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Thread: SCAR: The Rise of Yog-Sothoth (NC-17) (H)

  1. #1
    1Cor 13:1-8

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    Default SCAR: The Rise of Yog-Sothoth (NC-17) (H)

    This RP is rated NC-17 for Coarse language, suggestive dialogue, extreme gore , violence, sex, religious content and torture.

    SCAR: The Rise of Yog-Sothoth


    So I guess by now you are asking, what is SCAR? Either that or you have left. If you are still here, SCAR stands for Supernatural Combat Assault and Recon.. The members of the SCAR teams are combat trained, gifted individuals. Now by combat trained I mean that they know how to use weapons and are very good at. A member of a SCAR team is elite. When I say gifted I am referring to supernatural and psychic abilities. Members of SCAR teams usually investigate paranormal activity and are basically monster hunters.

    The world the story takes place in is one where the supernatural things from movies and literature are real. The creatures of the night do exist. There is a Bogeyman. Vampires, demons, lycanthropes ,zombies, ghouls, mummies, witches whatever. It exists in this world. Most people don’t believe in such things and rumours of ghosts are usually dismissed as nothing more than urban legend.

    So now I wish to take a moment to tell you of the inspiration for this RP. If you haven’t realised it by now I love horror movies and literature. This is a continuation of an RP a friend of mine created, that one was based on FEAR and Resident Evil. This one will be based on something else. Now I actually do have a few ideas for SCAR missions and would have no trouble turning this into a series if people wanted it. For now I am going to focus on the writings of a specific author.

    “The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age." H.P. Lovecraft

    This will be a tribute to the writings of H.P. Lovecraft and the movies they inspired. Chainsaw hand anyone? Now first and foremost I have to say that my writing can tend to be a little over the top. But hey, it’s action horror. Over the top can be good at times. The RP created by my friend was quite successful and I think it can continue in a grand fashion. Now since I mentioned the movies, I should say that I don’t want anyone to borrow any of the lines form the movie, or go out of their way to get a chainsaw hand. I would love it if you could find ways to throw in something comical, but want you to be original. I guess you would consider this a fan fiction style RP. I will borrow things form movies and literature, but I am doing it as a tribute to works I really love.

    Disclaimer(statement made to save one’s own ass): This RP is a work of fiction. The SCAR team and world setting was inspired by the Blade Trilogy, Supernatural, and Vampire; the Masquerade, and virtually any other horror fiction you can name. The story for this episode was inspired by The works of H.P. Lovecraft, The Evil Dead Trilogy, John Carpenter’s In The Mouth of Madness. This is meant to be a tribute to these works and I do not own any of the aforementioned properties.

    To participate in this RP you need to be able to write descriptively. I can forgive short posts as long as you are descriptive and put effort into them. Punctuation and grammar errors I tend to forgive, since my ability is suspect at times. I want you to post everything your characters experience. Their thoughts, emotions, whatever.
    Last edited by John; 01-08-2010 at 08:50 PM.

  2. #2
    1Cor 13:1-8

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    - No killing or stealing from another character without permission.
    - I am god
    - No one liners.
    - Characters who do not wish to post a bio so it can be revealed throughout the course of the RP must PM it to me for approval first. Due to my newbie status on the site, if you post that you want to hide your bio, I will PM you an email address you can use
    - Romance is okay, though I doubt you’ll have the time.
    - If you want out or can’t post for any length of time, please let me know
    - Have fun!!!!!!

    I think that covers about everything. Anything else I have excluded shall be deemed included.

    Now for some details. It is the year 2010. The world is one where the paranormal and normal exist along side one another. You were recruited by SCAR one year ago and put into The Program. In The Program you honed your fighting skills and psychic ability for use as a SCAR operative. You have just graduated The Program at the top of the class and have been summoned for a special assignment.. Now it is common knowledge, among recruits and officers, that when a special assignment comes along, it is usually something where the fate of the world hangs in the balance and not all of the operatives survive.

    About character abilities. Instead of saying what powers I specifically do not want to see, I will say keep it …well….realistic??? Okay, not the right word, but I don’t really think that believable is the right word either. Just remember to keep your abilities in the supernatural and paranormal realm. Generally if one of the X-Men has the power, it would not fit here. As an example, my character is empathic. She can read and control the emotions of others. Of course the power has a few limitations. Although she can read the emotions of a group, she is only allowed to control one being at a time. Also in the case of more powerful beings, there is a chance she can be consumed by their emotions and may turn on her companions, The few people in the world who have abilities were normally born with them. Some would have manifested early and others may have come later in life, triggered by an event. It is possible that you gained your powers through a supernatural occurrence, though this is extremely rare.

    I will also not allow characters to use magic. Any magic in this world is evil and SCAR fights against evil. As for magic there are two kinds. Necromancy and blood magic.

    Characters must also be human. Although all the monsters exist, and a very small few work for SCAR, I will not allow characters to play as anything other than human. Things may change down the road, but for now you are human

    SCAR divisions:


    Security Clearances:


    Monster Manual.: Basically, the major things SCAR fights against, and how to kill them. Please note that just because it appears in the manual, it doesn’t mean you will encounter it on this mission. This is information any SCAR member would have.


    The Armour: The pictures in the links are just a guideline. The armour may be customized any way you see fit, within reason.


    Character Sheet:

    Name: (nicknames if any)
    Description: (You may use a picture, if you so choose. Please no illustrations.)
    Ability: (Note: Abilities must not be limitless in power, and must have a drawback.)
    Skills: (Write what your character is adept at. Keep it within reason.)
    Armour: (Light or heavy, helmet optional)
    Weapons: (No laser or plasma weapons. Also no rocket launcher type weapons.. Ambidextrous characters may wield two pistols, swords. I do not want every character to be ambidextrous. Weapons should be modified in some way, you may use your imagination here)
    Miscellaneous Items:
    Bio: (If you want to reveal your bio throughout the course of the RP, this is fine. You must, however, send me a copy)

    My Character:


    I would like to note that Fancois Lachon(the original creator of SCAR), will be reprising his role as Claire’s brother Andrew. A spot is also reserved for Stream, who will be co-running this with me(Stream played in the original SCAR, but will not be reprising his character) Some characters may die in this RP, if your character is killed you may make a new one depending on how far into the story we are. I would also like to mention that if this is successful, there will be more missions down the road. To that end, some of the characters will be chosen for something. These characters will not know who they are, though the player controlling them will.


    Stream: Deceased. Shot after being possessd by a demon.

    ShadowStrike: Deceased(killed by werewolves)


    The Comedian:

    Francois Lachon:

    Excalibur: Deceased; killed by a demon and a treebranch


    DB Wolf:

    Cookies Ahoy:

    Security of Mem:

    Last edited by John; 01-25-2010 at 07:21 AM.

  3. #3
    Ace of Hearts™


    Well, uh, might as well make this my first RP here, so, uh...yeah.

  4. #4
    The Jackal Stream's Avatar
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    Name: Daniel Crandall

    Age: 29


    Note: Daniel is Claire's superior, sent from Harrisburg to oversee her mission and gather data. He has a level 2 security clearance, and access to all of your files.

    Ability: Able to convert to a poltergeist form, allowing quick transportation, transparency, and the ability to move through solid objects. While in this state, he is not able to make physical contact with most things, though can do simple things, such as press buttons. While in this state, radios turn to white noise, and most electrical equipment malfunctions. SCAR equipment is immune to such EMP.

    Skills: Historical intelligence, great memory, parkour, artifacts, ancient languages.

    Armour: Wears a variation of the stealth armor. It is a tight rubber body suit with a gray rain coat covering it. Able to reflect a minor amount of kinetic energy.


    - Two light, balanced throwing knives that are only used in melee combat.

    - Two .45 M1911 Pistols made from a prototype alloy, light enough for them to deteriorate in poltergeist form. Trained to handle most handguns and is decent with a rifle.

    Miscellaneous Items: Small holographic tapes and a recorder/camera used to collect data. A GPS/PDA device used to keep in contact with SCAR.

    Personality: Not a hero by any means. Never likes to put himself in danger, and would rather run than make a last stand. Pretentious to his peers, correcting them on what they do wrong and berating them for stupid decisions. Though his remarks are meant as sarcasm, most people don't share his sense of humor. Morals are not something he holds in high regard. Honesty and respect, however, are very important to him.

    Bio: Daniel was born in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. At this time he began to experiment with and abuse his power, mostly by stealing small things without being seen. At the age of ten moved to Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, on the outskirts on Philadelphia.

    Stayed home schooled his entire life and never had much social contact. Did, however, attend a local private school to complete the final years of High School. His final years at this school began to instill the sense of honesty and respect he has today.

    Developed the love for books he has today from his time spent with his bibliophile father, the Professor of Linguistics at West Chester University. His hunger for words is nearly insatiable, something that would come in handy during his later years at SCAR Command & Intelligence.

    Attended the University of Maryland while working as an intern at the CIA offices in Langley, VA. Though he was shooting to become a director of intelligence communications, his initial physical and health exams showed something much more. Visited the Capitol many times, sparking a huge interest in ancient history and conspiracy theories.

    Once his powers were discovered, he was whisked away to SCAR HQ to train as an operative and Intelligence officer. Only having ran a minimal amount of missions and seeing barely any combat, his readings of the SCAR records and intelligence database have made him an expert on the artifacts and things teams encounter in the field.

    Worked in the Harrisburg, PA HQ for the first 5 years of his time at SCAR, and for the past 3 years he has been running archaeological and intelligence missions all over Europe and in North Africa. Helped set up a communications post between the Rome outpost and Harrisburg HQ.

    Currently called to oversee a relatively new team leader's work in the field, and record the data and anything else they find while working.

    Has an irrational fear of water and spiders. Intense sleep problems.
    Last edited by Stream; 11-06-2009 at 06:51 AM.

  5. #5
    1Cor 13:1-8

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    I would like to mention that my status has just been upgraded to member, so if you want to keep your bio a secret, just PM it to me.

  6. #6
    Ace of Hearts™


    Name: Seamus O'Connor.

    Age: 27

    Height: 6'7.

    Weight: 194 Lbs.

    Description: Dark redish brown hair, slight beard. Brown eyes. Handsome to most. Normal face, though slightly larger nose. Eyes are within normal size and length from each other

    Ability: Quick reflexes. As in, his perception of time can slow, while he moves at normal speed. Can only be used in combat, as its triggered by mass amounts of adrenaline. Drawback: After use, he is paralyzed for three minutes. Body is limp, not frozen in place. Fully conscience at time. After being paralyzed, body is quite limber, too much, awkward walking, in ability to handle melee weapons. Lasts about two more minutes.

    Skills: Rifle Handling, art of the fist, small knife etiquette.

    Armour: Heavy Armour, painted on clovers all over it. On the back it reads "Don't mess with an Irishmen."

    Weapons: Mossberg Shotgun, modified electrical shells, 44. Magnum, modified silver rounds, four Molotov Cocktails, for those pesky vampires. Small, razor sharp bowie knife.

    Miscellaneous Items: Five Cigarettes, bottle of Whiskey. 40 clips of rifle ammo, walkie-talkie, GPS unit. Shoulder-mounted flashlight.

    Personality: Seamus is mostly rude to people, rude as in insensitive, not mean. This by all means doesn't mean he doesn't care. If his teammates are in trouble, he'll go out of his way to help. He is often a womanizer, to others in his team, and outside of it. Times he can be very angry, for appealingly no reason. Protective of himself and friends, angered when he or friends are disrespected, talk lowly of, or insulted.

    Bio: Seamus was raised outside of Dublin, Ireland. His family was well enough off, but still struggled at times. His father, a mill worker, was often friendly and caring, even in bad times. School life was hard on him, as bullies would often target him. He came home crying most days.

    While one particularly large bullies was antagonizing him, he blacked-out. He he awoke, the bullies was lying on the ground, bleeding out his nose and mouth. His first experience with his hyper reflex. Then on, most left his alone, as they were quite scared.

    Later, during his teens, he became a boxer. using his hyper reflex helped him win almost every match. His moniker was "The blood-red Shamrock." He was discovered by a retired SCAR member during his championship match.

    He had been made the offer to join. He thought it over, and joined happily. He would fight creatures that could actually take punches. He was trained in close combat. Combat with his fists and knives were his favorite, with Shotguns close behind.

    He is now stationed with his current squad, his favorite by far. Well trained soldiers, most of them with great education, overpowering his own. He was in no means dumb, but these people were smarter. He just hoped they could handle themselves in a fight, he can't save everyone's ass.
    Last edited by Ace of Hearts™; 11-06-2009 at 12:17 PM.

  7. #7
    1Cor 13:1-8

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    Shadow you are accepted. One thing though, your charcter has just finished the Program. This will be your first mission.

  8. #8
    A Storm Is Coming
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    Name: Malcolm Maverick; Mal
    Age: 28
    Height: 6'5"
    Weight: 210 lbs of muscle
    Description: Malcolm

    Note: When a light is shone on Malcolm, one will see his shadow with massive feathered wings.

    Ability: Purgery: Mal uses his experience from his time in the clergy to use the power of God to purge someone of their evil. This rips it from someone and turns their sins against them, driving them completely and utterly mad. Mal must be in physical contact with the individual(s). He can Purge two people at max, and that will leave him with a headache, a nosebleed, and temporarily impared vision. Purgery can be used to Exorcise demons. The stronger the demon, the bigger the strain on Mal. Likewise, his Ability makes him immune to demonic possession. When he uses his Ability, his eyes roll up in his head and they emit a dim glow.
    Skills: Trained in the United States Marine Chaplan Corps. His stellar performance in Basic Training earned him several special dockets in which he joined Special Forces training and Navy SEAL demolitions and recon school. This leaves him superbly schooled in almost all forms of infantry weaponry and specialty explosives.

    Armour: Heavy; no helmet but he wears a black soldier beret with a templar cross badge on the front. One the right shoulder plate of his armor, he has a white hand print painted on to resemble where he was touched by an angel. His knee guards have crosses painted on them. On the armored plate covering the back of his hand "Repent" is stamped on in white paint.

    - M4 short barrel carbine with an enhanced capacity 60 round mag housing .223 calibur bullets. The M4 has a barrel mounted grenade launcher with infared laser sight and UV combat light. ACOG scope replaces the traditional iron sights. The stock has recoil dampers to reduce recoil and increase accuracy. Also has a silencer barrel to for more covert operations. He carries two sets of magazines with him; traditional rounds and silver rounds.

    -Desert Eagle .50 calibur combat pistol with an increased capacity 12 round magazine. Barrel mounted red dot sight and UV combat light rigged on the pistol. Carries two sets of ammunition; silver and traditional.

    - Berretta 9mm automatic combat pistol with increased capacity 18 round magazines. Infared laser sights and the same two sets of mags.

    -Ballistic knife with iron and silver blades.

    -M4X combat knife.

    - 2 frag grenades
    -4 40mm projectile grenades for his M4
    -2 flash grenades
    -1 silver coated demo charge.

    Miscellaneous Items: Silver flask filled with holy water from the River Jordan. A secondary silver flask of Holy Oil from Jerusalem. Silver chain necklace with charms from every known religeon, the largest being a crucifix with his Lord and Savior hanging over his heart.
    Personality: Not the most social man in the world, still being used to the Clergy or working silently on recon-infiltration missions. Very religeous, if you wish to keep your physical and mental state as it is, do not blaspheme more than three times in his presence. Most times he will seem solemn, subdued, and withdrawn. He has literally been to Hell and back. He spent three weeks as a dead man, that is roughtly thirteen years in Hell. He doesn't really believe anymore, he knows. There is a God and there is a Devil.

    Bio: Malcolm served three tours in Iraq, coming back healthy and hearty two of those times. He reached the rank on Gunnery Sergeant over the course of his career in the War on Terror, earning the Medal of Honor, the Marine Corps Medal, the Presidentail Medal of Valor, the purple heart three times and the silver star two times.

    On his third tour, Malcolm and his unit were ambushed during a night raid in a small town near Baghdad. Mal sustained multible gun wounds to his torso, several of his major organs were desistated beyond repair. In his last moments of life, Malcolm prayed for deliverence and salvation. He passed through the Veil with his crucifix in hand.

    Gunnery Sergeant Malcolm Jefferson Maverick was declared legally dead and had an autopsy performed to remove the bullets from his corpse. Three weeks passed before he jolted awake in his coffin. Busting out, he looked about him, panicked, feverishly looking for any kind of enemy. The medics and surgeons didn't know what to say. They signed him off as dead and he was dead for three weeks. Someone simply doesn't come back. It is impossible, plain and simple. When the surgeon general looked Mal over, he had none of his past scars or wounds, not even the stitching from the Y-incision made during the autopsy. The only mark he had upon his body was a pink burn scar of a hand print on his right shoulder. That scar was never there before. One of the tests involved scanning Mal in various light spectrums. The more intense the frequency, the more strange the Sergeants case became. In the highest frequency, the scar on his shoulder glowed blinding white and he seemed to have translucent, ghostly wings of an angel.

    X-rays showed that Malcolm's bones were engraved in a laguage never even documented, but engraved on his sternum was a crusaider cross woven within a pentagram. Finally beind released form study after the surgeon general declared Malcolm's status a miracle, the Sergeant volunteered to be put back in active duty as a Chaplain. Before he could start his next tour, SCAR picked him up. They told him that an angel pulled him from Hell, putting him back on the world of the living for a reason. Malcolm did not doubt what the SCAR representatives said, and signed up to serve in a different kind of war.
    Last edited by StormWolf; 12-22-2009 at 09:26 PM.

  9. #9
    1Cor 13:1-8

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    StormWolf, you are accepted. After the work you put into that, how could I say no. Just out of curiosity, do I sense a Supernatural fan? And by the way, love the pic!

  10. #10
    A Storm Is Coming
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    How did you know?!?! Was the burn scar on the shoulder a dead give away? Yeah, I was going to name my character Dean, but that would have been too much. Yay! This looks like it is going to be all kinds of kickass!

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