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Thread: The Undead Chamber

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    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    Default The Undead Chamber

    Name: Rebecca (Beck) Logan

    Gender: Female

    Age: 26


    Spoiler: Beck 

    Standing at an average height of 5'5" and having a common brown shade of hair and eyes, Beck does not stand out in a crowd. She tends to dress casual, jeans and t-shirts, and while her figure is slender, she is not curvaesous. She has a girl-next-door appearance, attractive, although not striking, with an open expression, her caring personality making up for the deficit in her looks.

    Occupation: EMT



    Issued gear for agents includes:
    Weapon Holsters
    Gas Masks
    Bandoliers: Two--criss-crossed across her chest.
    Go-Bag: (Energy bars, water-purification kit, lighter, first-aid kit, rope, flashlight, duct tape, hygiene items, and spare clothes)
    Some Amount of Armor: First Response Multi-Threat vest, Anti-Riot Shin Knee Guards
    Knee Pads (part of shin guards)


    Primary: Steyr Aug (13.8") 30 round box magazine
    Secondary: N/A at present
    Handgun: Glock 19 (9mm) (15 round cartridges)
    Melee: Fixed blade hunting knife in a sheath strapped to her right thigh

    --Advanced Technology:

    Contact Lenses
    Smart Watch

    Character History:

    Rebecca grew up in Pennsylania, the hilltop homes and bridges very familiar to her. Housed in a small home with her parents and one younger sibling, her life was anything but typical...the daily drill very demanding. Her father was a police officer and from an early age he insisted on his children being able to take care of themselves in any situation. This included swimming lessons, first aid and CPR, martial arts training, self-defense classes, weapons training, and physical fitness work-outs. Her younger brother dreaded these obligations as much as she looked forward to them, the young girl always enjoying a challenge to both her body and mind.

    Fresh out of high school, Beck found herself wanting to follow in her mother's footsteps and get into the field in medicine. Her mother had been a nurse and Beck dreamed of becoming a doctor. It was only when her mother suffered a fatal heart attack a couple of years later that she decided to drop out of school and stay at home to help with the chore of raising her brother. It was no easy task. The sixteen year old was stealing from his family and friends to support a drug habit, and with Beck back in the picture, he had one more victim to pilfer from.

    A few years passed, and Beck finally allowed herself to set out on her own again. For the most part, things went back to normal...the exception occurring shortly after she found a small apartment for rent and settled in. Approached by a man claiming to be from a tactical response unit called the Strategic Homeland Division, her curiosity was piqued when he offered her an opportunity to join the group, stating she had been recommended for this opportunity by an aquintence. No amount of badgering got her the name, but she agreed readily enough and began her training in short order. She returned to daily life afterwards, her father soon to be retired and her brother clean. With her savings gone, she opted to become an EMT, hoping she could set aside some money again for schooling. Passing the cerification progam and physical exam easily, she found employment at the local hospital and squirreled her paychecks away. For the next few years, things went as planned...smooth riding...

    After the initial outbreak of what was considered a measles-like epidemic, the situation outside went from bad to worse, and Beck decided to once again move in with her younger brother to offer assistance. Her father had gone missing a week prior, presumed dead, and the two siblings fought daily to get enough to eat and survive each other's company. Beck tried to be sympathetic and caring, but her brother's negative attitude and unwillingness to help soon wore away on her nerves. They argued daily, the altercations often becoming physical, and the young woman feared they would be parting company soon...her abilitiy to deal with his problems no longer high on her list of obligations to family.


    --Beck has been trained in emergency medical services in accordance with her occupation.
    --Small arms training
    --Physical management certificate--i.e. restraint/take-downs
    --Melee fighting (uses a combination of several styles of martial arts and street fighting)

    RP Sample:

    (I'd like a two to three paragraph sample. Your sample MUST be of the moment they were activated. They should be at work, going about their business, or at home with family. The face of the watch should glow orange, and anyone your with should be concerned and confused by your leaving. For inspiration there is a group of videos called Agent Origins on the Division Youtube channel.)
    Last edited by bluemoon; 06-09-2019 at 11:56 PM.

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    Spoiler: Kara 

    Name: Kara (K.D.) Dayton

    Age: 27

    Gender: female

    Appearance: Standing a little shy of 5'5" and very slender, Kara appears diminutive compared to other girls her height...her preference for black clothing only accentuating this fact. Although rather thin, she is toned from long hours of aerobic training, her strength minimal, but her endurance taking up the slack. Pretty, in an abstract way, her expressive blue-grey eyes are her best feature. With an angular face, just a tad shy of being gaunt, full lips, and slightly large nose, she is not the picture of beauty she might have been before this horrific event took the healthy glow and twenty pounds from her petite frame.

    Equipment: Kara always has a supply of collection bags and containers on her person, as well as the necessary gloves and facemask for obtaining 'hot' samples. A small kit carried at her waist contains a scalpel handle with blade, forceps, and hemostats. For protection, she has a folding pocket knife and a home made spear constructed from a long wooden handle with a fixed blade attached.

    Useful Skills: Kara is a biologist and performed the daily water testing at the purification plant prior to the outbreak. It was her team which originally put out the warning in regards to the suspected contaminant in the water. Her skillset lies within the cellular structure of things--both plant and animal--on a microscopic level.

    Personality: Kara is not the most outgoing person, tending to stay by herself unless approached. She is most at home in a lab and the close quarters of her new 'home' and all the other survivors are a bit suffocating to her. She is more likely to brood then lose her temper, her emotions quite often kept at bay.

    Backstory: Kara came to the Halcyon Purification Center shortly after its formation. Her life in ruins, she chose to work at the station to get away from the shambles her life had become. A torrid love affair destroyed her marriage, lost her her dream job, and left her with nothing but an addiction to alcohol. She was destitute and wanted to get away from anything that reminded her of home. She got more than she wished for...

    The outbreak destroyed what little faith she had left in humanity. Her team's warnings were ignored and eventually the station's staff fell ill with an infection. Quarantine did little to help and with all transmissions and travel ignored or halted, there was little to do but survive day to day.

    Other: Kara frequently goes out on the supply runs...anything to get away from the claustrophobic feeling that ensnares her in such close quarters.

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    Spoiler: Banai Auhl 

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    Name: Andi DuPre

    Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Profession: High School teacher--science

    Description: Andi is 5'6" with a slender, athletic build--her legs well-muscled from years of jogging. Her eyes are dark brown--almost black--and typically have a hint of humor to them. She has multiple tattoos: flower chain around left wrist, bow on back of right thigh, butterfly on lower back, and a celestial design on her shoulder/chest area. She also has several self-inflicted scars on her right inner thigh and left arm.

    Spoiler: Andi 

    Weapons: Glock 19 with 15 round magazine (2 additional clips); shoulder holster; tire iron; pocket knife.

    Equipment: Back pack: Matches, Medical kit, Taser/flash light, OTC pain relievers, additional clothing (socks, underwear, t-shirts), pepper spray, protein bars, refillable water bottle, duct tape, cell phone

    Clothes: Casual wear: Fashionable worn blue jeans with grey patterned stretch pants underneath; red t-shirt; black leather jacket; running shoes

    Background: A bit of a health nut, Andi grew her own vegetables and ran a minimum of 5 miles nightly along the streets of DC. She typically jogged alone, and for safety reasons, had a CCW permit and took several classes in self defense.

    Academically, she's a science teacher, and worked full time at Middleton H.S., in the heart of DC, but she also enjoyed taking short trips to the mountains to hike and camp. For her camping was an adventure and she always set up at the "rustic sites", building a fire without matches and constructing a lean-to with branches--both skills she learned from her father at an early age. Although not a survivalist, she's pretty self-sufficient. ..and this was her typical schedule...

    ...and then the unthinkable happened.

    Andi didn't believe in the walking dead, but when fiction becomes fact, you can't deny what is right before your eyes. So she stocked up on supplies and "bugged in", trying to keep up-to-date on all the happenings within the city. When the system failed, she went to the only fortified place she was familiar with--the high school. Set up with an enclosing fence, basement bomb shelter, and brick walls throughout, it was a virtual fortress and many people flocked there when their homes were no longer safe. The sick and injured were housed in the gymnasium and several military types roamed the halls. They had enough supplies to last at least a month--or until help came. But help did not come in time...they came...and Andi was forced to take to the streets at the height of infection.

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    Name: Dawn Specter

    Age: 25

    Gender: Female


    Spoiler: Dawn 

    Spoiler: Armor 

    Reason for Joining: Born into a large family, Dawn was the youngest of seven children. When there was not enough food to go around, she went without. When there was trouble to be had, she was the one to be blamed. As a result she was always bruised and hungry. Desperate, but smart enough to know she had options, she joined the Guild in order to survive.

    Personality: Dawn is an intelligent, no-nonsense sort of girl. On the surface she appears normal--she interacts easily with others, plays games, and smiles at jokes. She is an all-around nice girl everyone seems to like. But everything she shows the outside world is only a half-truth.

    Who is the other Dawn? She is everything the Guild could ever want in a killer. She is cold, calculating, and ruthless--all the things they taught her to be. Her team is her family and she will die to protect them--maybe.

    Specialty: Mechanic

    Weapon of Choice: Beretta 92FS handgun and 12-Gauge sawed-off shotgun

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    Character Skeleton:

    Name: Mynxella Jabberwalken Oce (Myn or Mynx)
    Age: 37
    Gender: F

    Appearance: Mynx has a lithe figure and stands 5'9" in her bare feet. Her slender tail is long, with several rows of stripes near the tip. She never wears shoes or gloves, her digits human-like but with retractable claws. She has ice blue eyes with the typical elliptical pupils of her feline kin and long blondish hair. Covering her skin is a fine layer of cream-colored downy fur with dark brown patching--the exception being her lower face, abdomen, palms, and soles of her feet--which are bare. Her canine teeth are elongated allowing for the rendering and tearing of meat, which is the main part of her diet. Typically, she wears a brown lightweight body suit as a covering.

    Spoiler: Mynx 

    Race: Ocecat Beastfolk

    Role within the company: Hunter

    Racial Skills and Abilities:

    --Exceptional night vision (as long as there is some trace of light)
    --Enhanced hearing
    --Enhanced sense of smell
    --Agility, similar to that of a feline

    Normal Skills and Abilities:

    --melee fighting
    --knife throwing
    --climbing (especially trees due to her claws)


    --Short sword
    --Bowie knife

    Armor: Her armor is similar to that shown in the picture below, minus the gloves and boots. It is made from leather and lightweight metals. (Disregard the model and weapons also please.)

    Spoiler: armor 

    Equipment: Mynx travels light, with only a waterskin made from a deer bladder on her hip, a small leather pouch with various minty herbs around her neck, and her weapons.

    Personality: Mynx is a feline beastfolk, and as her cat predecessors, she is a moody one. She can adore you one moment and hiss and claw at you the next. Her loyalties are her own, and depending on what she wants, or needs, they may include another. Rarely, a strong bond may be formed--one with mutual benefits and rewards. Oddly, she also has a tendency to rub against those in her company--a way of marking them with a pheromone--which may seem odd, but she is fierce when fighting, and the scent allows her to discern her teammates from the enemy.


    --raw meat
    --fire for its warmth
    --cuddling, mainly for the other being's body heat
    --minty herbs


    --water: she will avoid getting wet whenever possible, which leads to her other dislike...
    --rain: staying dry is what it is all about
    --dogs of all kinds, whether Beastfolk, werewolves, or ordinary canines

    Background: For as long as she can remember, Mynx belonged to a feral colony of Ocecats, the members constantly changing and the group always on the move, following the prey and the river. It was a hard life, but with its own rewards. There was the freedom of movement, the lack of strict laws, and the constant flux of new felines. There was never a boring moment--fights constantly breaking out as boundaries were stretched and torn. Although the colony was mostly made up of females and an alpha male, there were lower ranking toms which occasionally followed the group--a delicious treat for lonely females.

    As for Mynx, she was a hunter, trained by her mother and the alpha male to track and sniff out prey. It was also where she learned to fight, a necessity when living off the land of others. As she matured, she began to strike out on her own, hunting and tracking larger beasts just for the thrill. Her treks became longer and more distant until finally she didn't return, branching out on her own for good. She used her skills to gain coin, always on the lookout for opportunities. For the past four years, she has been a member of the mercenary group.


    Spoiler: just a little snippet 

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    Name: Ezra-Rayne Bastian (Ez or Ray)
    Age: 32
    Gender: female

    Hometown: Currently Carousel, but originally from an area referred to as Midway (located near the former state of Colorado) in the town of Endver.

    Occupation: Scavenger/Tracker

    Appearance: Ezra has a lightly tanned complexion with a dotting of freckles over the bridge of her nose and on her cheeks. Her eyes are hazel with gold and green flecks throughout. Her wavy shoulder-length hair is typically pulled away from her face. She stands 5'8" bare foot and her soft curves are accentuated by her flat stomach and taut muscles.

    Spoiler: Ezra 

    3 Weapons:

    1) Glock 17 with 3 magazines (each capable of holding 17 rounds, but rarely full).

    2) Katana sword (see picture in gear below).

    3) 6 smoke grenades which spew a white acrid gas--homemade (bleach and ammonia)--see picture in gear below.

    Armor and gear: Ezra's clothing is leather with the exception of her top--it is made of a Kevlar-like material which repels most low-caliber bullets. The boots have steel toes and are made of brushed leather. As expected, her clothing is more worn and grimier than the photo shows.

    Spoiler: armor 

    Mutations: Not necessarily a mutation, but Ezra has an uncanny memory for people and places, a gift that existed pre-war, but uncommonly.

    Personality: If you are looking for a sweet, respectable, and agreeable, girl next-door type, you are looking in the wrong place. Ezra has been described as foul-mouthed, bad tempered, and downright rude. Although she has been those things, it wouldn't necessarily describe her on a normal day. She is very loyal, and that loyalty can be bought, if one wants to burden the expense. She is tough, but also has a soft side, especially for children and animals. She is passionate and expressive, but like most females, she has her moody bad days. For the most part, it would be in your best interest to stay on her good side.

    Background: Ezra was born in the mountainous region of the Midway. Her nomadic parents spent most of their days scavenging and taught her the trade from an early age. They traveled in a mule-drawn cart and traded their goods with any occupied port that would have them. Ezra learned the land, its denizens, and ways to survive both. When she reached her teen years, both of her parents were lost to her in a mine field surrounding a scrap yard. Her father died straight out, but her mother survived the blast. Ezra "saved" her mother--saved her from the pain and difficulties of her serious injuries. It was her first kill.

    Using the skills taught her, she continued in their stead, lightening her load by trading the mule and cart for coin. She began scouting and tracking as well to further pad her pockets. She survived the wastelands by using her talents and femininity--managing to escape most encountered catastrophes. She has several scars, the worst being a grouping of second-degree burns on her back.

    Although she is by no means wealthy, Ezra has enough steel and silver to keep her in rolled cigarettes and moonshine if she desires, which she often does. She has always dreamed of striking it rich, settling down in the mountains, and drinking herself into oblivion.

    Other: She has an intricate tattoo on her back concealing a large burn scar.

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    Spoiler: Sage Willows 


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