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Thread: {M} I thought we were going to play D&D! [IC]

  1. #61
    Member tbgg's Avatar
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    Myste told Sam/Jack, “I’m sorry ye ‘ad ta go ta prison, but unless we meet t’ woman ‘oo did t’at ta Jack, ‘bout all we kin do is make t’ best o’ t’ situation. T’ other ye - Sam? - struggled acuz ‘e were so large. ‘Ere’s yer chance ta be free o’ t’at fer a bit. Mebbe focus on t’at. ‘Oo knows, mebbe ye’ll move diff’ren’like after bein’ ‘ere. I’m focusin’ meself on w’at it be like ta not feel shy ‘r awkwardlike ‘round strangers. Mebbe it’ll ‘elp w’en I get ‘ome ‘r mebbe not, but I am choosin’ not to worry ‘bout it now. Our quest ta get ‘ome will prob’ly be dangerous. Best we put t’oughts o’ ‘ome ‘way from us as best we kin an’ focus on gettin’ Reven’s task done.”

    To D/Min’yeara she said, “Ye’ve been given t’ chance ta see t’ worl’ through t’ eyes o’ some’n ‘oo don’t t’ink like D does. Yer gonna feel more, an’ possibly read folk better an’ better understand ‘ow t’ey feel, too. Ye may see r’lationships diff’ren’ an’ wan’ ta nurture ‘em. T’at understandin’ kin ‘elp ye a ton w’en Riss an’ Sam an’ D go ‘ome, even if it ain’t ever D’s best strengt’. If not’in’ else, ye may be better able ta better ‘ppreciate w’at women bring ta t’ table, an’ t’at kin ‘elp D get ‘imself a girlfrien’, if t’at be somet’in’ ‘e wants.”

    She then picked up her pace even more. “I do suggest while we be in town t’at we always call ‘rselves by Min’yeara, Myste, an’ Jack an’ t’at Riss, D, an’ Sam be friends o’ ours. No need ta sound crazy ta t’ locals.”

  2. #62
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    "You're Right Myste," She said and looked over at Jack, "It... it's an interesting opportunity to say the least."
    Min'yeara didn't feel any more comfortable about the idea, but it didn't stop her from thinking about the possibilities.
    She worked her shorter legs to catch up with Myste.

    "Well, I suppose I can talk to you about my... problems..." Min'yeara said to Myste, "us being girls now?"

    They finally reached town. It was a nice place with half of the smaller older buildings thatch roofed, and the rest tiled.
    People still milled about, talked or walked around a large fountain newer the center of town farther down the road.
    Light spilled out of what seemed to be the local tavern where music and laughter could be heard.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  3. #63
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    "Huh?" Sam scowled at Myste and her confusing reply.

    The town at last came into view, and its local tavern. "Think they've got a boarding house or an inn?" Jack asked, looking about. Visitors had to stay somewhere, right?
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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