Name: Krath Er'Fashaal
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Race: Demon Lord
Personality: Not the type to be messed with, but not the most unpleasant person if he's not trying to kill you.
Allegiance: Krath serves no region nor any other person until Hellionus is returned to this world.
Occupation: Killer, murderer, general villain.
Bio: Krath was a commander in the Great War and was also one of the most loyal to the Goddess, however, he was trapped within a cave during a cave-in and believed to be dead. An artifact inside the cave prevented his death and placed him into stasis until and exploration party dug him up. They were all found dead a month later. Although his time underground may have diminished his power it has not diminished his devotion.
Abilities/skills: Medium magic, Fighting, Ability to control five Helspawn
Up for review xD