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Thread: As the Story Crumbles

  1. #61
    ArtisticVicu's Avatar
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    Wayward Souls at Halftrot Inn

    Many grand adventures begin in a tavern or inn, or some place where unlikely paths cross and companions are found.

    The Halftrot Inn is one such place, filled with an eclectic assortment of guests and staff that make any wayward soul's stay pleasant. Or, at least, it should be. This time, though, the Halftrot Inn finds itself tangled in the adventuring that usually stopped at its doors. Two of its guests go missing and while it's not hard to figure out how or why, it is left to a ragtag company of smaller companies to not only find but rescue the two missing guests without risking the lives of those that help them along the way.

    Spoiler: Chapter 1: Niko’s Visions 

    Spoiler: Chapter 2: Ilravis's Deceit 
    Last edited by ArtisticVicu; 06-01-2023 at 04:47 PM.
    Find a tale or three or five to read but be warned. It is never easy to see where the plot may be going As the Story Crumbles

  2. #62
    ArtisticVicu's Avatar
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    The Fifth Descender
    They weren't supposed to come to Teyvat. Kaveh should have known better than to coax the otherworlder from their path, to have left things be.

    No, wait, that wasn't fair to Kaveh. Alhaitham had asked. He had been curious, just as Kaveh had been eager when the otherworlder had changed directions to at least fly by. Kaveh couldn't have known the Fatui had been watching the otherworlder. Kaveh couldn't have known that Alhaitham would end up leaving him in Sumeru City - unconscious, alone- no, Lesser Lord Kusanali was with him. Lesser Lord Kusanali had sent Alhaitham with Wanderer to get the otherworlder, had...had.......

    He really hated nausea. The pain he could deal with but the nausea could go away and never return.

    Maybe he should try and get some more sleep. It would be nice to wake up to a rescue, especially with how bad his injuries were.

    They were looking for them, right?

    Content Warning: Do be advised that starting in Chapter 2, there is talk about wound care and vomiting. Nothing is overly explicit however keep in mind I am not trained on wound care beyond First Aid training and thus information may be inaccurate.

    Spoiler: Chapter 1 

    Spoiler: Chapter 2 
    Last edited by ArtisticVicu; 12-02-2023 at 09:09 PM.
    Find a tale or three or five to read but be warned. It is never easy to see where the plot may be going As the Story Crumbles

  3. #63
    ArtisticVicu's Avatar
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    RPA Fall Event 2023
    An Assortment of Writings

    "Reality hits you when a burnt orange leaf twirls down from above and brushes against your right shoulder. No. This is definitely not Downtown.

    You are in a glen. Alone.

    Only soft buzzing noises and a gently bubbling brook accompany you. You feel welcome in this glen; the fates did bring you here for a reason after all. Fairy tales spring to mind as you wander the faint worn paths through the glen. Tales of fae creatures, of hags, brownies and spirits. How they all communicate with the human world through fae circles. Perfect circles made of mushrooms or other things. Circles that did not look natural in their construction...more like they were planted purposefully by magical hands.

    Will you dare to cross into the circles? Who knows what lies within..."

    RPA Fall Event 2023 was a small writing event. Within the event, there were a number of writing events. Some were single piece entries that had a prompt and word limits, others had several chances to participate throughout the month. Each section contains the content for that given event.

    Each event entry was written to a different word count or equivalent cap as per the rules of the event. Black Cauldron Circle (Writing Marathon) had different caps for each entry.

    Spoiler: Miasmic Green Mushroom Circle (Story Prompts) 

    Spoiler: Translucent Mushroom Circle (Story Prompts) 

    Spoiler: False Morel Mushroom Circle (Five Words, One Story) 

    Spoiler: Black Cauldron Circle (Writing Marathon) 
    Find a tale or three or five to read but be warned. It is never easy to see where the plot may be going As the Story Crumbles

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