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Thread: It is an RP Partner I seek

  1. #1
    The Grey Lady
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    Recruiting It is an RP Partner I seek

    I said to myself "Self, you might not be ready to jump back into a group affair, having just gotten back on the horse and all (I'm told its just like riding a bike!)" I'll spare you details on how self responded, dreadful business that is. That said, I have come to the conclusion that maybe a 1 x 1 is just the thing I need!

    Below are the genres I would be interested in exploring, in no particular order:

    • Romance
    • Sci-Fi
    • Fantasy
    • Medieval
    • Post-Apocalyptic
    • Espionage & Assassins
    • Dystopian worlds

    And of course there are certain fandoms that I would be willing to entertain such as Star Wars, Resident Evil, several Final Fantasies, my mind is drawing a blank after that (hello tired brain!), but feel free to ask about others.

    Typically I have preferred MxF scenarios, but I am open to other variants/arrangements/etc... I know, I know! What are the specific ideas, you ask. Well, right now there aren't many at the moment. I want to work to develop something with a partner who feels they may be compatible. All I ask for is a reasonable degree of consistency in posting (life happens, that's ok!).

    So, if there is anyone interested or have ideas of your own you're hoping someone will jump at, gimme a try!
    Last edited by Hannelorian; 06-29-2021 at 01:11 AM. Reason: I can't type
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  2. #2
    Tale as Old as Time moonlightsky's Avatar
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    Hi I would be interested in coming up with something with Ya. Something with romance yes?

  3. #3
    Kach's Avatar
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    I swear I am not stalking you. Yes I know that is what a stalker would say.

    Here is my pitch.
    Star Wars universe. Boom, the Republic is kaput. Empire rolls out the grey carpet. Suddenly there is a while lot of 'transitioning' that needs to be done. That's where the Logistics Core comes in, a government is only as good as it's paperwork. (Yes, I am pitching bean counters as an RP)
    Enter a two-ish person team traveling all over the newly formed Empire to determine such things as: do garrisons need to be created, re-enforced or withdrawn; is the native population desirable for 'labor drafts'; are there natural resources not being fully exploited; are the locals paying enough taxes?
    Of course, it's no easy feat, you can't just show up with a clip board and check boxes, unless maybe you were 'persuaded' too. Of course there are pirates, rebels, local unrest, and the cold dangerous void to contend with. And don't get me started on the beings that think the Logistics Core's duties are a waste of time. (They are the worst!)

    So, did I land the job? Oh, you will get your people to call my people? Erm, thanks for the opportunity!
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  4. #4
    The Grey Lady
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    Yaaaaay! Finally, the fish have bitten!

    Moonlightsky! - I'd be down! My only condition with Romance is that it needs to be a part of the story for the reason. I want it to feel natural, organic, and a truly intrinsic part of the plot. Not just romance for the sake of romance.

    Kach! I had never in a million years considered this as an idea, but I love it and am in! You get the job, and we've got a galaxy's worth of beans to count. Shall I create the OOC?
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  5. #5
    Kach's Avatar
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    You could, :p but I have already done it in a fit of wild RP madness. Here is a link. Look forward to seeing you there.
    The final battle,
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    by the united.

  6. #6
    The Grey Lady
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    Woohoo! I do approve of swift action. Though I think you may have put the thread in the incorrect place. My extensive rule reading in preparation for the eventuality of an RP leads me to think it goes here? as it is of the one by one variety. I'll get to working on something!
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  7. #7
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    Hey there! Before I ask about specifics, I just wanted to know--are you still looking for a potential writing partner?

  8. #8
    The Grey Lady
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    Ahoy hoy! Sure am! Questions? Fire away!
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  9. #9
    Member MaskedBee's Avatar
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    Glad to hear it! I have an idea that could lean into something supernatural (maybe dystopian fantasy?) or sci-fi depending on what you felt up to!

    • Character A has come of a certain age or activated a strange item, and is now destined to defeat a supernatural or extraterrestrial threat despite having no previous knowledge of said threat. How do they handle this? Do they jump in head-first, excited for an adventure and break from mundane life? Are they terrified and try to deny it, only for the consequences to keep piling up now that the supernatural/extraterrestrial creatures know this character has been chosen to defeat them? The other character, Character B, could be a hunter of supernatural/extraterrestrial things, annoyed that there’s someone ‘destined’ to do it now despite them having spent their lives doing this. Or perhaps they’re a mentor character, seeking out this ‘chosen one’ to teach them and train them and ready them for hardships. Or maybe they’re a supernatural/extraterrestrial, wanting to befriend the other character, or perhaps they’re enemies but need them alive for some reason. Or perhaps this second character is the former chosen one, miffed that someone has taken their place.

    So I've kept it pretty open for brainstorming purposes and threw in a few ways it could go but I'm super open to exploring whatever avenues might interest you! It's heavily inspired by Chosen One tropes in media as you can see but we can take it in any direction (like maybe they're not a chosen one at all). Not sure if it's your cup of tea, but if so, maybe we could explore it together? And if not, no worries and no hard feelings!

  10. #10
    The Grey Lady
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    That is solid ground to work from! I'll PM you so we can discuss further and get into a place where we can spin up an OOC thread.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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