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Thread: Midnight Club for Vampires {IC}{M}{J'Von & ADN}

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    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Default Midnight Club for Vampires {IC}{M}{J'Von & ADN}

    In the streets of New York City, a man wearing a black leather jacket, with a grey hoodie underneath. Blue jeans and black shoes. While wearing the hoodie, the strange man was walking rather fast as he kept looking over his shoulder as if he was been followed. He kept walking fast, he was actually breathing heavily after a certain distance.

    He came around a corner and sees a tall man wearing a black suit, dark shades. His long black hair in a ponytail and has a goatee. He approached the bouncer and tried to walk past him. The Bouncer puts his hand on his chest and gives the man a push back. "Members only." The Bouncer said.

    The man chuckled, "Oh come on." He said as he tried again, but instead gets pushed back again and hears the words. "Members only." Being repeated. The Bouncer folded his arms and stands in front of him. The man looked around and flashed money. "How much?" He asked. The Bouncer chuckled and raises his hand. "Members only."

    " about this?" He flashed a small bag of white material inside. "You like candy?" He asked with a smile. The Bouncer pulled his dark shades down a little and looked at the bag, he looked both ways of the streets and smiled. He takes the small bag from the man and pulls the door behind him. "Welcome back Mr. Doss." He says calmly. The man entered the building rather quickly.

    Once he was inside, the Bouncer waited for a moment and reached for his phone. He was texting at the moment and puts his phone back in his suit. He looked behind a trash can and finds what look like a money bag. He used a key to open the bag and puts the small baggy inside and hides the pouch. He stood at the door again and looks around the street.

    Once inside, the man could hear the bass beating off of the walls and music muffled in the hallway. The man opens a red door and the music became clear. It was loud, including the people who were dancing and cheering. Techno music blasted on the speakers and the DJ seemed to have a great time of his life as he played new tracks.

    The man walked past by the party goers, but each one of them was looking at the man as he passes by. The man felt weird as he could feel so many eyes on him. Finding a way to the bar, the counter glowed like a night light. The man looked at the bartender and says one word. "Whiskey!" The bartender only smiled and pours the man a glass of whiskey. Seconds later, a woman stood by the man. "So...your the candy man." The woman said as she leans on the counter with her elbow on top. Her eyes glued on the face of the stranger who entered her building. "Maybe I am, why? You want some candy?" The man asked with a smirk as he takes a sip of his whiskey.

    The woman smiled as she looked at the glass cup and to his neck. "Follow me." She steps away from the counter and slowly walked towards the back area of the building. The man wiped his chin and followed the strange woman. She lead him into a room that was very quiet. Like no music, no sound, except the clank of her heels as she took each step. She slowly sits on the couch and looked at the man. Inside the room, were two more men. Dressed as the same front the entrance. The man stood there in the middle of the room as he watched the woman sit on the couch.

    " much are you needing?" He asked, keeping his hands in his pockets. The woman stands back up and steps closer to the man. "All of it." Her hand reaches up and firmly grips on the man's jacket. "That's gonna cost you." He said nervously.

    The woman chuckled as she leans closer, "Lady your a little bit too---" He grunted as he felt something pierce his neck. He groaned in pain, he tried pushing the woman off of him, but the woman was too strong. The man started to scream as he felt the woman shoved him down on the ground. The screams muffled out from the sound of music and the people cheering.

    In minutes the woman walked out of the room, wiping her chin and holding a big bag of drugs. She looked at her assistant. A young man, slim body, slick hair, clean shaved. "Here, see what you can do about this." She handed the bag over.
    Last edited by MidKnight; 05-20-2017 at 05:53 AM.

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    Domina Noctis
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    “You wanted to see me captain?” Laurel said, walking into the office and sitting down in front of the desk of an old grizzled man who seemed to be buried behind a mountain of paperwork.

    “Kingsley, yeah I was looking over your request to investigate the Midnight Club.” Captain Reed said, moving a stack of paperwork to a chair so he could see Laurel without craning his neck. “I'm denying it.”

    “What? Come on Reed it's obvious something is going on there.” Laurel said, jumping to her feet without realizing.

    “Yes, it is but I'm not letting you anywhere near that place with back up.” Reed said, taking a couple folders off the stack he just moved and handing them over to Laurel. “I want you to look these over.”

    Laurel was still upset he wasn't approving the plan to investigate the Midnight Club. She looked through the top folder at first thinking it was another case that he wanted her to work on. She frowned seeing it was a personal file. “I rather work alone.” Laurel said, meaning to hand folders back but Reed wouldn't take them.

    “And I don't care what you want. Last time I checked you work for me. I'm sick of assigning you a partner and hearing you bitch or getting transfer papers from whatever poor bastard that gets stuck with you. So pick your own damn partner.” Reed said, leaning back in his chair looking at the files she was still trying to hand back. “I mean it Kingsley or I'll have no choice but to bust you back down to patrol.”

    “Sir, you can't be serious.” Laurel growled.

    “I am serious, you need a partner.” Reed said, “Now go pick a partner and maybe I will let you investigate the Midnight Club.”

    She looked at him and when he didn't back down she tucked the folders under her arm and stormed out of his office. At first she headed to her desk but stopped about half way there and walked to the door with the folders still under her arm. From there she went to her squad car getting in and driving across town stopping at Starbucks on the way for a coffee. She drove over near the Midnight Club and parking about a block away where she had a good view of the front door. She sipped on her coffee while looking over the folders. There were two transfers from other departments and three newly promoted detectives. Laurel had to admit she wasn't familiar with any of them so she started going over the folders hoping that one of them wasn't that bad. Every so often she would glance up from the folders to the front of the club but so far nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

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    The bouncers outside kept watched as they guarded the door and held on a list of certain people to be allowed inside. A few girls who seemed to be in the model business approached the two and exchanged words. One of the bouncers looked at his list and nodded. The second reaches for the door and opens it widely for the two females. The bouncers watched as the two entered and smiled at each other.

    Inside, the building was still beating to the sounds of music and was getting louder and louder. After midnight, it seemed the building shook from the bass from the DJ set. Suko was in her office, still licking her teeth from the blood she drank. She looked up to see a few associates entered the office.

    "Madam." The first one said, he was tall and average built. But his accent was almost Russian or Ukraine. Short black hair and a black scruffy beard. "We sold the drugs to the off site associate as requested. He tried to rip us off, but we managed to...persuade him to give a better rate."

    Suko smiled and leans back in her chair. "Good, tell me...what was the payment?" She asked, looking at the two. The second associate was young, short and slim. Shaved head, no facial hair. "Nearly 4 grand." He simply said. His voice was light, but American.

    "Kind of sounds like chump change. Oh well." With a heavy sigh, Suko stands up from her seat and looked out her window. Observing the dance floor and watched as her patrons danced to an endless list of music. She turned again, facing at a security camera's on the wall. A lot of them pointed at the entrances of the building and streets. She noticed a vehicle had approached and parked on the opposite street, but no one got out. She hummed to herself and looked at her associates.

    "The doormen, what was the collect?" She asked smoothly.

    "Nearly two and a half thousand." The young man said. "Mostly baggies though, and believe it or not. They're all pretty good stuff." He checked his list and examined the page. "Some of these were homemade, cheap crap. But the rest...looks like we been ripping off suppliers."

    Another sigh in the room. "That doesn't surprise me." Suko folded her arms and continued examining the camera's. "If they show up at my door. By all means, let them in and we will have dinner supplies to last us a good while." She chuckled. Her eyes kept returning to the screen with the vehicle parked, she had a feeling. "I'm gonna go for a walk, I need to find a finishing touch after biting that stranger. I can still taste the bitterness of him." She walked to her desk and reached for her maroon jacket that fit her body well.

    In minutes she was out the front door where the two bouncers had greeted her. "Keep bringing them in." She said while walking past the two and headed towards the opposite direction where the car had parked. Her heels clacked on the concrete as her movement was swift.

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    Domina Noctis
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    Looking over the files she hated having to choose a new partner. She was glad Daniel was happy with retirement and still had breakfast with him once a week. Replacing him wasn't going to be easy. The new detectives were out, Laurel didn't want to be a training detective showing a rookie the ropes. She knew she had been a pain in ass to Daniel and didn't have the patience that he did. Which left one of the transfers. One was a woman transferring from homicide and the other was a man from cyber crimes. She dropped the folder for the cyber crimes on the seat of the car, narcotics was totally different than cyber crimes and she didn't want a computer nerd at her back or rather having to baby sit them. The homicide detective was more likely, it took a special kind of person to work homicide. The question now was why were they leaving it? Laurel had thought about applying for it before being assigned to narcotics. Felicity Oliver, she had been with the NYPD for twelve years, the last eight of them with the homicide department. Oliver had a good record, no disciplinary actions against her and several accommodations. All and all she was the best choice if she was being forced to make one.

    Laurel looked up noticing someone walking towards her, it was a woman she was very familiar with and the subject for her investigations. City records showed the Midnight Club belonged to Suko Kurosaki. A web search had shown very little about the woman. There was very little published about her. Laurel had even done a facial recognition search but had only come up with a number of historical photos that could have been Suko Kurosaki's doppelganger. She dropped the folder down on the seat and set her jacket over them before picking her phone up. She held the phone to her ear pretending to be a phone call, glad she was in a unmarked car with regular plates.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

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    The woman walked rather fast as she made her way towards the vehicle. She noticed the occupant of the vehicle did a quick move by acting to be on a cell phone. She smirked as she continued to walk by and past the car. She continued to walk on the sidewalk to manage her own business. She stopped suddenly and looked up to see the moon barely shining in the city. Her eyes matched with it as she stood there, motionless. She relived her past for a moment.

    She remembered walking in the night to her parent's home. She wanted to cook for them as her soon to be husband was away for his duties. She carried a basket filled with vegetables, preparations to make soup or roast pot. Wondering through the woods, but remained on the path. She felt a sudden feel as though she was being followed. Stopping for only a moment, there was a cold chill in the air. Her breath could be seen, and her body shivered.

    About to returning on her trip, she gasped when a man appeared before her. A man who dressed oddly and his hair was slicked back in a ponytail. His skin pale and eyes seem as if he never had slept. He asked a question, but Suko couldn't understood a word he said. She replied only in her native tongue. The man chuckled and suddenly grabbed her by the throat. She gasped and choked on his grip. The man chuckled and said more words. She tried over and over for him to let go. But gasped when she felt a sharp pain in her neck and half of her life drained away.

    Suko came close to death. But the death never came when the man stopped and looked to only see somebody chasing him away. Another man, only to hear Japanese. "Are you okay?!" Was the only words she could hear before becoming unconcsious.

    Suko mind returned from her past. Turning her head to look over her shoulder, looking at the car. She smirked and continued walking.

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    Domina Noctis
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    She continued to pretend to talk on the phone as Suko walked past her. Laurel watched her from the mirrors of the car until Suko was a good distance from her then exited the car. She followed behind Suko wondering where she was heading. This was a stupid idea, she shouldn't be following Suko especially with no back up and not even authorized to be surveilling the club. It just Laurel knew there was something going on at the club and with its owner. She was determined to figure it out. Staying a good distance behind Suko she walked, using the camera on her phone she snapped a few photos. Where was Suko heading? This was New York so everything was still open at this late hour so it could be anything.

    She noticed Suko turn down an alleyway, she was familiar with this part of the city and knew that alley let out to the next street over. When she reached the entrance she waited a few moments before looking down it. She didn't see Suko there so she thought the woman must have reached the other side. If she was going to continue following her she needed to make it to the other side and see which way she went. Still against her better judgment Laurel headed down the alley.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

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    Suko walked in the dark alley for some time now. She was greeted by a shady character wearing a black hoodie. His face was hidden, she could barely identify the man. "Hey pretty lady." The man smiled as he looked around to see if she was followed or not. "I got that sugar candy."

    Suko stopped and smiled at the man and stepped closer to him. "Sugar candy huh?" She spoke softly and acted shyly. "How much are we talking?" She asked another question in a soft manner.

    The man inhales sharply as he rubbed his nose. "50 a gram." He flashed a small bag filled with white substance. "If you want a real party lady, 100 bucks for a something better."

    The lady chuckled softly. "I think I like that."

    The man nodded at the door behind him. Soon she followed. The man was looking inside of a duffle bag and pulled out a gun instead of drugs. "Hand over your money and you'll live bitch."

    Suko only smiled and looked at the pistol. Her finger touched the barrel. "Bitch! I said hand over your fucking money!" His hand raised up and grabbed her by the throat. "The fuck?!" He said in shock as he felt his hand was cold by her skin.

    She slapped the gun out of his hand and pushed the man again'st the wall. Her hand wrapped tightly on his neck. She smiled as she revealed her fangs. "Get the fuck off bitch!" The man was scared as he tried to get her grip off, but she was too strong.

    Sniffing his neck, and sighs in arousement. "You'll do just fine." She said softly as she pierced his neck. The man screamed at first, Suko tightened her grip and stopped the man from screaming any longer. She was feeding for a while and pulls away. She sighs in relief.

    The lifeless body fell on the ground and remained still. She wiped her lips from the blood and licked her fingers. She grabbed the drugs and money inside the bag. She even picked up the pistol and looked at closely. She scoffed as she unloaded the gun, kicked the clip and dis-assembled the weapon.

    Walking out of the small room, she looked around and continued walking towards an open street where she could see numerous people walking around. She quickly walked with the crowd.

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    As she entered the alley Laurel hear a scream and it seemed to be cut off. She drew her service weapon and ran down the alley. It was dark and hard to see the other end where the scream had come from. The thing about these alleys they could be as long as a city block. When she finally reached where the scream had come from there was no one there except a drunk laying on the ground. He looked to have passed out some time ago. Moving further down the alley she kicked something on the ground. The sound of it sliding across the pavement didn't sound like normal debris in an alley. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a flashlight shining it down on the ground. The light revealed a dissembled gun on the ground. “Damn it.” Laurel said, turning back to the drunk laying on the ground. She moved back to him passing her light over him. He was pale but more so than a normal drunk would be. She tucked her gun back into it's holster then leaned down pressing her fingers to his neck not feeling a pulse.

    When she pulled her hand back she noticed blood on her finger tips. “Damn it.” Laurel said, finding a dead body tonight wasn't what she wanted to do tonight. Suko had just come through here and the body was still warm. This murder had just happened. Either Suko saw something or she caused this. Whatever this was. Laurel had no idea. Wiping her hands on a tissue from her coat pocket she pulled her phone out calling the station. “This is Detective Kingsley, badge number 24601. I am on the corner of 9th and Washington. I need units here for a suspected homicide.” Laurel hung up then looked down the alley still not seeing anyone and knew that her surveillance of Suko was over for the night and that Reed was going to have her ass when he found out why she was here.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

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    The next morning...

    Detective Walker of Homicide walked in wearing a black suit, his hair slicked and clean shave. He had paper work in one hand and a Starbucks coffee cup with his name written in cursive on it, and also a number. Assuming it was from a female receptionist. He takes a sip of his coffee as he walked up to see Detective Kingsley at her desk. Stepping up quietly and sighs softly. "Well, found a dead body last night?" He asked without even saying 'Good Morning.' He stood there with a smirk on his face. "Figured as much." He chuckled.

    "Here." He extended out his arm with the paperwork. "Autopsy reports. Morgan said the man you found last night died from a major blood loss, and also there was a large bruise around his neck. His vocal was cut off and it looked like the neck was nearly ripped in half." He sighs and looked at Laurel. "What the hell did you find last night?" He asked again. "Oh and the examiners found no prints on that gun, it's like whoever dis-assembled the gun knew what they were doing. And as for the contents in the bag showed there was drugs, but since none was can't be proven."

    He looked at the Captain's office. He sees the man himself sitting on his desk and talking with someone on the phone. "Oh and the Captain was not happy when he found out you were near the club you wanted to investigate." He sighs in exhaustion. "Listen if you want to investigate the club, you'll need a partner. I can help...the guy they assigned me is dumb as a brick."

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    She sat at her desk looking over the report she had written last night on the body she had found. The Captain had just gotten done chewing her ass for disobeying him. Laurel had tried to explain she had just been doing surveillance when she literally stumbled across the body. Reed hadn’t been buying it, not even when she pointed out that she had been reviewing the files he had given her. He told her that her report better be perfect. As she looked over it right now it was far from perfect, being that she wrote it late last night it was no surprise. She had been half asleep by the time she left the station some three hours after her shift ended.

    She looked up as a homicide detective walked in and started talking to her. His suit was nice, nicer than most of the detectives in the precinct and his hair slicked back. He had the look to him of someone who was very sure of himself. The delicate way his name was written on the cup accompanied by a phone number made Laurel think he thought he was a charmer as well. “I don’t have a clue what I found last night.” Laurel said, taking the report and going over it. She looked back up to him, “Isn’t that your job to figure out?”

    She reached over to her own coffee, straight from the station coffee pot. Laurel refused to pay for over-priced coffee that wasn’t that good. Granted the station coffee was like drinking mud but it packed a punch hard enough to wake you up. Hers though had gone cold why she was getting yelled at by Reed. She made a bitter face at the taste of the cold coffee and then set her cup down. “No offense but don’t you have your hands tied with your own case?” She said, holding the autopsy report up. “I’m good by myself.” She didn’t want to be paired up with a pretty boy who thought he was god’s gift to women.

    At just that moment as if he had been eavesdropping Reed popped out of the office. He had a large smirk on his face as he walked over to Laurel’s desk. “Kingsley good news you can work on the Midnight Club case.” He said, Laurel lit up wondering what had changed the Captain’s mind then it came, “Just got off the phone with the Chief, he think’s your case is linked to last night’s homicide and wants us to work with homicide to solve it. Ah Detective Walker you’re here already.” Reed said, holding his hand out to shake.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

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