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Thread: Why Are You Here?

  1. #41
    Anastasia's Avatar
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    Мы тоже любим тебя, Гин. We love you too, Gin.
    Avatar and Siggy by Hayabusa<3

  2. #42



  3. #43
    Member Lithiora's Avatar
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    Why am I here?

    Well... growing up I had kind of... some issues. My parents were never married and my mother did drugs and completely neglected her motherly duties. It put me into severe depression. I have a sister named Aerielle and she is an autistic, she also has severe psychosis... It has been hard on me. I had to share my entire world with her, to take care of her. To stop people from hurting her. It took a lot out of me and I just wanted something for myself.

    When my dad finally took us away from our mother we had a lot of things. My dad had some money and he kind of spoiled us. He bought video games for himself and introduced me to a whole new lifestyle. I was a tom-boy. I enjoyed playing outside and catching toads in the creek. It was so much fun for me. When my dad introduced me to video games it completely took over my life. I got into RPG's, my first one being The Matrix Online and then EverQuest 2... I love the games so much that I went out of my way to find other similar things to do in the time that I wasn't playing them.

    That's when I found books!!! Wooo!!!! I love books so freakin much. More than role-playing actually. But when I started reading I was constantly either reading or playing games. I wished that there was a way for me to be a part of the things that I loved most. With role-playing, I got everything I wanted!!! I desperately searched for sites and I starting role-playing. Then I found this site! Role-playing makes me happy. It's something that is mine and in my family it makes me individual... I love it.!

    Beautiful sig and avi created by Yuuku <3

  4. #44


    Honestly, I came here searching for a good RP. I can't get very many these days anymore.


  5. #45
    Member BattleAxePirate's Avatar
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    Oh my god are you talking about Corey Williams?

  6. #46
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    I'm here because I wanted to RP again. I used to RP a while ago, but I was dragged out of it and into writing novels. I recently joined a book fan forum where they roleplay, and that got me back into it.

    I was looking around for a roleplay for a few days actually, and I never found one. I came across Valcure, but that wasn't really my thing.. xD Eventually I found this site and joined right up.

    I was a bit nervous at first because it's a new forum and I barely know anyone but RP is how I made friends on the book forum, so I jumped into two and made one myself. :3

  7. #47
    Imperfectly Impossible
    The Imposter's Avatar
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    Hmm...Fantasy with a twinge of maturation. I'll throwdown in the arena too
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    A strange man approaches, grabbed in a cloak and a mask. His voice is shaky and raspy but there is a kindness in his eyes that can be seen behind the ebony mask. With a flick of his wrist he produces a chair from thin air and sits on it. Clearing his throat he calls together everyone and begins to tell his tale.

    'For years, actually close to a decade now, I wandered the world of We'b'forroooms spending most of my time in one particular town. The town was quite nice and still is, it holds a eternal festival dedicated to a set of ancient legends and myths. At first I was an oddball not use to the customs and such but within the first year I had found a theatre group who told stories. I learned from them to become other characters and preform many plays. (Although any play I was cast in we never finished. A curse that haunts me to this day.)

    Because of a terrible virus the town was closed down and many of us in the troupe parted ways trying to find a new town to set up shop. I passed through two other towns but they weren't the same, about five years ago I had heard that the old town had been cleansed and made my way back to it. Sadly upon my arrival I learned that many of the old troupe had moved on never to return. Many of which, the older ones, I did what I could to salvage it all things there is a time for it to pass on.

    Now about three years ago. (My where has the time gone?) A certain man appeared in the city, he spoke to me telling me about a paradise for people with my talents. A city devout in the arts of story telling. In a moment he had opened a portal and allowed me to follow him back to the city. The city was amazing, full of the most friendly and lovely people I had ever met in my travels. Oh! And the stories they enacted, many times I didn't even take part but just watched them unfold from the sidelines. Many that I met were so welcoming as well. I couldn't help but feel at home here....

    And here I've stayed for the last three years. The vast city still has many people that I've never spoken to, and places I still haven't explored. Alas I'm in no rush though, I've made some lovely acquaintences and some I would even call friends. The city has changed some with different people rising to power and different renovations in certain sectors but despite all that is still feels like a place an Imposter like me can call home.'


    How am I the first one to do this? Really?! Truth be told my ambition to write has declined over the years but it is still nice to pretend here with you all. RPA is a nice place to let what little creativity I have cultivate.
    Last edited by The Imposter; 04-04-2012 at 03:41 AM.

  8. #48
    Member of the Month
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    I'm on this forum because I got a little addicted to Sci-fi roleplaying while on Spore's Galactic Adventure Club, where I can be found under the same name and avatar. There are three roleplays there, all three of which I participate in and only two are particularly active.

    But, I wanted more. So, here I am.
    Spoiler: More from Tate 

  9. #49
    Member dragocon's Avatar
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    I came to RPA for some new role plays and new experiences. everywhere else i've been runs dry eventually so about a week ago i took up searching for new places... and here i am.
    I'm a sixteen year old highschool student who enjoys the creativity and wild nature of the human mind and hope to fid others who fee the same :3

  10. #50
    Member SpiritofDestiny's Avatar
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    All however have low experience in Westerns.
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    I googled 'Role play forums' this was the first that came up, and I do enjoy Role plays. Have been a Role Player for a Long time, but I'm a full time tech support representative, I work 40+ hours a week. However I still find time to Role play. I'm a 25 year old have been Role Playing since I've been in middle school. Though I thought I wouldn't find a good Role Play, but I've found many. Just been busy with personal issues with my family, but I still try to find time...

    @Dark_potato57: I like your sig! ^.^

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