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Thread: [M] The Throne of Gods (OOC)

  1. #1
    Crimson Casanova
    RedKayne's Avatar
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    Default [M] The Throne of Gods (OOC)

    This is Rated M for violence, blood, gore, language, nudity, sexual content, and contradiction of religious beliefs that might be considered blasphemy outside of creative context.

    We are currently closed for character submissions
    However, keep an eye out for the upcoming second chapter!

    The Throne of Gods: Fallen Stars

    Check out our epic story! - IC Link

    The King of Gods has been slain, causing chaos and strife throughout the heavens. All of the Gods have been forced out of the heavens, their home. They fell as falling stars upon the planet Earth. Their powers have been greatly diminished as they now wander the mortal realm. Not only have their powers been taken, but their immortality as well... The Gods themselves are now vulnerable to the weaknesses of the mundane human...

    What is your goal in this new life?

    Are you one of the benevolent gods trying to restore order? Are you investigating the death of the King of Gods and plan to bring the perpetrator to justice?

    Or are you one of those malevolent gods? Do you intend to take the empty throne as your own and cut down those that stand in your way?

    Or perhaps... You actually enjoy your new mortal life? Perhaps you decided that this realm is now your true home... And perhaps you actually fall in love with a mortal? Perhaps you no longer seek a way to return to the heavens, but simply wish to live a normal life from now on...

    Whatever is your choice... the wheels of the multiverse have been set... and destiny awaits you

    Spoiler: Setting 

    Spoiler: The Five Monarchs 

    Spoiler: The Battle System 

    Spoiler: Notable NPC Characters 

    Spoiler: The Story So Far 

    The Rules - Must Read!

    1. Even though we are playing as gods... please do not godmod/metamod/powerplay. These kinds of things are never fun.
    2. Please respect all players. The words of the GM and Co-GMs are law. The Co-GMs are TheCatandTheBat and TheDoctor.
    3. Romance and swearing is fine. Just don't take it to the extreme. Don't curse practically every other word. If things get steamy, please fade-to-black/take it to the PMs.
    4. If you are going to be inactive, please VM/PM myself or one of the co-gms; or make a notification in the OOC thread. After a week of inactivity and no response, we will take control of your character and use him/her as we deem fit. This may include death of your character.
    5. For now, sadly, only one character per person. You are welcome to create a companion for your character (such as a bewildered human or a mystical familiar)
    6. Two paragraphs are the recommended minimum. However, I am not too strict about this rule considering I understand writer's block or simple dialogue exchange, a co-post would be really useful for the latter though. I would really appreciate though if you push yourself to make great posts. A little bit of spelling and grammar error is fine, but please don't make it unbearable.
    7. Once you create your character, I will make the decision (after discussing with my fellow Co-GMs) which group your character will fall into. There are many sorts of factors involved with your placement, including: personality, powers, faction, history, etc. If you really have a specific group you want to be placed in, PM me about it so we can discuss.
    8. I will add more rules as I deem fit. For I am the GM and my word is law.
    9. Most important rule... have fun! Seriously, let your creativity and imagination run wild! Have a freakin' blast!

    Spoiler: Character Sheet 

    Spoiler: Zypher - RedKayne (GM) 

    Accepted Players

    Zypher: God of Purification played by RedKayne

    Jaslyn: Goddess of Indulgence played by TheCatandTheBat (Co-GM)

    Vantas: God of the Void played by TheDoctor

    Lanaei: Goddess of the Seasons played by ScottishGal

    Spero: Goddess of the Unknown played by TheCatandTheBat (Co-GM)

    Danero: God of Metal played by Chihana

    Nirvana: Goddess of Motherhood played byDerpnaster

    Jonas Melfinix Maldor: God of Night played by Greased Smitening

    Kavi: Goddess of the Mind played by Laya

    Sanji: God of Rune played by AngelWing

    Kaesrenoumu "Caes": God of Emotion played by The Fate Twister

    Kaigontas "Kai" vrachos: God of Magma played by Kiro Akira


    Ipos Gusion: God of Time

    Arianwen: Goddess of the Wind

    Jag: Goddess of War

    Masecha: God of the Heart

    Durga: God of Protection

    Bezumiye “Scarecrow” Dessman: God of Madness

    Alcander: God of Justice

    Jakob Cruor: God of Bloodshed

    Karliah: Goddess of Winter

    Kadukus Rose: Goddess of Death

    Vin: Goddess of Fate

    Sibriskaya: God of Gas

    Deva: The Goddess of the Slumber

    Lyra Fantasia: Goddess of Music

    Khyte: The Goddess of Luck
    Last edited by RedKayne; 07-29-2015 at 03:19 AM.

  2. #2
    ElizabethStark's Avatar
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    Currently working on a CS.

    "Thank you, Master."
    "You're welcome, My Padawan."

  3. #3
    Preach's Avatar
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    Hello ! If you want to advertise/show off your RP to the site, be sure to check out these helpful links:

    Roleplaying Games Directory – Add your RP to the directory!
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    Not at home at the moment but I will work on a CS tonight!
    Set by the masterful Karma

  5. #5
    Crimson Casanova
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    Thanks Preach!

    Can't wait to see your fiery character cat :P

  6. #6
    ☆Catwoman☆'s Avatar
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    I'll try to impress
    Set by the masterful Karma

  7. #7
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Workin on a CS now!

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
    Spoiler: RPs I'm in 

  8. #8
    ☆Catwoman☆'s Avatar
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    Name: Jaslyn

    Gender: Female

    Age: 3,370

    Spoiler: Jaslyn 

    Jaslyn is very toned and stronger than she may appear, though she looks pretty tough already. Her hair is a light, blush red.

    Goddess of: Indulgence

    Faction: Balance

    Powers: Jaslyn has a talent for reading what the heart most desires, and the power to give it. For hundreds of years, men and women sought for her attention, beseeching her with prayer, praise, sacrifice, all in the hopes that she would give them what they most desired. Her attention, however, is difficult to catch, and most who seek her do so in vain.

    Those fortunate--or even unfortunate--enough to be granted an audience, however, plead for their desire to be granted to them. Jaslyn has heard cries for power, for love, for vengeance, for wisdom, and everything in between, both good and evil. But she is a harsh and wrathful mistress, and not all who find her return to tell of it.

    Upon falling to the earth, her power has been crippled. While once able to grant a mortal whatever they sought--if she so pleased--now her power only lies in illusion. For those weak of mind, her illusions can become an eternal prison they are unable to escape until their body wastes away. Those with a stronger willpower can break through the illusion, but some desperate souls would choose not to.

    Weapons: Jaslyn wields a deadly claw weapon on each hand.

    Personality: Jaslyn has an abrasive personality. She is blunt, impatient, and incredibly quick to anger. She despises those who waste her time, which is why many who entered into her presence in the good ol’ days didn’t come out alive. However, with a fiery temper comes fiery passion, and it is not unheard of for men who have earned her favor to spend a night--or several--in her company. But while being charming and sultry is not difficult for her, it is a rarity, for there are few she finds deserving of it.

    As a goddess of balance dwelling in Eden, Jaslyn prefers the company of animals to both mortals and immortals alike. Their hearts are pure and their desires easily granted, as their minds are not burdened with corruptive intelligence.

    Background: Jaslyn was “born” nearly three and a half thousand years ago, the result of a brief but chaotic union between Baldramort himself and the Goddess of Greed. Despite this less than savory parentage, Jaslyn is not evil, though she could hardly be considered good either. She is simply apathetic, giving little care to the affairs of gods or mortals. Though many would perhaps consider it a shame that the power to grant wishes fell to one so detached and cold, the Faction of Balance looked at it as wise. If she had been as benevolent as those of Order and Wisdom, Jaslyn might have been so compassionate as to grant the desires of all well-meaning worshippers. Or, had she been malevolent like Pain and Chaos, the world would likely have burned.

    Having concluded this, the gods and goddesses of Balance accepted her into their fold and granted her a place in Eden. If ever Jaslyn had truly loved anything, it had been the Paradise Garden. Now, having fallen to the treacherous, despicable, and uncivilized earth, Jaslyn is determined to do whatever is necessary to get back to her beloved home.
    Set by the masterful Karma

  9. #9
    Crimson Casanova
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    Damn, that is one awesome character you made cat

    You are accepted of course!

    And can't wait to see what you brew up, TheDoctor!

  10. #10
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Name: Vantas

    Gender: Male

    Age: He stopped counting after one million, but he was never certain of when he truly started existing (explained in background)

    Spoiler: Vantas Appearance 

    Vantas is a lean man in his (apparent) late 20s/early 30s who stands at a subtle 5'10". He bears distinguishable moderately short crimson hair and golden eyes. His attire usually consist of what is in the picture: black pants, black long-sleeved shirt, and a long black coat.

    God/Goddess of: the Void

    Faction: Chaos

    Powers: Vantas has the ability to manipulate darkness in its purest form. This darkness can be used for physical manipulation, like conjuring walls, tendrils of pure darkness, etc., from an instance in space. However, it can also be used to whisper contradictions into a soul's heart, causing conflict and potential corruption in their conscious decisions. These contradictions question the person's moral or psychological boundaries and decisions, which Vantas sees not as manipulation but as opening the victim's mind.

    Weapons: A lance

    Personality: Vantas is a confident man who has complete and utter faith in his philosophies and abilities. This is evident in the grin that he frequently bears upon his face, keeping his calm even in the most dire situations. However, this confidence is not to be mistaken for arrogance. Vantas does not allow his confidence to cloud his judgement, believing in exactly what he knows and does and nothing more. Assumptions and ideals are nothing to him, for he instead views the universe from a realist standpoint.

    Background: The Lord of the Void never really knew when, why, or how he began. All that he knows is where he was created: in the Void, a consistent state of nonexistence that is everywhere and nowhere all at once. It is the infinitely small spaces between every piece of the universe in every moment of time, but it is far from tangible. It is, and it isn't.

    Vantas believed that his consciousness spawned from the Void, but he also believed that his consciousness was in there since the beginning of time. Nonetheless, he existed at some point in time and found himself in Carcari under the hand of Baldramort. He found himself somewhat different from the other gods united with the Prince of Chaos, for while they desired pain, suffering, and death, Vantas desired something entirely different.

    Freedom. Pure, unfiltered freedom. The other gods were bound by their meager desires and bloodshed while Vantas asked for something essentially unobtainable. Even he was bound by his desire, and the only way to free himself of it was to achieve it. He desired the Void to become reality, for only in the Void, in a state of nonexistence and omniscience at the same time, could one truly obtain freedom.

    They were also bound by another being: the King of Gods. But while the other gods in Carcari saw it as bondage by the entity, Vantas saw it as bondage from the throne itself. The concept of a ruler amongst the gods was a principle that had to be disposed of. The Five Monarchs, and even the Prince of Chaos himself, simply had to go in Vantas's eyes. It was essential in order for the Void to be achieved.

    And so when the King of Gods fell, Vantas saw it as another step closer to the Void. With the King fallen and the other gods established as humans like himself, he could climb to the throne and destroy it. Once the idea of a ruler was gone, the Void could be renewed, and true freedom could be found.

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
    Spoiler: RPs I'm in 

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