'Denai had already pushed deep into the fields before the fort. His small strike force was scattered: he last saw the snipers along with the grunts teaming up with humans, and his enforcers merging with 'Vurumai. It was no bother - their early break from the covenant taught them the individualism needed to survive.

    The reason the pair Sangheili got this far was due to their active camouflage. They were resting in a crater from the intense sprint into the field.


    Veras tiredly turned his head to his fellow rebel.


    The other elite got philosophical.

    "What will we do, now we are free? The enthusiasm of R'Kahn is fading. Must we seek an ulterior cause?"

    "A 'Severee's mind is troubled, Linas. His hatred for the prophets gave him focus. Now, I do not kno-"

    A grunt interfered the dialogue by jumping into the same crater as the elites, cowering for the surrounding explosions.
    "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!"


    A voice came out of nowhere, but close. The gruntlet could almost smell it!
    Alas, his neck was twisted by Veras before he would ever know.

    Veras sighed as he returned to his spot in the shadow.

  10. #30
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Her foot pushed down hard on the pedal and the wheels spun out as they drove out to the East gate. She smirked when she heard Radio mentioned about her driving. She took sharp turns to maneuver around certain areas as the others followed along. It didn't take long to reach the East gate but Wolf made one hell of an appearance. She kept pushing the speed as she saw a jump. Taking a risk into enemy troops she quickly made her choice. The Hog hits the jump and flies in the air as the wheels keep on spinning. The soldier in the passenger sit held on tight with a yell of excitement. "Whoo!!!"

    The Hog landed on a group of grunts and squished them like pumpkins. Wolf hits the pedal again and moves the Hog quickly out of firing line. Running over more grunts and Elites alike. She took a sharp turn but her eyes caught something they didn't expected. A Brute charged with a hammer in his hands and swings once sending the Hog flying across the field. Rolling over and over until it finally stopped. Wolf groaned as she realized she was still in the driver seat. The soldier in the passenger seat must have been flung out of the Hog. "Radio?!" She yelled as she tried to get out of the Hog but something was strapped to her causing her to not move. "RADIO!!!" She hollered again.

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