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Thread: The Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God [M - Hannelorian x DuchessLivilla]

  1. #351
    The Grey Lady
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    "You are too kind to me, my love." Arabella would get used to lying. The fact that her own flesh and blood would be kept so far from her was crushing. Her already fractured soul felt as though someone continued to thwack away at it without mercy or reprieve. "I will set to write the notes immediately. My thanks will be most heartfelt. The acceptance and grace of the ladies of court has been most enjoyable." Arabella commanded the ladies of court since the day the old Queen died. The Dowager Duchess of Suffolk was a center of power, and she had little intention of stopping that now, not now that she needed them.

    "Now, I shall let you to work. You have much to see to, I won't take any more of your time. The country is need of the service of their King, and God in need of his servant. We've spent enough time wasting breathe on my troublesome sister and her husband. Even sparing them the thought will taint the day, and you deserve better than that." Arabella smiled, having removed her hands from the King she simply stood before him, looking as radiant as she could. She was unflappable, stoic and stern. The Duchess' beauty spoke for itself, and perhaps that was all it needed to, she was nothing more than object now. The next day would come quickly.


    When Arthur was left with the Doctor he sighed. Stepping to the long cord in the corner of the room he pulled on it wistfully, lost in thought for just a few moments. The door opened, and in walked Alice. "Your Royal Highness?" Alice was never far from a place where she could easily be summoned on the off chance she was not at Alex's side. Anticipate their every need, is what she told herself.

    "Kindly meet the Princess in the nursery. She's asked for you." Alice nodded and quietly disappeared.

    Arthur nodded and turned his attention to the Doctor. "Might I call you Thomas?" The Prince asked, as he now settled in with this man who made himself a criminal in assisting the Duchess. "He's made sure I have no part in the wedding or coronation tomorrow. Slowly but surely I imagine he will begin to reduce all public engagements. Public opinion says that I'm rather popular still... He hates that." Another sigh. Arthur found himself then sinking into a chair.

    "Arabella will be a popular Queen. She may be able to temper him for a time. I would never say this to Alexandra... but if necessary something may have to be done." This was of course, drastic, and for the Prince something he did not fully understand, or even wish to.

    Alice knocked lightly on the door of the nursery before seeing herself inside. Alice had never entered these rooms before, they were rather lovely, fitting of the house and the owners of the house. Though Alice wondered if the Princess would take more time in redecorating the space as she prepared for a child of her own. "You sent for me?" Alice curtsied and waited politely, her eyes immediately catching sight of little Beatrix.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  2. #352
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    The doctor smiled sadly and nodded. "Of course, your Highness...And yes, I imagine you are correct in that line. He will seek to make you and the Princess non-entities in society. The King assumes, perhaps because it is his powerbase, that society must be yours also but I think he has miscalculated there, which could be of use to you. Times are changing, with or without the King's permission, and society is also changing, and by that I mean as a whole not just the court society."

    With the Prince's permission he sat down, Arthur taking a seat on the chair opposite him. "The common people have far more power than they know, or are allowed to know. Public opinion, so easily dismissed by your father, is vital. Lose it, and you shall never recover it. Look at the Bourbons; once they had lost that, it was almost too easy for them to fall to ruin."

    Thomas sat forward a little. This was an important conversation and he wished to be serious about it. "I have no wish to see revolution in this country. I love her too much to seek that. I seek only a change in the head. There is...a cancer, in the body politic of this country. It must be cut out to allow the rest to heal and grow healthy once more. But at the moment, Your Highness, you are not in a secure position to do this. First...if you will permit me to make suggestions?"

    At the Prince's nod, he carried on, "First, you need to win and keep the love of the commons. Show yourself, and your wife, to them as often as you can, and as informally as you can. The crowds that gather at the opera and ballet, hoping to catch a glimpse...Go down to them, speak to them, shake their hands. Do not patronise them with gifts of money, speak to them as fellow humans, not as master to servant. Alexandra can visit workhouses, orphanages, speak to them, hear their stories and voices, you should visit factories, mines and so on, listen to the common man. Something your father has never done.

    Second, and forgive me, you need a male heir. A strong and healthy one. As you are to your father, the future, I mean, there must be such for you as well. If you have the love of the commons, and then a son and heir, the people can be further welcomed into your sphere. The baptism can be more public, not some hidden event only for society. It will be a strong link in the chain; You, Alexandra, and a healthy son, a shining image of the future of the monarchy.

    Thirdly, and this may not sit well with you but it may become necessary...What relationship have you with the army, it's commanders and generals? And the rank and file. You are commander of a regiment, yourself, are you not? Forgive me, the name escapes me at the moment. But...there may come a time when a more forceful way is needed. Naturally, military coups are often unpopular but given what the people suffer now, and their already great love for you, I imagine such can be spun to paint it in the best possible light. Especially if the King can be persuaded to abdicate, and therefore be neutralised that way."

    Thomas did not need to name what the other method was. Patricide was a sin, and if Arthur killed his father, even for a damn good would stain his reign forever. He held up a hand before the Prince could speak, "However, the army may not, and it would be best if this is so, be needed to force his hand. If the army can only be persuaded to do nothing, if they are called upon to defend the King and his throne...That may be enough. Without such, he would be left with little; the commons have no love for him, his nobles, yes, but they are feckless and too aware of their own lives to put up much of a fight I imagine...if they see the sun setting, as it were. Several Dukes are too loyal to listen to reason...some death is to be expected."


    Alexandra looked up as Alice entered and smiled. She rose quietly and ushered her friend into the playroom beyond, leaving the door open in case the child awoke. "Oh Alice," she said softly, taking her hand. "The poor thing. And poor Bella. My heart is breaking, as I know hers must be. Beatrix, as daughter of Richard and my sister, is dead...This little one is to be known as the daughter of a maid, now deceased, and and unknown father. We will name for Beatrix for the Queen's child."

    She sighed and toyed with the pearls at her throat in an anxious gesture. "Could you arrange a wet-nurse, as soon as possible, for her, to be employed, as well as nursery staff. Only the best and most gentle, I do not want any hard-boiled nannies inflicted upon her. I had enough of those in my own childhood, I'm sure you know the type I mean."

    Indeed Alexandra's memories of such women were very raw. They always seemed to favour Bella; she was, of course, perfect, and even though she and the future-Duchess had been friends then, it still pained Alex to always be compared to her...and never favourably.

    Why can you not be more like Miss Bella?

    Why, Miss Bella has the very grace of a swan...Miss Alexandra is more like a donkey!

    No supper for Miss Alexandra tonight, I think.

    Many a pinch had been delivered to her by one such woman, Nanny Jessop, who had been in place from when Alex was six until she was nearly eight. It amused the woman to take the girls, made neat and tidy, to the drawing room each evening to see their parents before they went to bed. As they stood upon the rug, Nanny Jessop would stand behind, going on about how good and sweet Bella was, and then pinch Alex hard on her back, where their parents couldn't see. Upon crying out, as one would naturally do, Alex was banished back to the playroom, and missed out the pets and kind words.

    She still thanked God that Bella had noticed this one day and, without saying anything to anyone, pinched herself hard, making a bruise, and then told their parents that Nanny Jessop had done it. The woman was banished, without a reference, that very day.

    Alexandra smiled at the memory. She had quite forgotten that part until now. "My saviour, even then. I must remind her of that time...if we are ever allowed to speak alone again, without eyes. I could write, but they will be read."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  3. #353
    The Grey Lady
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    Simply to be seated and having this very conversation with Thomas felt like a sin, blasphemy in it's purest form. Here he was, the Prince of Wales, in a position of great power, fearing only his father and his unbridled will. It felt horrible, disgusting to be scheming but here he was, and he entertained every one of the good Doctor's thoughts on the matter. It was all too painful, this was his own father, his own flesh and blood, the man who had raised him. Was Arthur really such a failure simply because he was marginally more progressive in this ideas for the future?

    "Alexandra and I will continue in our social obligations, be amongst our people. That was never in question." Arthur and Alexandra already went to the ballets and theatres. They stopped and chatted with those waiting in queues, or even on occasion those without homes on the streets. Alexandra, god bless her, was like a sponge, absorbing every piece of information and offering advice that seemed genuinely from the heart, rather than the purse string. "My father is still popular. Of course, the people do not know him as we do. Everyone loves a good execution." Arthur rolled his eyes, knowing that indeed, the public spectacle that were the executions or public punishments were met with great joy, seen as social events for the masses. "Forgive me, Thomas, I did not mean offense." Arthur regretted his choice of words, understanding his own wife met such a fate. Poor man.

    "Alexandra is with child at present. Something we have kept from almost everyone. Arabella, Alice, and now you." The Prince quietly listed off the people who were aware of this. "The Duchess warned that we should let this pregnancy go as far as it can before announcing. My father will have a harder time pulling a stunt in the later stages... We also to plan announce far and wide ourselves, without waiting for Buckingham. Obviously, it may be a daughter, something I would be grateful for never the less... I fear having a son may as well be signing our own death warrant."

    Arthur leaned back deeper into the chair and turned his gaze skyward, staring at the ceiling or perhaps through it to the floors above and heaven beyond that. "I'm not much of a military man. My men know and trust me, but beyond that... the military is one of the few things father is truly insistent about. As for loyal nobility, Arabella can help us there. She's the belle of the ball, the apple of everyone's eye... she always was. When my mother stopped appearing a few years before her death, the Duchess of Suffolk was only too happy to take control." Arthur, despite his words, was not bitter about this. He was bitter about Arabella's treatment of his beloved wife during that time, something he hadn't then been aware of.

    "We cannot let a full on revolution take over the country, lest we end up with no Monarchy at all. We will handle my father in time, we must gather information first. We must let the people know our hearts are with them. "It's kind of you not to mention murder." Arthur followed with, sighing deeply before bringing his gaze eventually to the Doctor. "We should be more worried about the Duchess killing him than either myself or my wife. When she realizes what she's done... or rather, what he has forced her to do... I should think murder or suicide would be top of her list. Come... enough of this, let us eat and retire... save our energy for tomorrow." Arthur stood up and looked at Thomas with kind, warm eyes. Approaching the man he lay a hand upon his shoulder. "I suppose this makes you one of us now. A rebel." Arthur chuckled softly and shook his head.


    "Beatrix?" Alice remarked, and listened to Alex's explanation. "I think that is a fitting name for a darling little girl." The maid turned friend smile and approached the resting babe, resting her hands gently on the top of the crib, simply gazing down. "No harsh or cruel nannies for our girl. No none of that." Alice's tone noticeably lightened, or rather softened. There was something about children that brought her a little more life, a little more joy. "I'll find her the best of the best. We have deep networks you know, the royal maids." It was true, once a maid had found her way into the highest echelons of the nobility, or indeed, even of royalty, the connections were vast and anything could be obtained.

    "It's funny... everyone keeps calling her the Queen, but she isn't yet." Alice knew that a day would make little difference, and there would be no change in outcome. But for such a formal set of people, it just seemed a little odd that suddenly the rules of decorum had faded just a bit, enough to allow titles to slip and change. "I am sure she is heart broken, how much can one person be expected to take? But if there is anything I am sure... your sister is happier knowing the child is here, with family. Her only family. You do her a great service in harboring this one. You are a very great lady." Alice chimed in with, there was no way to assuage the Duchess' pain, or even the Princess' but at least they all made the best of a terrible situation.

    "You should prepare for dinner, I'll take care of this. I expect we say nothing of this, not yet anyway? We let tomorrow be tomorrow?" Alice wasn't sure she really understood what was about to change, but she felt it in her bones that something was off, wrong.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  4. #354
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    Alexandra nodded, "Yes, say nothing. The child will not die from a few days, if needed, of cows milk. The staff will gossip, of course, but let them. They can assume anything they like; no one will imagine the child is who she is." She laughed softly. "I wonder if they will say she is Arthur's."

    From coming to her marriage knowing nothing, literally, nothing about what was expected -aside from that she was to do as her husband wished- Alexandra had learned much in the past weeks, and not just about what goes on between a man and his wife...but also what certain looks meant at balls, hidden messages she know understood. The currents and rapids of extra-marital affairs were now clear to her. Where she had been totally innocent, -and had been raised to be so- she now had clarity. Such things went on.

    A lot.

    Even in such a society as theirs. This had, at first, rather shocked her, but the more she read in Arthur's well-stocked library -entirely open to her, her husband had made it clear she could read whatever she wished- about the human condition, she was utterly convinced that no amount of rules, threats of violence and death, or enforced piety could stop men and women from doing as they had always done.

    As such...She was aware there was a high chance that servants and society would assume the maid's child had been fathered by Arthur. He would not be the first, nor in fact, the last man to father a child with a servant! Of course, it was not true, might help the child, in an odd way.

    Either way, the poor child would be -wrongly, of course- damned by everyone for being a bastard but being the bastard of a Prince was something else entirely. Royal bastards were, for the most part, treated far better than other ones. It was well known that even unacknowledged ones, girls especially, were 'worth' more on the marriage market because of the possible royal connection, and male bastards were almost always given some title and estate to keep the peace, if the mother was high enough herself.

    Alexandra glanced back into the room at the cradle and smiled again. "If there is any talk, about her being Arthur's...say nothing, do not deny or confirm it. The servants shall draw their own conclusions that you, as my maid, must know the truth and have been told to say nothing. They shall be much more contented to have her in the house if they think she is the Prince's and I, in my either simpleness or kindness, depending on who you ask, have taken her in. Or I have just done as my husband bids. Either one will suit us."

    Alex chuckled softly. How life had changed. "Yes, I shall go and wash my face and hands. I shall not change, there is no grand dinner tonight anyway. Once you've seen to your task, could you sit with the child until I come back? If you need me, come and fetch me, guest be damned."

    She squeezed Alice's hand and said softly, "You are a dear friend, Alice. Do not think I have forgotten my promise. Once the wedding is over with, I am going to set myself to finding you the perfect match!"


    Thomas stood as the Prince did and said, with a rather wry smile, "It is not rebellion if you seek to overthrow something that is unjust and base, by any definition, Your Highness. As for Her Grace, as you say. I can well imagine it myself, and I should, at the time of our judgement before God, stand beside her and assure the Almighty that she had every right to avenge herself upon her second husband, God's anointed King or not. For the abuse he has heaped upon her, and the abuse that shall, I am sure, come in the future, she, out of any of us, shall have no stain upon her for doing it."

    He sighed then chuckled softly, "You know, Your Highness, I had thought, in these past years, to feel sick with sin and ill-feeling should I ever go against my King but...I do not. I feel..." he mulled it over before speaking, "Somehow free, lighter, as if a stone has been removed from me. I might die for all I have done, and all I am yet to do, but feeling as I do now, I could approach my death, however terrible, with a glad heart and a smile. Perhaps that is how martyrs feel," he laughed. "Not that I claim to be or seek such, but still."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  5. #355
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    "Do you really think they'd talk so?" Alice commented. Though she now served in a Royal household, she had never experienced something like this, a mysterious child suddenly claimed by the family. "Should we not simply be happy in embracing a beautiful new child?" Alice, for all of her strengths, was perhaps generously naïve. "Never the less, you shall have my silence on the matter. They may talk as they will." Alice clasped her hands together for a moment and simply looked down upon Beatrix. "Oh little one, if only could have known your father. He'd be so pleased. And now your mother will be the Queen."

    Alice smiled and let it fade as she thought more on the subject. At least Beatrix would be loved and cared for, if she couldn't have her mother, she'd get the next best thing, her Aunt. "Did you ever imagine that you and the Dowager could end up here?" As the two were now friends, regardless of their positions, Alice would often ask questions she had otherwise avoided at all costs. "Reconciled? Living in the King's shadow? You were once the reviled sister and now you're the Princess of Wales." The maid could hardly believe it herself, she had been lucky or perhaps in a light, unlucky enough to be a witness to history unfolding.

    "I wouldn't worry about me. You've so much on your plate." Alice, ever aware that many things in the world were above her, and would remain more important. This was no exception. "Right then. I'm off." Alice smirked and bid the child farewell as she disappeared as quickly as she came to arrange care for the child.


    "The King has taken from you, from so many, your feelings are only fitting." Arthur did not delight in the topic of discussion, the overthrow his father was significant, heavy. But what if that was the only option he had before him? The only chance of saving his wife and children? Would he be strong enough? Only time would tell, but at this moment this very thought sat with him like a pit beginning to sprout within his stomach.

    "We might all be martyrs for this cause... but I suppose we should simply live in this moment, live for today as tomorrow is not yet a guarantee. "I suppose if we do get tomorrow, we should be prepared to celebrate. We have a new Queen, I have a new mother, and my father has a new victim. What unbridled joy." Arthur, for perhaps the first time in a long time was openly sarcastic, yes, that is how he knew he was home. Here he did as he wanted, here he could simply be Arthur.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Alexandra stayed with Beatrix until Alice return, before going to her rooms to wash her hands and face and check her hair. It wasn't out of vanity, nor even the way she had been raised to always try and look her best; it was a simple desire to look her best for her husband...And, if she was honest, for herself as well. Now she had more confidence and the trauma of her years with Bella were fading. She had come to appreciate her face and figure in a way she had not before.

    Reading had helped as well as visit to museums. She had quickly learnt that, far from what she had always been told, it was not true that the almost skeletal form that her sister so embodied -naturally and from fasting- was the most desirable. Upon her first trip with Arthur to the national gallery, she was stunned to find that the vast majority of the statues and portraits showed ladies with far more 'natural' figures that was the style at court.

    Alexandra blushed at her reflection in the mirror. All that had helped, yes, but more than anything it was the love of a good man. Her husband could find no faults with her physically nor her character, it seemed, nor she in him. She smiled shyly and almost giggled. For all his good points as a Prince and person, she had to admit, she admired him as a man, in all the ways that meant too.

    She found herself, briefly, lost in thoughts of Arthur, of her and him together yes, but also him alone, riding, looking like he had come from a dream with his dark hair and...and...

    Alex pinched herself lightly and chuckled. "Do not fall to such silliness," she chided herself with another blush then, with a final glance in the mirror, she set off to join her beloved husband the the doctor in the small dining room, that overlooked the pond, where she and Arthur always dined when alone.


    Thomas smiled gently at the Prince. "You will be a fine King, Arthur, when the day comes, as it must. I am a firm believer in it, and you. Your father has his own plans, I know, but...I cannot say why, but I feel that, in time, God shall prevail in his Goodness and you shall sit upon the throne."

    He ran a hand through his hair. "But as you say, that day is likely far off and I for one may not be alive to see it. We have tonight, that is all. And that," he smiled properly as Alexandra entered the room, "Is enough I think, when one has such company as yourself and your good lady-wife."


    Despite all that was coming and all that had already happened, the three would-be-traitors had a very pleasant evening in the dining room, and then drawing room. They had a fine supper of well cooked food, with only minor flourishes, the type any wealthy, private couple might eat alone; rather than the over-the-top style favoured by court chefs. They talked openly between courses, about anything. Thomas learning quickly that the Royal Couple had no secrets from one another, and Arthur did not, unlike so many aristocratic husbands, censor his wife's thoughts and words. She was free, as any man was, to speak her mind.

    They then retired to the drawing room where they talked some more, and played cards; all three of them, another new idea to the doctor...ladies played cards, yes, but not normally with gentleman! And even less common for money! Arthur seemed to find it most amusing when his wife, smiling coyly, laid down her cards and rather swept the floor with the two of them, winning the sum of £2 and 6 shillings from the pair of them, a sum she most graciously returned to them with a smirk.

    Still...Such happy times could not last, and before any were ready, they parted ways and retired to their beds...

    Morning, for all three, came far too quickly.


    The thought occurred to both husband and wife, however briefly, that it would be easier if they pleaded illness and did not attend. It was appealing, that much was true, but duty came before happiness, and they had to be seen there. And Alexandra would not miss her sister's big day, even if she knew Bella would give up a crown, wealth, power and all -aside from perhaps her child- to be back in her home, with Richard, well and happy, once more.

    Still, it was something to think that, in a few hours, Bella would be Queen Consort.

    Alexandra thought about it all the while her maids, supervised by Alice, dressed her in her gown. Much time had been spent on said gown; she had agonised over the choice of fabric and cut for days, it seemed. As Princess of Wales, Alex had to appear a certain way, but she also had a toe a fine line, and as she was excluded from the royal train, certain colours were not allowed; white, silver, cream and so on. Red too, was out, as was black -the King would take it as a slight if she, or anyone else, appeared in mourning on his great day- and purple, which was technically allowed, as she was now Royalty, but aain, it would be too provocative.

    And so, after some time and advice -from Alice mainly- Alex had chosen layers of blue silk, with a final layer of gauzy material that gave the gown a lovely, ethereal quality to it. The gown was full-skirted, as was the fashion, and, in defiance of the court gowns, which were a good five years out of date with the rest of Europe, Alex had gone with the bare shouldered look, which displayed her own shoulders to good effect. The sleeves, puffed and folded in on themselves, ended before her elbows. The bodice was well-boned and gave her a lovely shape, showing off her hourglass figure.

    It was nothing improper, of course, and in the courts of Europe, say, France, it would have been thought very tame!

    She paired it with a diamond and sapphire necklace, matching earrings and, of course, her wedding and engagement rings, worn over white silk gloves drawn up just below her elbows. She wore her hair in her customary style, with two plaits curling about her ears in the style of Princess Victoria, with the rest pinned up in a mass of pretty ringlets.

    As this was a state occasion, she was allowed to wear one of the Royal Tiaras, specially kept for the Princess of Wales. The master of the jewels had arrived a few days before, and allowed her to pick from the selection. After some thought she chose the least showy one; it was beautiful, yes, with pearl and diamonds, but not over the top. She had no wish to look like a bejeweled bird of paradise, as some ladies would today.

    Once she was dressed, and before the carriage arrived, she sat down at her writing desk and penned a letter to Bella, one she hoped Alice could slip to Lucy at an opportune moment.

    Dearest Sister,

    Well, I imagine by the time you read this, you shall be once more a wife, and even more so, a Queen. I can scarcely believe it. But I shall say no more on the topic. I can well imagine how you feel about it all and wish no such from me. I shall talk instead of your own dear heart, little Beatrix. She is perfectly safe and healthy, I assure you. My care is no replacement for her mama, I know, but I promise she shall be looked after, and I shall, as often as I can, tell you news of her, so that you shall think yourself always with her.

    The more I look at her, I am more convinced that she favours our dear mama in looks, as you do; in which cause she cannot fail to be a beauty one day! I shall arrange, discreetly, for her to be painted as she is now, so you can have her with you in that way. Perhaps in a lock, as I have Arthur always with me.

    I must close now, and go and see her before we leave.

    Your Loving Sister,


    She sealed the letter and handed it to Alice; no words needed to past between them. Alice knew what to do.

    (Alex's Dress- )
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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    The Grey Lady
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    The Dowager Duchess of Suffolk lay in her bed, she had spent most of the last night staring at the ornate woven canopy of the bed. It was something of a comfort to lay still in the darkness as the world passed her by. Yet it was also a reminder of her own imprisonment. Her mind would be left to wander to and fro, thinking of every possible good thought, and every possible bad thought. What would the next day be like? Certainly, a number of people had come to offer their condolences on the loss of her child, but they also each presented different details of each aspect of the day. It didn't feel real, no matter how much she knew.

    In fact, she hadn't even seen the dress. Arabella was sure it wouldn't matter terribly much to her mind, it was designed with the King in mind, as such (including his approval) it would have satisfied him. Richard had left the decision of wedding dress entirely up to her. Richard... his memory was painful on this sleepless night. He was all she wanted, all she longed for. But this was not her fate, instead, she would marry the beast, and tonight she would be taken to his bed.

    It was not long after her marriage, that her parents had passed. Even they could not be here now to comfort her. Her parents who, given the circumstances would be absolutely thrilled, if not over the moon with pride, no matter how awful the King would prove to be. That was when he cruel streak had returned in earnest, when Alexandra came to live with her and the Duke. Something which now filled her with regret.

    The sound of her bedroom door slowly opened, the faintest ray of candlelight from the hall rushed in, before softly closing. "Arabella." The voice called softly, knowing that at least for the moment they were alone. The Duchess recognized the voice as that of Lucy, an audible sigh of relief passed the Duchess' lips. "Over here..." The Duchess called, Lucy had barely gotten used to the layout of the Duchess' old rooms in the dark, these new ones were rather complicated by comparison being more ornate, with lots of needless furniture. Arabella patted the bed space beside her and waited patiently for the sound of the maid, her one friend, to rest atop the mess of fabric.

    "Is it time?" Arabella asked, still keeping her gaze focused upward toward fabric she could no longer see.

    "Not yet. But I wanted to make sure you had a moment alone before the women of court descend upon these rooms to dress you." Lucy would lose elements of her position, the Queen would be dressed by whoever was most senior in the room.

    "Have you seen it?" Arabella pressed her palms into the bed, pushing herself up, curling her legs in closer toward herself, making herself ever smaller. "What? The dress?" The two women spoke in low, hushed tones, whispering almost, even though they were completely alone. "Mhmm." Arabella made the slightest noise to affirmatively respond, and waited. "Yes. Do you want to know about it?"

    "Yes. Something, anything... I don't know." Arabella tried to hold in her exasperation, her fear, even though right now was the only time she could express it. "Come closer." Arabella reached across the bed, to lightly, gently grab Lucy by the arm, or what she assumed was her arm, and pulled her closer, like two sisters. Perhaps in this moment, she was using Lucy as a stand in for the woman she really wanted beside her, Alexandra. How could she do this without her?

    "It's white. I'm not fancy enough to tell you the shade!" Lucy almost squealed, the horror of this fate aside, the dress was beautiful. "The bodice is in eight pieces, I believe. The neckline is fairly wide with off the shoulder sleeves... they are sort of short and puffed. The pointed waistline is deep v-shaped, resembling the basque shape. Both the neckline and sleeves are trimmed with lace. The floor-length skirt was very full, containing seven widths of fabric in forward-facing pleats.. and there is truly incredible lace flounce... while I haven't seen the train yet, it's said to be something like 18 feet of satin. Truly wild. The only mystery is the crown you'll be coronated with... it's completely new, no details, nothing released. Designed by the King himself."

    ((Victoria's Wedding Dress))

    "Something about struggling industry, it's made of Honiton lace Spitalfields silk... I remember them talking about that. A truly British dress for a truly British Queen... It's a statement alright." Arabella responded, not unhappily, as the thought of supporting those at home who struggle was as God would have wanted anyone with means to do. "Thank you... go, draw the curtains before the harpies arrive." Lucy did as she was told, the sun was finally beginning to rise, the day was upon them and it would be busy.

    Only moments later the doors burst open and the gaggle of her ladies, most of whom she knew in passing, some she knew well. Arabella stood, and let them set to work dressing her in the gown exactly as described by Lucy. She wore a necklace of diamonds with earrings to match. Her evening length gloves were slide upon her, matching statement pieces being placed on her wrists.

    As the Duchess was not yet proper royalty, she did not wear a jeweled tiara, instead a tiara crafted entirely from flowers was placed atop her head, her hair done up tightly, perfectly, nary any movement. Arabella was made to look like perfection, at least perfection as the King on behalf of God dictated to his ladies.

    "You look a vision your Grace."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    The Dowager Duchess, who had taken in Alexandra, not exactly a friend of or to the King, but who was too high in standing to be kept out -and too aware of her self to let anyone put her down- arrived also, smiling as she entered. Bella's ladies, like all society, were keenly aware of where everyone, themselves and others, stood on the ladder, and the Dowager outranked them, so they all curtised and greeted her.

    "Your Grace," she smiled and came over to Bella, curtsying herself. "My word, you look radiant. Every inch the Queen," she said, genuinely too. "I am so pleased that His Majesty has accepted the way of fashions now and allowed some new designs to reach the court!" She chuckled. "I had feared I should find you swathed in fabric from wrist to neck."

    Several of the ladies behind her, dressed in such gowns, looked rather put out to be called, however subtly, unfashionable! Still, the court had been without a Queen for too long and now it was to have one, said Queen could dictate fashion.

    The Dowager, either out of sheer mischief making, or to test the reactions of those present, looked about and said, smiling as if she meant nothing by it, "I am shocked that the Princess of Wales is not here to help you and offer support on such a day. I hope she is not indisposed?"

    One of the ladies behind her, cleared her throat and shot a look at the lady beside her. All were feeling rather smug about that; the Princess outranked them all, yes, but she hadn't been chosen for this great honour! It was very amusing for them all, so hooked on one-upmanship as they were.
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  9. #359
    The Grey Lady
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    Arabella would have been lying if she said she wasn't at least a little pleased to see the Dowager Duchess enter the room and take command. While it had been made clear, she was Alexandra's biggest supporter, Arabella hoped that some of her recent behavior might have helped curry her some favor.

    "Your Grace." Arabella responded with and did her best to curtsy given the restrictions of her own outfit. "Your compliments flatter me so. Yes, the King and the royal seamstresses have outdone themselves." Arabella thought back to her first wedding where indeed, she had been covered in fabric as the Dowager suggested.

    Then the question came. It was like a bomb or stepping on a land mine. An explosion that challenged the dignity of every person in this room. The Duchess made sure her face gave nothing away as she looked around the room. The woman at court and their silly little games. All so honoured to be here while the Princess was absent. "His Majesty and I agree that given her views and unfavourable influence on the Prince, it best she not be in attendance for this. I should request you refrain from asking further."

    After some moments had passed. "Ladies, will you excuse the Dowager and I for a moment? There are some things that can only be discussed between Dowager Duchesses." The ladies shot looks to one another, quiet murmurings before all silently acceded and left the room. This could get her in trouble, as the Dowager's views were well known. If she were to be confronted, she would simply say she wished not embarrass the Dowager further by reprimanding her amongst the ladies, but rather to do so in private and encourage her not to cause some scene.

    When the last lady left, leaving only the two Dowagers and Lucy present, Arabella exhaled deeply. "We don't have much time." Arabella spoke quietly, calmly. "Please understand, I could not speak differently. Of course I wish she were here, more than anyone. In fact, I'm relieved to see you. My husband and my child are dead, my sister must be kept from me. I don't have many friends left. So I will hope you shall do me one kindness."

    Standing there looking like the bride she had never been (or wanted to be), she could look at herself in the mirror and acknowledge her own beauty, and her own flaws. "I can give you no note, as most assuredly you will be suspected of carrying such after I shut them out. Please tell Alexandra... tell her that I love her. Tell her that if she and Arthur wanted to run off tonight, I would blame them not. I am more grateful to them than they shall ever know..." Casting her gaze upon the clock atop the mantle, another sigh. "When they come back in, please do go along with the little plot."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  10. #360
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    The Dowager smiled gently as she spoke and took her hand, "Do not worry yourself about me, Your Grace. Actually, as we are, for now, the same rank, I shall call you Arabella and you can call me Georgiana. You shall soon find it sad that so few can use your name. You will be lost under titles, those numerous etiquettes attached to greatness. Treasure those who can call you Arabella...It may be all you are allowed to keep of your previous life, child. The King is like to take the rest, to the very bone."

    She looked over the young woman, genuine sadness and affection in her eyes. "You have grown much in a short time. I always thought you very cold and austere, as ladies are meant to be it seems, and my character being what it is, I distrusted you. But now I am pleased to say, you have improved," she chuckled. "Ah, forgive me, child. I am an old lady and have no fear of death anymore, nor any fool of a man, King or not. I have outlived many great men...I shall tell you my secret, I let them think I am a mad old lady with no idea of what she says, or else pander to them. Men are simple creatures, as I am sure you have realised. You are no fool. The King will be a test for you, Arabella. A great one. But I, and others, have every faith you can succeed where his previous wife failed."

    She squeezed her hand. "He loves you, or thinks he does anyway, which is rather the same thing. That is an advantage no one else has, not even his son. It may be, until you have a son, the best card you have to play. But do not presume on it too much; love can quickly turn, especially with a fanatic."

    Georgiana waved her hand; a large black jet ring glowed on her finger. "As for the child...I grieve for you, but it is for the best," as she spoke, she winked, which caught Bella off-guard. Given what she had said before, she was clearly not bother about being overheard or spied about but...

    Then it hit Bella. The Dowager had said nothing before that could harm the future-Queen if she was overheard, only herself. But the child, that was a topic to be skirted about, even if they were entirely safe from spying eyes and ears. Did she know? If she did, how?

    "You shall have other children, I am sure of it. It is God's will, after all, that this one has ceased to be with you, but she shall live on, in your heart," Georgiana smiled again. "And for the rest, I shall do all you wish, you have my word."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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