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Thread: [M] Plagued Encounters (Sparkz and NoviDome)

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    Default [M] Plagued Encounters (Sparkz and NoviDome)

    Today had promised to be different. Today there would be a new patient arriving at The Center for a Better Mind. There hadn't been a new patient for a couple of months now and the current patients were starting to get on his nerves. It was the same thing over and over again. One would scream about murder all day but the frail old lady couldn't exactly carry out her threats. She was a bit amusing at first but her constant scream got old fast. Then there was a young man who simply stared at the clock all day. He was obsessed with time and if you were late to give him his meds? He would get violent.

    There were many patients here and each one of them was certifiably crazy or had some other thing going on. There were a few who were "normal", they were just sent here to help with their severe depression. They had to be watched all the time as they were on suicide precautions. Some patients simply saw things like shadows flit about the walls just at the corner of their vision. Most were not violent... some had violent tenancies but everyone knew how to avoid them. No matter their mental status, most everyone was excited to see what was wrong with the new patient.

    Roger Hatfield, the janitor, was also interested in the new patient. He had just cleaned up her room. A padded little room that was outfitted to make sure that the patient couldn't hurt themselves. That offered him a clue into what the new patient was like but what he was most interested in was whether or not the patient saw things... saw things that didn't make sense. Roger did... or at least he convinced himself that he didn't see such things. It was all part of his over active imagination. He didn't in fact see moving shadows in dark rooms or the various faded shapes that always loomed the hallways of this old building. It wasn't ghosts... just him watching too many scary movies before bed which in turn jump started his over active imagination.

    Roger never told anyone about what he saw. Not as an adult at least. When he was a kid, he was bullied for saying that he saw ghosts. His parents scolded him for lying about seeing a dead lady in the attic with a rope around her neck. It was all just tricks of the light of course. Everything he saw could be explained scientifically... he just didn't know what that explanation was.

    Soon enough, that fateful hour had arrived and the new patient was wheeled into the building. Roger stood by in his white jumpsuit uniform. His short dirty blond hair was slicked back and away from his face. Behind wire framed glasses, soft green eyes took in their new patient. He towered over everybody but was thin and looked like a stiff breeze could knock him over but he was strong enough to pin down any violent patient. He was pale, looking like he never spent enough time in the sun... which was true enough. Roger didn't like to be outside. Outside was when all the ghosts... no... figments showed up the most.

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    The new girl's body was bound all over and her hands were strapped to the armrests of the wheelchair. Her fingers were desperately trying to bend back far enough to free herself as she was pushed through the doors and into the hall of what was going to be her new home. Her head was down on her chest, twitching to the right every now and then along with her hand movements. She looked to be around 24. Her hair was covering most of her face. It was about shoulder-length, dark brown except for the tips, which were dyed a faded violet. She didn't seem to take note of the other people in the building, the ones who were watching her. Her - granted, pretty - lips were curled into a small smirk that said she was going to get out of here, and the people that brought her in were going to regret it. They were going to beg for their lives.

    "Go on, nothing to see here," one of the medics told the other patients, who were eagerly taking her in. She snarled at the people that were escorting her, and once they directed her towards the hallway that lead to her room and she started to lose sight of the door, her smirk disappeared like snow on a sunny day and she started cussing them out. Everyone she could see. The most vile words rolled off her tongue, words a girl like her should never know, let alone say. Her voice was raspy, as if she'd smoked too much, and it was laced with venom. One of the medics told her to shut her mouth, but she didn't listen. She continued to swear and thrashed in her seat, so much so that the medic decided to sedate her right then and there.

    They hadn't even made it 10 meters into the building.

    Once the girl was out cold, the medics proceeded to bring her to her room. They untied her from the chair and put her in a straightjacket before laying her in her makeshift bed. No wood, of course. No metal, let alone springs. No blankets; blankets could be used to strangle. It was just an extra high piece of padding, bolted to the floor, with a thick pillow and duvet that let through enough air to make it impossible for someone to suffocate themselves with it. Not that it was necessary for this girl, at least, they didn't think so. She hadn't been suicidal before, but they knew damn well that could change easily. Especially if the patient was put under stress, like with a move to a new institution.

    Once she was all taken care of, the medics left her in her bed and closed the door of the room behind them. They locked it three times and handed the keys to the residing doctor. "There you go. Sorry about the disturbance. She can be... sudden, I'll say." The doctor just nodded and pocketed the keys.
    "Thank you, gentlemen. We'll see us again later. Enjoy your lunch break." The men nodded and headed for the door. They gave Roger a nod; they'd grown acquainted with him at this point.
    Last edited by NoviDome; 02-22-2024 at 08:29 PM.

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    Roger watched as the newest patient was brought in. He took her in with curious eyes. He couldn't get quite a good look at her face but he could have sworn that she had been beautiful once... before whatever madness she had took over. Now she just looked demented. It was really sad as was most of the patients here. She was tied to the chair and she struggled against everything that came near. It as her smirk that really made him curious. It was one that knew things. She was already planning something and she had only just arrived. As crazy as she was, she was intelligent. As he continued to look her over, he realized that she must be right around his age, maybe a little less. He was 27 so she had to be mid-20s by his estimate. It was always tragic to see a young woman in places like this. He didn't do anything to the patients but he knew that some of the orderlies were not as nice. He had gotten a few of them fired for mistreating patients.

    Then the woman started cursing. he blinked. Foul words were spouting from such a pretty face. The medics tried to warn people off and tell them to just move away. It didn't work as they watched her curse and struggle before she was rendered unconscious. Probably for the best. She disappeared down a hall and into the room he had prepared for her. after a bit, they returned and nodded at him as they left. He nodded back and returned to work.

    It was lunch break so all of the patients that could move were ushered into the dining area. He was tasked with cleaning up the recreation room while they were gone. It was one of the few times during the day that he could actually clean it. As he cleaned off the tables and various items in the room, his eyes kept going towards the hallway that led to the room where the girl currently was. No doubt in a straightjacket. Her food would probably be delivered to her once she calmed down.

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    About three hours later, the girl slowly blinked her eyes open. She looked around the room she was in, tried to move her arms, and sighed when she realised she couldn't. She closed her eyes again. So here she was. It was over now. No it's not. We're busting out. Tonight. She cringed a little. Damn this. Been there, done that, sweetheart. She hissed at herself and tried to sit up. It was a struggle with the straightjacket, but eventually she managed. She leaned her back against the padded wall, taking in the room as she took a deep, controlled breath.

    Before long, she noticed a face looking at her from the wall across her. She tilted her head a little, looking into its eyes. It seemed to be a middle-aged man. He looked absolutely miserable, his eyes bloodshot and his skin pale. The girl gave him a sympathetic smile. Best to make friends. She'd be in here for a while. The man looked a little confused to her when she smiled, but then moved a little closer.
    "That's far enough," she said softly, moving to hold up her hand but realising she couldn't. "Sorry, I mean no offense. But I like my space." The man nodded and stayed where he was. He looked up at the ceiling, where she saw a rope slowly appear. She closed her eyes. She knew what would come next. She'd seen it a thousand times. She figured she'd meet more people in here as time progressed. She always did. She hoped their deaths hadn't been too brutal. They would only keep her up at night.

    She leaned her head back against the wall and willed herself to go back to sleep, but she couldn't. Despite not having any windows, she knew it was daytime, still. She would probably get food soon. She had to admit, she was hungry.

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    It was towards the end of his shift but he checked up on the girl through the camera that was hidden in her cell. He saw that she was awake and talking. She sees things. Not an uncommon thing here. Then he saw what she was talking to. A ghost... who slowly reached for the rope that was hanging from the ceiling... He quickly looked away and rubbed his eyes. No. That was just his imagination. It wasn't Henry Selvic who had occupied that same room until his suicide several months ago. He was just seeing things again. A memory that was imprinted into his mind as he had watched him hang himself on screen months ago. He had sounded the alarm but it was too late. He chew on his lip as he calmed himself down. The girl was crazy. She was just talking to some voice in her head probably. It's okay. She was no different than any other person here.

    He told the head doctor that she was awake and would need some lunch. He had given him permission to bring her food. He knew all the precautions. Nothing sharp and nothing that could be used as a weapon. He went into the kitchen and heated up the food that was saved away for her. He carried her try to her room and unlocked the door and stepped inside. "Hello. I have lunch for you." He set it down on the table, ignoring the ghost as he walked past it. He made a slight step to the side, as he moved around him, betraying the fact that he did actually see something. He looked at her. Up close, she really was beautiful but he ignored that as best he could. "If you promise to be nice, I'll undo the straight jacket." He said. "If you can't, then I will have to feed you."

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    The girl looked up when the door had opened so suddenly. A tall man walked in with a tray of food. So they had vision of her room, she deduced. They knew she was awake. It unsettled her to know there was no privacy in this institution. Not that she had expected any different. It was just a painful confirmation.

    She looked down at her mattress as he told her he had lunch for her. She was grateful, but scared to interact with him. She figured she had probably already left a terrible first impression. She finally dared to look at him when he said he might take off the jacket. Aight mate, come on over, I'll rip your windpipe out with my bare teeth you -"Don't," she said softly. Her voice was vastly different now. Tender, calm, much more pure. Bitch. Don't you want to get out of here? "Just... leave it there. I'll figure something out. Thank you." She looked at him, and instantly knew he was a good guy. He was handsome, sure, but she could tell he had a good heart. It soothed her a little to know someone like that was around in this place. Oh shut up, will you? Don't get attached, I told you. I'll kill him sooner rather than later. Her eyes fluttered back down to her mattress. She glanced up at the ghost, who just observed them from his place next to the table.

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    Roger watched as she looked down at her mattress. Her face changed as she seemed to have a conversation with herself mentally. He waited patiently for her to either deny or accept her offer. When she did speak, he tilted his head. That was new. She sounded almost ... Sad. Her voice was much softer .. almost gentle compared to the cursing raspy voice from earlier. So she had multiple personalities. At least he was currently dealing with the nice one.

    She thanked him and he nodded. "Alright. I won't bother leaving the silverware then." He said. He pushed up his glasses as she glanced up again. Not looking at him but at the ghost... No.... Figment next to him. She was crazy, remember? Not him. He didn't see things like ghosts. They didn't exist. But he couldn't help it. His eyes darted to the ghost who simply watched on silently. He chewed on the inside of his cheek. A slight indent on his right cheek was the only other indicator that showed that he saw him too. "Well... Uh.... You have 30 minutes to eat before I have to take it away from you. I would suggest eating." He said as he casually stepped around Henry's ghost once more. "Just holler once you're done and sit in your bed. I'll get the tray then."

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    When she saw him shift his gaze towards the man standing there, her eyes narrowed a little. Did he... Did he see him too? The look on his face said he did. But it couldn't be. She'd never met anyone who... who saw what she saw. Knew what she knew. She hardly listened to what he said, she only watched him, and when he moved around the ghost she had to repress a gasp. That had to have been a coincidence, right? Absolutely. You're alone, and you know it. She moved a little closer to the edge of her bed to check if there was anything on the floor around the ghost that might have made him step aside, but she saw nothing. She bit her lips as he gave her instructions. She didn't say anything else. This was the closest thing she'd seen to proof in many, many years, and it had effectively shut her up.

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    She was silent. He waited a few moments before moving again. She was staring at the floor... At where he steped around the ghost. Did she knew? Could she tell that he saw it? He quickly exited the room and locked the door. He waited outside the room for her to finish eating. He leaned against the wall with his eyes closed. Ghosts don't exist. I didn't see anything in that room. He repeated to himself.

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    She watched him leave in what seemed to be a hurry before shifting her attention to the food. Nice going. How are you going to eat like this? She shrugged a little and got up, moving to the table. She sat down and hesitated for a moment before bending down and munching down on the mashed potatoes directly from the plate, like some sort of dog. It wouldn't have been too bad if she didn't know she was being watched. That was the worst part. This whole situation was utterly embarrassing. Strapped in a straightjacket, in a solitary cell, forced to eat like this or be fed like a baby - she hated it. All of it. She didn't belong here, but she was the only one that knew that. And at this point, that was worthless. A tear rolled down her cheek and she tried to wipe it away with her shoulder. She ended up getting gravy on her jacket and closed her eyes, trying to stop herself crying.

    "We are at our wit's end," the doctors had kept saying. She'd come to hate that phrase. Gods, she couldn't even remember how long she'd been in and out of police stations and hospitals by now. It had been weeks, at the very least, very probably even months. The last part was just one big blur at this point. She hadn't seen daylight in a long time before she was moved here. It was a last resort, a desperate attempt to sweep her under the rug. "We've given you every test in the book, miss Edwards. Your brain looks fine."
    "I know, that's what I've been telling you, I'm-"
    "You're delusional, is what you are. And, more importantly, a danger to yourself and others."
    "I can fix it, I swear, just listen to me, please, let me-" The doctor had interrupted her, telling her to stop it, and that she was going to be moved to a more permanent home. That's when she had blacked out.

    When she had come to, the doctor had been taken to the ER with his own pair of scissors shoved down his throat, and she was strapped to a bed being wheeled through basements and security doors. She could only wonder how she had managed. She had spent the next day (or days? a week, maybe two, even?) in a dark and small room, receiving food every now and then. She hadn't been herself for most of that time. This place, she had to admit, was a vast upgrade from that temporary holding cell. But this was her final destination. She would never get out of here. She'd been given up on. Marked 'loony' and discarded by society. And that was that. Good riddance, right?

    Hey, whiny little shit. You're underestimating me. Do you think I'll happily stay in here for the remainder of your shitty little life? As if. Like I said. Busting out. Soon enough. Just win their trust. Be your nauseatingly nice self. I'll take care of the rest. "I don't want that," she murmured softly. I know what you want. And you know you won't get it. I'll never let you. She took a deep breath and gathered the courage to try her hand - well, mouth - at the green beans on the other side of the plate. Luckily something more solid was easier to eat like this, and she managed rather well. By the time her time to eat was up, she picked up a napkin with her mouth and attempted to clean her mouth and jacket with it, but to no avail.

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