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  1. #31
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    Oddysen nodded calmly as he responded to Crazywolfs suggestion. "I agree, though, personally, I'd have prefered to just find or fashion a weapon and defend ourselves. Though, frankly, I'm not much of a fighter anymore. Out. Of. Shape. Also haven't been in a serious fight for about a decade." Internally, however, Oddysen was freaking the fuck out. Partly because of the death game going on around them, but mostly, for now at least, due to the fact he was calmly suggesting fighting, and mentioning his past as a violent kid, while at a party. In a mansion. Talking to random strangers. While the only people he knew at the part had yet to speak to him. At this point, social anxiety was massively outweighing the terror of the impending doom. After hearing AyJay's death however; it was about equal.

  2. #32
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    G wiped her face with shaking hands, trying to take deep, slow breaths to calm herself. She couldn't lose the plot, now! All of these members were her responsibility! With Kris gone, and Karma and Scottie nowhere in sight, it was up to her to make sure they made it through the night.

    She breathed out heavily, and a determined look flickered into life in the girls' green eyes.

    "Hi," she replied to Oddysen, attempting a smile. She looked from him to the other survivors gathered there, nodding at each one in turn. "Alright - this night hasn't begun as we thought, but we can make it through this. If we stick together, we can..."

    She stopped short as Ay-Jay's eyes fell on something... or someone behind her. Spinning on her heel, she caught sight of the well-dressed, calm young man who had entered the room. Too calm.

    "Ay-Jay, don't! We need to stay together!" she protested as the young girl walked over to take the boys' hand, but it was no use - before any of them could stop her, she had allowed him to lead her from the room. It was mere moments before the screaming started.

    "Oh, god!" G said, running to slam the door the two had left through. "Guys, we can't trust anyone we don't know! If they aren't a member, they're working for Gaunt! We.. ahh!" she glanced down, a sharp pain lancing through her leg as she placed pressure on it.

    "That guy who took Ay-Jay, he knows we're here now - we need to find a better place to hide, find some weapons!"

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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  3. #33
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Swear words danced through her skull. She hated the dark. She hated it more than anything...well maybe as much as spiders. Her eyes were scrunched shut and her arms were wrapped around her knees. She had no clue where she was. She had no clue what was happening outside. All she could hear were faint screams and cries. Fuck. Scottie's fingers tightened around her knees and she tried in vain to inch the last few curls from their trap in the door. She could hear the soft noises of things falling in the cupboard across from her. She knew Karma was hiding there and hoped like hell she wouldn't be found.

    Other than the faint cries...she could hear nothing else. Not a single footstep coming there way. Maybe they could get out. Surely there was another exit. Each breath clawed its way up her throat. Fingertips moved to the door and she attempted to push it open a crack. More and more light drifted into the small space and that claustrophobic feeling slowly settled. Fingertips gripped the edge of the door, it was open just enough that she could tug her hair free. She wanted to peak out. To see if the coast was clear. Yes, she knew it was stupid. Yes, there was a very broad Scottish voice in her skull tell her that she was a numpty. But she wanted to see.

    Fear hit her stomach and dragged it's mangy nails across her arms when something moved beneath her. A rat. It had to be a rat. But it continued to slither it's way under the floor boards. With a white knuckle grip on the door, she slowly closed it. Keeping out the light. Why? Why on earth would she close the door and hide herself here when she felt it slithering under the floorboards... Well because it was going away from her. It was heading out towards the corridor they would walk along.

    For right now, the safest place was in that tiny dark cupboard with her head buried in her arms and a stray curl somehow still stuck in the door.

  4. #34
    RPA's Hedonist
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    ROUND 3

    The horrors crafted by Mr. Gaunt had flooded the mansion with dread and death. The remaining survivors were lucky in managing to evade the monsters. With that in Mr. Gaunt's depraved mind, he decided to change it up. All sources of light within the mansion slowly dimmed until everyone was plunged into darkness. A strange feeling of weightlessness came over them and their senses become numb. Within seconds after, the sounds of crickets chirping grew louder and various other sounds filled the void that were something akin to swamplands. Distant lights, like the moon's glow, were all dimmed by thick fog and the mansion now sat in ruins and was inaccessible by any means. While there were some cabins in the area, they offered little protection.

    Beyond the noise of bugs, you could hear unfamiliar sounds that made the sense of exploration more daunting than before. The old horrors from before were once again replaced with something new.
    A band of brain-eating undead could be partially seen and heard in the distance as they chased after a random survivor. "Brains!" Desperation in their voices as they were closing the gap. The poor individual was shortly tackled and her screams and struggles came to a halt as the undead figures found their nourishment as they cracked her head open.

    In other directions came the familiar sound of a chainsaw and the horn and flood lights of a pickup truck as it passes nearby to run down a survivor.

    One thing that Mr. Gaunt's audience didn't realize is that the swamp was endless. He ensured there would be no escape as it was impossible. To some, it was obvious they weren't in Louisiana anymore...

  5. #35
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    Before Crazywolf knew it Ay-Jay seemed to have wandered off. A moment later he heard the screams.

    "No I can't leave her behind" he said to G. He noticed also that G was bleeding from the leg but whatever was happening to Ay-Jay was clearly worse.

    He grabbed a candlestick from the nearest corner to use as a weapon and then marched up to the door. His heart was racing and his hands sweating but he knew he had to do something.

    He marched onward until he reached the open door of the torture room. Oh God.

    As he stared in horror at the remains of what had been Ay-Jay the lights began to dim and a few seconds later when his senses returned he found himself outside in the swamplands. He looked about one way and another through the fog as he heard the distant sounds and screams.

    For a moment he stood rooted to the spot listening to the sounds and wondering which way he ought to go then from out of the gloom he saw a group of zombies marching towards him. In fear he dropped his candlestick and turned to run. The ground was wet and boggy underfoot and the mist meant he couldn't see very far ahead. Looking back he could see that the zombies were chasing him. This was not good.

    After running for nearly a minute he stumbled through some bushes and came to the edge of a large pool of water. At this point he was nearly out of breath. With the zombies still pursuing he splashed into the water and started wading across. After a couple of metres the water was above his knees but he kept going. When he was about halfway over he looked back and saw the zombies had reached the edge. He turned forward again and as he did he saw that to his horror that there was a second group of zombies waiting for him on the other side. With no-where left to go he stopped and waited helplesly in the middle of the water. As he waited the zombies closed in from both sides. By the dull moonlight he could make out their blank merciless eyes and their sharpened claws and teeth. With his last thought he vaguely hoped that the diversion of his own death might give another person the chance of escaping. Seconds later his grim yells of agony echoed out across the marsh as the group fell upon him and ripped him to pieces.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

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  6. #36
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    As the repeated wails of terror echoed throughout the mansion halls, there was still one room that had remained a place of relative safety:

    The Holy Sanctuary of the Porcelain God.

    Still within the confines of that loo, Leanna clung to the toilet pot as if her very life depended on it. With every passing minute, however, she was becoming more and more of a wreck. The sickening sound of distant screams eventually brought on a case of fear-induced nausea, prompting her to violently spew until all she could do was dry heave.

    That is, until all became quiet.

    Too quiet.

    Peering down at the Porcelain God, an inner voice began to shout at Leanna, almost deafeningly.


    Needless to say, Leanna obeyed this instinctual nudge, each word filling her with a sense of renewed courage, as Diana-Ross-esque as it all was.

    I know I'll stay alive
    I've got all my life to live
    And I've got all my love to give
    I'll survive


    Rising like a phoenix from the ashes, Leanna let go of the toilet pot and resolutely switched mental gears to enter a state of survival mode. This caused her adrenalin to spike and, before long, she was seeking something that would suffice as a weapon. She resorted to the toilet lid, as retrieving the plumbing would take too much time in such dire circumstances, she concluded. Besides, if anyone decided to come at her, a good whack to the head with a heavy chunk of porcelain would at least stun them, right?

    The bathroom lock then clicked open, and the young woman finally was stepping out to rejoin the tumultuous party. A quick survey of the perimeter showed that there was no one around, at least immediately, and she wasted no time in wondering why. Instead, she darted for the front door, only to find it securely locked.

    God dammit, she cursed inwardly, before catching sight of D'nafein standing at a bar in the distance. Running up to him, Leanna wasted no time in cutting to the chase. "How the fuck do I get out of here?" she shouted at him, ready to strike with the toilet lid, if he posed any sort of threat. While she waited for his answer, she grabbed a bottle of whiskey with her free hand, and downed a giant gulp of it.

    Then, a heartbeat later, the whole world went haywire. Soon, Leanna no longer found herself standing in the mansion; but instead was waist deep in a swamp of muck, wide-eyed, whiskey bottle still in-hand.

    Too stunned to so much as move or speak, she simply took another long gulp of the golden liquid, before passing the bottle to D'nafein.
    Last edited by Leanna; 10-30-2017 at 11:07 PM.

    art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable

    - banksy

  7. #37
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    De aiding to experiment with the bar at his disposal, D'nafein stood up and reached for the expensive stuff at the top. Around which time he was verbally assaulted by a girl with a toilet seat. With a smirk Dna answered, "Find one of the freaks and go e them a hug. Otherwise be smart and be quiet."

    As the lights started to fade Dna swore and with one hand started stuffing molotovs in his pockets with one hand while the other held one above the dimming candle flame lighting the end just before the world flipped and became a swamp. "Damn it. I never got to try the really good stuff." He muttered to himself.

    A reminder that he wasn't alone came in the form of a whiskey bottle being shoved into his hand. With a shrug he took in his new moist surroundings. He listened to the distant sounds of terror and chuckled. Why Mr. Gaunt, how very Dead by Daylight of you.

    "So toilet girl, how well can you hold your breath?" D'nafein asked before starting to a dryish looking space.
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    ROUND 4

    The marshy scene continued on with screams coming from all over. Several deaths in already and only few survivor remain in the fetid landscape. This would likely be the last moment for nearly all but one. Mr. Gaunt watched from beyond the world he created for his toys, a world able to be created after the souls he had absorbed from those that recently passed. "Only a few souls more..." He smirked.

  9. #39
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    A better place to hide...

    No sooner had she said it than the room around them disappeared, to be replaced by a vast and dingy swamp. Biting her lip, she glanced down at the gash in her leg. That was definitely going to get infected in this muck, she thought, though really blood poisoning was probably the least of her concerns at that particular moment.

    Crazywolf was gone, now, too - why did people insist on splitting up? "We need to stay together!" she insisted again, her head swivelling to try and get a bearing on her surroundings, and who was left around her. Nowhere to hide... their only hope was to stay low, stay quiet, and pray for survival. A little way off, she caught sight of two more figures - Snagging, and a girl she didn't know.

    More survivors... there's still hope.

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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  10. #40
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    Normally, Oddysen would be thrilled to be dropped into a swamp filled with Zombies. But for once it wasn't a video game. So instead, he was understandably freaked out. Given the pressing lack of pickaxes, sledgehammers, fire-axes, and even guns, Oddysen opted to get the fuck out of dodge. As silently as he could, he sneaked his way away from the now ruined mansion.

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