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Thread: RED SNOW [IC]

  1. #31
    My Son; My Sun.
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    Her santa tracker beeped, alerting her to her updated target - Redkayne was distracted by his phone, and didn't seem to notice her eyes narrow on him as she recieved her orders. Only for a second, though... then she grinned, shrugging off the 'accidental' attack; was it, though?

    "Unfortunately, it seems our alliance is going to be quite a brief one," the corner of her lip curled as she raised the heavy musket she had snatched from Q's corpse, swinging it back over her shoulder to bring it down on Kayne's skull...

    She didn't hear the shot - the sniper must be some way off. But whoever they were, their aim was true - as their shared target was knocked off balance by the bullet, he avoided the pain of G's makeshift club, and she staggered.

    Gritting her teeth, she took a few steos to regain her balance, her eyes darting momentarily toward the source of the gunfire, then back to her target. He wasn't finished yet - she still had work to do.

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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  2. #32
    Crimson Casanova
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    "Hm?" Red glanced at G, apparently she appeared a bit more bloodthirsty with that sinister smile. Or maybe she was just feeling mischievous. Who knows? "What's that look- FUCK!" he yelped aloud as a bullet tore into his left shoulder. The pain caused him to drop his phone to the ground harshly.

    "Shit, shit, shit," Red's right hand clutched the bullet wound. He felt the bullet lodged somewhere in the flesh, and can feel the biting sting of it which each muscle movement. "Shit, shit, shit," his eyes were cast on the ground, however, before bending over and grabbing his phone.

    The screen was shattered.

    Red's eyes narrowed... he couldn't use his phone anymore... he couldn't use Tinder anymore. He had over 1800 matches (only 7 of them actually responded back to his openers... but still!)... this was not acceptable.

    Red's angry gaze raised up and focused upon the sniper from afar. He straightened his posture, taken upon an actual serious demeanor for the first time in this battle royale. "You shouldn't have done that," he whispered, a bit of quiet anger in his tone.

    He rush forth, knowing very well he had seconds until the sniper could reload and aim again. Luckily, he can run very very very fast. He rushed forth to the assailant, cutting the distance between them in practically a blink of an eye. He performed an impressive jump/back-flip behind the sniper before quickly turning around. His hands snaked around Kris's head and roughly grabbed both sides before...


    He let the woman's body drop lifelessly to the ground. He straightened his posture again before turning and facing G - the final two combatants in this epic battleground - both expert hand-to-hand fighters.

    "You're next, bitch."

  3. #33
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    Now only two remain. The audience is stunned as they sit at home in their warm houses and continue watching.

    ROUND 5

  4. #34
    Crimson Casanova
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    "I need to go all out on this battle," Red muttered before widening his fighting stance. Feet planted firmly on the ground, slightly bending his knees, slightly raising up his forearms and tightening his fists, "Time to go Super Saiyan."

    "Hwuaaaaaaaa!!!" Red started shouting at the top of his lungs, fists getting tighter with tension, neck veins bulging. Red's face got redder as he continued to raise his voice (and theoretically his power level). A breeze cascaded amongst the tree branches, as if signifying the arrival of something epic.

    Or maybe it was just mother nature being random... who knows?

    "Ah fuck this," Red suddenly stopped shouting in a rather anti-climatic manner, before bending down and grabbing a tomahawk from Kris's corpse (courtesy of the weapon she grabbed from Dnafein). "Maybe next time," he growled, before using his amazing speed to charge at G.

    "Red's special attack," the Tinder warrior began his awesome combo move while still running towards G - his body lowered, arms held tightly to his sides... think of a Naruto Ninja. "Tomahawk Tinder Smaaaaaaaaaaash!"

    Well, it was more of a slice instead of smash... but you get the point. Red swung the tomahawk against G's torso and ran past her, stopping in a mid-battle pose a few feet behind her.

  5. #35
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    G watched as her opponent executed the sniper with apparent ease, her gaze unflinching as the woman's neck was snapped. His next move, however, did have an effect. As he roared, G's composure slipped. Taken aback at the battle cry, she giggled; a foolish mistake. Her momentary lapse in concentration left her open to his charge - too late, she snapped back into focus, clenching her free hand on her weapons other end and bringing it up to block the tomohawks downward slash...

    But she was too slow. The blade glanced off the guns barrel, slipping sideways to slash a deep cut in her right arm.

    "Argh!" She cried out in pain as a spray of red splattered onto the snow. With her unharmed arm, (thankfully, she was left handed) she swung the firearm again; her atrocious aim meant it was next to useless as a range weapon, but she could certainly crush a skull with it. But she was again a fraction too slow; her makeshift club missed, and she steadied herself, panting; ready for his next attack.

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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  6. #36
    Crimson Casanova
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    Red ducked beneath the rifle, barely avoiding a crushed skull. This woman definitely had some feist, but Red didn't intend to back down. He was still feeling pretty damn salty over losing his phone and countless tinder matches, but then he had a lightbulb moment. "Hey, wait a sec..." Red backflipped, giving the two of them a few feet between each other.

    He squinted at the girl, "I suppose you don't have a smartphone? I need one to reinstall my Tinder account, got some hot babes I still need to message." He tightened the grip of his tomahawk and then shrugged. "I suppose taking that phone from your corpse wouldn't be too much of an issue?" he questioned casually with a smirk.

    He charged at her once again with his speed, "Red's second combo attack, the Tomahawk tinder slicer!!" he shouted before spinning like a mini-whirlwind and attempting to slice the woman across her neck. But this time, she seemed to adjust to his speed and avoided the attack.

  7. #37
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    G danced out of the way of his whirlwind attack, wincing as her arm stung with the pain of quick movement. She was still losing blood - she needed to end this, and quickly, before she was too weak to fight.

    "I'm afraid your matches are going to be left in the cold," she retorted, and as he continued to spin, his hatchet sailing past her, she stuck the musket out in front of his anjles, sending him sprawling. She hoped he would impale himself on the sharp weapon he was holding - it was unwise, to run around with sharp objects - but just for good measure, she lunged forward, ignoring the pain from her injured arm as she gripped the gun again in two hands, and brought it down like a spear in a skull-crushing final blow.

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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  8. #38
    Crimson Casanova
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    Red's ankles were trapped and he lost his balance. At the last second, purely on instinct, he threw the tomahawk away from him. It was a safety measure to avoid any fatal attacks, but sacrificed any way he could defense himself. He rolled over and turned to see the ferocious woman standing over him. "Motherfuc-"

    Red began, before smirking, recognizing that this was his fate. It was a glorious final match between these two, but this was it. Tinder Gold was completely out of his grasp now (especially since he's dirt cheap and never bothered paying the $15 a month subscription fee).

    "I'll see you next yea-" Red began, as if knowing something in fourth-person... before his skull crushed beneath the weight of the musket.

  9. #39
    RPA's Hedonist
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    And so G took the victory. After such a long and gruesome fight, a helicopter could be heard in the distance. It was heading in to pick G up and fly her to her beautiful, tropical island. And on the chopper was her well-aged whiskey. It is what she wrote to Santa, and as such, was happily granted it.

    The audience responded with mixed results as they were split between Red and G. In the end, another tournament had ended. Another night of Red Snow was over... until next year, perhaps.


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