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Thread: Risen Ashes: Episode One | The Sins of War [IC | M]

  1. #371
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    Alex inhaled then exhaled, he looked at Lisa while smiling a bit, "Glad your safe, the civilians inside the buildinh are all safe with minor injuries," then, he looked outside 30 plasma cannons on the ground are firing towards them. "Damn, plasma cannons," he looked around and saw a few artillery of their own, but stronger than plasma, "Lisa, look over there. There's an Ion Turret right there and I need you to take it and aim at that Plasma Cannons down there, I'll take the other Turret over there," he lifted his mask to his forehead and qujckly gave Lisa a kiss before running towards the Turret, "Stay safe!"
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  2. #372
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    The bitch was lying on Noah’s bed.

    Her clothes had been stripped off, along with any sensibility she may have possessed before her rape. Now she kept muttering, like a wounded hound, something about courtship, engagement and then, marriage. Noah believed that she was speaking of the future she had had before he had taken her. Not that she had refused his advancements in the end. At the beginning she had reproached Noah, slapped him, and kicked him— all the attacks weak women used when they began to realize that they were faced with a man only civil in his appearance. And what had Abram once said about appearances? That they were deceiving? Sure.

    In the end, the bitch had been tamed, as all animals must be when faced with a stronger force. Her breasts rose and levelled with the sinuous nature of her body and Noah thought of raping her a second time, but she was much too tired and didn’t seem to even have the strength to moan. Besides, Noah’s interests lay elsewhere this night.

    From his closet, he took out a red, silk dress shirt with golden embroidery at the hem. Putting the shirt on, he then slipped into blue trousers that were tailored for his legs. His sword stood against the door, as if it had been making sure no one entered. Noah took NEEDLE around his waist and opened the door, but not before taking one last look at the girl.

    She had been beautiful—still was, but no longer possessing that unique beauty inherent in all virgins—and Noah felt an odd sensation. The sensation, however, wasn’t lust and certainly wasn’t guilt. He had been tender with her after she had acquiesced to his demands and, after all, the experience had been good for them both so what was there to be guilty about? So, no. It wasn’t guilt that he felt.

    To be sure, he couldn’t find the word for it and could only relate the feeling to a passage written in Shakespeare’s Macbeth: “Life ... is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Yes. This line was true in its entire context and Noah was surprised that this…this…frail woman could make him remember it. He left the house, making sure the door was locked so she would be there when he returned. Of course the window was far from impregnable and if she really wanted, she could crawl through it, but somehow Noah believed that she would not do this.

    America was cool this time of year. Balmy even, if a country with so much trouble could be balmy.

    He reached a tavern that screamed notoriety. Its walls seemed moulded from the surrounding darkness and its floorboards uttered a perpetual complaint as the northeastern wind blew against it. It was the type of tavern that would make one believes that a crime had been committed inside, but was easily covered up by some high-ranking official as to not ruin business.

    Noah heard revelry coming from inside and with revelry, there was always mischief and debauchery. You couldn’t blame him for being scared. Even if he was only a little scared. Noah tied Nyx in the nearby stable and went inside where he was attacked by a tidal wave of loud voices and a band that was undoubtedly playing “The Tinker’s Wife”. A raucous, sexy song that had in it, the tavern’s entire atmosphere.

    Noah liked it very much. He sauntered towards the bar table where a thick man, balding around the ears, was serving large mugs.

    “A beer. Make it a double. I’m waiting for someone and I might be here all night.”
    The bartender said, “will do” and in under a minute, he handed Noah a large mug foaming with alcohol. Noah smiled, sipped the beer and then downed it in a courageous gulp.

    Yes. He would be waiting here for a while.

  3. #373
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    Lisa blushes just slightly as she returned the quick kiss. "I see the turret. You stay safe too, hon." Lisa took off running at her high speed. She dispatched any enemies as they crossed her path. She reaches the turret relatively quickly and starts making her way to the top. She pushes a few of the remaining soldiers. "Don't mind me." she says as she pushes past. She reaches the top and studies the ion cannon, quickly discovering how it worked. She aims it at the plasma cannons. She presses her fingers to her com. "Here. Going to fire at the cannons now. This should take out most of their fire power, Alex." Lisa opens fire on the plasma cannons, destroying all that were in her range. "Take that you bastards..." she mutters. She looks around for more targets to shoot at. She sees the invaders' army starting to form ranks to start another assault. "Found ya..." she fires in the middle of their ranks, causing them to scatter in ciaos.

  4. #374
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    Lindsey gave a sort of half chuckle at Tyler's demand. She didn't trust the man for his reckless behavior to take the spirit she had been given. It could die after all. She looked at him and shook her head. He was probably the first person outside of her tribe to actually see one of these spirit creatures and still be alive. Lindsey wasn't keen on entrusting outsiders with her tribes secrets, even if she was an exile.

    "We can end this fight a lot faster if we advance through their line," She says rather casually as she points to the artillery pieces that were in view, "That fool Bogart is going to lose some men, but that's not our problem. We gotta destroy those guns, or they'll just keep pounding the city until its nothing but dust. C'mon."

    Lindsey climbed out of the shallow fighting position that they were in and started off in the direction of the guns. She didn't wait to see if Tyler was following. Though she would never admit it, she was being just as reckless as the man she didn't trust, and she simply expected him to follow. She didn't bother herself with thoughts like that though. Hunting and destroying the enemy was a much more important matter at the moment.

    As Lindsey moved swiftly from cover to cover, a shot rang out. The bullet impacted just behind Lindsey. Had the shooter made his mark, he would have killed her. Her heightened hearing helped her hone in on the direction of the shot. It didn't take a genius to know that is was coming from her flank, but she was able to be a little more precise in guessing where the shot had come from. She couldn't see the shooter still, and that was risky, but she had an idea of where he was. In an all out dash, Lindsey started closing the distance between her and the hidden shooter. She hooked left quickly, running in that direction for a few meters, then quickly went right again. That was when she saw it. Her maneuver had been a success, the shooter had to readjust quickly for the closing target. The slight movement was all Lindsey needed to find her attacker. He was only about two hundred meters away. Lindsey abruptly dropped to a knee and fired off a string of rounds to throw off the sniper's aim, then she began sprinting again, moving diagonally towards the shooter and utilizing cover wherever possible.

    Her breathing grew heavy as she got closer. She could feel her heart racing as it pumped the blood that her body demanded. She was very close to the shooter now. Lindsey just had to cover a small barren gap to reach his position. She took a deep breath as she exited her cover and leveled her machine gun downrange. She began letting off semi-controlled bursts of fire until she heard a gut wrenching click. She had run out of ammo. Without a second thought she tossed the now dead weight and pulled her knife from its sheath. The instinct to survive at any cost that anybody in a life or death situation faced took over. Lindsey ran faster than she ever had. Instead of rounding the corner of her attacker, she quickly clambered over the cover the man was using and jumped to the other side.

    As Lindsey was coming down, she viciously stabbed out with her knife. The blade slipped its way through flesh once again. That same instinct to live was very much alive in her opponent though. He had quickly turned and his muzzle made contact against Lindsey's side. His dying act was a trigger pull. Lindsey hit the ground hard. Pulling herself against the wall in a sitting position, she assessed the damage. Her flak jacket hadn't held up to the high powered round, but it had robbed it of a lot of kinetic energy. The shot had entered and exited on the right side of her ribcage. It hadn't hit any vitals, but it had broken some ribs and left a hole.

    The pain set in soon after. Her breathing got shorter due to the pain of her chest expanding and contracting. Lindsey let out a whimpering gasp of pain. With a struggled effort she rolled her pack off her shoulders and grabbed gauze and began stuffing both sides of the wound with it. The pain was enough to cause her to quiver, especially in her legs for some reason. She removed her flak jacket once she had sufficiently packed the wound with gauze in order to wrap it with more bandage and gauze. It was an excruciating process, and she cursed herself in her head for not waiting for Tyler. Maybe she had made a mistake in not trusting her teammate.

  5. #375
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    Tyler didnt follow Lindsay. He sighed, looking at her. "Your own choice." He said, before he vaulted over cover, flames rising as he shot them at the enemy, beforemtwo of the Tanks mashed to him. It would be long before he coild follow her. His armor began changingm scales hardening as he was thrown against a wall.

    He twisted his muscles, the scrape of hard metal as his fist connected with one of the Tank's arms, outright crushing the armor as his grasp tight3ned, and the flame grew.

    He tore off the arm of the man, who went baclwards, screaming in the mdtal plate as his friend tried to react, raising the other fist to Tyler. Too slow. Tyler turned his shoulder, the blade out into his hand as he stuck it through the faceplate, then twisted, kicking kks body out.

    He mamaged to see Lindsay, heading tp a positoon when he finished off the secomd. He decided to go with her.

    He barely got there when he saw the events. Sliding out and jumping in, quick and silent, he rusjed to her side, an enemy gun in his hands as his suit changed to blue. "Shit, you fucking idiot.... Why do you always have to go alone, to be so outright rash?!" He said, as Ghost sent a beacon. They had to take out the guns, but if she died, that would be a million times worse.

    He assessed the wound, before he tore off part of the shirt, to see the wound. The bullet had gone straight through. If it didnt hit any organ, she still might bleed out. He looked at her, and sighed. "This WILL hurt..." He said, as he placed his palm on it, the heat beginning to rise.....

    The flame rose as he began to cauterize the wound, but it would burn straight to hell.

  6. #376
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    Alex gets into the turret and aimed at the cannons below, "Yipeeyay assholes!" He pulled the trigger, and projectiles of plasma was shot towards the cannons, blowing up anything it gets into contact. "Whoaa! This is hella fun!"
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  7. #377
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    Lisa grins and spoke over coms to Alex. "I doubt anything could survive that." She looks out and spots a battalion of troops marching through the streets. It would be too risky to fire at them due to the civilian lives that could be lost. "Alex. At you're two o'clock. There's a battalion. "We better go down there and stop them. It's too risky to use the cannons." She says as she starts racing down to street level, heading that way

  8. #378
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    The burning sensation was instantaneous. Lindsey began slamming her fist on the ground in a hysterical reaction to the pain. She let out hushed whimpers that were really screams that she was biting back. She didn't want to alert anymore enemies to their presence, but she really didn't want Tyler to think she was weak.

    Packing the gauze and bandage once Tyler had finished burning the wound, Lindsey muttered through gritted teeth, "I'm gonna kill you for that."

    She said it in joke. It was her way of saying thanks without actually saying thanks.

    The pain was still immense though, and it hurt Lindsey to breath. She hurriedly reached into her backpack. She shuffled through her things violently, only pausing when the pain grew too great for her to carry on with. Her hand wrapped around the small vial she was looking for and the syringe next to it. The Juice would be a strong enough painkiller to allow Lindsey to press on. Now that the bleeding had been taken care of, it was the only thing holding her back from finishing the mission she set out on. With shaky hands, she worked the syringe into the vial's stopper. As she pulled back on the plunger, the emptiness of the syringe began to fill with orange liquid. She extracted a larger than average dosage; her body had developed a tolerance to the drug after so much abuse of it, she required more to get the same painkilling effect.

    Lindsey glanced at Tyler, only to see if he would say something. She didn't care if he figured out that she was a junkie though. She wasn't about to abandon her mission and retreat back to get medical attention, nor did she want it. Lindsey's upbringing wouldn't allow for it until the task had been completed. Without another moment's hesitation, she sunk the needle into her thigh and injected the Juice. The prick of the needle was barely noticeable compared to the pain from the gunshot. As the syringe emptied, the pain slowly began to subside. Lindsey felt warm and her heart rate was slowing down.

    Tossing the needle aside and the almost empty vial back into her backpack, she looked to Tyler, "The artillery pieces are close. We still gotta destroy them."

    Standing up, Lindsey winced only slightly. The drug still hadn't taken full effect. She walked over to the shooter she had stabbed to retrieve her knife. As she sheathed the bloody blade, she looked at the rifle the man had. Without much thought, she grabbed the weapon, as well as the ammunition the man had on him, thirty rounds in six-round magazines. Lindsey figured she could shoot the weapon accurately up to about eight hundred meters, though a more experienced shoot would be able to accurately shoot double that distance. The rifle was also chambered in a larger round than her machine gun been, .408 to be exact. If Lindsey had been hit at a distance when the round had reached maximum velocity, it probably would have killed her on the spot. It would be more than fine for what the duo needed to do.

    Putting her damaged flak jacket and back pack on, she let out a sigh and looked at her companion, "Okay, I'm good. We don't have explosives, but we can destroy the guns with the shells they use. You and Akita will have to be the main assault. I'll come in at the flank, behind the guns, and take some heat of you two. That leaves the enemy with no good cover, we shouldn't have a problem," Lindsey paused, then awkwardly added, "Agreed?"

  9. #379
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    "Ok, got it!" Alex replied to Lisa. He turned on his infrared vision and counted the number of the oncoming enemies, "7, 14, 21, 35! Whoa! That's a lot," he jumped off the turret and unsheathes his sword and looked towards where are the enemies coming from. "I'll make sure they'll die quick,"
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  10. #380
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    Kit nibbled the apple Lisa had given her in silence, flinching every now and then at the sounds from outside.
    She'd been left with this Snow person... He seemed nice enough, but right now, everything was a mess in her head.
    What was she supposed to do now...?

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