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Thread: Halo: We Are ODST {IC}{M}

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    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Default Halo: We Are ODST {IC}{M}

    UNSC Strident
    Heavy Class Frigate

    "We got an incoming emergency message from one of the Halo Rings Captain." A voice filled an empty room. A room which was the Captain's personal quarters. Captain Adam Price was cleaning his hat before placing it on his head. He heard the voice on the intercom and looked in the mirror.

    "Play the message Zero." He replied as a AI Image appeared on his desk. The message played while he puts his hat on.

    "This is Dr. Isaac! We got Covenant forces attacking the facility! We lost communication with the military outpost and we can't hold out for long we need help!" The feed cuts off short.

    Zero looked at the captain. "I checked for fabrication but it turns out this is the real deal. Covenant forces are advancing on Halo Installation 02." He pulled up a hologram of the Ring with multiple ships orbiting around the installation. "I count at least ten sir."

    Captain Price looked at the image and takes in a deep breath. He walked to the door in a haste. "Prep the ship for hyperspace alert all hands on deck and get a team ready." He ordered.

    "Aye aye Captain."

    Alarm sounds off on all decks. All crew members reported to their stations. In minutes the ship was prepared for jump speed. The Captain arrived on deck to see his crew standing up and saluted at his appearance. He saluted back and walked to his chair and looked at the display screens around him.

    In the armory. The ODST teams prepared for their assignments. Doors opened as the LT walked in with her armor on and helmet at her side. Behind her was her second in command. Sergeant Dexter Lowe. "Attention on deck!" He shouted.

    Troops standing straight and looking forward. It took a couple of seconds before the LT walked the table that was in the middle area of the room. "At ease." She said clearly. "Alright this is what we got boys." She set the image up and revealed the Halo Ring. "Installation 02. We received a distress call from this post. Both science facility and the military outpost went dark." She looked around the room. "Multiple Covenant forces are on the ground. It's a mix of both Elites and Brutes working together. We don't know what their sole purpose is but we can guess is that they are trying to reactivate the Ring." An image appeared by the table. Zero.

    "Admiral Harper and his fleet are reporting in that they will be assisting as well." Said the AI. "And also we just received a message from the Arbiter. He will be sending a special force team to fight the Covenant." He looked around the room and noticed how intimidating the troops are. He chuckled nervously. "They'll be in for a surprise."

    The LT nodded her head. "Good, it'll make things easy for the Marine Corps." She chuckled and brushed her hair back behind her ear. "We'll drop down at the military outpost first. We need the firepower if we're gonna take the ring back and push those bastards off." She pointed at the map and shows Fort Bellvar is not far off from the science facility." She placed her hands on her chest and held on the sides and leans back a little. "Once the fort is operational, the fleet will send in reinforcements. Delta squad will scout ahead." Her eyes turned to her team. "Spark, Radio, Fletcher. Get what you need...we're gonna be eyes for the rest." She takes in a deep breathe and looked around. "Any questions?" She asked aloud for everyone to hear.

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    Talgott was absent-mindedly staring at Zero before the LT's voice rang his callout. He raised his hand.

    "Rules of engagement, ma'am?"
    He followed up his question with another, both with a wise-ass and a bit of a honest inquisitive tone at the same time.
    "Will the Swords attempt to parlay?"

    He'd prefer a more diplomatic solution. Obviously, in the company he was in, there'll be bullets flying regardless, but he'd never been in such an alien place as a Halo ring. Disregarding his doubts about ever seeing the Ivorian coast again, he slid his helmet in place on his head. His VISR lit up, outlining his fellow ODST's in green while his pupils dilated. He noticed an absent tertiary weapon in his in-HUD display.

    "Oh, and can I get an auto-mag?"

    Another ODST chuckled, getting reminded about the reason command didn't requisition him a sidearm.

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    RPAs White Knight
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    Kelly putting her rifle back together when they got their orders, and the comms tech spoke up. "Our RoE is probably the same as always, jump feet first into Hell and fight our way out, or at least get a foothold for the reinforcements to come down" she said, sliding her rifle mag into place for added effect. "As for questions, why aren't the UNSC Army Pathfinders going in to scout ahead? And will we have close air support eventually?" she asked. She slipped her helmet on, her HUD lit up, highlighting her squadmates, including their rank above their head, her weapons and ammo levels, and most importantly for her, her jetpack fuel. "Awesome, all fueled up, armed and armoured and ready to go, I wonder if Radio and Spark can keep up with Air Assault? I know you probably can, ma'am" she said, looking towards Wolf, a smile on her face under her helmet.

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    Spark shrugged when she asked if there was anymore questions. He had been through this time and time again on previous missions. It was always the same as they would do a quick briefing before getting thrown into the field knowing almost nothing of what was going on. His eyes focused on Kelly and he shrugged. "Pathfinders scouting ahead? As if, they rarely give us intel anyways. You know the drill. Just like you said, thrown into hell and we fight our way out." He said as he gave a small smirk putting his helmet on.

    As the helmet went over his head he adjusted it and tapped a button on the side. Instantly the darkened visor lit up giving him a much clearer view. From that point his vitals appeared in the top center section of his visor. To the right appeared a small compass pointing his direction. On the left side, it held a small rifle image showing his ammunition along with additional tick marks below the firearm to show how many additional mags he held. Next, the visor scanned the area marking the tags of each of the ODST's in the room along with any other allies.

    Jack scoffed when Kelly asked if he could keep up. "Keep up? Well I would hope so. Other wise you might head off by yourself, and we both know that's not a good idea." After speaking he leaned against one of the walls and examined his right hand before pulling out a small screwdriver adjusting one of the bolts everything seemed in order from what he could tell, just had to be sure he didn't destroy it this time.
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

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    After listening to everybody that answered and some replied to others she kept a tight grip on her helmet. Her first attention went to Radio. "Check your targets and eliminate all hostile threat shoot only if you have the advantage point. And the only thing the Swords will parley with is a sword up a Brutes ass." She smirked and looked at the other who spoke about the rules of engagement. UNSC Pathfinders need the Pelicans to fly down unfortunately the fleet will be engaged with the Covenant ships and air support will be a no go until they can cripple the enemy air defense." She looked to Zero whom showed another image of the Ring with multiple ships around it.

    "As for reinforcements...we are the damn cavalry here. Fort Bellvar is likely taking a heavy beating. Our drop will be on the outskirts of the Fort itself. We'll be flanking the enemies rear end picking them off one by one. Once we are able to secure the Fort we'll utilize the vehicles the Fort has left that are still operational." She placed her helmet on the table and placed both hands down flat while looking at Fletcher. "The 'real' question is can 'you' keep up with me?" Her face turned serious afterwards and leans back up while folding her arms.

    She looked to Spark with a certain look and smiled. "Exactly we have several air assault units and fuel is scarce on this Installation. Preserve your fuels for certain situations or for scouting. Can't have you be lost in the woods not knowing where you are. You'll be a needle in a haystack." She walked away from the table and headed towards a weapon crate. She found a weapon and pulled it out walking back to the table and towards Radio. She 'handed' him the weapon he requested by pushing it on his chest with a slight shove. "Don't lose it this time..." She leans closer. "Or I won't forgive you." She said softly.

    "Attention: All hands on deck report to your post! ODST prep for drop. Attention: ODST Prep for drop."

    "Sergeant Lowe" She turned to her second in command who takes a step forward and shouted at the top of his lungs. "You heard them move it! Get to your Pods and prepare for hell of a drop ladies and gents! It's gonna be a fun ride!" He placed his helmet on and turned quickly to follow the LT. Another ODST quickly came up behind her with her helmet and handed it over. She takes the helmet and slides it on. Her VISR flicked to tint and her icons appeared revealing almost everything she needed in the field.

    In minutes she arrived to her Pod. Taking a look inside she placed her weapon inside and placed it in a holster. She gets in quickly and made she was in a comfortable position. She sits back and waits for the next step to happen.

    Mean while in the command deck. Captain Price and his crew prepared the necessary steps to prepare for a fight. "All crew statues ready sir." Zero said at the side of his chair looking up then back at the view. "Launch." He said aloud. The ship hummed for a second and started light speed.

    Minutes had passed when the ship had arrived to find itself in a middle of a battle. Both UNSC and Covenant forces battle one another. Zero checked the statues of the situation. "Sir I may have miscalculated the numbers." He said shyly. "There was ten Covenant there are twenty Covenant ships. five assault carriers and fifth-teen battle cruisers." He stopped for a second and placed a hand on his ear. "Sir we're being hailed by Admiral Harper." He connected the call.

    "Captain Price, this is Admiral Harper. We spotted multiple drop ships still moving back and forth. I can't get get a decent fighter through enemy lines. If you have a pay load ready to drop push through we'll back you up."

    "Roger that sir." He turned his attention to his crew as the line disconnected. "All cannons open fire on enemy fighters in our path and light up the drop." He stood up from his chair with his arms folded watching the enemy move in position. "ETA on drop?" He asked.

    Zero checked his systems. "The way we are pushing..I'd say one minute."

    The Captain pressed a button to open a channel to the LT. "Lieutenant. Get ready for a drop once your down there...give them hell!"

    Wolf nodded her head. "Feet first into hell boys!" She waited for the light to turn green and kept an eye on it. "Time to show our teeth!" Then the light turned green. She felt Pod shake and suddenly descended in a quick manner. She kept an eye on the vidcom of her squad. Her breathing started to feel a little heavy but she managed. It felt like hours when it was just seconds when her Pod started to flare. The flames disappeared quickly and just like that she felt a hard shook inside her Pod.

    Hearing a ding her Pod latch burst open and she hopped out with her weapon out. Gun fire was exchanged between the Covenant and ODST. Plasma fire whizzed by her head as she rushed with her brothers and sisters. Bombs exploded near her position. Banshees flying by quick as they drop their pay load. "Delta squad move up!" She shouted on her com. link.

    Back at the ship. Captain Price stood in front of a desk with a few of his subordinates. "Sir...they are here." A ship arrived but in different color and different flag. "I know." He said lowly. "Swords of Sanghelios."

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    The drop was called, and Kelly sat in her pod, waiting for the moment she enjoyed most. And then it happened, her pod was released and started to fall through the atmosphere. She watched as the altitude meter ticked down until the flames dissappeared and she got closer to the ground. 500 meters, she took a deep breath, taking not of her weapons locations in the pod. 200 meters, she looked at the video display of her squadmates. Touchdown, her door opened and she came out with her battle rifle first, she knelt down and fired at enemies at the mid distance. Three shots rang out each time she pulled the trigger, she took down a few grunts as she started to push up.

    She had remembered to grab her shotgun from her pod, and saw as Jackals appeared, some armed with energy shields and needlers, and others with the Covenant version of sniper rifles. "Contact, Jackals on the nearby hill!" she called out over thier commlink, she took a few shots at them with her battle rifle, hitting the hand-held shield one of the defensive Jackals held. "I'm gonna flank them, can someone cover me?" she called out again, switching to her shotgun and trying to move around the side of her targets.

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    "Don't lose it this time..." She leans closer. "Or I won't forgive you."
    Talgott smirked underneath his helmet.
    "Thank you, ma'am."

    When the drop alert rang, Radio was still equipping a holster for his new sidearm. Contrary to his fellow ODSTs, he didn't always feel eager to drop. That, and this was only his second ever - with a new squad to adjust to. Arriving at his SOEIV, his MA5 assault rifle and his nade launcher were already stashed in the pod. He placed his spare helmet, dented enough as it was, next to his feet with a small strap to keep it in place before strapped himself in.


    And they were a-dropping! After overcoming the initial jitters, Lezz tried to scan the environment as much as possible through the transparent slit in the hatch whilst freefalling - which was quite hard, falling at this speed. Already distracted by the pretty horizon, the pod grazed a camouflaged overflying Phantom dropship, which broke his planned trajectory and sent it a bit further down the frontline in an already-established crater.

    His hatch popped full-frontal at a jackal shieldbearer moving in on sergeant Fletcher. The jackal's shooting arm was gruesomely crushed between the hatch and a rock. The instinctual five-tap from Talgo's auto-mag got blocked by its shield and even sent some bulletparticles back at Talgo, prompting him to take cover behind his pod while he slang his AR with him and leaving the pro-pipe dormant for a bit.

    He was in a hopeless situation, in the middle of a crater, on the low ground, and probably surrounded with jackals. Bad news, but it did give Fletcher a chance to flank as the jackals were occupied with the misplaced musician unleashing AR volleys at them.
    Last edited by Q; 08-08-2018 at 12:59 AM.

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    Spark adjusted the straps around him when he slipped into the pod. Next to him he had his Battle Rifle ready to go, the rounds were un-chambered and it was secured tightly. On his right side, attached to his leg was a cylinder 4 inches longer then the palm of his hand, with a small spike that would sit between his fingers. "ODST Spark, Ready for drop." He spoke through the small microphone embedded in his helmet. With the pushing of a few buttons he felt the release of his capsule. There was a brief pause of silence and everything sat still as he looked through the window. Then the rush hit.

    The pod launched directly towards the ground moving at a quick pace. As soon as the pod hit the atmosphere it erupted into flames. His pod had caught orbit and was burning up. It was the usual case and the flames soon subsided as Spark released the parachute module. It slowed the capsule enough to soften the landing. But as the pod struck the ground a small shock wave emitted from around it. While there wasn't anything close enough for it to hit, it was still a huge impact causing him to cringe. "Spark has landed." He spoke before punching a few buttons and then pulling the release lever.

    The whizzing of metal components sounded off as steam released from the door of the capsule and it was projected outwards smashing into a nearby tree. Instantly, Jack jumped out and his visor clicked as it notified him of all surrounding targets. Each one had lit up with a feint red. His eyes fixed on a group of Jackal and he fired off five three round bursts, his finger tapping the trigger as quickly as possible. "One, and a two, three strikes. Group is out." He said giving himself a small smile behind the helmet. The group of three was down and he focused his attention on Kelly as she spoke. "Yes ma'am, cover fire ready." He said and fired off a few more rounds in the direction in which Kelly was headed. Providing cover fire wasn't to terrible and for someone who used shotguns as a main weapon it always helped her.
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    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

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    "How the hell did he get so far out of the DZ?" Kelly asked herself as she saw Radio's pod land in the middle of the Jackals. She then heard Spark call the covering fire. "Thanks Spark, I'll be back shortly" she said over her commlink, using her jetpack to move forward quickly, firing a shot into each Jackal as she came up to them. Once she was further in she saw a needler armed Jackal aiming his weapon at her surrounded squadmates head, chittering away in it's own language. Kelly pulled the trigger of her shotgun, pumping the weapon to clear the chamber and bring another slug into position, before looking at Radio. "That's one you owe me, comms boy, don't make a habit of it" she said, smiling behind her visor. She then fired her last two slugs into two approaching Jackals, but grabbed a discarded needler and fired off at the last Jackal sniper instead of reloading or switching. Once she emptied the Covenant weapon into her target she dropped it back on the ground. "Damn I love that weapon" she said, behind her the needles from the needler exploded as one, taking the sniper out as she reloaded her shotgun and switched back to her battle rifle, firing down range again, at some more approaching grunts, occasionally swinging around and taking a potshot at the back of the odd Banshee, hoping to snipe the pilot out. She started to slowly make her way back to Wolf, hopefully with Radio in tow.

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    As heads exploded around him, Talgo struggled to retain his footing. Since the sound of jetpacks and burst-fire seemed to have it all under control, he took this time to empty his drop pod. He placed his spare helmet on the back of his hip and slung his grenade launcher over his shoulder.

    "That's one you owe me, comms boy, don't make a habit of it"

    He could've known - it was the bullfrog, his new sergeant. His previous squad lead was a lady too. Both of them, present and perished, seemed capable of saving his slightly incapable ass.

    "Many thanks, sarge!"

    Together with Fletcher, Radio jogged back to the rest of the squad, his assault rifle bungling around his neck. He took a peek at his LZ, now filled with Kig'yar corpses.

    "Wow, misdrop!"

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