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Thread: ❣ Crossed Lines ❣

  1. #21
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    Faye shook her head politely at the offer of tea then went back to resting her head on the table. She had never been one to drink warm tea, she was more of a coffee girl herself but everyone else seemed to enjoy the tea so she didn't argue. Faye already felt herself starting to drift off. With all these others around, one of which she didn't know bit also didn't give much thought for the moment, Faye felt a lot safer and that if anything were to happen they'd wake her up.

  2. #22
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    Zakai laughed at the statement. "Why would I bite you?" He hugged the admiral. He was alive! He wasn't dead! He was okay! It was a good thing! He released the admiral and smiled, "Colton's just paranoid. Oh! Colton! Is he okay?"
    His eyes darted around as if he would be in the kitchen, but even he figured the captain would be exhausted and sleeping somewhere. He looked at the admiral. "And what happened? How are you alive? I mean, yeah, you guys have magic powers and stuff, but weren't there a lot of zombies? Why are here? Did you know we were here? Did you see us on TV? Did you meet that awful lady? Oh, thanks Jerome."
    He took some tea and then looked eagerly back at the admiral.

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
    Because she is the awesomest in all of ever!

  3. #23
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    Jerome chuckled at Zakai's sudden excitement and Faye's parallel feeling. The girl looked exhausted and not at all excited, but the kid could just be bouncing off the walls. He sat down at the table and kept his laughter and comments to himself.
    The admiral tilted his head to the side at the question of him beating him, but was more than obliged to hug the kid back. He pulled away and leaned back in his chair once more, his old smile on his face and pulled wrinkles in either direction. "Well, I suppose it was a joke. Just making sure you're still human is all." He assured the kid through a wink.
    He made a gesture towards the living room where he had dragged the captain to. "I don't blame him. He did shoot me after all. In his eyes I should be a monster if I were to be alive at all. But yes, he's fine now. It was a stupid move he pulled at the fort. He should have known he stood no chance of surviving that woman. Even I know she's worse than those monsters." He sighed out, still disappointed that his star student from medical school had pulled such a ridiculous stunt. It was like the time he wanted to punch the captain in the face for the terrorist stunt.
    His graying eyes moved back to the kid again and he chuckled. Zakai was just so full of questions. But that he didn't blame either. He had a lot of questions too when he first came into the house. But the sergeant had helped him sort those out. "Well, my ability is a lot more... different than I first perceived. I thought it was only good for healing things like scrapes and bruises or restoring someone from the flu. It turns out it can do a lot more than that. The science would be hard to grip for anyone here who hasn't enrolled in medical school, so I will just stick with the simple answer that my ability allowed for healing and regeneration. Not in just myself, but others as well. As for why I'm here is a little more simple. I was captured by the terrorists and such who thought they could manipulate me into helping them. They don't have the best scientists- you know. But by the end of it, I refused to help them and they locked me inside of that fort. Colton accidentally set me free by shorting out the electrical grid." He raised his eyebrows to the TV thing and he nodded his head. "Oh yes. Tamara was very mad over that. I remember hearing her plan to take down a building to show you guys what you just got yourself into. I heard a lot about you all by just eavesdropping in my confines. To me, you're all very humorous. You piss her off more than she lets off. I think it's because she knows you guys stand a chance at prevailing." He turned his head to the side to hear the front door opening and two teenagers coming in with carts.
    "Oh my gosh." Carson remarked as he noticed everyone at the table. "Who's the old man?"
    "Admiral Thomas." The sergeant told the teenager while motioning for the two to come into the dining area with their carts. "How's it looking out there?"
    "Lots of dead." Blake sighed back. A grim expression was on his face as he spoke of the dead. "We didn't see anyone alive. But there's bound to be survivors."
    "Of course." The admiral agreed through a small smile. "People are a lot stronger when they have to be after all. Isn't that right, Zakai?"

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Upon hearing Carson and Blake come back Faye popped up with wide eyes. "Foooooood." She moaned out before jumping onto Blake's back. She was completely starving and was now extremely happy they had returned so quickly. "Please tell me you got something to eat. It doesn't even have to be that good, but at least edible." She said desperately.

  5. #25
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    Zakai listened to the admiral with much interest, nodding sometimes and cocking his head at others. At the end he scratched his head.
    "Wow. Being captured by terrorists sounds a lot more boring than I thought." he thought for a moment, "Yeah. She did end up blowing up a building. We saw it. It was a block away from the hotel we were staying at."
    Zakai looked up when Blake and Carson walked in and smiled at Carson's response to everyone at the table. His face fell when they mentioned the dead. That didn't sound good. What if this really did turn into California all over again? He was surprised when Admiral Thomas mentioned him being strong. He wasn't very sure about that. He didn't really view himself like that. If anything, he was weak. He beat up a pillow in the attic for Christ's sake! He always freaked out and stuff, but without a doubt, there had to be other survivors. He smiled, "Y-yeah." He didn't really know what else to say to that. In the end he just blurted out, "If anything, I should be the one being called 'Awesome'." Then his mind froze. Dang it! What was I thinking? "I mean... I mean..." Dang it.

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
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  6. #26
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    Blake laughed as he was jumped on by the pretty blonde. He pulled out a box of poptarts from the cart and opened it up. He passed her one of the packages, and then tossed the rest of the box onto the table for everyone else.
    "Of course we got edible food." He reassured her with a chuckle. "You act like you haven't eaten in centuries."
    "I thought it was funny how she just kind of latched onto you like a zombie would trying to get food." Carson commented through his own laughter. While Blake had a cart of food, Carson had a cart of other essentials like toilet paper!
    "Well, I tried to keep the details out of it. You don't want to know what happens." Admiral Thomas told him reassuringly while he heard some kind of stirring from the living room.
    When Zakai stated he be called 'Awesome', the admiral tried his best to keep a straight face. But when he heard laughter erupt from the living room, he folded and started laughing as well. Memories came into his mind of that fateful meeting with the soldier who presented himself to the president under that name. Oh how the soldiers laughed and teased each other after that, demanding to be titled by their rank and 'awesome'.
    Colton appeared in the doorway still laughing his head off. He sat down at the table and buried his face into his arms as he laughed. Despite the pounding in his head and the throbbing at his throat where an inflamed scar was, he was functioning. He had been awake for around ten minutes trying to figure out where he was and what was happening. He had been listening into the conversations and when Zakai stated he should be addressed by 'Awesome', Colton found himself laughing his head off.
    "What?" Colton asked at last breathlessly when he had picked his head up from the table. "Zakai, how dare you be so cocky!"
    "I feel as if my world has just been made complete." The admiral stated while chuckling.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Faye stayed on Blake's back as she opened her thing of poptarts and ate one with a smile. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms dangled over her shoulders as she let out a very satisfied sigh. Strawberry. It was her favorite flavor of poptart. "You did awesome. Just like Zakai!" She pointed out before taking another bite.

  8. #28
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    Carson took on a horrified look that he shared with Blake when Faye exclaimed that Zakai had been awesome. "What?!" Carson shrieked in disgust, "Did he bone you?! Oh hell no! Hold my earrings, Blakey. Some playah's going down."
    "Calm down, Cali boy." Blake laughed out while putting a hand down on his shoulder. "You Californians always jumping to the nasty. I bet he can't even get... ya know... Health class stuff."
    "I just died inside." Colton whispered to the table before starting to laugh all over again. "What is wrong with you people?!"
    "I hope a mutant doesn't breed with a human." Admiral Thomas commented with wide eyes. "That could be disastrous."
    "Oh then this is going to be awkward." Carson remarked jokingly. "Because Bells and I kinda-"
    "Did nothing." The redhead stated with a scowl. She had come in from the basement with bags under her eyes. "So help me, Carson."

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    "Carson!" Faye exclaimed as her cheeks grew red. "Get your mind out of the gutter." She murmured and buried her face in Blake's shoulder. That was a horrible thing to say, especially considering how young Zakai was. Now Faye was embarrassed and she could only imagine how Zakai felt.

  10. #30
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    Carson completely ignored Faye when the redhead had joined them. His eyes followed after her and watched as she sat down beside the old man at the table. A smile had folded onto his face, hiding something there.
    Blake put a hand on top of Faye's head and patted her hair. "It's just Carson. Nobody knows what he's going to say next." He reminded her with a chuckle.
    "On a more serious note that doesn't involve reproduction..." Admiral Thomas commented while he brought his eyes to the tired captain. "I'm actually disappointed in you, Cap. So many mutants on your team and I bet you haven't even tried to help them understand what they're capable of doing."Colton gave the man an irritable look, as if he weren't yet ready to deal with anything serious this early with so little sleep. "I made an attempt. Once."
    The admiral began to laugh at that comment given. "Well, believe it or not it's kind of required they come to terms with what they have." Thomas commented more to everyone this time. "Guns can only get you so far. But when battling monsters and Tamara, you're going to need to rely on your abilities. Your weakness has to be your greatest strength." He spun a finger around his glass and his eyes cast down to look at the cup. "I can help with that. I know more about the mutation than even Tamara does."
    "I make no argument." Colton agreed while resting his head down on the table. "Bells seems to have her's under control. Her cousin on the other hand..." His eyes went to Blake, "Needs a lot of help. He hardly has his under control."
    "Lies." Blake smoothly retorted with a cool expression on his face. "I am perfectly capable of-"
    "Shut up." Colton cut off his lying there and turned his eyes back to the admiral. "He's like Ishmael was. Ya know how you had to push him in some way to get him to use it? Even last night I had to zap him to get him to blow down a door."
    "Hey!" Blake exclaimed in a defensive manner, "I don't need to know how to use it when I am perfectly capable of other things."
    "And I bet you are capable." The admiral agreed, stepping in their conversation to calm down the younger teenager. "But in this situation you're going to need to get it under control otherwise you're going to end up hurting the ones you love. Or yourself. Isn't that right, Cap?" He asked, recalling the first day Colton had been turned and zapped himself every few minutes.
    "I'm too tired to deal with your comments right now, Ads." Colton told him while covering his face with his arms. "Hey, ask Faye what she can do."
    Admiral Thomas covered up a smile and turned his eyes to the blonde girl. "And you. What can you do?" He felt almost as if he were asking a little girl what she wanted for Christmas. Not that he was opposed to being Santa Claus one year. He always imagined the day he would retire from the military. He knew the lies about how vets got benefits. He'd end up on the streets (despite previously being a doctor) and get a job as Santa Claus. He wasn't complaining about that.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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