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Thread: The Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God [M - Hannelorian x DuchessLivilla]

  1. #331
    The Grey Lady
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    "He's going to be a wonderful father, Alex." Arabella smiled softly and sighed. Richard would have been a good father, doting, attentive. He would get flustered when Beatrix was growing and would inevitably make a mess with the trinkets in his office, or hiding under the broad wooden desk. Just thinking about it was enough to gladden her heavy heart. "He's affectionate you know. Gentle, loving...certainly not like most of the gentry... where even a smile might kill them." Arabella laughed lightly and bit her own lip as though to stifle herself.

    "Beatrix must never know. Until the King... or I die... whichever comes first. I couldn't stand the thought that I'm putting her in more danger... Lucy has all the arrangements prepared, if Arthur agrees... she'll get Beatrix to you. The doctor... the one who helped us during the birth and keeping Beatrix with me... with your great aid. As it turns out he has more reason to hate the King than any of us... he'll help." As it turned out, the good doctor's wife had been sentenced to death by the King some years ago. All rather cruel business.

    "I know, I know it's a cruel thing to ask, and even crueler for that poor girl and her memory... But I have to act while I can else...I die." Arabella had modified the expression the two always used, give me children, else I die... ironically now it was what she felt would happen if she lost her child, truly lost. "My dear sister... Arthur asked me to keep you safe." Arabella knew now that time was running out. "I will do everything in my power to quell the King. He's taken enough away, he won't take you too." The Duchess nodded almost righteously. "I must leave you now. Just know that I love you more than words can express. I am grateful beyond measure. I know that Richard would be proud. In all of this, I haven't lost sight. The love of my life is dead, and I can't even grieve... I pray you never feel this pain. It is unimaginable, all consuming..."

    Arabella turned back to return to the castle, when she stopped for just a moment to pause and look at Alexandra. "I'll see you at the ceremonies. Remember, you've been thoroughly humiliated today. A full dressing down." Arabella laughed and turned once more heading back from whence she came. Naturally she had passed by a guard, just standing up after being thrown by the King in anger. "His Majesty?" Arabella whispered, to which the guard only nodded. The Duchess patted the man on the shoulder. "I apologize. He is a man of great passion." She said no more and disappeared to find her husband to be, and most importantly, to say goodbye to her daughter.


    "She won't pay for a damned thing Father." The Prince said as the King stormed off. He sighed and shook his head, taking a moment to look around. Alexandra would surely be finishing up with Arabella, a conversation which he hoped proved helpful for both women. He set about to go toward the gardens and see his wife.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  2. #332
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    Alexandra, in part playing her dejected role, and in part because she needed to, sat down on the nearest stone bench and sighed. None of this sat easy with her. No mother should have to decide that her child was safer away from her than with her. It was wrong. Too wrong.

    She also found herself wondering if she could do it, if the roles were reversed...Could she part with her baby, newborn almost, even to family? She was so lost in thought that when her husband approached, she didn't notice, not until he touched her shoulder, at which she jumped.

    "Oh...Oh," she smiled and took his hand. "Forgive me I was in my own world there." She sighed. "How did it go with the King? I doubt his good mood at his victory extends to us, does it?"


    The King, in a fine temper, could be heard before he was seen, ranting and raving at someone, or perhaps just to himself, through the open door of his study. As Bella approached the door, a crash could be heard and a curse. She saw, when she looked in, that he had hurled a crystal decanter at the wall, in a lovely spray of brandy and broken glass.

    Very Kingly behaviour...Not.

    He slumped into his great chair and glared at the stain on the wall. His face was livid red and his eyes almost burned. Whatever had been said between father and son, it had not gone well.
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  3. #333
    The Grey Lady
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    The Duchess had yet to witness this side of the King. God also knew that Richard never acted so beastly. It was all rather new and terrifying. When she saw the decanter fly, Arabella steeled herself and slipped inside the room. "Come out with the anger." Arabella called from a somewhat safe distance. In an odd turn she felt it would be perhaps more practical to encourage him to vent his rage and his frustration so that he may calm down. The Duchess also understood that she very quickly could become a target, and that was something she simply had to accept.

    "I do hate seeing you like this. How dare that little man, so... we mustn't call him a man we both know he isn't... How dare he get under your skin so. I have no doubt he was trying to do that... wretched weasels in the garden again..." The weasels to who she referred were the Wales'. Arabella found herself hoping that affirming his own beliefs might be enough to spare her. The Duchess also made sure that the door closed firmly behind her when she entered, allowing them a degree of privacy.


    Arthur found himself embracing Alexandra, holding her closely, his nose resting atop her head, he inhaled her wonderful scent.

    "To say that the King is mad would be something of an understatement. I fear that you have emboldened to actually speak to him as he deserves... And it couldn't be more spectacular." Arthur smiled and rested his hands on Alex's shoulders, holding her just slightly away from him so that he may look upon her face. "It's much as you'd expect. You've corrupted me, destroyed me. I'm not fit to walk a dog, let alone run a country. I don't know how much longer we'll be able to stay out of the line of fire." Arthur sighed and looked around.

    "How was your sister? I'm shocked he even let her go with you. Or anyone..."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  4. #334
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    For once, Christian seemed either to not see her, or was pointedly ignoring her. He remained seated, glaring into the middle-distance. His fist, clenched under his nose and over his mouth, was white with pressure. One could almost cut the tension with a knife. Bella found herself almost wishing he would just strike her, if that was where this was headed, to get it over with.

    The King lowered his hand slowly and started, almost without thinking, to tap out a rapt tattoo upon the wood of his desk. It was almost like the ticking of a clock. Each tap increased the tension still further.

    Finally, which a jerk that made her jump, he stood, scraping the chair back as he did so. His eyes, black and cold, fixed on her and he slowly walked over. Each step like the step of an executioner. As he reached her, he extended his hand, to strike or comfort her, she didn't know, until his fingers curled about her cheek and he cupped it. It might have been meant as gentle but, as before the King appeared to be unsure of such touches and so it was less comforting than he supposed.

    "Until I have another son...I can do nothing against him. So you shall give me a son or die in the attempt. Do you hear me?" His voice, soft and calm now, was, if possible, more terrifying. "The second I have a son, I shall put Arthur, his wife, and any child of theirs, to death. On that I swear."


    Alexandra sighed softly and stroked his cheek, her fingers toying with his soft, ink dark hair. "We have each other...That is something...We must hold onto that." She paused then said, "He allowed if because he thinks she was giving me a lecturer or a punishment. She...she is well as she can be but her heart is breaking. Arthur, she wishes us to take Beatrix. If you agree we..."

    She swallowed. Again came the revulsion at what must be done. "We are to give out that the kitchen maid, who is dying of a tumour, has, when she dies, as she will, died in childbirth. Beatrix is to become said child, and we shall raise her as our own...Beatrix, as Bella's child, is to die as far as all but us know. She fears, and quite rightly I think, that the King will kill her himself or lock her away and let others do it. At best she shall be confined to a convent and never know anything of life nor family. It is to be hoped that the King cares nothing to check, and even less at what we do. Likely he shall take it as proof I am barren."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  5. #335
    The Grey Lady
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    Arabella could feel her body tense for just a moment when the King, her soon-to-be husband placed his hand upon her face. The Duchess could not afford to allow the uncomfortable rigidity remain. Though perhaps, the King would on some small level appreciate knowing she was afraid of him. "Give me sons else I die." The Duchess repeated, her voice did not tremble, but rather projected a false confidence. Arabella carefully used one hand to remove the white glove from the other, she raised the hand now bare upon his on her cheek.

    "I understand. It is my greatest wish to please you. Do not let them rile you, I cannot begin to imagine the good work you do each and every waste a thought..." The Duchess trailed off, she did not want to embark upon the path that it could be construed she would be telling him what to do. But now, now he had upped the stakes. If she had a son, he would execute her sister, his own son and any of their children of which she knew were coming... not to mention her own daughter. "I love you, and I pledge my life to you before God, now and forever. There is no past, there is only the future. I will give you all of myself, and so help me God, I will give you the son you deserve."


    Arthur's eyes widened as Alex told him the plan, and right there he could feel his own heart break, ever so faintly. "Of course, of course we can..." It seemed as though he was in a momentary state of shock. He hadn't even become a father yet and he could not imagine the pain of having to choose to give up one's own child, a beloved child.

    "My father only becomes more and more cruel with time... We are all in danger. But for now, at least our child is protected, and Bella's will be loved... and properly cared for. My God Alexandra... what are we to do?" He was overcome with a great sadness. "We must leave here and return home... I care little for this place while the King is here."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  6. #336
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    Alexandra swallowed. "I...I really do not know, Arthur. Part of me wishes to flee England altogether and escape him, but I cannot leave Bella to his tender mercies. Nor would I take her child from her fully in that way. In any case," she took a deep breath and looked out at the gardens, half-shaded by the great walls of Windsor. "I was always raised to do my duty, to my father, my husband and children, for better or worse, for now I am Princess of Wales and the people of England are part of my duty. We cannot abandon them, even for our own safety."

    She took his hand and stroked the back of it with her thumb. "I do not seek the crown for glory or wealth, but a wish to help the make a more tolerant country, for all it's people. If we flee, you will never be King, and you will be hunted until they find you."


    Christian smiled but there was nothing behind his eyes. "I know you will, my love. You are a gift from God. Now...leave me, I have much to think on." He removed his hand from her and turned back to his desk. She was, much like a servant, dismissed it seemed.
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  7. #337
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    The Duchess nodded, and curtsied before her King, though he had already turned his back. It did not stop her from doing as she had been trained. It was all but a moment before she managed to exit the King's study, closing the door behind her. "Breathe." Arabella whispered as she turned to the guard, the one who waited for her always. The one who was ever mindful. He never spoke to her, not once, not even a word of hello. It was rather odd.

    Not far behind was Lucy, waiting for further orders. The Duchess caught up with her and moved fairly quickly back to her chambers. Once inside, the Duchess breathed a sigh of relief and felt herself quickly crumbling to the floor. "God... Lucy..." Lucy knelt beside the Duchess and tentatively wrapped her arms around the woman. "Am I doing the right thing?"

    "Yes. You're doing the only thing you can." Lucy was sympathetic and as the only one who largely spent her time with Arabella alone, was the only true witness to the Duchess' devastation, her exhaustion, her undoing. "Send for the doctor. Like we agreed. He'll be needed now." Lucy stood up and left without question. Arabella was scheduled to see her doctor today, as she had seen the King's royal doctors the day prior.


    Arthur sighed. "I would never abandon my country, or my responsibility. This has been my life, preparation for this. He will not be King forever. We can change the course of this nation. I must." Arthur wrapped his arm around his wife as the two were on the path to leave Windsor. "You are loved by the people. And Arabella can control the nobility. We must be united. After the wedding, the coronation, all of the pageantry, we have to come up with a plan."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  8. #338
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    Alexandra nodded. "I am with you, always, but yes...let's go home. The air here makes me feel ill. It is like being slowly burned alive." She linked arms with him and then said, "Oh...Bella mentioned something. When we reveal my condition, she said to tell everyone, make it public as quickly as possible, to stop the King, or at least try to stop him, from doing anything. If it is public, we have a little more protection for the child."

    Once again, she would not help but smile. The child. She was pregnant. Even now she couldn't believe it.


    An hour or so later, the society doctor arrived, being admitted by the guards. The King, it seemed, trusted the man, not thinking anything of the fact he had, some years ago, ordered the doctor's wife to be executed. Likely it did not occur to Christian that such could lead to a grudge! Why would it? It was, after all, God's will.

    He bowed. "Your Grace, ah...Your Majesty, I mean?" He stumbled a little over the words and kept his eyes on the floor. He was somewhat shaken by this whole scheme; perhaps being all too aware of what was at the end of it should it fail or be discovered.
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  9. #339
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    Arabella turned her attention toward the doctor when arrived. "Interesting predicament is it not? I am not yet a Majesty, but all the same, I am no longer a Duchess." While everyone still regarded Arabella as Her Grace, the Duchess of Suffolk, the King having for now allowed her to retain, it was not lost on her that this was all for show. A widow, with no male heir, Arabella was effectively reduced to nothing the moment Richard breathed his last breath. There was no Duke for her to serve as Dowager, an entire line of family and titles simply erased in an instant. "It is I who ought bow before you."

    She smiled for a moment, before she let it fade. "Though your kindness is certainly welcome." Moving slowly toward a large floral patterned sofa, the future Queen sat, and outstretching her arms she bid the doctor to join her. Out of the corner of her eye, she noted the doctor's large, patent lather bag. Inside, she knew, were the remains of a recently deceased new born, failure to thrive, she suspected. In case the King asked questions. "I thank you for returning. I know this cannot possibly be easy for you. Nor is it for me." Arabella inhaled deeply and let it all go, a passive attempt to calm herself.

    "I beg you not to be frightened. You could well be saving a life today. Perhaps two." Arabella naturally referred to herself, a part of her would be saved by the notion that her daughter would live, a part of her would still die, being taken from her own flesh. "But of course, I shall give you room to reassess, do what you must to protect yourself. I dare not force you to play a part." Arabella never mentioned the words, plan or scheme, she simply left it all open ended.


    As the Royal couple boarded their carriage Arthur found himself staring at the grand walls of Windsor, somewhat lost, somewhat disturbed or devastated. How quickly it all devolved. "Arabella is right." He finally said after some moments of silence. "The King... my father, would never grant us an official birth announcement, no signs posted on the gates of Buckingham for us... we have to do it ourselves." Even a few years ago, such measures would have been unnecessary or even unheard of.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  10. #340
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    Alexandra smiled gently, "We shall be together, that is enough and perhaps, one day, if things are different, future children will have what the first is denied. But still, as I said before we wed, even if we are reduced to begging, I do not care, so long as we, and our family, is together. I shall start preparing letters to be sent out, announcing I am with child. If we do enough, he cannot hush it up...Of course, he is hoping Bella shall soon be with child again, and it will be a boy...then...God help us, I don't know what will happen, but for now...we can buy time."

    She squeezed his hand and, unable to help herself, said softly, "I...I would understand, my love, if you had regrets over our that all is changing." She swallowed and looked down; for all she was sure of his love and affection, she could not help but be affected by all she had been told by her sister for most of her life.

    Was she really worth all this, to the Prince? He could have married anyone and been safe in his position.


    The doctor swallowed and sat heavily, his hand was shaking a little. He glanced at the bag, with it's pitiful contents; motherless and alone, poor thing, she had been destined for a paupers grave, or worse tossed into the Thames. At least she should now be buried with a name, be it not her own, and a place to rest.

    He looked at Arabella and nodded. "I brought the child into the world, I shall not abandon her now," he replied softly. "I shall do all you command. You..." he gave a small smile, "You are a very great Lady, your Grace. In all things, I am awed by it. Your sister too. I find myself thinking much, these last few months, on how things are and how they perhaps should be."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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