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Thread: Stargate: Rise of Humanity

  1. #1

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    Default Stargate: Rise of Humanity

    The year is 1998 and humanity can taste the wane of the second millennium and the birth of the third. As if to mark the occasion, two bright stars unexpectedly burst across the heavens, and many marked it as the dawn of a new era. Officially billed by the media as the successful testing of new intercontinental ballistic missiles by the United States, the sole standing superpower with the end of the Cold War, many dismissed it as post-conflict military muscle flexing and extolled how such peace had come that a superpower could show off its power without rises in international tension. They are wrong.

    Beneath the rock and steel of the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, a new era had indeed begun. And at its heart was the Stargate, an alien device of mysterious origin capable of sending people across the stars to hundreds or thousands of worlds connected to the so-called Stargate Network by identical gateways. Unearthed in Giza seven decades before, the Stargate was only successfully tested a few years before, leading the United States Air Force to discover just how small a power humanity is in the galaxy. Since their defeat of the alien Goa'uld Ra, humanity has found itself under increasing danger from alien powers. The most egregious of these events was the failed attempt by the Goa'uld System Lord Apophis to conquer the Earth, leading the flagship Stargate team SG-1 to disobey orders and infiltrate the enemy fleet, successfully destroying it in orbit over the planet.

    But even with the fall of Apophis and his ambitions to subjugate the people of Earth, the Stargate Program under the authority of Stargate Command remains under pressure. Where critics of the Stargate Program like Senator Robert Kinsey no longer advocate for the shutdown of the operation, talks of increased oversight and the need to expand efforts to keep the Stargate a secret have mounted. Many fear that further attacks on the world will reveal the existence of the Stargate and cause mass panic among the civilian population. Others are afraid of the onset of a new Cold War if the technology retrieved by the Stargate program shifts the balance of power in the world.

    Amid all this speculation, the goal of the Stargate Program remains as it always has: to explore the galaxy, to gather powerful new technologies, to build off-world alliances, and to protect the Earth and humanity, whatever the cost.

    * * * * *

    Welcome to Stargate: Rise of Humanity! This is a fanfic RP set in the Stargate universe after the events of season 2, episode 1. Humanity is in increasing danger and all that stands between it and enslavement by alien species are the forces of Stargate Command, a top-secret division operating under the United States Air Force. At the center of its operation is the eponymous Stargate, a great metallic ring of alien origin that connects to an intergalactic network of such devices, allowing near-instantaneous travel to any world with a working Stargate.

    Player characters will be United States Armed Forces personnel (mostly Air Force) assigned to the Stargate Program or civilians with special skillsets that are considered outside military expertise. They will be assigned to one of the Stargate Teams sent through the Stargate to worlds unknown in order to explore, procure alien technologies, make alliances with alien species, and oppose the increasing dangers closing in on humanity. On these perilous missions anything can happen as the galaxy is filled with many threats both ancient and contemporary. Death is a real possibility on these missions and not necessarily the worst thing that can happen.

    While the dangers of the universe lay beyond the Stargate, humanity maintains its stronghold of Earth, at least for now. There SG personnel can receive training and equipment for their perilous missions. They can also make recommendations to the scientists and researchers of the SGC to push the boundaries of technology and knowledge in ways that will make their jobs easier, or even possible. But this is not without its danger either. Whether through failed missions or information leaks, any use of alien technology or materials may attract the attention of both curious civilians and foreign powers. The forces of the SGC may find themselves called upon to make compromises or even commit unsavory acts to protect the secrecy of the Stargate Program.

    * * * * *

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    Spoiler: Character Sheet 

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    * * * * *
    Accepted Characters

    Spoiler: Major Adile Thurman 

    Text Color=Purple

    bluemoon - Doctor Coryn Ambrose (Ambri) - Text Color: Red

    Storm - Samantha Mari - Text Color: Blue

    Dnafein - Ensign Stanley Rodgers Text Color: Yellow

    InfraredHero - First Lieutenant Jacob Popertue - Text Color: Brown

    Delta808 - Staff Sergeant Vasili Ilari - Text Color: Green

    Fox Xalian - Maisie Chapman - Text Color: Pink
    Last edited by Imperial1917; 03-18-2019 at 12:44 AM.
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  2. #2
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    I would like to reserve the role of medical personnel please. I will start working on my CS tonight.

  3. #3
    Poppa Squirrel
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    Getting a late start to the day, planning a tatical officer, still debating of making a male or female character (what, Storm writes female characters). Plan on starting a CS tonight.

    Signature created by the awesome .Karma.

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  4. #4
    Member Delta8O8's Avatar
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    Doing my CS right now.
    Making a Military Support dude aka the guy with the big gun.
    But I'm doing it on my phone so...yeah...

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  5. #5
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    Name: Doctor Coryn Ambrose (Ambri)

    Age: 34

    Appearance: Ambri stands a little over 5'6" and sports an athletic build with soft curves. She is typically seen in her uniform around the base and in the field. At work in the medical facility, she wears a white smock over her uniform.

    Spoiler: Ambri 

    Personality: Ambri is very personable. She is quick to smile and very friendly. Her bed-side manner is also bubbly, making her a pleasure to work with. Her quick wit and sarcasm only adds to her charm, her more serious side only seen when she is working frantically to save a patient.

    Stargate Team: Re-formed SG-7

    Skills/Specialization: Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt) Ambrose has a medical degree and specializes in emergency medicine and parasitical infections. She has a clear head in the face of danger and performs best when under pressure. Although she is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, her ability with firearms is mediocre at best. Her knowledge of the weapons is above par, but her aim is where she is lacking, a situation she is working hard to correct in her spare time.

    Due to her extensive work with parasites in the field, she was brought into the Stargate Program to study the Goa'uld symbiotes. She has spent the past eight months working with the other doctors to unlock the unique relationship the snake-like creatures have with their human counterparts.

    Stuff: Medical bag with all the expected supplies--bandages/morphine/trauma dressings/splints/basic instruments/penlight/etc. She also wears a necklace with a small pendant of the tree of life on it. It is kept tucked inside her uniform top.

    Background: Doctor Ambrose's father was a pilot in the air force and she followed in his footsteps and joined the USAF right out of high school. She was put though medical school and graduated with honors, serving overseas for a few years until she became a member of the Stargate Program. She typically is a first responder in regards to patient care, doing triage, then getting the individual(s) stabilized before handing them off for the next stage in treatment.

    As for her personal life, she is a health nut, exercising daily and eating well to maintain her figure. Her only vices are coffee...and chocolate, the two things she has not managed to cut from her daily routine. She believes everything should be done in moderation, so she only allows herself one cup of brew daily and one candy bar. Everyone has their vices, and those are hers.
    Last edited by bluemoon; 02-26-2019 at 08:22 PM.

  6. #6
    Poppa Squirrel
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    Name: Samantha Mari

    Age: 28

    Spoiler: Technical Sergeant Samantha Mari 

    Personality: Samantha is warm and friendly to those around her. She is always inquisitive and retains information easily. This is helpful during training or on missions being able to keep a calm demeanor. She has an understanding of different cultures and works on relating to any she meets.

    Stargate Team: SG-7.

    Skills/Specialization: Samantha specialized sniper training. She tempers her military side with diplomacy. Her belief is to resolve with words over weapons. Samantha also does well with first contacts. She learned the art of diplomacy from her parents. Her father was a career special forces commander and her mother a career diplomat, a mismatch made in heaven.

    Stuff: Aside from her military equipment, she has form fitting sweats for working out. In her room she keeps a Keurig coffee maker. Though she does not drink alcohol, always keeping her mind sharp from the years she could be called on an Op with less than 30 minutes notice, coffee is her drug of choice. She also has multiple USB micro cards with an extensive music library. When not on duty, she could be often seen with wireless earphones listening to play lists in her collection. She often would be seen with a holstered Beretta 9 MM.

    Background: Upon Graduation from college, Samantha enlisted in the Air Force entering Special Operations following in her fathers footsteps. She Currently holds the rank of Technical Sergeant. Samantha holds a crypto top secret clearance. She has been an active SG-7 member for the past year.
    Last edited by Storm; 03-05-2019 at 04:47 AM.

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  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by bluemoon View Post
    I would like to reserve the role of medical personnel please. I will start working on my CS tonight.
    Medical personnel it is, if that is what you want. I don't have limits on any specialization unless we get an overabundance of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Storm View Post
    Getting a late start to the day, planning a tatical officer, still debating of making a male or female character (what, Storm writes female characters). Plan on starting a CS tonight.
    I'm not particular on who plays what gender character. Do as you please.

    Quote Originally Posted by Delta8O8 View Post
    Doing my CS right now.
    Making a Military Support dude aka the guy with the big gun.
    But I'm doing it on my phone so...yeah...
    Sounds good. You may want to consider distinguishing whether they are heavy weapons support or demolitions.
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  8. #8

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    For everybody's benefit, I will say that I was initially hesitant about having multiple specializations, particularly diplomacy, all for one character, but on reflection that the US has actually deployed special forces with the expectation that they will engage in diplomacy, I decided it was acceptable. For multiple specializations not including diplomacy, I would say that the question is more whether it is believable given the length of service and number of specializations. For example, having two specializations for a character who has served for ten years is plausible and acceptable.

    On a related note, while I don't want every character to be a special forces operative and I simultaneously don't want to necessarily mimic the show, where a lot of SG teams seem to have been formed of grunts mixed with research/diplomatic personnel, I will say that it is not unlikely and is acceptable for characters to be special forces given the clearance/operating levels of the Stargate Program. I won't hold anyone to balancing the team, at least not in the meta sense, but it would be preferable to have a well-rounded team and any deficiencies might cause... accidents. Dreadful accidents. For the team as a whole, of course. *smiles*


    You say she is 'warm and friendly' and 'cold and direct' in her personality section and that she is trained in diplomacy, but has a low tolerance for politics over the practicality of security. While these are not necessarily mutually exclusive and I leave it to you to convey these things in a realistic fashion during the RP, I will say that you aren't making things easy for yourself. Even in a military setting this can rub a lot of people the wrong way or come across as dangerously/unstably bi-polar. Jack O'Neil and Daniel Jackson are both warm and friendly and generally remain so while Teal'c is generally more distant, especially with those he doesn't know/doesn't yet trust/respect, but all are fairly consistent in their behavior when Teal'c isn't making Jaffa jokes. The choice is yours.

    As for her skills:
    I would sum this as a sniper with diplomatic skills. Hand-to-hand, small arms, and rifles (rifles are small arms, btw) would be standard training for all military personnel while small unit tactics would have roots in basic training and be naturally extended as part of her special forces background. Small unit tactics is also something less tangible that your character would prove in the field. Diplomacy is that way as well, actually, though both are nice to have on her resume so I know what she might be interested in trying.

    Besides those notes, she looks good to go.
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    CS is now done and ready for inspection!

  10. #10
    Poppa Squirrel
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    @Imperial1917 I am probably going to tweak the character over the next day or two. Mentioned that have not the highest knowledge of SG and want to write the character that could fit the setting. Will most likely ease up on the cold part and focus more on the having the ability to handle aggressive situations however focus more on the resolving things through diplomacy. Will update you when done, any suggestions on what I could tweak would also be appreciated.

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