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Thread: [M] The New Vanguard (OOC)

  1. #1
    The Invisible One
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    Default [M] The New Vanguard (OOC)

    Rated [M] for violence, gore, sexual themes, strong language

    In the year 2050, a group of astronauts went on an expedition to the planet Mars. There, they found what they believed to be an old alien technology. They brought it back to Earth, and the planets brightest minds studied the newfound tech. They soon discovered that it was a hyperdrive that would allow intergalactic travel with speeds that previously only seemed possible within fiction. A thousand years later, Humanity has colonized dozens of planets across the galaxy. But is it possible that the aliens who left the tech on Mars were returning?


    The year is 3053. Orbiting Mars is high-security prison station "Vanguard" filled with one hundred of the galaxies' most dangerous criminals. All was well on the Vanguard, when all of a sudden, a solar flare like none other passed through the station, shutting down all systems for just a brief moment. The station was able to get all systems back on without a problem, however, one of the prisoners took the opportunity to stage a coup with his fellow inmates, where they successfully took control of the bridge.

    Welcome to The New Vanguard, an M rated sci-fi roleplay based around a group of convicts from over a thousand years in the future. As stated previously, this roleplay will consist of mature themes, so if that is not something you will be comfortable with, I'd suggest moving along, as this might not be for you.

    Spoiler: Rules 

    Spoiler: Points of Interest 

    Spoiler: Character Sheet 

    Spoiler: Characters 
    Last edited by InfraredHero; 11-13-2019 at 07:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Name: Evelyn Zhang
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    Homeworld: TRAPPIST-1f
    Appearance: Evelyn is 8'1", as a result of the lowered gravity on her homeworld. She is muscular, a combination of the heightened gravity on the prison, her past as a warrior, and her efforts at working out. Her hair is buzzed by choice. She resembles someone of Asian descent, and her skin is deeply tanned.
    Biography: Evelyn was born on a merchant ship in deep space. The ship was severely damaged, and she nearly died. A few hours later, scavengers boarded the ship. They took everything valuable, including Evelyn. They took Evelyn back to TRAPPIST-1f, where she grew up on one of the smaller island chains. There, she learned sailing, fishing, and possibly more important, pirating, of the aquatic and space-faring kind. When she was younger, about 14, she began piracy on the seas of TRAPPIST-1f. She learned hand-to-hand combat, intimidation, and developed a keen eye. When she was 17, she began to go on space missions. She was a deadly force, leaving no survivors. Eventually, when she was 20, an Alliance police team was sent to calm the area down. When they arrived, Evelyn ran, like any good pirate, but she was gunned down. Her ship crashed into the Leviathan Sea, and when the police found the ship again, Evelyn was in critical condition. The rest of her crew were dead. She was taken to a regular prison at first, but when she developed a reputation for breaking people over her knee, she was sent to the Vanguard.
    Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, detection, investigation, and split-second decision-making.
    Other: Evelyn has a personal vedetta against one of the gaurds, and if she sees him, she will split from any group and attempt to enact revenge.
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  3. #3
    Aki Shinome's Avatar
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    Name: Apollo “Mute” Rhyidan
    Gender: Male
    Age: 29
    Homeworld: Luna (Earth’s Moon)
    Appearance: Mute stands at 5’9” with a rhomboid build. His leg muscles are extremely well developed however, the rest of his body is proportionally neutral thanks to his passive lifestyle; save literally out running law enforcement. His brown eyes have been surgically implanted with the latest HUD technology to allow him not only to see without the need for glasses but can be modified to give him on the fly information (though this function has been heavily restricted when he was arrested). His long hair is kept into dreadlocks, reaching to his upper back. While he was born on Earth’s Moon, his lineage can be traced back to Jamaica, which shows through his complexion. Finally, his neck has a ruby black scar running down from the front around to his left shoulder as a result of his time at DARTS. This damaged his vocal cords so severely that he cannot speak, thus earning him the nickname, Mute.

    Biography: Apollo James Rhyidan was born in the colonies of Earth’s moon into poverty. His father was an 8-time convicted felon and his mother had to work 3 jobs to keep him and his brothers and sister alive. Everyday he had to struggle to get to tomorrow; whether it be bullies, hunger, testing, or criminals looking to take advantage of his needy composition.
    It wasn’t until he joined the Luna Security Forces that he, for the first time, knew success. It was here that he discovered his abnormally high affinity for technology; specifically inventing and hacking. He was assigned to the Developing and Acquisition of Research Technology Section (DARTS) where he quickly became a household name; hacking, analyzing and backward-engineering unknown alien technology better than any engineer before or since. However, it wasn’t always so good, for it was here too that he lost his ability to speak due to the neighboring detention facilities breakout in 3048. An inmate had discovered Apollo and his team in a safe zone and Apollo managed to drive him off but, not before suffering a severe laceration to his neck from the inmate’s improved shank.
    He would make a near full recovery, but the damage from the blade to his vocal cords rendered him unable to speak. This event not only changed him physically, but mentally as well and not for the better. He became bitter towards all criminals and soon his inventions were designed to inflict maximum pain to their targets without killing them. His higher ups soon declared him mentally compromised and sent him to a rehab center for treatment but in his mind, he felt betrayed by the people who he considered his family. His breaking point came when passed his rehab exit examination. Despite the good news, he was not allowed to reenter DARTS and was instead assigned to a desk job working with DARTS.
    Apollo, now known as Mute, began his revenge fueled criminal escapades by stealing technology from DARTS and combining it to create his first illegal tech, the Mute Zone. With it, he was able to dampen the sound around an area and along with his hacking skills he was able to steal more top-secret technology from literally right under the department’s noses. He became quite wealthy, giving the criminals he once brought to justice an overwhelming edge against law enforcement for a price. However, his perfect streak would come to an end when during one of his raids, he was caught by an old friend and co-worker of his. Mute, out of the little respect he had left, decided to let his friend go. However, instead of keeping Mute’s secret, his friend gave him up to the authorities.
    Mute would not go quietly and went on the run for the next 6 years, using his gadgets to disorient and unbalance his pursuers. Mute’s mental state deteriorated further, and he went on a murderous rampage, killing every single person who knew him out of misguided anger to the person who he thought was his friend ratting him out. He justified it by calling it “Tying up loose ends”. He even infiltrated New Alcatraz Galactic Prison, one of the most secure facilities in the galaxy, and murdered his father execution style to the back of the head.
    His rampage would come to an end when he found his mother on her deathbed, heartbroken at what her son had become. Mute unflinchingly pointed his father’s old handgun at the woman who had given him life and pulled the trigger. As the round left the muzzle, he had a moment of clarity, and desperately tried to stop the bullet from killing the last of his family. It was during this mental breakdown that he was captured by law enforcement and lead away, heartbroken and in tears, to the same facility he had murdered his father in. After serving a year, and racking up numerous assaults, theft, and escape charges, it was decided to move him to Vanguard in the hopes that it’s superior containment measures could Mute from doing anymore harm.

    Skills: Inventing, Hacking both current and unfamiliar technology, Stealth, Evasion, and Defensive Combat techniques.

    Other: Mute’s moral compass is extremely warped to the point of him thinking only for the moral good of himself, able to justify committing all manner of atrocities to others if it means he gets an upper hand on his target or someone else.
    Spoiler: Mute's Inventions 

  4. #4
    The Invisible One
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    Both accepted.

    I also added my character to the first post

  5. #5
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Great, thanks.
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  6. #6
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    Was curious if this was still accepting characters?

  7. #7
    The Invisible One
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    Yep! I'd like to get at least 1 or 2 more people before starting

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    If I may ask since Alien species can be a little crazy. Would there be some sort of limits on what they can do?

    I was looking to make a shape shifting character with limits on size and what can actually be changed but I am nervous about things like age and and stuff.

    I just wanted to know if there are any big no-nos your trying to avoid.

  9. #9
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    I think that this is supposed to be humans-oriented, but I could be wrong.
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  10. #10
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    I planned to keep the shapeshifting to Humanoid but if that is not allowed I am okay to remove it, just wanted to make sure I understood things. Thank you for the response I should have clarified I am keeping it that way.

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