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Thread: [M] You and Me and the Demon Makes Three {Lyra & Midori-Hime}

  1. #21
    Member Lyra's Avatar
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    Adam smiled a nervous smile, thinking that perhaps he should have taken more time to complete his task to avoid suspicion. He leaned against the counter and running his fingers through his tousled hair, he parted his lips to utter an excuse but nothing came to mind. He could say he was fairly motivated to relieve himself of such a tedious task, but he didn't want to seem... too eager. He had to play it cool, and as humans would say, less creepy. "Whatever you say," he said briefly, in a low tone of voice, donning his jacket and dusting off his jeans.

    He watched Kieran closely as he flipped the 'be right back' sign, leaning against the counter with his elbow. The blue-eyed man still carried the alluring scent of the artifact, he had to double check by taking a whiff. He sized him up from head to toe, checking whether he wore any kind of jewelry but nothing was out in the open. Perhaps he carried it in his pocket. He would have ti find a way to make sure. He followed after Kieran and strolled out of the shop, but as he waited for the man to lock up, he was asked a question he wasn't sure he had an answer to.

    "Ah, well," he stumbled for words, scratching his cheek and pulling his lips into a sour smile. He had no particular appetite for anything, since demons had no food cravings. Alas, they still possessed taste buds. Most enjoyed bitter coffee and booze, rarely was there any inkling towards anything food-like apart from human souls. Most demons thought that the human biological need to eat made them even more inferior than their lack of physical strength. They were lucky they were not bound by such earthly things. Still, Adam had occasionally indulged into the human world of flavor with a Gula, a gluttonous demon, though he was sure it was of his own accord, or the Gula's influence.

    "How about pizza? It's been a while. Do you know any good pizza places?" he asked, sauntering over to the parking lot. "If it's far out, we can drive there," he said, pointing to his bike, smirking a little. His bike could only be ridden by one demon, and that would be him. It was not harmful to humans, because it couldn't sense them properly, but if Kieran was truly a demon, his bike would throw him off.

  2. #22
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    Kieran waited patiently as Adam thought it over. "Pizza?" he repeated and then nodded. "Yeah, there's one place that's not too far from here. I think they have the best pizza in the area," he suggested as he followed Adam, and then he froze. He was clearly intimidated by the idea of riding a motorcycle. As far as he knew, they were pretty dangerous, and often so were the people that rode them. Yet at the same time there was something oddly alluring to the idea, something drawing him over to the bike, willing him to give it a try.

    He licked his lips, looking the bike over slowly, hesitantly reaching out to touch the seat. "D-do you have another helmet though?" He asked, obviously a little hesitant still. But he still hadn't rejected the idea outright.

    "If you could only see the beast you've made of me
    I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
    Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
    Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

    My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
    You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"

  3. #23
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    "Great," he commented briefly, flicking a smile. "Pizza it is then," he decided, leaning against the cowl seat, stroking it gently as he felt his bike purr almost lovingly at being touched. Of course, the vibrations were so designed that only a demon could sense them and he was eager to see how Kieran would fare astride it. He observed the blue-eyed man carefully, waiting as he plumped a hand and touched the bike which instantly let out a warning growl. It wasn't as intense as Adam had hoped it would be, but there was still a chance he was right.

    He smirked when Kieran asked for an extra helmet. He reached out and took the only one he had and gave it to Kieran, saying, "Take this one, I'm good," it was a black, sturdy helmet with painted, spiraling flames enveloping it. He rarely ever wore it, it was scarcely an accessory. Instead, he reflexively pulled out his muzzle, which he had held strapped to his belt loop, and began to fashion it on. It was a habit into which he had been beaten, forced to remain quiet and do as he was told. It hadn't occured to him it might be odd to wear it around humans but it did go well with his bad boy persona. Before strapping it on, he mounted his bike, legs astride. The engine turned over and started to idle as he kicked up the kickstand and revved the engine so his bike roared thunderously, attracting attention and instilling fear.

    "You tell me where to go, I'll steer," he said, adding with a smirk, "Hop on and hold tight," when he finished talking, he fastened his muzzle, and grabbed the handles, welding himself and the bike into one person, eager to race down the street and feel the wind beat at his face and the adrenaline rush jolt through him whenever he risked to crash into something or someone.

  4. #24
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    Kieran blinked warily as he took the helmet in his hands. "Are you sure-" He started to ask, but Adam simply brushed off his concern. His fingertips traced over the spiraling flames before he glanced back up at Adam, raising a brow at the strange sort of mask he put on over his face. Was there some sort of purpose for it, he wondered, or was it just some sort of strange accessory? Either way, he thought that it suited Adam somehow, even if he'd only just met the guy. His eyes wandered over the mask, noting the eerie fangs in the design, before they moved to meet his eyes.

    It was almost... kind of... sexy the way Adam straddled the bike, though Kieran quickly scolded himself for that thought. He flinched as the bike suddenly roared to life and he turned his gaze downward to the helmet in his hands. Was he really going to go through with this, he asked himself. But then suddenly Kieran heard Candice's voice in his head, telling him to stop being such a tight-ass and live a little. He had to admit, the idea was oddly compelling... Maybe Candice was right?

    Indigo eyes darted back up to Adam's face and Kieran bit his lip in one last moment of hesitation, before pulling the helmet onto his head. He fidgeted with the strap under his chin for a moment and then stepped closer to the bike, trying to swing his leg over as gracefully as he could. Though that didn't stop him from losing his balance and falling into Adam's back slightly. Immediately he blushed, muttering an awkward apology as he righted himself on the seat. He looked down, finding the rests for his feet and with a hard swallow, Kieran put his hands on Adam's waist. "Just head south on this road and then make a left at the second stop light." He told Adam, shouting a little over the roar of the motorcycle.
    Last edited by Midori-Hime; 07-05-2019 at 05:37 AM.

    "If you could only see the beast you've made of me
    I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
    Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
    Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

    My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
    You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"

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