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Thread: The Croze Guide to Modern Weapons (In Service, but incomplete)

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    Fleija Croze's Avatar
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    Default The Croze Guide to Modern Weapons (In Service, but incomplete)

    Some tidbits. Thread was created due to the fact I keep seeing gun-totting RPers use machinepistols in full-automatic to "completely perforate the gunner from across the block". I want to at least keep things somewhat realistic, but of course, my aesthetic technicalities get in some people ways of RPing. Moving on...

    I intend to create a wonderful RP with plenty of firearms in the future. Maybe when this is complete.

    As-is, I am accepting questions about any topic under "Modern Weapons" and "Future Content". I am aware of Stream's General Combat Guide, but I very much intend to create a more comprehensive guide.

    Adding information is very much welcome in completing this. Do note that a balance of what can be used in an RP and what can't should be respected. Because readers would not be as attentive as gun nuts such as myself, it's necessary to communicate in plain English.

    Spoiler: Future Content (Not in order) 

    Spoiler: General information 

    Spoiler: Small Arms 

    Spoiler: Grenades 
    Last edited by Fleija Croze; 05-14-2015 at 06:34 PM.
    When caught, it's best to eliminate the evidence. The culprit, you, included.

    RPA's resident firearm enthusiast
    Modern Weapon Guide

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    Mystress of Shadows's Avatar
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    Hey Fleija. I need some help, and you have been proven to contain the most extensive knowledge on weaponry that I know of. I have no clue where to go on the internet to figure this out, so I'm coming to you instead. Below is the rough version (still not fully complete) of a CS for one of Hoef's RPs. After reading above, I have already seen several things to add or fix. (For instance, I am fairly sure I put compressor instead of suppressor.) I was using general terms that I've heard a good bit, but I want to be much more in depth and accurate than what I have. Don't be afraid to critique me because I know basically nothing about guns, so I'm expecting it. I also would like to know the length of a sniper rifle (as I said it in the CS) in case it would make no sense to hide it underneath the dress. I have a back-up plan in case that doesn't work. Anyway, here's the CS. Look at appearance for where I put her assortment of weaponry.
    Spoiler: Anna/"Lucy" 
    Oh, and thanks in advance. This is going to be a neat learning experience for me.

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    Fleija Croze's Avatar
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    Compressor? It should be suppressor, unless if you mean to reduce muzzle flash and noise, but if it's a 'compressor', it condenses the firearm into something smaller to reduce size- So far I believe no conventional gun like that exists. There are ones that are folded, such as the Magpul FMG-9 and the PP-90, and improvised ones such as cellphone guns.

    A sniper rifle typically has long barrel to maintain accuracy, making them bulky, but special firearms, such as the VSS Vintorez, can be assembled from a briefcase while maintaining accuracy and having a short barrel.

    • I suggest keeping the sniper rifle parts in a normal-looking bag (Somehow putting them on a dress guarantees they'll be spotted due to its bulk.)
    • How will the poison in the parasol disperse without causing harm to the user?
    • Blades hidden or are sharpened as stiletto heels are not only dangerous, but impractical, even as emergency weapons. Take a situation where the user runs into a muddy area. If the blade is exposed, you are compromising its sharpness. Since a blade is thin, it would degrade faster than normal heels. Not only that, but the penetrating power of the heels is limited by the ball and arch of the foot, and stabbing with them gets awkward as you have to kick with your heel at an angle that might damage your foot due to how the blade is positioned.
    • Throwing knives are impractical in a conventional firefight. It's faster to fire two shots than retrieve two knives that can't penetrate body armor. (You need plenty of force, time to aim and time to throw. The lighter than throwing weapon, the less capable it is when penetrating armor)
    • If you intend to keep the knives, keep in mind you only have a finite supply as having more would add too much weight to the dress.
    • A good backup pistol needs to be small and compact, take the Makarov Pistol, for instance. Up to twelve-rounds on modern versions while being compact.
    • Any form of body armor being worn? Kevlar can only stop handgun bullets and shrapnel, but intermediate and rifle bullets can tear through multiple Kevlar vest. The only way to stop them is to wear half-inch-thick ceramic plates- But can shatter and are heavy.

    Stealth-wise, a lady wearing a long black dress with folds with a black parasol looks conspicuous in a modern world. She'd look like an archetypal villain.

    • When going in protection missions, you cannot do it alone. Your options are either to stay with the protected or observe them from afar. Either way, assassinations are done nigh-instantly and observing at street level can't stop a sniper and vice-versa.
    • When going in overt protection missions (Missions where your firearm is visible to everyone), pick a high-power firearm that guarantees that the target gets stopped immediately. The weapon does not necessarily need to be concealable, but it must be accurate and have enough rounds and cycle between aggressors.
    • When protecting someone, the moment trouble starts, keep moving. Allowing an enemy to converge and surround you increases the risk posed by them.
    • A food for thought is that assassins aren't trained to protect targets- Only perform their titular role and get out immediately.

    In short, you'll have to fight in a pragmatic method. Fight the way I fight when I RP. Nothing brave, but nothing stupid, either.


    Edit: The bunker is a terrible place to hide in. A typical assassin has numerous safehouses since police can and will collect enough evidence. It won't take long for observers to trail the character into an alley and find the bunker and promptly raid it.
    Last edited by Fleija Croze; 05-13-2014 at 05:35 PM.
    When caught, it's best to eliminate the evidence. The culprit, you, included.

    RPA's resident firearm enthusiast
    Modern Weapon Guide

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    Mystress of Shadows's Avatar
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    Thanks. Some of those I will change but others I will keep. I'll add information to it as to explain the parts I am keeping. This is my first time using this kind of weaponry, so this was a big help.

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    Scapegrace's Avatar
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    In the spirit of sniper weaponry discussion:-

    What would be your sniper weapon of choice were you to be a moderately-insane conspiracy theorist from Norfolk?
    "Heartbreak hurts, but we can dance it off" -- Spinners, The Hold Steady

    Spoiler: Do you want to play a game? Of course you do, why else would you be here? 

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    That one Reaper Guy
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    Just a tip, I would also add something to the Machine Gun portion, going a bit more in depth on the M61 Vulcan, and what it's usage is.

    Also, I'd like to see a fun fact thing somewhere in the OP. Like maybe have a fun fact explaining what the Secret Service uses. I personally know, but maybe someone would like to know that.

    Just some thoughts I had that might make this a bit more... I don't want to say interesting, since it is, but rather... fun? I guess?
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    Fleija Croze's Avatar
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    I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.


    Miniguns will be added in another section titled "Ordnance" (Perhaps 'Multiple-Barrel Firearms). A 'gun' is a term for cannons/artillery (Well, right now you could call a small-arm a gun). A 'minigun' is referred to that way due to its portability. (But by no means man-portable)

    In any case standard USSS use Sig P229's chambered in .357 SIG, FN Five-SeveN's, FN P90's and MP5 variants (According to a certain public domain blueprint, the presidential limousine has an MP5K somewhere in there- but it's public domain, and the NSA regulates things, could be true, could be false.)

    Special Operations Division have more than that, though.

    Rifles used by their counter-snipers are custom-built KAC SR-25/Mk11 Mod 0's along with custom-built variants of other rifles that remain undisclosed.

    Counter-assault team members have Knight's Armament Company SR-16's and Remington 870 MCS's.
    When caught, it's best to eliminate the evidence. The culprit, you, included.

    RPA's resident firearm enthusiast
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    That one Reaper Guy
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    I meant like put that in the original post, but that works too.
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    I thought I knew a little bit about guns until I saw this. Now, most of the stuff I know, mainly about suppressors and overheating, but then dwelling into where the definition of a gun came from and other stuff made me very intrigued in firearm usage... what sucks is that I don't know half of the freaking names of some of the guns you listed
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  10. #10
    Anti-Hero's Avatar
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    Carrying on the spirit of One Shot, One Kill. I did a quick update to the sniper area post, being I am RPA's residential sniper. Croze is mostly right on the money with a select few tweaks for modern day combat.

    Spoiler: Bolt Action 

    Spoiler: Designated Marksman Rifles (DMR) 

    Spoiler: Anti Material 

    The difference between marksmen and snipers is that marksmen move with a fireteam/squad and provide accurate fire (While the others suppress an enemy) while snipers act independently in pairs.

    This situation is completely dependent on the operation at hand. I was a long range sniper operative who frequently traveled with a fully outfitted fireteam. Snipers also travel with convoys on protection details, they actually, contrary to popular belief are versatile fighters, in hand to hand, long range, short range, and can be given almost any scenario in the field of battle.

    Anti-Materiel Rifles are best used as ambush weapons while Designated Marksmen Rifles are best used as supporting assault weapons.

    This is 100% accurate. It should be considered though Bolt-action has the versatile use of being able to be used in both long and mid range scenarios and actually allows a sniper his best defensive posture. AMRs are used specifically to attack an enemy from long-very long ranges, to give the sniper either perfect cover or the ability to run without danger, DMRs are widely used by sniper and fireteams for their versatility and modern day builds that can be readjusted in a few minutes to fit the battlefield perimeters.

    The notion that snipers work alone came from sniping doctrines during WWII. Back then, snipers fought in close range inside buildings, usually less than 300 meters. Spotters were not needed as closer ranges mean easier hits. In modern times, snipers are paired with spotters. They never work

    Sniper do not work alone in modern combat, its to dangerous to waste the asset, in WW2 you were much closer, so being solo allowed for less chance of being spotted, however while snipers never truly work solo they do a genre of missions called "Counter Sniping" which is extremely dangerous for a spotter to actually assist, while they do, usually the sniper takes on the sniper 1 on 1, as its likely going to be from a highly defensible position such as a military base.

    As for why mathematics are needed, sniping is precise. One mistake means your position is compromised. Common anti-sniper tactics revolve around firing a rocket launcher at your general direction, calling an airstrike, calling artillery on your position or getting swarmed. After they fire a few shots, they immediately reposition as to not get spotted/blown to bits.

    Once again accurate. However mathematics also falls under calling in your own airstrikes, artillery, or locating HV targets provided the mission is such. Also weather, and wind speed, and rotation of Earth need to be calculated for long range shots locking in at anything over 500 meters.
    (Rpers REALLY overlook this step)

    Typically snipers hold onto a sort of booklet with quick jotted mathematics to make their jobs easier, aswell they use different natural settings as a general idea of range.
    For instance a car sitting at 500 meters is your marker for 500 meters.

    Snipers will not engage any enemy until they've been given permission AND know they can handle a group. They don't fire the moment you turn the corner, they fire because they know you can't fight back. They will also hold their fire when a group is too close (Within the effective range of their weapons)

    Sometimes it is necessary for snipers to make personal calls, as well as make valuable judgment calls. Sometimes its easier to hit a truck full of explosives and level and entire city block than to take out one single target. Its not often but we are occasionally given orders to make judgment calls. Snipers decision making skills are highly regarded

    Snipers do not like high places. It silhouettes them. It may give you a clear view of all your targets, but remember that if one spots you, everyone will immediately be alerted- That means everyone can shoot at you. That is why they usually wear ghillie suits and hide in long grass/canals/mud/marsh etc.

    This is only semi-true. Much of the combat nowadays is urban settings, in which case? A tall building with a lot of windows is one of your best friends. This is dependent on the geographical overlay of the battlefield

    Contrary to popular belief, anti-materiel rifles are only ever issued to long-range snipers and those fighting armor. In urban combat, a lighter weapon system using rifle cartridges serve a similar purpose without being as heavy. That also means more ammunition.

    You are correct, however it should be noted depending on length bolt action rifles become ineffective killing tools, and anything that will have a sniper shooting well over 900 meters will most likely be anti material regardless of target.

    Several notes to consider:

    1.Snipers rarely actually use suppressors.

    2. Snipers do not go for headshots, if you've ever gone for a headshot, you are wrong, period, end of story. Snipers use what is referred to in short terms as the "Triangle" this refers to the triangle from the should to the belly button, that at most given ranges with the proper weaponry is a kill shot, and if not immediate the target will bleed out, or be incapacitated.

    Snipers are not emotionless monsters, especially not when they start sniping. If you're playing a newby sniper, you will have to understand how hard it is to take a human life. This isn't a game, you look them in the eyes, you see the colors, you see facial features, you get to know them in a split second, and then you end them, not honorably, because by the time anyone heard the bullet the body was dropping and ripped apart. Sniper bullets are extremely efficient, they aren't a pretty list hole, they are explosive and gorey.

    The worst thing about being a sniper is that, when you put a bullet in a target you know you killed him, in other jobs you're never 100% sure, as a sniper you are. Your job is to protect and defend, rarely are you used for anything else. Your character will become a cold and efficient robot, because when you take life, after the first it just gets easier, and eventually you don't see them as lives, you see them as targets, and if you hit them you are efficient and nothing more.

    You, as a sniper, are true monster hiding in the shadows and striking down your enemies with nothing more than seven pounds of pressure. You are fear in all of its embodiment, one bullet is never a mistake, you create chaos, you create panic, you control the field, you are a soldiers absolute worst nightmare.

    Also this:
    As per weaponry Fleija definitely has one of the best understandings on RPA. As a Sniper, if you ever want to play as one and aren't sure, message me, I will talk to you about it.
    Last edited by Anti-Hero; 06-22-2014 at 05:31 PM.

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