Hi folks!
With Liz's permission and folks agreement, I'm taking over as GM for her star wars RP ideaWe didn't have any plot or anything so making this to give us a chance to chat and see what ideas we have!
KM was (maybe in jest! :P) speaking about zombies being in it haha
I've linked the original recruitment thread for you to check out if needed, and I will link this on it too for new folk to migrate![]()
Let's brainstorm!
Questions we need to consider before we start being:
1. Plot ideas
2. Time it's set (after/before major events etc)
3. Depending on time: do we have Sith/Jedi/Droids/everything and anything etc as characters![]()
4. Do we want canon characters in this or not included? And if yes, who?
I welcome loads of input and would love to get some ideas to bounce off one anotherThere are no stupid questions or ideas folks so feel free ! x
Spoiler: Basic Sum Up
Set in 10 BBY
-9 Years After the Formation of the Empire
Key Events in Canon (in case we need to use these etc or just to be aware -yes, mainly it's cause I like making lists!)
- Jabba the Hutt sends Krrsantan to hunt down Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Han Solo deserts the Galactic Empire and meets lifelong friend Chewbacca on Mimban
- Han Solo also performs his famous Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs using the Millennium Falcon
- Han Solo wins said Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian in a game of Sabacc
- Qi'ra replaces Dryden Vos as the figurehead of The Crimson Dawn after killing him
- Shakara Meddika (M/24) [Irate] - Human Force User (Jedi or not?)
- Malakai Burnlaye (F/32) [KRC] - Human Force User (Jedi Master)
- Miahal Shalina (F/18) [KRC] - Droid (Replica Droid)
- Aurra Selikus (F/22) [Elizabeth] -Human Force User (Jedi)
- Marienna Beren (F/33) [Hanne] - Human (Senator)
For The Empire:
- Marienna Beren (F/33) [Hanne]
Against The Empire:
- Malakai Burnlaye (F/32) [KRC]
- Aurra Selikus (F/22) [Elizabeth]
- Shakara Meddika (M/24) [Irate]
- Miahal Shalina (F/18) [KRC]
Spoiler: Character Cards
Spoiler: Irate
Name: Shakara Meddika
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Appearance: Shakara stands at about six feet tall, with ear-length black hair and light grey eyes. He's usually seen wearing Sith robes, with the exception of the cloak, in which case he wears his Serennian cloak instead.
Alignment: True Neutral
Force Sensitive: Yes
Race: Human
Homeworld: Serenno
Weapon(s): 2 lightsabers, slugthrower.
Starship: Black Corellian YT-1300, "Spirit of Serenno"
History: Shakara was one of the two Meddika princes of Serenno. At a young age it was apparent he was force sensitive, and at the age of ten, became a padawan. And what later exiled from the Jedi order two years later after learning several dark force techniques. Since then he has continued training in lightsaber dueling, as well as becoming very proficient in both light and dark force powers, but not attaching himself to either Jedi or Sith.
Recently, he has been tasked to locating Jedi and those on the run from the Galactic Empire and offering them asylum on Serenno.
Spoiler: KRC
Name: Malakai Burnlaye
Alias: Kai
Age: 32 (biologically) 182 (chronologically)
Gender: Female
Appearance: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7c/67/55/7...dd4a50d2cb.jpg
Alignment: Lawful Good
Force Sensitive?: Yes
Race: Human
Homeworld: Star Fury
Left Vambrace Lightsaber shoto
Blue blade
Right Vambrace Lightsaber shoto
Green blade
Curved Hilt Lightsaber
Silver blade (using her specially modified lightsaber crystal)
Curved Hilt Lightsaber
Silver blade (using her specially modified lightsaber crystal)
Starship?: No
Personality: A Renaissance woman, Malakai is relatively humble and matter of fact about her abilities. She is usually casual about anything that goes on but is deadly serious about the welfare of her people, and about combat situations.
History: History: Malakai was born to two Corellian couriers/smugglers on their ship the Star Fury. During a routine trip gone wrong, the Sparrowhawk had to make an emergency barely controlled landing. They would have been killed by the people who shot them down if it were not for a Jedi saving them. The Jedi came to their aid because Malakai was strong with the Force. They reluctantly gave Malakai over to the Jedi for training. As a Jedi Initiate, she was described as gifted with raw Force skills. When she passed the Initiate Trials, she was picked by Nawos Ra a female Cathar. For the next decade Nawos taught Malakai what it means to be a Jedi, they are not heroes, they are not saviors, they are servants to Force and the people. She showed incredible skill in building & using lightsabers.
After training for a decade, Malakai underwent the Trials of Knighthood and passed. Malakai was knighted. She took on Dot Rhund a female Nautolan as a padawan a couple of years later. She trained Dot for ten years, Dot passed the Trials of Knighthood. Since Malakai was able to successfully train a Padawan who was able to successfully pass the Trials of Knighthood she was promoted to Master. She took time off from training one-on-one to training the younglings. She was named Jedi Battlemaster. In her spare time, she built lightsabers perfecting her technique, and creating new designs. Her specialty was the ability to temper kyber crystals, so it reflects the user’s connection with the Force. By doing that the color and the length will vary depending on the Jedi using it. Her skills at crafting lightsabers became renowned within the ranks of the Jedi and the Sith. So much so that on the rare occasion she left the Jedi Temple on Coruscant she was captured by the Sith to create lightsabers for them. She initially refused.
When the Sith made it became clear that failure to comply would lead to the death of innocents she reluctantly complied. It wasn’t her finest work, but it was good enough to pass the Sith’s inspection. She also hid a transmitter into each of the Lightsabers she gave to the Sith. She built two lightsabers for herself in secret. She built them into her vambraces. Since she had to build them in secret, she couldn’t modify the kyber crystals the same way she normally would and with the limited space the blade had to be shorter than normal. To prevent her cortosis armor from shorting out her lightsaber she applied a small patch of metal to insulate the lightsaber from the cortosis.
She bided her time looking for an opportunity to escape. The moment she found a way to escape she took it. After she escaped, she reported back to the Jedi Council. She was assigned a Padawan to train while she hunted down the Sith and her lightsabers. Before leaving to track down the Sith she built new full-sized lightsabers for herself.
She spent years tracking down each member of the Sith. Every time she successfully killed them and liberated one of her lightsabers, she removed the kyber crystal and destroyed the rest. The kyber crystal was kept in a bag on her belt.
She successfully killed all but one. He was the most elusive of them all and he knew how to hide from tracking. She eventually tracked him down, when confronted he initiated the self-destruct sequence of the space station he used as his base hidden deep inside. She successfully killed the Sith and liberated his lightsaber, but she was unable to get off before it exploded. She programmed the computer to eject the next thing frozen in carbonite, she then froze herself in carbonite.
Her Padawan escaped in their ship, but she was left frozen and drifting in space. Her frozen body was eventually discovered over a hundred years. She was put on display in someone’s private gallery. She remained there for over forty years. She left the private gallery when it was raided by pirates. From there she bounced around for over a decade eventually she ended up in a public gallery. Eventually, an activist who found it atrocious that she was being displayed as a piece of art broke in one night and freed her.
Miscellaneous: She held the rank of Jedi Sabersmith & Battlemaster
Name: Miahal Shalina
Alias: Mia
Age: 18
Gender: Feminine programming
Appearance: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e3/fe/d2/e...12d088955a.jpg
Alignment: Lawful/Chaotic Neutral whatever and whoever pays the best
Force Sensitive?: N/A
Race: Replica droid
Homeworld: Coruscant (programming) The data on the planet she was actually constructed on is lost.
Weapon(s): Holstered on her hips: dual BH-4 Double Blaster
Kept in internal storage: Dual vibroblade daggers, dual Kyuzo petars, dual BH-4 Double Blaster
Starship?: Coruscant Sunrise a heavily modified YT-2400 light freighter
Personality: Although physically resembling a human female, there was a coolness about her that could be attributed to her true nature as a human replica droid. This coolness was part of her ability to kill without any sign of conscience or emotion, and she often considered killing to be the easiest solution to problems.
She is not one to speak unnecessarily and would generally not offer an opinion unless it was requested. Although often terse, Mia exhibited a sometimes-playful sense of arrogance. Mia also wanted to be stretched to her limits, preferring to perform jobs that she saw as challenging.
History: Dildari Dinthor had secured his place as the leader of his crime syndicate. Dildari's position necessitated a certain degree of paranoia and, with little trust for those around him, Dildari sought out a completely loyal lieutenant, one who did not suffer from the same fallibility as an organic.
He had secured the plans for a replica droid, by secure he kidnapped the designers. Mia cost Dildari twelve million credits. Her long, silky blond hair and clear blue eyes, combined with a fit and healthy-looking figure, gave her the appearance of a beautiful human woman in her early twenties. Her voice was cool and even, with no discernible accent.
Mia's lungs breathed air and her heart pumped blood, although, like all her organs, they were entirely synthetic, consisting of bio-fibers. Her bone structure was constructed of high-strength, polymer-covered alloys, and thousands of micro-gyros embedded in her joints gave her a perfect sense of balance. Both her bones and organs appeared entirely Human when scanned, as did her flawless, cloned skin. The skin was the only truly organic part of Mia's body, cloned from genuine Human skin specifically for her. Her muscles, however, would not fool scanners—for them to provide her with greater strength, they were made of a material that scanned as an unknown tissue. One of the few ways that she could be seen to differ from Humans was that her body temperature was ten percent cooler than was considered normal, cold enough to kill a Human.
Her VerboBrain processor was extensively modified to allow her to keep track of all the duties Dildari would require of her. Positronic Human behavioral programs allowed her to act Human—she could eat, drink, and perform any other function needed to pass for a normal woman. She was also capable of emulating all the "more intimate" functions of a human woman, and Dildari often made use of her abilities in that regard. The processor was also loaded with tactical assessment data, combat, espionage, and assassination techniques.
Mia's eyes hid advanced sensors, providing her with infrared, low-light, and telescopic vision, while her locked-access memory recorded input from her sensors, including audio recording. She also had an integrated, encrypted comlink for secure communications. Mia's ability with languages was also impressive, her vocabulator and translator unit allowed her to speak a variety of languages. She was ambidextrous and could carry up to five kilograms in her internal storage.
Upon completion, her programming was complemented by extensive exercise to tone her muscles and combat training to ensure that she had all the skills required, including the use of a variety of weapons, though she would rarely need to use them. With her training complete, Mia's speed, combat skills, and stealth capabilities made her the ideal assassin.
Dildari eventually fell in love with Mia. When a faction within the crime syndicate betrayed him, they came for Mia first. He sacrificed himself to save her. After Mia killed everyone, she tried to save him, but it was too late. He died in her arms. His final words were to profess his love for Mia.
The death of her master and his profession of love had a big effect on Mia. Dropping out of sight, Mia spent a couple of years coming to terms with what had happened and contemplating her future. She was aware that, with the knowledge and abilities she possessed, she could have taken over the syndicate herself and become rich and powerful, yet at the same time she began to wonder just how human she could be.
Miscellaneous: Works as a bodyguard, assassin, translator, bounty hunter, lover
She keeps Dildari’s twin Vibroswords mounted over her bed.
She has .6 kilograms of storage space left in her internal storage compartments.
Spoiler: Elizabeth
Name: "Princess" Aurra Selikus
Alias: Ra Seli
Age: Twenty-two
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Good
Force-Sensitive?: Yes
Race: Human
Homeworld: Corellia
Weapon(s): Lightsaber, DL-18 Blaster Pistol, Halberd
Starship?: The Aurora II (scout vessel)
Personality: Fierce and stubborn are two words many would describe Aurra as. WIP
History: Aurra was born and raised in a family with four other children on the planet of Corellia. She was the youngest among them and the only one to be force-sensitive. This left her parents keeping her in hiding for the most part from the Jedi. The Selikus family was what you would call crime lords and they owned a good portion of Corellia - three princesses, two princes, and a king and queen made up the "royal" family, along with distant relatives. They wanted a monarchy again and so they wished to rule Corellia. Until Order 66 came into play and they had to escape the planet for their daughter's sake.
At just the age of two, she began showing clear signs that she was force-sensitive. It was apparent she was strong in the force but that is not what her parents had wanted for her. Her parents discouraged the behavior of using anything to do with the force and she was reprimanded accordingly when she was found using the force. Aurra wanted to become a Jedi, it was her dream.
When not practicing what she could in private, Aurra was always found at the Selikus private line of starships. She was fascinated with flying and her eldest brother was the one who taught her how to fly at such a young age, letting her take flight in secrecy when they could. It was always a fun experience for her and she was quite good at it. Her family was also a maker of starships, not just crime lords. Although they wouldn't call themselves crime lords - rather they'd name themselves royalty even if Corellia was no longer a monarchy. They still viewed themselves as such.
It wasn't until she was nine that she found the Jedi who would teach her the ways of the force. He would teach her on Corellia and the Jedi Order would be none the wiser as it was not her duty to become another youngling under them. They would not attempt to take her under their wing. For a time, her parents were very against the idea but their youngest daughter pleaded and begged, and eventually Aurra got her way.
His name was Huin Far and he was a togruta. He stated he had sensed her from a far distance and knew he was the one to be her Master and she his Padawan. He taught her a great deal, and soon she was able to create her lightsaber. Huin was unbeknownst even to the Jedi Order for reasons unknown to Aurra for he never spoke of it.
About three years later, Jedis were sent to execution and the Selikus family realized they needed to leave Corellia right as things were safer for them to travel; as soon as that time came, they packed up what they could and left on their decently sized yacht. Huin, however, was nowhere to be found after Order 66.
They traveled to Yavin IV and placed their ship in an exceptionally remote area of the planet. It was there she was raised and practiced her lightsaber skills on her own without a Jedi to train her. It was difficult but she learned exceptionally well. Her mother scrutinized her more openly than her father did. She didn't wish for her child to be killed by the Empire. She was not aware of how the force worked but she knew they could find Aurra.
It was heard that her relatives still living on Corellia were slaughtered after word got out from one of the relatives that they were holding a force-sensitive teenager but their location remained unknown to even them. It was a heartbreaking matter - to think one of their own would betray their family.
It wasn't long after that the Empire found their whereabouts and killed off Aurra's parents and siblings in a bloody battle of blasters. Aurra managed to flee on her scout vessel, the Aurora II - built by her with some help of course. She went into hyperdrive and cried her little heart out.
It was then she found Huin again. They discovered each other through the force on the planet of Tatooine. They spent some time together honing her skills until she was found by the Inquistors, away from Huin at the time. They captured her and tried to sway her to join the Inquisitors as she was strong and could do wonders to assist them in finding those who were force-sensitive. They could tell she was strong as Darth Sidious was the one to find her through the force. Darth Vader carried out the plan to find her, however, she did not bend to their will. She always wanted to be a Jedi and she wasn't about to change her mind for the bloody Imperials who killed her family.
It was Huin Far who would then save her but end up sacrificing himself in the process. And it was at that moment she changed her name to Ra Seli as she fled into hyperdrive.
Miscellaneous: More details of her backstory will be stated in the IC.
Spoiler: Hanne
Name: Marienna Beren
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Appearance: Marienna can be regarded as hauntingly beautiful, standing at near six feet, she is slender, pale, with long black hair. In stark contrast to her hair, and dark brown eyes, she is almost always found to be wearing white.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Force Sensitive?: No
Race: Human
Homeworld: Naboo
Weapon(s): ELG-3A Blaster Pistol
Starship?: N/A
Personality: Cold, calculating. There is always something going on behind her eyes. Does not suffer fools.
History: Born and raised on Naboo, Marienna has actually spent most of her adult life on Coruscant, preferring that to her native environment. Identified at an early age as particularly brilliant, Marienna would go on to attend to the Royal Academy of Theed, after which she served in various capacities in the legislature. Following the Clone Wars and establishment of the Empire, Marienna would be appointed to serve as Senator in the new Galactic Senate. It was there she gained a reputation for cruelty, a strict adherence to the letter of the law and her ruthless efficiency. She is one of several Senators, and notably serves as the Chair of a secret committee, blessed by the Empire tasked with the continued hunt for remaining Jedi threats, and the identification of force sensitive children.
All a WIP.
Spoiler: Liv
Name: Syanna Mortus
Alias: Such things are beneath her.
Title: The Lady Syanna
Age: Late 30s, but appears younger due to extensive beauty treatments
Gender: Female
Appearance: Though rather short, even for a woman, standing at only 5ft tall, no one can miss Syanna. Beautiful, in youth and rumoured (falsely; though she doesn't deny it) to have been the mistress of the Emperor himself, she still retains something of the rather wanton appeal she once had. With natural red hair, so long she can, if she wished, sit on it, and always elaborately styled, Syanna carries herself with almost regal dignity. Her eyes, though as blue and as beautiful as sapphires, are cold most of the time, and only seem to come alive when she is inflicting pain or tormenting someone.
For some however, none of this cruelty removes the desire for her.
Always dressed lavishly and regally, with the utmost attention to detail.
Alignment: Lawfully Evil (though naturally psychopathic)
Force Sensitive?: No
Race: Human
Homeworld: Naboo (claims, falsely as it happens)
-A clawed finger ring of polished silver, jointed to match her own, but with a sharp and deadly tip that can slash a throat or vein in half a second with perfect sharpness.
-Two jeweled, and yet deadly, hairpins that dangle with jeweled 'S' pendants in ruby and diamond.
-A short, graceful curved blade, thin and deadly, also heavily engraved and decorated that hangs from her belt by a jeweled chain.
- Imperial Cruiser, heavily modified inside to be as luxurious as possible. It also contains a specially built interrogation room...fully equipped with all manner of cruel devices.
Personality: Syanna is a naturally cold and cruel woman, who delights in causing pain and suffering to others, even if it gains her very little aside from amusement. However, she is a born stateswoman, with a gift for politics, though she has no official rank.
An almost compulsive liar, though she does know when it is best to be truthful, Syanna has invented much of her past, including her background, family and likely even her name. Still, in choosing her targets wisely, she has used her charms and wiles to climb ever higher in the world, and now has the money and power to do as she pleases...as long as she toes the line with her Imperial paymasters.
The genuine story, unknown to almost everyone bar a very small amount of people, is that Syanna was born on Tatooine, to slave parents and spent her childhood as a slave herself. Even then she had a cruel streak and would often, happily it seemed, turn in other slaves for 'crimes' and reported on anyone and everyone if it gained her something...or if she was bored.
This drew the attention of the ruling Hutts and she, again, happily, became a spy and almost confidante to several members of the family, finally being freed after three or four years at their side.
With the Hutt's blessing, she left Tatooine and using their contacts began to work as a spy and assassin for hire. It was a role she excelled at. It was also then that she abandoned her birth name, of Kira, and adopted her new name of Syanna.
By her late teens, Syanna, who had grown into a beauty, used her looks and charms to gain power and money, as well as make and keep contacts. Some of this was done by the age old way of sleeping with powerful men, and then robbing or blackmailing them -or killing them if they were a target- and some of it was done with more skilled methods.
However she did it, now known as The Lady Syanna, she came to the attention of the Empire, who recognised her skills as both spy and stateswoman. She was soon gracing every high-class function and moving in every wealthy circle and event.
She was gifted her own Cruiser, servants and guards, and recruited her own staff of fiercely loyal men and women. She had a knack for picking people too, from all walks of life, collecting the best in each field around her. It was likely a motivation too that displeasing their Lady meant death. There were no second chances.
Now, some twenty years later, Syanna continues her work, delighting in every aspect of it. She has cast such a spell over those she meets, and spread so many stories about herself, that no one is entirely sure of the truth anymore.
Was she really once the Emperor's mistress?! And mother to a child of his?
But the rumour served her purposes and so she did not deny it, in fact, she often, with a smile, merely stated that 'A Lady does not kiss and tell' which of course only fanned the flames.
Miscellaneous: Clothing and appearance is hugely important to Syanna, and she is always dressed to impress. She delights in Naboo style of clothing, as well as laying her gowns with wide fabric belts, and sweeping sleeves (reminiscent of Kimonos), with jewels hanging from said belts. Her hair, red and flaming, is always heavily styled and plaited, interlaced with pearls and pins of silver, including her two weapons, artfully concealed.
Spoiler: Ygg
Name: Verantis jan Kravaar
Alias: Kravaar, Skull-Face
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Force Sensitive?: No
Species: Kaleesh
Homeworld: Kalee
Personality: Verantis sits at the crux of two cultures that place a great deal of importance on honor, usefulness, and combat ability. He throws himself at everything with the same ferocious intensity. He hates backing down. He enjoys challenges and will do everything he can to level the playing field. He lives by a strict code of honor, both in and out of combat.
Verantis’ story begins long before he was born. Out in Wild Space, two species were locked in war. The insatiable, conquering Yam’rii of Huk were invading Kalee and had been caught off-guard by the tenacity of the native species. The Yam’rii began capturing, enslaving, and selling the Kaleesh, exporting them all over their many, many colony worlds.
In a far-flung outpost, a clan of Mandalorians was in hiding. They had been pursued across the galaxy and needed a rest. Unbeknownst to them, they had set up camp on a Yam’rii-owned planet. However, upon seeing the plight of the Kaleesh slaves, they decided to free them. The Mandalorians helped the Kaleesh overthrow their Yam’rii masters, and impressed with their ferocity in battle, invited them to join their clan.
Over the years, the two groups have merged to become one cohesive sect, combining Kaleesh and Mandalorian culture. Verantis was born in his crux, a true Kaleesh Mandalorian. Now he works as a bounty hunter to help support his clan.