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Thread: (M) Rogue's Gallery IC

  1. #21
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    Things happened rather quickly from there, Adam took over from there taking the culprits purse and ordering a round of drinks for everyone and the snow elf drug the first man out and tossed him on his backside. Vel took a step back from the broke table feeling guilty for the broke piece of furniture, she should have been more careful and tossed the man into the floor. She was about to fetch something to help clean up the mess she'd created when Balder's door opened and the giant appeared and mentioned the damaged would come out of all their paychecks which would have made Vel pale further if she wasn't already so pale.

    With everyone else Vel's attention was taken by the guild master as he made his appearance and dismissed the patrons and once their gusts were safely out into the night called for those who were in their rooms to come out. Vel retreated to a far corner table away from the others and stood as she listened to the Head master speak staring intently down at the floor like a child who was caught, indeed she was. She shuffled quietly as he reprimanded them for the way they handled taking care of their own. When they were dismissed for bed, like children, Vel waited as others began to shuffle off to their rooms. waiting till most had reached the top of the stairs before she started across the room and up the stairs, effectively one of the last to enter her room.

    Upon entering Vel pulled her shirt up to check at the new stitches and was relieved to find that she had not popped them this time. She sighed and locked the door before she pulled her scarf down before pulling her hood off, she pulled her gloves off and set them quietly on her dresser, placing her Cloak, scarf and knives with them before taking a seat at the small desk at the corner of the room where she pulled her ink and quill from and pulled the chair out to sit down. she pulled a fresh sheet of paper from the the drawer and dipping her quill in her ink before setting about writing an apology letter to the guild master. Since she didn't need as much rest as others, sleeping was almost impossible for 8 hours, this would at least give her something to occupy her for a short time.

    Morning -

    Vel cracked open her eyes at the intrusive sound of the gong being rung, followed by the Guild masters voice summoning them. Vel set up slowly from her resting position against the desk, a very faint discomfort somewhere along her spin that was quickly revealed as a hollow pop sounded from her shifting. Vel instinctively stretched, though it didn't do her as much good as it had when she was alive. She pushed back, the chair scraping loudly against the wood floor as she stood, striding over to her dresser running her cold fingers through her dull amber hair, she threw on her scarf and cloak, fidgeting them into place before pulling on her gloves. She brushed herself off and unlocked her door and stepping out with the others to see what guild master Harken could be so excited about.
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  2. #22
    Poppa Squirrel
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    Having returned to the Gallery, Su Lin casts a glance to where Minx room was before looking about the patrons within the bar. As she did not see the child or woman, she presumed that her words took and the child was tending to his new owner.

    As the old man starts to address the mercs and patrons, she catches Minx and Jamon returning to the bar. She could tell a difference in how the child seemed to cling to his owner which brought a slight giggle pondering if the two may have mated. As the old man dismisses ‘the patrons’, she elects to remain so as to speak to him or his representative. She listens as he mentions that interviews for joining this band will be with the rise of a new sun. As the old man retires to his room, she moves quietly toward the door stepping into the night air.

    After a brisk walk, she enters the Wild Boar Inn so as to assemble her possessions. The enforcer from earlier approaches
    “Suzie dear… He would like to see ya if you have but a moment…”

    One will always have a moment if the owner desires conversation. She simply nods and heads up to her room. She changes out of her clothes into a loose fitting open silk top and silk pants. She twists her hair from the back sliding a silver color hair pin in back to hold it in place. She also takes a silk ribbon wrapping it around her waist to hold her top slightly closed. With that, she steps out of her room and follows another to a small room.

    Upon entering, she walks casually to a preset table taking a seat in front of Hawk. Someone to his side leans down and whispers in the owner's ear, Hawk simply replies with a laugh “I know.” The man she had worked for on several occasions removed a robin egg sized emerald and set it on the table before Su.
    “Understand you seek to find employ with the old man up the road.”
    He slides the emerald in front of Su
    “I wonder if you might find interest in simply repeating words you might hear whilst in the old man’s employ? Each time you repeat what you hear, a pretty stone shall be provided.”

    No one refuses Hawk and remains healthy. She knows this. She reaches to the stone and slides it back to Hawk. Her eyes start looking about taking in her surroundings.

    Hawk simply lets out a loud laugh “Suzie, that is so you, and I am happy you do not accept my pretty stone for if you had, one of us would not have seen the sun rise morrow” while motioning his hand to the door.
    The archer with crossbow, Su was already aware of, stepped from the shadows and moved out of the room. Hawk continued “I trust words we have ever spoken remain words only we know my dear?”

    She does not take those words as an insult, after all, Hawk is a cautious man and has been betrayed by those close to him on an occasion. A mere nod is her response.

    Hawk remains seated for a few minutes before the archer returns, this time he holds not a crossbow however a goblet of hot liquid. The aroma of lemon drifts through the room as the archer sets the goblet before Su. A very rare smile forms across her lips for a fleeting moment. It is a rarity where one she does ‘things’ for recall details on her personality. She takes the goblet sipping the tea as Hawk speaks again.

    “Suzi dear, as usual, people around you lose their ability to breathe. Know this dear, your little trinkets left in two men earlier in the day, the old man's people found them. Free information for when you speak to him ‘morrow.” He watches her for any expression which there is none. He is ready to offer a morsel he believes she would find … at least interesting.

    “You know of that pup that was seen on your heels? Interesting story his accompany person speaks of.” Watching for any reaction.

    Su Lin sets her goblet upon the table and simply mutters
    “The child is a Royal, I already smelled it on the boy.”
    Hawk laughs “And here I hoped to draw out at least a slight smile. Is the boy unharmed? His manservant seems interested in returning to his side. It could gain you a gold purse.”

    “The boy belongs to another. I trust the child's servant might render payment to gain his pup back. The pup could even go back to his perfumed sheets and pampered life, and eventually die useless and forgotten. My words to his keeper would be allow the child eyes to be opened. He would grow in strength or reborn with knowledge he lacks now.”

    A grin forms across Hawks features as he motions the man to his side toward the door. The man leans whispering again. Hawk chuckles again looking to Su

    “Forgive him, he is new.” before gazing to the man to his side

    “At best, you might simply slow Suzie down, we're good, you may go.”

    With that, the man departs the room. Hawk looks upon Su Lin again, a different tone now

    “Miss Mok, figured the boy would be in good hands as I told his manservant. And fret not, I shan't speak that you actual have a heart in your chest and not some icy chip of rock forged from the worst winter mountain imaginable. I shall host the boy's manservant till the boy strengthens or is ready to return home for a royal phyre. May I tell the prince's manservant his charge is in good hands?”

    Looking across, Su simply offers a nod. Her own tone growing softer… almost a hint of friendliness to it

    “Tis nice you remembered how to blend this” while sipping her tea.

    Alone they exchange small talk, he more than most she has known through her lifetime understands her as he had traveled in her lands in the past. He tells her of Jamon's fathers’ kingdom. A small but wealthy land two months journey by sea. His manservant had told Hawk that the Prince was on a quest to learn of lands outside his father's realm before assuming the throne. The manservant had fallen into mistake entering the wrong tavern and woke on board a slavers ship.

    Hawks enforcer from earlier in the day recovered the manservant after taking interest in the child who followed Su and speaking to the surviving thug. Hawk's man does have a way to convince one to talk.

    After a nice conversation, Hawk couldn't help to speak parting words Su Lin often speaks herself.
    “You know this Miss Mok, nature does not set events in motion by mere happenstance, guide the boy well.”

    She stands moving around Hawks side of the table resting her palm along his cheek. In a moment he reaches up moving her hand to his lips offering a soft kiss upon the back of her hand.

    At that, she turns and exits the room. The man who was dismissed earlier stands outside with six men holding knives. Su Lin simply passes by, each resuming their personas, Hawk a ruthless crime lord with ice in his veins and Su Lin, a cold and ruthless assassin born without a heart or soul.

    It was an unusually quiet walk back to the Gallery after she straightened her room which Hawk told her was hers and if the old man tomorrow does not take her, she always has a home at the Wild Boar Inn.

    Once she returns to the Rogues Gallery, she tends to seek a room for the evening … longer if her interview goes well.

    Hawks repeating her own ‘nature sets the stage’ comes to mind as she is given a room next to Mynx. Her only thought is ‘nature provides no accidents’ as she enters to rest for the remainder of the night.


    As yet another horizons paints fields and buildings with wondrous colors provided the sun's first crest, Su Lin lays on the floor. She takes in the scent of fresh baked bread and other assorted smells surmising that their day maybe ready to start.

    She slips into her clothes sliding her dagger into her boot sheath before placing her wristband containing 20 acupuncture needles having replaced the two from last eve. She starts to the door, just as she is about to grasp the handle, a loud gong starts to sound as a male's voice seems to announce the day.

    She runs her fingers through her black hair before opening her door casting a quick gaze toward Mynx door which still seems shut. With that she proceeds out of her room and into where she presumes those she might join are set to assemble.
    Last edited by Storm; 12-02-2018 at 03:20 AM.

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  3. #23
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    Default Co-post (Papa Squirrel and Mama Moon)

    Following Dagur’s verbal thrashing, Mynx stomped back to her room, grumbling under her breath. She only gave Jamon the slightest of glances to make sure he was following as she opened, then slammed the door. She did not like her sleep to be disturbed, especially for something that obviously was not her fault. Her scent was not on the broken table or the chaos around it...and yet, she was woken from a perfectly comfortable sleep and made to dress to go down the stairs.

    Still grumbling, she climbed into the bed and pulled back the blanket, motioning to Jamon to get in. “We sleep now,” she growled, watching as he slipped out of his shirt and lay next to her, moving so as to offer her an embrace. Some of the fear he had of her earlier was absent. Softly he said, with a trace of shakiness, “Certainly Mynx, I have much I desire to say to you come morning's light,” his mind in thought on how he was going to introduce her to father and mother.

    Mynx ignored his words and curled into the boy, letting the blanket fall over them as she tried to get warm again. She fidgeted for some time trying to get comfortable, her anger still controlling her thoughts. Finally she sat up and looked at the door, hearing the others moving around as they went about their nightly routines. “You speak now.”

    Jamon inched closer to Mynx taking a moment to gaze into her eyes. Trying to find the words, he started out fumbling, “I know I was given to you. I have never laid with a woman before. Even if you own me in written deed, you also own me here.” He touched his hand to his own chest as his heart raced.

    “There is a matter you must hear on me…” he continued, still looking in her eyes, waiting for some reaction before continuing.

    Sighing, Mynx looked at the boy with amusement when he stopped talking, finding his admission a bit odd. She shook her head, then grabbed him by the arm, pulling his face close to hers. “I am human. There is no,” she stated firmly, tapping her own heart. “Slave only.”

    Innocently Jamon's only able to mutter out, “But we shared such a precious moment together…” his thoughts wander if father ever experienced this.

    “No, shared warmth and pleasure. Nothin’ more.” The ocecat argued, pushing him away and climbing from the bed, then turning to him. “You not alpha...not worthy of time.”

    Jamon does not understand the alpha statement. As he stood he hoped she would react as some others have when father introduced his son around. Shyly he asked, “Would it matter if my father were a King and I were to take throne upon my return?”

    Mynx raised her brows, then laughter bubbled out of her lips as she reached for the boy and grabbed him by the neck. Her nails dug into the soft flesh, drawing blood. “I not fool. You peasant boy with big dreams. You will stop talk now.” Tossing him to the floor, she paced the room, questioning her desire to take on a pet in the first place. He talked too much and had too many feelings and he might just get in the way of her routine. She decided she would have to be firmer with him.

    Without another word, she climbed into the bed and turned away, leaving him on the floor.

    Jamon's eyes widened as he felt such a sharp pain shooting from his neck through his entire body. Princess Sondra certainly didn’t react like this. As he's easily tossed to the floor, he started of refute, “ I am NO pea…” however when Mynx told him to not talk, he did seem to know when to remain silent. Mother never told him that women would react like this, he was always told that he was a precious boy and he could have any woman he desired.

    He remained curled up in the corner as Mynx paced, but once she went back to bed, he took a cloth wrap and put it around his neck, feeling the sticky blood on his fingers. He slowly moved back toward Mynx softly whispering, almost in a childish tone, “I am not a peasant.” He stood along the side of the bed for a few moments before ever so slowly, inching himself back to the bed, too frightened by her reaction to hold her.


    Mynx awoke to the sound of a clang. Putting her hands over her ears, she growled and pushed her head deeper into the pillow, trying to ignore the call. When she could stand it no longer, she finally rose and hissed at the door. With obvious agitation, she strapped on her armor, getting fully outfitted before she turned to Jamon and told him to get ready.

    Quickly slipping into his shirt, Jamon removed the cloth wrap from around his neck and looked for someplace to discard the soiled wrap. He softly asked, “Mynx, where should I place this?”

    “Just drop it. We need go,” she said with a huff.

    He folded the cloth ever so carefully while setting it neatly in a corner as though an attendant will fetch it, then softly stated, “I’m ready Mynx.”

    Together they went to the door and when she opened it, Mynx saw a few others already gathering below. She was in no mood to mingle, so she took Jamon by his wrist and pulled him along down the stairs to an empty table. He tried to keep up with her, his eyes looking toward the woman who told him that she would end him. He softly whispered, more to himself, “I don’t like her…” before being pulled into a chair at their table.

  4. #24
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    The night was long one, and for the first time in a while, she recalled what it felt like being on the run. It was this small incident that got Sheva to recall the nights she spent hidden after running away from the court, and how she was afraid to close her eyes.

    Even if she tried to show a brave expression, she was powerless. She didn't want to hide herself or her features, but knew that would she be recognized again, she won't be able to do much. Her gems that held energy were few and all the scrolls were used in the fight with that noble born man, Adam.

    She spent most of the night trying to write another spell, but had little motivation and inspiration. She then took out all her remaining jewels and started to count and clean them. After some time, the gems were sparkling like new born tosh, as she cleaned them with a rug, making sure the dust was not catching on after rubbing them thoroughly. Even though fighting the dust seems impossible feat, it was necessary, for maintaining gem in new position enabled them to gain more power. At least that's what she hoped the case with them was.

    Under the dim light of the half eaten candles, scrolls were lying unfinished, but she found no motivation within herself to finish the spells. Few knew of the art of writing scrolls was almost identical to the art of other type of writing of painting, and they required sophisticated levels of creativity in mastering of the words that needs to be spoken when invoking the elements.

    As she continued to clean the gems, she realized she was, in fact only distracting herself from finishing the scrolls and decided that if she was not going to do anything productive she might as well just call it a night and go to sleep. She blew at the candle and darkness took over the room.


    She woke up early with a startle, quickly garbing her knife and gazing around her room, making sure no one was there to get here. she was still hysterical and decided a good bath was gonna make the differences. But those in charge will probably gather them soon, so if she wanted to relax a bit, she needed to be swift.

    Down the basement she noticed few big tubes with hot water that have already been heated by the ladies in charge. One of them recognized her from the night before as she handed to her ruined dress, which was now fixed. It costs a lot to use a magic to fix it, but she simply didn't want to lose this dress as she was very attached to it. Luckily the woman has also clean it and so Sheva took the time to clean herself as well, before dressing up and heading to the main hall.

    It was then that she heard the gong and was happy to have slept little, as this thing would have probably startled her if she was to wake which such noise.

  5. #25
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    Ashvel braced himself for the beating by protecting his head. However, it didn’t last too long when he heard the sound of glass breaking and the scream of the man as it connected with his face. Then everything that happened almost went in slow motion to the young Vampire. The man attacked the goblin, and then someone that hid their features interfered before he could reach his target, and broke a table in the process. Then Trish took the mas purse, and they were thrown out by Raenisa offered to help him get cleaned up.

    The reactions of his fellow members of the guild reminded him of the possibility that one day Vampire’s and the other races might be able to understand one another and live in harmony. He turned himself to pick himself up, a shot of pain came from his side as he began pushing himself up. Once he was at least sitting on his legs he wrapped his arm around his side as he was about to thank the people that helped him. However, before he could say or do anything the Master made an appearance, and told them to get to bed. Lucky for him Adam helped him to his room.

    Now that he was in his room he removed his traveling clothing slowly as to not irritate what happened to his ribs. Once he was undressed he moved into the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see how much damage he had taken. There was only bruising starting to form, and he smiled slightly knowing it would be healed by morning. “Well it could have been worse.”

    Deciding to take a bath he put a robe on and moved from the room. He knew there was a small lake outside of the guild and not many people visited it at night. So, this was a perfect time form him to get the smell of beer off his skin and hair. The Moon lite the night sky as he made his way to the lake. Taking his robe off he jumped into the lake. The cold water felt great on his skin, and helped with the throbbing of his bruises. Hours passed as he just enjoyed the water. Giving a heavy sigh he got out of the water and the moonlight made his pale skin glow slightly along with his long white hair. He wrapped his robe around himself and walked back to his room.

    Once he returned to his room he grabbed a towel from the bathroom and returned to his bed as he was drying his hair. He looked around the mostly empty room as he ran the towel through his hair. It had only been a couple of months, but this placed felt as much as his home as the Elders house inside of the forest. Shaking his head bring his thoughts back to the now.

    Ashvel laid down on the bed as he closed his eyes. The damage to the tavern was his fault and he would make sure to let the master know in the morning. He wouldn’t let the others pay for something that started with him. Even though Vampires don’t sleep at night he had trained himself to be able to sleep at night when he needed. Especially since all but a couple of people in the guild were people that sleep at night. Even better he doesn't need a lot of sleep to begin with. Sighing as he let his mind wander, and he fell into slumber.

    -----Next Morning-----

    As the morning sun began to peak over the mountains in the distance Ashvel opened his eyes as the new day was going to be starting soon. He needed to get ready for the day since there had to be a reason that the guild master sent them to bed. Or he was just pissed that a fight broke out. Either way he was going to make sure that he got things settled before he found him a job, and left once again.

    Getting dressed in a long sleeve shirt and pants. He was about to grab his hooded cloak and leave the room when a gong chimed. Knowing this was the Master calling for all of them. He placed his cloak on, and walked out the door.
    Last edited by Yamimoon; 12-03-2018 at 12:55 AM.

  6. #26
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    “Stay here and I'll get your stuff.” Jezibel motioned to the larger of the two beds, a grumbled look as she removed her outer coat. The man had been nothing but a bother, already proving that she was at the mercy of a complete moron. Thankfully Reggie had been helpful in procuring a room for the two them. Once the whole bar fight and subsequent telling off from Dagur had occurred, the two had went to get rooms for their joining the guild. Yn had tried to get two separate rooms for them, yet Jezi had stepped in upon that. It wouldn't do to have them apart with their contract in effect. It was slowly beginning to dawn on her that the man didn't have any idea what it meant to be a master.

    “That young boy is gonna be the death of me.” Jezibel mumbled under her breath as she pulled the package from Faur, petting the deer on the snout. She moved back into the room and set the bag down at the foot of the bed. Yn moved to start unpacking but was silenced by the glare the woman gave him. He huffed and leaned back against the bed, studying her for a while longer before he finally heaved a sigh and moved to stop her.

    “Why are you stopping me?” Jezibel grilled the man.

    “Why are you not letting me do any of this? I am perfectly capable of doing this.” Yn requested, giving her a serious scowl. Jezi stared at the boy for a few moments longer before allowing a short yelled sigh escape her. Moving to her own bed she settled down and stared at the man.

    “You are now my master, and I your servant, which..

    “You're not my servant.” Yn interjected.

    “Yes I am. With your name literally carved on me, I am yours now whether you want it or not. With that comes certain standards, and I'll be damned if I get your names dragged through the mud.” Jezibel spoke to him while staring at her hands. It felt horrible having to explain this before. Though it made her wound twinge with memories, there was a standard. Knowing that Dragur had been the third party witness to the bond. A small part of her mind had thought to use the man's innocence to live her life easy, but some sick part of her pride wouldn't allow it.

    “How could me treating you like an equal drag my name through the mud?” Yn requested her. He could feel Faur chuckle behind his senses as they shared their info between them.

    “The way you treat your servants denote how others view you in the public eye. But it's a fine line. Allow your servant to walk over you, and both are considered a discrass. In some towns and cultures, that could even get me killed as a poor servant. I'll be damned if I get killed due to your lack of knowledge. If I'm to be your teacher, then count this as your first lesson. I will not die from your antics.” Jezi spoke sternly. She fixed him with a steel gaze before allowing a sigh to pass her lips.

    “Oh, I didn't know… I'm sorry, is there anything I can..”

    “Just allow me to handle most of this and we can survive this mess. Now I'm going to get your bath and stuff ready for tomorrow.” Jezi finished up and left Yn to his own devices. The boy watched the girl leave before laying down after taking care of his Ohkota. Faur probed his mind and questioned the info he gathered. Yn felt a small pang of guilt at what he had unwittingly trapped the girl in, only for Faur telling him off.

    *She tried to steal something important. It is only fitting that she pays for that attempt. You'll just have to get used to it.* Faur coached his brother before Jezi returned, mentioning that things were ready. One could clearly see the irritation in her eyes, but he remained silent for it. It was going to be a rough time.

    **Next morning**

    Jezi was up before the sun. Confusion paused her actions before she turned to see Yn. She groaned as she realized old habits died hard. She dressed in a simple tunic and breeches before heading to the stables to attend to Faur, as her duties to Yn. She might not like it, but it was her job now. Bowing to the large deer she moved in and began the task of cleaning and brushing the deer as her task. It was somewhat relaxing as she worked, allowing silence to fall between them. Once her job done there, she headed into the kitchen to fetch some fresh bread and water for Yn. Another scowl crossed her lips before she entered.

    Only to look straight into the nude appearance of Yn. Her face flashed red as she nearly dropped the plate and quickly entered the room.

    “Oh sorry, let me get dressed.” Yn spoke in an embarrassed tone. Jezibel shook her head and sat the food down for him. She began gathering the outfit she had chosen for him, stopping him from reaching for it.

    “I swear, Faur makes a better master than you. He doesn't question my actions.” Jezibel grumbled before handing him his outfit, just in time to hear the gong echo around tavern.

    “It seems Dagur is summoning us. Let's go.” Yn spoke before he led the way down into the main bar, surprised to see others already gathering.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
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  7. #27
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    Before the first ringing of the gong had left the air, Tristifer was sitting straight up in bed his hand extended toward the door. As his mind raced to catch up to his body the archer blinked the sleep from his eyes. “Son of a bitch.” He groaned, staring at the still quivering knife embedded in the door frame. With a yawn Tris got to his feet, doing his best to ignore the gong as he retrieved his knife.

    The archer pulled on a pair of pants and slide his arms into a shirt. As he stomped his feet into his boots, he buttoned a button in the middle and left his room. Reaching the common room, Tris tossed a coin onto the bar. A second landed neatly atop the first, as the human slid into a chair at an empty table. A moment later a pint of the house special and breakfast was set before him. “Thank you.” He said before he started eating.

    His eyes scanned those arrived and arriving. Not dead had competition in being cold this morning as one of the newbies stood looking frigid. She carried herself like someone who knew how to kill; Silly of her to telegraph it though, Tris thought with a loose shrug. His eyes then took in Myn and her new pet. The youth seemed stiff compared to the cats languid demeanor, the boy would have to either relax or would eventually lose enough enough he would simply be relaxed.

    Taking a bite of bacon, Tristifer noticed a gorgeous woman. His heart crashed as he noted the way she seemed to carry herself. That one thinks she belongs at court, The archer thought while still trying to decide if he should invite her to his table. His attention was pulled by motion and the archer noticed the vampire. Hopefully that one would loosen up as well, last night should have made it clear that the vampire was part of a group now.

    Tris raised his pint in greetings to the blood sucker and took a long pull. Upon lowering it he saw the Duhsa Kin and Jezibel. Taking a piece of toasted bread the archer frisbeed it towards the tall man's head. Once he acquired the tribesman's attention, Tristifer pointed to an empty chair at his table. The archer had words for him, but they'd have to wait till after the old man said his piece. It better not be a pay cut because of last night, Tris knew those pouches had enough for at least a table.
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    As she noticed her guild mate having issues standing she was about to go and help him herself when Adam came over quickly. He mentioned that he would help him up to his room. It effectively cut the wind out of her sails. She gave a nod to the vampire and Adam, making her way back to Bigwig to engage in more conversation when the guild master came forward and told everyone to wrap it up for the evening. Well, way to end things on a sour note. She gave a bow to the Goblin and said, “Till next we meet Master Bigwit.” She gave a sad smile, knowing full well she was unsure when next they would speak, if he or her got set up with a mission. Either way she was certain very little could take the little Master out easily.

    She turned and made her way up to her room. As she got in she placed her sword near her other weapons. She needed to make sure to head to a forge tomorrow to sharpen her blades. Bone weapons lost their sharpness quickly, she hoped to one day find a cure for that. Until then she would do her best with what she had. As she laid down she let her sleep come to her slowly. She needed to make up the sleep that she had lost from the previous night anyway. Maybe this was a good sign.


    As she woke up at the crack of dawn she felt amazing. She usually woke up with great energy. As she made her way to getting dressed she eventually came to hearing a loud gong noise. This meant that there would be something going on that was exciting and she was itching to give out a thrashing. She got her armor and weapons set up nicely but once again just put on her tunic and pants from the previous night. She equipped the Bone short sword again and made her way down the stairs.

    As she came down with a bright smile on her face she noticed many different things. She noticed the one that was covered looking like she was ready for whatever winter she needed to prepare for. She noticed the serious one whose name always escapes her. She was direct took care of problems, likeable. She noticed that the Mynx was a table with some young lad she did not know. Fascinating…he made it…Nisa felt a need to exchange words with her at some point. Mynx was one of her favorites due to many of their similar views. The ashen one was here as well, thankfully he seemed to be doing good after what happened last night to him. She would probably check up on him after the announcement. The attractive lady came standing with a rather large folk whom she did not recognize. Fascinating once again. Her eyes caught what her nose had been telling her. The man at the bar had ordered food, clever unless they needed to leave immediately. He had a keen eye and she enjoyed that about him though for some reason they had not spoken much at all. Pity…

    She was excited like a school girl, if they were over seven feet tall and had long white hair. She had it braided this morning. She casually stood in the back, despite her excitement she did not want to stop the others from seeing because her large frame. Her eyes were locked on the guildmaster. Please have a quest for me….please…please…
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  9. #29
    Crimson Casanova
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    Merry Grasshopper definitely has a nice backside... Bigwit needs to focus... inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale... The early morning sunrays slowly seeped into the goblin's room between the drapes of his window. The little imp was sitting on the ground, cross-legged, his hands lying on his knees. His eyes closed, his chest rose slowly from each deep breath. Inhale... exhale...

    Bigwit recently decided to take upon a new hobby - meditation. Nope, Bigwit wasn't trying to become a dull monk or anything of that sort, but based upon the research he did - Bigwit figured there were many benefits of trying to meditate. Lowers stress, increase focus and deep thinking, self-reflection... Bigwit figured all of these benefits would make him about 10% happier overall with life. It certainly was a struggle at times, Bigwit had a very active mind which kinda hindered his progress with focusing on his breathing.

    That Sour Wasp was certainly sour last night... Bigwit thought, referring to Dagur and how he scolded those that protected the vampire. We only mainly hurt their egos... what was Bigwit suppose to do? Just sit down and watch and allow those filthy slugs continue to do filthy acts? No, sir, Bigwit will not allow it, not within our own home. Bigwit would not... goddamnit Bigwit... Bigwit needs to focus... inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale.

    The goblin counted six seconds with his inhale and four seconds with his exhale, getting back on track with his meditation. Bigwit wonders how people can sit still like this for an hour? He felt a small itch near the small of his back, but just ignored it and tried to keep focus. Bigwit's still struggling to sit like this for fifteen minutes... but at least it's better than three minutes... like Bigwit's first try... or five minutes like Bigwit's second try... or... rottin' Bigwit... please focus... inhale... ex-


    The corner of Bigwit's mouth twitched from annoyance after the loud gong rudely interrupted his secular meditation. There was a small sigh but the goblin immediately stood up and patted his knees. "Time to check what the Sour Wasp wants," Bigwit mumbles before exiting his room and joining the rest of the gallery.

  10. #30
    Mystic of the Grimoire
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    Tristifer and Yn meet.

    Yn was slow to notice the piece of toast heading towards his head, just barely catching it before hitting his head. He scanned the room to notice the man from last night motioning a chair next to him. Yn looked to Jezi, who only shrugged and motioned them forward with a wave. Yn moved first, Jezi following behind him. The man obviously had words for the two of them, hopefully not angry ones.

    “Greetings.” Yn spoke as he took the seat, looking to older man. His posture and actions portrayed him as one who's been with the guild a while, though that trumped him by any stretch.

    “Good morning Sir Tristifer.” Jezibel responded with a bow of the head. She had seen him work before, and even the rare times she had been on a mission in the same team as him. The man was skilled with a bow, and apparently just as impressive with a piece of toast. She remembered him trying to start a conversation last night, but it had been waylaid by the guild master and the fight. Could it possibly be about their new contract between her and Yn?

    Tristifer watched the interactions between the pair; The marksman noted the girl's seemingly subservient behavior with a faint smirk hidden as he chewed. As Yn sat Tris nodded a greeting of his own, the human's eyebrow twitched at the formal greeting Jezibel gave him.

    Leaning back the archer wiped his mouth studying the girl. He wondered what had happened to the snarky thief he's been collecting a percentage from. Raising an eyebrow at her Tristifer said, "Why don't you get yourself and your new friend a decent breakfast while grabbing us a couple of pints?"

    Jezi had to resist responding with her normal snark, despite her working relationship with Tris. She paid him what profits she got from her jobs, while he helped keep her actions away from the cops. It was a tenuous relation, yet it worked well. Though, now with her being a member, it might change things, hopefully.

    “Fine, I'll get some drinks and food.” Jezi grumbled at the man before leaving the table. Yn just sighed.

    “She is a right frost bear. Frigid one moment, fiery the next. I honestly wish I could understand her.” Yn sighed when she walked off. It was trying to understand city people.

    “My name is Yn, a new member of Rogues Gallery. Is there something you needed to address to me?” Yn requested. He hadn't even had the chance to fully get used to the place. From Jezis reaction to him, this was not the Adam who was meant to be their sponsor. Things were moving quick in here.

    Tristifer watched the woman leave and chuckled at the tribesman's comment. “Better to wish for gold to rain from the sky.”

    At the taller man's question the archer, lowered his fork. “I dunno what the arrangement is between you and the girl; And it's not currently my business. I do have a few recommendations though.

    “First, Jezibel is a survivor.” Tris raised a hand to stop any interruption, “I don't doubt that you can survive a frozen desert or sweltering forest. Jez however has survived Civilization, and that is infinitely more dangerous than anything else.”

    “So, when she says you're being stupid stop what you are doing and listen to her.” Tris shrugged, “If you are unsure of it, ask one of us. Any laughter isn't likely personal…”

    “I can understand that, and I'm hoping for that skill. Barely a full day here and she already tried to rob me. I need that survival skills if I want to make it.” Yn responded with a chuckle at himself. The woman was strong for sure, and stubborn enough to try something that crazy. Though he'd have to get along with her better than they had been.

    “I do have one question for you though. Does she have a good side? I've barely been with her, and I fear she hates my guts completely.” Yn asked the older man. If he was to survive, Yn would need to be on her good side. Sure she was obligated to teach him what she knew, but that didn't mean a lot if they had no common ground to work on.

    Tris shrugged at the question, “You did something to make her angry, and women carry grudges like dogs carry fleas. Give her something nice and you'll start the path to less anger.”

    “Something else, since you brought it up, is you can let her keep what she steals. Her sticky fingers is part of how she learned to survive.” Tris smirked, “She's pretty good at it; And she may give you something from it as well.”

    Tristifer laid his right hand on the table. Most of his fingers had an expensive looking ring, Gold or jeweled ssilve. His thumb tapped a ring on his index finger; The base was a dark metal Tristifer was never able to identify, and seemingly inlaid into it was a silver metal carving. “This was a gift from the lil wolf.” The archer said, using the guild masters nickname for the thief.

    As Tris spoke he slowly spun the inlaid image, revealing it to be a hunting scene. A pack of wolves were chasing down a fleeing stag. “She probably meant it to be intimidating. Shame she missed this.” The human rotated the base ring, revealing a falcon. Having been carved into the base metal it gave the appearance of flying overhead.

    With a chuckle Tris retrieved his fork. “So if you want to find out if she has a good side; I'd recommend listening to what she says, and looking the other way when something sticks to her fingers. Otherwise...” Tris shrugged, “Maybe find someone who is willing to test any food and drink she brings you.”

    “That does explain as much. She is in this bind due to her sticky fingers.” Yn commented. Having been caught doing what kept you alive the longest was a right kick in the throat. He couldn't forsay if it was the same for him, but he knew her feelings better now. It was a double edged blade though. The very thing she used to stay alive could also get her killed or worse in some regards.

    “Here. Enjoy.” Jezi responded as she finally returned, setting the food down for them, along with two tankard for the boys and a wine goblet for herself. Yn studied her for a few moments, remembering the nickname Tris had told of her. It suited her.

    “What? Did I get something wrong?” Jezibel asked as she caught him staring. He feverently shook his head and turned his attention to his food, taking a sip of his mug. Looking over to Tris, she desperately wanted to know what they had talked about, but it wasn't her place anymore. It only annoyed her further.

    “We'll need to meet with Balder the Quartermaster before long, to get the standard outfit of gear.” Jezibel reminded Yn as she returned to her food. There was a bit of awkward tension between the two before Yn gave a clear of his throat.

    “Thank you for the reminder, and for the food, Jezibel.” Yn offered her, the only response being a huff. He was now even more determined to understand more about this woman than before.

    Tristifer watched as his words took hold on the Duhsa Kin. The archer smiled faintly at the interaction between the two. On a whim he reached out and took the girls wine glass. “You know, after that conversation I think I'd prefer wine.” Raising the goblet to the tribesman, Tristifer took a long drink.

    “Hey!” Jezi retorted with a flare of anger, glaring at the older man. She simmered for a moment before letting out an agitated sigh. It only lasted a few moments before a gold coin was placed in front of her.

    “Go get yourself another wine. No point starting off on a bad note.” Yn offered with a smile. Jezibel only looked between the coin and Yn. Giving a glorified grump at him she grabbed the coin and stomped off towards the bar, her face set in a scowl.

    “I was.. seriously, I will never understand that woman. I tried to be nice and she still hates me.” Yn groaned into his mug. Even when trying to do right by her, she still hated him. It was frustrating. For now he would just relax and wait for Dagur to begin.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
    Spoiler: Click it, I dare ya! 

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