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  1. #31

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    Persephone shrugged a bit at that. She could not really say what was normal for Tristan but she just caught the feeling that something might be wrong. They had been told that outsiders were not really welcome and there were a lot of them. She made sure to rub Twinkle and Zenith as she waited.

    Suddenly a small child broke into the house slamming the door. Startled she jumped causing the little Cleffa to look confused. Umbreon shot up on all fours and looked at the door with concern. Apparently some men were outside and were attacking the village. She felt a sense of dread and concern. Should we stay inside and hide? Suddenly the boy said that it was their fault and that they were going to help. She gave a panicked look over at Hiru as if wondering if they really were going to do that. After all they were just kids right? Shouldn’t adults take care of this?

    She watched as some lady screamed no and ran out the door. She was shocked but it made sense. Her home was under attack. She was still really hesitant to go out and help though. Watching as Hiru and Tristan both booked it out and felt Umbreon pull on her sleeve. With the pull and the fact that she was now alone in the house she got up and moved, following Umbreon after the two boys.

    She did not feel like she would really be of any use to them but if Umbreon wanted to help how could she really say no?
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  2. #32
    Archmage of RPA
    Kiro Akira's Avatar
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    Hiru blinked when the boy rushed in shouting about someone attacking, then blamed them for the attack. Frowning he shook his head. “Couldn't have been us we've been here the whole time…..” He said this only to be cut off by the boy dashing out the door and shouting about having them help.

    Giving a soft sigh he stood up and looked towards where Tristan had gone, his eyes meeting a girl who darted past him followed by Tristan himself. He quickly followed them in a rush, Pi had hopped on his shoulder in the process. “Wait for me!” He shouted before heading out the door.

    Once outside, he caught up with the group seeing others getting into the action, unsure of what to do he stared watching the men in white coats aiming to harm other Pokemon. His eyes focused on the graveller that nearly plowed through them earlier laying on the ground curled up into a ball.

    This is one thing Hiru wasn't used to seeing, but he quickly rushed over and touches the rock mass feeling it's rough texture and closed his eyes pushing his energy into the creature, allowing it to recover some of it's health. Giving the creature a nod and a soft but sad smile he stood up. “Get safe….” Hiru then turned and rushed toward the group once more.

    As he approached them, one of the men in white blocked his path giving him a rather snarky and confident smirk. “Aren't you a bit to young to be out here with the big boys. Shall I show you what it's like to be a grown up?” As his words ceased a flash of light appeared with a hitmonchan aiming at Hiru with a focus punch.

    Hiru flinching in fear closed his eyes tightly and shielded himself yet Scyther sprung quickly from it's ball protecting it's master. Using it's blades to protect himself and Hiru, the Pokemon squared off glaring at the boxing type.
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  3. #33
    Archmage of RPA
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    Just as Orena approached the man he turned giving her a wicked grin. The man was rather tall standing at 6' 2'' and had a silver touch to his hair showing he had grown with age. His figure slim and he wore glasses with the white coat around his body. "Ah! A burster. Those things that morph into pokemon! Got news for you my lady, my pokemon have been trained long before you ever came along." He said laughing maniacally before throwing out a Poliwrath who stood a mere 5 foot from Orena clenching his fists and punching them together to 'show how tough he was' "Wrath!" It spoke aloud while the trainer stepped back a few inches. "Poli, do your thing now." He said and grinned leaving the pokemon to square off with Orena.

    As the group was heading out, another man in a white coat was aiming his attention towards Tristan's Charizard using Blizzard to shroud the pokemon with Ice. While he had only just begun the attack the man laughed maniacally as if he had won the battle already. He showed no signed of fear and you could almost say he was rather enjoying the idea of destroying the pokemon.

    Persephone on the other hand had rushed out behind everyone just to be met with yet another man. One who appeared out of no where and simply towered over her in height crossing his arms as he looked to her. "Ooo an Umbreon. I could use one of those for my collection you know?" He said only to open up his coat showing what looked to be the tails of Jolteon, Eevee, Glaceon, and Vaporeon. "Wouldn't you like to donate a tail to the cause?" He asked her and laughed as an Espeon slid around his figure, the pokemon holding a strong hatred look to it's eyes as it peered towards Umbreon. "Flashy get em."


    Hiru's eyes soon opened up to see Sky defending him with a strong block and within moments the pokemon was shoved away, before Hiru could shout out commands the man across from him had lined up a list of attacks as if he had known what to do. Yet the two were in a quick heated battle, Sky was striking back with the bladed arms almost as fast as Hitmonchan was throwing the punches. The two seemed to box it out swing after swing. To the young boys eyes, it had looked as if it was flashes of light. But to a trained trainer they could see clearly that Sky was losing the battle. "Get him Sky! Don't let that bully win!"

    Tristan's view of his pokemon showed most of them were in the clear and awaiting orders yet another man in a white coat was beaming down at Charizard as a Dewgong was shrouding the fire type with hail around the general area. While
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

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