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Thread: [IC] Jeremy Kelly "Passion Kiss" Lightfoot's Pokemon Adventure is nigh. (Group RP)

  1. #711
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    Meanwhile, in another part of the world...

    "Vous vouliez me voir?"
    "Oui, s’il vous plaît, asseyez-vous."
    Aurora took a seat in front of the desk, brushing her light brown hair out of her eyes, then Troy continued, "Grendel a gardé une trace de cette famille dont vous avez parlé."
    "Je ne suis pas impressionné, mais ils ont l’air d’essayer."
    Aurora responded, a lisp becoming apparent, "Y a-t-il quelque chose qui vous impressionne?"
    "Pas vraiment. Mais en tenant compte de leurs progrès et du travail que vous devez faire, nous espérons une interception à Denver dans environ deux semaines."
    "Est-ce que c’est assez de temps pour me rendre là où je dois être ?"
    "Je l’espère vraiment. Contre mon équipe, ça ne devrait pas être si difficile."
    "Qu’en est-il du veuf ?"
    "L’enquête que j’ai menée à son sujet montre que lui et son équipe ne sont pas très préoccupants."
    "Je me suis dit que c’était le cas. Quel est le plan?"
    "Évoluer, intercepter, intégrer, leurre. Votre objectif principal est de les amener ici. De plus, votre bras cassé n’aidera en rien, alors je vais avoir Grendel qui vous observera."
    "Et d’ici là ?"
    "Travail. Vous en avez beaucoup à faire."
    The two sat in silence for a moment, until the silence was broken by Troy, "Tu peux partir."
    Aurora stood up, saying one more word, "Merci."
    Aurora exited the office, closing the door behind her. Troy was right, she had a lot of work to do and not much time to do it.

    Spoiler: Condensed Translation 
    Last edited by omgLYNX; 05-31-2024 at 08:49 AM.
    "Good men mean well, we just don't always end up doing well."

  2. #712
    Member James Davy's Avatar
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    Troy and Aurora's conversation went unnoticed by Donald's internet tracking as he was still digesting what Reuben's Beheeyem told him about NASA and Area 51 collaborating with the Aether Foundation to track portals to other dimensions throughout the U.S. He also didn't have any listening bugs at the room where it took place.

  3. #713
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Troy and Aurora's conversation went unnoticed by Donald's internet tracking as he was still digesting what Reuben's Beheeyem told him about NASA and Area 51 collaborating with the Aether Foundation to track portals to other dimensions throughout the U.S. He also didn't have any listening bugs at the room where it took place.

    Maxwell: *Leading onwards to the Local Library* The very idea that you guys are looking for that fruitcake Cyrus. It leaves a person wanting to jump rope with their own eyeball stems. It's nuts. You kids do know that... right? The face that it's completely nuts? We've been dealing with the shenanigans being perpetrated by those other teams... team Magma and Team Aqua. However... they didn't seem to raise much of a stink. But Team Galaxy? That's askin' for trouble. Serious trouble.

    Jeremy: It does seem to be like a lot of serious trouble. However if they're about to be a bigger threat than trying to awaken the slumbering pokemon Groudon and Kyogre.... We're gonna need to know what their priority is.

    Lisa: This is growing to be serious.

    Maxwell: No arguments there.

    A Moment later...

    Toledo, Ohio...

    Maxwell: Here we are... Toledo Public Library. The hub of intel and knowledge on all things.

    Abigail: Let's get in there and start digging up some details behind that odd team.

    Mewtwo: *Nods*

    Meloetta: Me...Meloettta... Etta.

    Sandy: We have a long road to go before us.

    Curtis: Come on *Making way inside*

    It was a few minutes later when...

    Jeremy and Sandy started looking up the location where the books containing intel on Team Galaxy were and once they found the books... They were quickly astonished to see that there was a row or full column of containing nothing but books... revolving all there was to know about the Illustrious Team Galaxy.

    Sophie-Rose: Wow! that team is really getting a lot of Recognition. There's a whole arsenal of books.

    Meryl: Yeah. Uh, Passion Kiss, How much detail do we need on that team?

    Jeremy: Enough to get some insight on what they're really about and what they're seeking to accomplish. Because whatever it is... it's gonna be more deeper than just us dealing with the two teams who seek to awaken the slumbering ancient pokemon.

    It was only by that time where they grabbed a table and got to reading. There was a lot of reading to get through and with what was only upon the nearest horizon... it was gonna be hard to keep the newest twist under the guns. What were they bound to do? Was the twist of dealing with time-traveling... gonna be more than what they could handle? was it likely to lead where it may complicate their current situation even further?

  4. #714
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    Donald was speed reading through the books he gathered, taking pictures of anything important. His Espeon helped out by reading her own share of books. It was a while later when Donald caught a passage framed as a rumour of Team Galaxy's desire to create a new world. He took a picture of it and pointed it out to the others.

  5. #715
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Donald was speed reading through the books he gathered, taking pictures of anything important. His Espeon helped out by reading her own share of books. It was a while later when Donald caught a passage framed as a rumour of Team Galaxy's desire to create a new world. He took a picture of it and pointed it out to the others.
    Jeremy and the crew all took a look and it was only a moment later when they all formed wide-eyes as they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

    Sandy: Holy cow! So... This guy... Cyrus is fixated with the prospect of space-travel and time portal. Dimension tampering.

    Helga G. Pataki: What is this guy... some type of glorified space case?

    Harold: He's nuts.

    Maxwell Klinger: This is even nuttier than my trying to get a section 8 from the War. I kept trying to get a section 8 while serving in the 4077th M*A*S*H Unit... and Col. Potter would just see right through my act and not let me loose. I tried acting as nuts as i could... Nothing worked. But... Cyrus? He's nuttier than me... and that's honestly saying something.

    What were they gonna do with the intel that they've just discovered? Were they gonna be now having to deal with Team Galaxy as well as Teams Magma and Aqua? This was gonna be a new twist in the adventure.

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    "While we're in agreement about how much of a whack-job he is, Cyrus is clearly dangerous and, in my opinion, should spend the rest of his days with the Renegade," Donald agreed, "Jeremy, with all due respect to you and Nova, Teams Aqua and Magma are our priority since they mean to alter our planet."

  7. #717
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "While we're in agreement about how much of a whack-job he is, Cyrus is clearly dangerous and, in my opinion, should spend the rest of his days with the Renegade," Donald agreed, "Jeremy, with all due respect to you and Nova, Teams Aqua and Magma are our priority since they mean to alter our planet."
    Jeremy: Team Galaxy is now a threat. They can warp Time and space. That's not a pleasant combo to be dancing a pretty dance to. However... Donald, You're right. Even though Team Galaxy is now a threat and have to be stopped. They're not top dogs for wrangling. We have to focus on Teams Magma and Aqua. They are our objective. They've got to be stopped. Time and Space is extremely crucial to be protected. But a change in our Eco-system... is worse. Much worse as far as planet Livelihood is concerned. So... until we can get more detail on Team Galaxy... Sgt. Lerner... You are on recon. You track them down and find out what else there is about them.

    Sgt. Lerner: Affirmative, Passion. Consider this Marine at the frontlines and scouting them out. Keeping surveillance.

    Jeremy: The rest of us... Team Aqua... Team Magma are our primary directive.

    Maxwell Klinger: I usually never Leave Toledo... Haven't since i returned from serving in the Korean war working at the 4077th M*A*S*H Unit. But with those two teams out there threatening our eco-system and trying to alter our planet... Consider me a fellow fighter.

    Sandy: I guess... that settles it. Let's roll out.

    Sid: So... Where to now?

    Where to indeed?

    Lisa: Let's get on with heading towards Chicago.

    Abigail: Right. *Running out of the Library*

    Outside of the Library a moment later...

    Abigail: *Calling out a pokemon* Glalie... Come on out! We need you.

    Seconds later...

    Abigail: Glalie, head to the coastline of ohio that faces west... Create an ice path... A Sturdy ice path leading to Illinois.

    Glalie: *Nods; Winks* Gla...

    Within seconds Her Glalie was on its way to create a sturdy solid ice path leading to Illinois...

    Mark: Not bad. Good work, Princess.

    Abigail: Thanks daddy.

    The Journey continued...

  8. #718
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    "Uh, guys," Donald called out, "I get the want to not go the direct way, but our water route going around Michigan's Lower Peninsula is north. West is the land route through Indiana or Michigan." His Espeon was scanning for any members of Teams Aqua, Magma or Galaxy in the surrounding area.

  9. #719
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "Uh, guys," Donald called out, "I get the want to not go the direct way, but our water route going around Michigan's Lower Peninsula is north. West is the land route through Indiana or Michigan." His Espeon was scanning for any members of Teams Aqua, Magma or Galaxy in the surrounding area.
    Abigail: Oh... Don't worry, Donald. We're still going via the Water route. It's just that Glalie's gonna make a solid ice path there so... we won't have to worry about swimming or making our Water pokemon that can swim and carry passengers don't have to be doing all the work. It'll cut the travel time down by a percentage.

    Curtis: You gotta admit. That does sound pretty creative and smart.

    Saphiroth: What do you think?

    Maxwell: I think that this could be a time for my Powerhouse psychic pokemon... Mr. Mime. He's got a one track mind and create a mid-air path over the water too... So... there can be more of a sky view or air view of the scenery. It might be more scenic.

    Sophie-Rose: Who's going where... The Ice path over to Illinois... or the mid-air path?

    Decisions... Decisions. Where were they to go?

  10. #720
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    "I choose the the mid-air path with my Metagross," Donald decided. Ray opted to help Glalie on the ice path with his Primarina and Reuben opted to fly on his Naganadel.
    "The aerial squad should keep eyes on the others," Reuben suggested.

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