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Thread: Shipwrecked - (DreamDragon X P.K.) PG - 13 (IC)

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    Default Shipwrecked - (DreamDragon X P.K.) PG - 13 (IC)

    Going on a cruise was supposed to be fun, Fresh salty air, the sound of lapping waves, parties, comfy hotel like rooms and lots of free time.

    Unfortunately Lucy seemed to have come down with a terrible case of sea sickness. Not an hour after they left port, with the docks just barely out of sight and here she lay in bed moaning softly as Michel set at the edge of her bed with an expression of concern. She waved at him to get his attention before she signed for him to go out and have some fun. Michel took her hand and signed into her palm that he'd rather stay here and make sure she was comfortable.

    figures. He was to shy to be out on his own, but Getting up just resulted in the urge to puke. She couldn't leave, at least not for the moment. Maybe she'd feel better later. Walking up the gang plank had been an experience. She could feel every bob and shake at her steps and those of the people ahead of her. Michel had held her hand tightly while her other gripped the rope guide. She had started thinking then that this was a bad idea then, now she was for sure it was. But Michel had been so excited when he'd won two tickets on this cruise. She couldn't allow him to wallow here when this trip was for him.

    She vehemently signed for him to go. He could take his pad and pen to speak to others on the ship. She knew there were other youths on the ship as old as they where he'd have plenty of time to make friends, if he'd pluck up the courage to go out on his own a little. They were inseparable, but she was starting to wounder how much longer that would be. She loved him like a brother, and she wanted to see (or at least know) that he'd grow up happy even with out her around. If he was going to do that, he'd need to go out with out her.

    Michel took her hand and started signing into her palm but she pulled it away and signed back that she wasn't about to let him waist this opertunity, he'd been so excited and she wasn't going to hold him back from seeing things for himself. Besides. She'd be well enough soon, tomorrow for sure she assured him. At least for now he could go get them something to eat.

    Michel frowned at Lucy for a long moment before he sighed heavily and got up to head to his room just across from her's and dig out his sketch pad and a pen before he stepped out into the hall and started for the cafeteria.
    Last edited by P.K.; 07-23-2019 at 08:04 PM.
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    Albert through his luggage into the back of his car and then jumping into the driver seat for today was a big day for him he had counted the days down until he was to leave for his very first cruise. But before he could set foot on to the gang plank he had to drive over to his cousin's MaryAnna and pick her up. He hoped she was ready to jump into the car when he got there for he was not the kind of person to have to wait for someone when he was really excited about the day.

    MaryAnna looked at her watch where was Albert at? it was not like him to be late then again it was her that was going to make him wait. She had just started packing that morning because she had put off packing until the last minute. A few hour goes by and MaryAnna was putting the last thing into her suitcase when she hears a car horn beep outside. "Oh that must be Albert now." she said to herself out loud. Then grabbing her suitcase she ran and picked up her keys to the house and then made her way out the front door. Albert smiled "Hey MaryAnna! are you ready for our big adventure on a ship?" he said as he helps MaryAnna put her suitcase in the car. MaryAnna laughed "Oh Albert I would not have come out of the house if I was not ready and as for the ship I am nervous and excited all at the same time for this is going to be a great cruise and I am so glad you invited me to come along. So what are you waiting for let's get going because I don't want that ship leaving without us." she said with a little laugh as she jumped in the car next to him. Albert laughed as he got back into the car. "Okay, okay I am coming and I am doing the speed limit for I can't afford any tickets since I already have two tickets in my back pocket for the ship which cost a fortune so no more tickets right now." he said with another laugh.

    The next few hours neither of them said a thing as Albert drove. Then MaryAnna broke the silence when she saw the cruise ship in the distance. "Oh wow that must be the ship we are going on for the next seven days. I can't believe it is so big." she said as her eyes grew wide. Albert laughed again "Yeah that is her. What did you think we were going to be going on a bus or a smaller boat?" he said as they pulled up into the parking lot they were going to leave their car in while they were gone. MaryAnna was out of the car before he even finished his question and was grabbing her suitcase and running up the hill to the ship. "Hey wait up for me MaryAnna you can't get on the ship until I give you the ticket." Albert hollered as he got is luggage out of the car and running to catch up with his cousin.

    Once they were on the ship and it had started moving MaryAnna when to the top deck of the ship and looked out over the water. "My it sure is pretty from up here." she said as she looked down at Albert who was sitting on the floor next to her looking a little sea sick. MaryAnna laughed at him. "Oh Albert get over it you are not to get sick right now." Albert looked up at her and all he could do was groan and hold his side. "I think I am going to go below deck for a little bit." he said as he stud up and started running away.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 07-23-2019 at 03:01 AM.

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    Michel clutched his book to his chest and made his way down the hall slowly every so often he found himself pausing as he drew closer to the stairs, turning partly back to Lucy's room before he'd shake his head and determine to go on. Why was this so hard? Interacting with people shouldn't be this hard. He swallowed as she stared down the hall. He'd just go out, get some food and come back to Lucy, then he'd have gone out as Lucy said, and he'd have a reason to come back and she couldn't possibly be made at him for it.

    Michel turned the corner and ran into the broad chest of another young man, much sturdier then himself Michel bounced back and stumbled a few steps before he was able to catch himself. his pen slipped through his grip he juggled it for a moment as he attempted to grip it before it finely clattered to the floor. With a red face Michel swallowed and began to frantically sign his apologies before realizing that he might not even know what it meant.

    Meanwhile Lucy was laying back with her eyes closed, the sickness had eased some but she was afraid if she set up it just come back. Hopefully Michel would be alright, but she knew it was hard for him to be heard, or rather seen. Why, she didn't know. Maybe she should go find him. She slowly started to sit up, very slowly. Making sure to breath as the dizziness made her feel a little queasy again. Where had Michel put her stick?
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    Albert kept running. I have to get to the bath room he was saying to his self. But as he got to the top of one of the steps a young boy ran right into him. "Oh my excuse me young man. Are you okay?" but Albert was a little surprised when the boy did not answer him but just moved his hands. "Um, I don't understand what you are saying young man." Then Albert remembered that some people use their hands to talk in some form of sign language but it was to bad he did not know any sign language. He knew that MaryAnna did know how to use and understand sign language but she was not here with him right now. Then Albert look down on the steps and saw the pen that the boy had dropped leaning down he picked up the pen for the boy. "Here I believe you dropped this." he said as he handed the pen to him and smiled at him. "My name is Albert what is your name? Here use your paper and pen to write it down." Albert said as he pointed to the notebook.

    Meanwhile MaryAnna was having a good time on the upper deck taking in the fresh sea air and looking around. But her fun time ended pretty fast as a downpour of rain started. "My goodness where did that rain comes from." she said as she started running to get out of the rain.

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    Michel looked a little distressed, the man's mouth was moving but he could only pick up on enough to realize that he was right and the boy didn't understand his frantic signing. However when Albert picked up his pen and offered it to him he took his pen back with a quick nod, swallowing as he flipped open his book and tried to write in a steady hand.

    "My name is Michel Stranfield, I am deaf . I apologize for running into you, thank you for returning my pen." He said, his hands a little shaky from the anxiety but he managed to make it eligible. "I'm afraid I could not understand what you were saying, perhaps you could use my pen and paper?" He offered as he turned the small note pad around for the other man to read before offering him the book so he could use it. If he took the offered utensils Michel would rub his hands along his pants nervously. He wished Lucy was here. He really did.

    After a bit of stumbling around the room, feeling along the walls and a little bit of everywhere she finely found her guiding stick. Now she just had to find the keys and make sure she had them with her before she went out looking for her poor brother. A moment more and she had the key lanyard tucked over her neck before feeling out the door. She still felt sick but she was feeling well enough to manage. Once she opened the door took the time to make sure it was locked before closing it behind her, not that she had anything worth stealing.

    She began to feel her way down the hall, hopping she was going the right away. The only down side was, searching for someone who was Deaf? she couldn't just shout out his name because he'd never respond. Maybe it was a bad idea to send him away, because now she was sure she'd get lost on the ship all on her own. "Damn it." she sighed.
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    Albert smiled and read what the boy wrote and started to write a message to the him. "It is nice to meet you Michel. My name is Albert Hallman. Are you okay from bumping into me? Sure did hit me hard but I am fine.
    I was actually on my way to the bathroom this ship is not agreeing with my stomach. I have never been on a cruise before. But so far I am liking it even though I and kind of sea sick." as he wrote and added a smiley face on the paper for Michael. "Are you the only one on the cruise? I have my cousin with me and she is on the Upper Deck right now." he wrote and then handed the notepad back to him. But as he did that MaryAnna was walking up the steps. "Oh there you are did you kind of get stuck in the steps. Are you okay?" Albert smiled at his cousin. "I would like for you to meet Michael he is deaf. MaryAnna smiled and moved over to Michael to face him. Then she signed with her hands. "Hello there Michael. It is nice to meet you. I see you have run into my funny cousin Albert. My name is MaryAnna Williamson." she signed to him and then looked at Albert and laughed. It had been a while since she had talked to a deaf person but she was proud that she remembered the sign language to talk to Michael.

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    Michel took the note pad back and read over what Albert wrote nervously. Ah, so this was his first cruise to. And he seemed to be feeling the same as his sister did, how unfortunate. And he wasn't alone. He began writing back when he saw someone move up out of the corner of his eye and looked up to see a pretty young women speaking to Albert. Michel flushed when MaryAnna stepped up to him and began to sign to him. He had to take a moment to pull his eyes away from the girl and look to her hands before he started to sign back, seeming a little less nervous, if only a little.

    "Hello MaryAnna. Its a pleasure to meet you." He signed offering a shy smile. He gestured to her cousin before signing. "Albert mentioned he was not feeling well, I'd be happy to let him use my room to rest in till he feels better." He offered. It be a good excuse to go back to Lucy, but also to keep speaking with MaryAnna.
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    MaryAnna smiled and signed back to Michael. "Yes, we have never been on a cruise before and I think Albert is not taking the ship rocking too well right now but I will ask him about your offer." she signed as she turned to talk to her cousin. "Hey Albert Michael has offered for you to rest in his room while he and I talked some more. What do you say are you going to take him up on the offer?" Albert did not know what to say for he felt like he was going to puke right at that moment. "MaryAnna I don't know what to say for I feel like I'm going to be sick any minute." he said as he pushed by the two of them and ran into the men's restroom near by. MaryAnna laughed and signed back to Michael. "I guess you got your answered now. I think he may just want to go and lay down in our room instead of taking on your offer. I hope that is okay with you. But I would enjoy talking with you some more." she signed as she saw Albert comes out of the restroom and was shaking his head and running to go to their room. MaryAnna waved to him in turn back to sign to Michael again. "So Michael do you have any brothers or sisters here with you? If so I would like to meet them right now. I am the only child in my family. So I don't know what it is like to have one." when she was done she then smiling at him and waited for him to answer her.

    Albert made it to the room and collapsed on his bed. No sooner had he done that a clap of thunder made him jump. He groaned and put his head under the pillow. Oh this is going to be a long night he thought to himself as he tried to close his eyes and rest some.

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    Michel watched with some concern as Albert pushed through them and vanished into a bathroom. Ah, it must really be bad. he turned back to Annamary. He put his notebook and pet in a pocket as she signed the answer to him and he nodded in understanding. He didn't know how far their rooms wee compared to his and his sister's so he'd made the offer. but maybe they were close by.

    Michel let out a shy smile as she signed she'd enjoy talking to him more. "Thanks, its not every day I meet someone fluent in ASL." He made a motion down the hall to indicate what direction his room was before signing back. "I do." he signed at her question. "My sister Lucy, Actually We are both adopted siblings." he signed as he walked beside Annamary. "The Stranfield's took both of us in, and we have a few younger children they have taken in." He explained it wouldn't take him long to find his rooms. And he figured since she wanted to meet his sister maybe it be okay to introduce them now. Lucy couldn't be mad at him he was doing what she wanted.

    He took out his spare key for the room, fortunately the ship let him have one because of their condition. "She's resting, Like Albert she wasn't taking to the rocking." he signed before pushing the key into the door and opening it. He paused though as he peered inside. Lucy wasn't on the bed. He stepped inside and started to look around, peering into the bathroom in case she'd felt her way there, but she was no where! He started to panic. had she gone out looking for him? she'd get lost on the ship, she'd have no idea how to navigate!

    Her guide stick was gone, confirming that she had left. Panicking he tried to sign to Anna that Lucy wasn't here and he had to go find her now! He tried to explain that Lucy was blind and would get lost on the ship with out him to guide her!
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    MaryAnna smiled and signed "Same her it is not everyday you meet someone that is fluent in ASL. In fact it has been awhile since I have done sign language." she signed as she nods her head. Then she saw him answer her questions she had asked. "Oh that is wonderful that you have a sister. Yes, I would love to meet her to." she signed as they walked to his room. Then she was a little surprised when he stated to panic when his sister was not there in the room. "What is it Michael. Is she in there?" she signed. Then she saw him trying to sign back to her. "Oh no that is not good and she is blind to? I will help you find her Michael." she quickly signed back to him. "Do you have a picture of her so I know what she looks like?" I sure hope she did not go looking for you outside in this kind of weather" she signed as a flash of lightning appeared outside the room window. "Michael it will be okay we will find her." she signed as she put a around around him to try to comfort him.

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