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Thread: Never-Ending Conquest Battles

  1. #1
    Tolvo's Avatar
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    Default Never-Ending Conquest Battles


    Battles that have taken place

    Spoiler: Season 0 

    Spoiler: Season 1 

    Spoiler: Season 2 

    Current Battles


    The Burning Front - The Shogun of the Burning Islands has finally showed her hand. She had prepared a massive naval invasion force with her at the head which has left the Burning Islands at the behest of the White Tiger Wei of Nan. Thanks to the scrying of Arael the Mersus forces were not caught of guard and have prepared for a vicious battle at the castle of Deatwein.

    Planned Battles
    Last edited by Tolvo; 03-16-2017 at 08:41 AM.
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    Upcoming Battles and Events: Season 3

    Southern Kingdoms

    Battle of Paradisuto - Led by Gianluigi, the forces of the Southern Kingdoms and the Southern Dominion have joined together in an assault upon Paradisuto. After being delayed in their marches due to logistics issues Gianluigi's forces have taken in those of the Dominion still seeking glory and gold on the battlefield. Paradisuto is the goal, the city ruled by the traitor Vicelord Maracello. The Vicelord's own forces have been reinforced by those of the Dread General Pilla, a rare tactician among the Destruin. A force of 30,000 of the Southern Kingdom, and 16,000 of the Southern Dominion face a force of 45,000 Destruin monsters and warriors.

    Skirmish at Ruination Fields - Outside of Ruination Summit the Southern Kingdoms have ended up in an impromptu skirmish against Destruin. This arose out of a small force along the way to Paradisuto wandering too far West and being ambushed by a force of a 1,200 Destruin against 1,600 of the Southern Kingdoms.

    Southern Dominion

    Battle of Paradisuto - Led by Gianluigi, the forces of the Southern Kingdoms and the Southern Dominion have joined together in an assault upon Paradisuto. After being delayed in their marches due to logistics issues Gianluigi's forces have taken in those of the Dominion still seeking glory and gold on the battlefield. Paradisuto is the goal, the city ruled by the traitor Vicelord Maracello. The Vicelord's own forces have been reinforced by those of the Dread General Pilla, a rare tactician among the Destruin. A force of 30,000 of the Southern Kingdom, and 16,000 of the Southern Dominion face a force of 45,000 Destruin monsters and warriors.

    Scouting of Mersus - A small band of Dominion forces are being sent out to scout the harsh lands of Mersus to determine what level of a threat they are, along with to discover if they hold any riches.

    Mersus Deathborne

    Invasion of the Burning Islands (Land) - The Deathborne have decided it is finally time to put an end to the rule of the Shogun. They have amassed a great landing force of 100,000 and plan on attacking the capital of the Burning Islands to unseat the Shogun. In response the Shogun has amassed 160,000 soldiers to defend her islands from the undead invaders. The Wight King leads a portion of the Deathborne forces. Hidega has 14,000 loyalist warriors on the island who will fight on behalf of the Deathborne.

    Invasion of the Burning Islands (Naval) - During the massive invasion of the Burning Islands from the West come the combined forces of 60,000 troops on naval vessels. They will intercept the 2nd wave of Deathborne coming to invade which number at 80,000 in total. Wei of Nan, the White Tigers, leads the Five Kingdoms forces in this battle. The King of the Wild Hunt leads the Deathborne forces.

    Five Kingdoms

    Invasion of the Burning Islands (Land) - The Deathborne have decided it is finally time to put an end to the rule of the Shogun. They have amassed a great landing force of 100,000 and plan on attacking the capital of the Burning Islands to unseat the Shogun. In response the Shogun has amassed 160,000 soldiers to defend her islands from the undead invaders. The Wight King leads a portion of the Deathborne forces. Hidega has 14,000 loyalist warriors on the island who will fight on behalf of the Deathborne.

    Invasion of the Burning Islands (Naval) - During the massive invasion of the Burning Islands from the West come the combined forces of 60,000 troops on naval vessels. They will intercept the 2nd wave of Deathborne coming to invade which number at 80,000 in total. Wei of Nan, the White Tigers, leads the Five Kingdoms forces in this battle. The King of the Wild Hunt leads the Deathborne forces.


    2nd Battle of Barbardun - Led by Iskar the One-Eye, the Barbarians have finally amassed a large enough army to assault their former capital of Barbardun. They hope to take it with an army 50,000 strong against an Imperial force that numbers at 85,000. The Aegis Credius is going to meet Iskar on the battlefield, as the two opposing titans and commanders face off.

    Western Empire

    2nd Battle of Barbardun - Led by Iskar the One-Eye, the Barbarians have finally amassed a large enough army to assault their former capital of Barbardun. They hope to take it with an army 50,000 strong against an Imperial force that numbers at 85,000. The Aegis Credius is going to meet Iskar on the battlefield, as the two opposing titans and commanders face off.

    2nd Battle of Middle Finger - After the harsh defeat of the Empire at Middle Finger they have decided they've played around enough. A force of 100,000 Imperials march South to Middle Finger led by Cold Hotman where they will face off against the King of Hate's 60,000 creatures.


    2nd Battle of Middle Finger - After the harsh defeat of the Empire at Middle Finger they have decided they've played around enough. A force of 100,000 Imperials march South to Middle Finger led by Cold Hotman where they will face off against the King of Hate's 60,000 creatures.

    Skirmish at Ruination Fields - Outside of Ruination Summit the Southern Kingdoms have ended up in an impromptu skirmish against Destruin. This arose out of a small force along the way to Paradisuto wandering too far West and being ambushed by a force of a 1,200 Destruin against 1,600 of the Southern Kingdoms.

    Battle of Paradisuto - Led by Gianluigi, the forces of the Southern Kingdoms and the Southern Dominion have joined together in an assault upon Paradisuto. After being delayed in their marches due to logistics issues Gianluigi's forces have taken in those of the Dominion still seeking glory and gold on the battlefield. Paradisuto is the goal, the city ruled by the traitor Vicelord Maracello. The Vicelord's own forces have been reinforced by those of the Dread General Pilla, a rare tactician among the Destruin. A force of 30,000 of the Southern Kingdom, and 16,000 of the Southern Dominion face a force of 45,000 Destruin monsters and warriors.
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    Upcoming Battles and Events Season 3.5

    Battle of Kasai Palace - After the defeat of the White Tiger Wei of Nan the naval forces of the Deathborne move to join the invasion of the Burning Islands. The Wight King with the aid of HIdega has gained ground on the island and leads the assault on the Shogun's palace. Reinforcements come from the sea, led by Baigujin, Zyrael, and Arael.
    Last edited by Tolvo; 05-19-2017 at 06:06 PM.
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    Upcoming Battles and Events Season 4

    Hexin Peace Summit - In the kingdom of Hexin of the Five Kingdoms a meeting of leaders from multiple nations has been called for. The majority of these leaders will be hailing from either Mersus or the Five Kingdoms. That is not to say that others won't be there, as invitations have been sent to every nation available around the White Sea. It is at this summit where talks of a peaceful concordance will take place over an alliance between the Five Kingdoms and the Deathborne of Mersus. Each leader will be allowed to bring their personal guard to protect them on their journey and during the summit.
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    Upcoming Battles and Events Season 4.1

    Battle of Troll Mountain - The Southern Kingdoms and Southern Dominion have begun to invade Destruin land. Led by Governor Jathbiyya of Khoob and Queen Maria of Paisarma. They are intending to cut off the trolls that are allied with the Destruin from further joining in the war. The Destruin forces are led by the Troll King. 10,000 Destruin vs 20,000 Southern Kingdoms soldiers.

    Battle of Tidren - Destruin has made a gamble and has sent a naval invasion force to Tidren under the water. They will be fighting a smaller force of the Southern Kingdoms. The very capital of the Southern Kingdoms could fall to such an invasion force. 50,500 Destruin vs 30,300 Southern Kingdoms soldiers.
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    Upcoming Battles and Events Season 4.2

    Battle of Ruination Summit - The Dark Host Kane is mounting a defense of Ruination Summit to fight against the combined might of the Southern Dominion and Kingdoms. The Southern Alliance faces off against the allied forces of the Destruin and the Western Empire. 30,000 Southern Alliance soldiers face 40,000 Destruin and Imperials.
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  7. #7
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    Battle for Tidren...And I'm assuming the resolution will open up 4.2?

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    Just a heads up Naster has already started the battle of Tidren. You can still do it if you want. And 4.2 is an option for Destrin now that Paradisuto is over.
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    Aaah, okay, then I'll take 4.2

    - - - Updated - - -

    We should probably also have a conversation between the Inquisitor and Destrin regarding the Western Empire's rather...Interesting choice of ally.

  10. #10
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    Upcoming Battles and Events Season 5

    Deathborne and Ryudeshi Alliance

    Battle of Caelin - At the town of Caelin forces have gathered. This site of a long ago battles again appears to be the staging grounds for another great assault. The Ryudeshi invade led by Warlord Zu Qing and Gonosuro Rai. They face the army of Commander Lycanter and Grand Apothecary Mundi, The Withered. 10,000 Imperials against 9,000 Ryudeshi.

    Invasion of Archaon - A great invasion is being headed by the combined forces of the Deathborne of Mersus, The Frigid Islanders, and the Ryudeshi of the Five Kingdoms. At the city of Archaon an army of the Iledrith Empire, numbering at 100,000 led by Grand Magister Jerran and Moon Princess Zel support the Western Empire here. The Western Empire forces, numbering at 160,000, are led by Commander Lycanter, Grand Vindicator Keerion, and Archbishop Sentius, Destroyer of Sin. A combined army of the Ryudeshi, numbering at 100,000, and Deathborne, numbering at 120,000, are led by Wight King Jar Eel, Shogun Hokarimitsuji, General Shi the Monkey, and High Deathlord Glenn.

    Invasion of Fort Eastguard - Yet again the forces f the Ryudeshi Empire turn to Fort Eastguard with the hopes of opening up the Empire's east to attack. The fort is run down and heavily weakened, with little hope for repair. A force of 7,000 Imperials led by Crusader David Wood face a force of 8,000 Ryudeshi led by Prince Yazhu of Xi.

    Southern Alliance

    Battle of Demon's Head - Destruin makes a last stand. They have faced defeat after defeat at the hands of the Southern Kingdoms and the formed Southern Alliance. The city of Demon's Head is protected by 200,000 Destruin, led by Dread Queen Talisandra, and Great Destroyer Azkayikal. From the Southern Kingdoms invades a force of 100,000 led by Prince Gianluigi of Giu Sotto, Monarch Narcisse of Magnif, and King Richgarde of Tidren. The Southern Dominion forces, numbering at 90,000, are led by Governor Firdaus of Koshamadid, and Governor Jathbiyya of Khoob.

    The Saurians Invade - With the weakening borders of Destruin no longer being as stable as they once were, the Saurians saw their opportunity and began their invasion. They number at 40,000 and are led by Beast King Korrokaz. The Saurians face the 45,000 strong army of the Southern Kingdoms led by Queen Maria of Paisarma.
    Last edited by Tolvo; 06-21-2017 at 09:19 PM.
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