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Thread: New Skies New Home [IC-M] ~REBOOTED~

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    AxelVanDeriz's Avatar
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    Default New Skies New Home [IC-M] ~REBOOTED~

    Dear journal,

    the day has come. The pinheads have arrived, and though I am against this whole agreement, it must be done to save my race... we are a dying people most of us being males or too old to breed, young females are a rare... I suppose the right term, though terrible sounding would be 'Luxury.' the few females though, well over half of them are barren. My Guardian, Borris and I, are the ones that have been selected to partake in this experiment... maybe one day, some brave inter-galactic explorer will find you, my best friend and most trusted keeper of secrets. And may one day learn of our people... and how war, poachers, and diseases were our demise... 500 of us weredragons were tested, yet Borris and I were the only ones clear of diseases of any kind.. I must go now, my dear Journal... with any luck and trust, my race might survive... but if I, Borris, and the selection of Earthly people that were chosen, are to survive... we have to learn how to trust... learn to survive... and in my case... learn to love again.

    Signed for the last time, Nikkolai Voidsong, Prince of weredragons.

    Shortly after boarding the ship, Nikkolai was given a type of drug hidden in food to make him sleep for a few days. during this time, various tests would be run, and DNA samples of him and his guardian taken, cloned, and then injected into the test subjects via oral samples as they too slept. The DNA would have no taste, so the subjects would swallow with no regard... as soon as it was swallowed, their change begun as the DNA was absorbed into their bloodstream. semi-Unlocking both weredragon form, and fully unlocking full potentials.

    By the time Nikkolai would wake the multiple tests and DNA samples taken from him would leave him a bit dizzy, as he stood up, looking around with a confused look, he stumbled only slightly. Realizing he was naked, he felt no shame. Regardless, he didn't want to seem like a weird pervert. So he sprouted wings, large, black, scaly, and bat-like, then wrapped them around himself. As he did they too seemed to change, forming to his skin... becoming black and silky-soft clothing of sorts.
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    A deep weight almost as if gravity was far more powerful pulled against her limbs. She felt a shiver pierce her limbs as if there was a chill in the air. Her head rolled a bit and she curled up into a ball for warmth. She opened her eyes and wiped them to remove the blur. How long had she been asleep? She rubbed her eyes some more so she could see. She had a slight taste of metal…apparently she had drooled a bit with her mouth open…she paused…

    Where am I…is this right?

    She felt the hardness of metal and pushed up into a sitting position. She moved her tongue about her mouth. She yawned and stretched a bit. As she opened her eyes her senses started to pick up. She was on something smooth and cold but that didn’t feel quite right. She was wearing a loose T-shirt and a pair of cloth pants but nothing else. She felt a wave of embarrassment come in and she held her arms over her chest. She shivered a bit and took in the sights.

    Cages…other people…not alone…

    Strangely she did not panic. Was this wrong...?

    She felt a need to move. A need to be free. She crawled forward and stretched like a cat and then stood up. Thankfully her cage had been big enough for that. The light sounds of others speaking to one another filled in the silence of the room. Why was it so quiet? She brushed her silvery hair…silver hair? Was that right? She stared at it for a brief moment and then moved it so it was behind her.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

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    Shin gasped awake. Where was he? This was not Japan... most likely. He'd heard of human traffickers, but never in his village. Always in the big cities, or at least towns. And what was this he was wearing? It said something in letters he didn't understand. "Kon'nichiwa! Koko wa doko? Nani ga okotte iru?" he cried.

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    Nikkolai was on the other side of Claria's cage. A sheet of paper on a clipboard in hand. Studying the details carefully. When Claria spoke, he looked up, dark eyes looking her over before setting the clipboard back into it's holder with a somewhat loud Click. He then tilted his head in what one would assume, a highly intelligent curiosity. He then backed up and walked around, doing the same to the other cages.

    As he came back towards Claria's cage, another male figure burst into the room. Sandy brown hair and emerald eyes, whereas the first male, Nikkolai, looked almost... dark, his hair, his eyes, his clothing, were all black as night. But the second male appeared to have authority as he walked in, but then stopped short of the darker male, and kneeled respectfully.

    "What is it Borris?" Asked the first male. As he seemed to, seemingly ignore the second male until he addressed him. "Beggin' your pardon, my prince... the captain has informed me to let you know that due to minor complications, it will take a bit longer than previously expected to reach our destination." The second male said, still kneeling. "Thank you Borris. Now on your feet, and as you were."

    The second male, Borris, stood and bowed before walking back out the automatic sliding doors.

    The Japanese male then said something. Strangely, Nikkolai turned his head to look at him. And then he spoke "Anata wa daijōbudesu rirakkusu shite kudasai." It was odd that he understood and spoke both English and Japanese. But then he said "Do you speak common? It's easier for me to understand and speak."
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    She woke up in a black tank top with v-neck cut and shorts, her shoes were a pair of runners that oddly enough looked a little too clean to be quite right. Well, at least she thinks so. In her cage she had shifted to a kneeling position with the palms of her hands resting on top of her soft thighs. Not in the far back, or in a corner, but she knees in the middle of her cage. Watching, silent as she is her mind is taking everything in. The reactions of others, words and questions flying about on what may or may not be going on.

    When the man with the clipboard comes in her eyes follow, he holds himself differently. Enough to be noticed but memorable? Perhaps...if one is not panicked then yes. He, and the other one that spoke to him. Both she watches patiently, learning their names as the kneeling one to be Borris and the man with the clipboard to be a prince. So he's a higher one in position.

    When the language she was birthed and raised into begins between the prince and a caged male she inhales softly to inflate her chest before speaking out in English with a level, calm tone of voice...soothing perhaps in a sense to some. "The tongues are well versed to speak the heart's emotions. Fright, uncertainty there is here, fueling others in it's wake."
    Last edited by Lady Bird; 01-01-2019 at 12:23 AM.

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    He stared at Nikkolai cautiously "Watashi wa nihongo shika hanasemasen. Koko wa doko? Nani ga okotte iru?" He said the first sentence slowly, trying to find any clues, then followed with the other two rapidly. "Anatahadare?"

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    He stared at Nikkolai cautiously "Watashi wa nihongo shika hanasemasen. Koko wa doko? Nani ga okotte iru?" He said the first sentence slowly, trying to find any clues, then followed with the other two rapidly. "Anatahadare?"

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    He stared at Nikkolai cautiously "Watashi wa nihongo shika hanasemasen. Koko wa doko? Nani ga okotte iru?" He said the first sentence slowly, trying to find any clues, then followed with the other two rapidly. "Anatahadare?"

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    Nikkolai looked at the fellow male, "Hmm, well, you do seem to understand me... so... that is a positive in this situation, and I can understand you with a moment of pondering." He then looked at the female who spoke "Wise words, thank you." He looked back at the male as he spoke his questions. "Nothing is wrong, as I said, just relax." and the last question "I am Nikkolai. A former prince, but now simply a leader for our group. Someone has to be a leader, so why not myself? I was a prince, I've done quite a fair amount of leader-related errands back home." He then looked around "Perhaps, we should all get to know each other while we're on the subject of who we are. Names would be a start."
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    Shin eyed him suspiciously. "Jibun no namae is Shin. You said you were a prince?" he didn't notice the abrupt language switch, but he knew something changed. "Where are we? What is going on?" He wrapped his fingers around the bars of his cage. "Why is this happening? Who are you exactly? Tell me. Now."

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