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Thread: ❣ Breaking Boundaries ❣

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    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Default ❣ Breaking Boundaries ❣

    Washington, D.C 6pm

    Tick. Tock.
    Vice President Payton Meyers glanced towards the clock plastered to the wall with unease. It was getting late and he had to get home to his wife. But the president sent a message requesting a meeting with him. It had been spontaneous of his partner to request such a meeting out of nowhere and where to meet as well.
    He glanced around the mall with concern written all over his face. Secret Service had suggested to let a part of the government check out the source of the message. But the VP had refused. He said all was fine. And at the time, he had believed it. For some time now Clayton had been getting more and more random. He seemed to be doing things without counsel and meeting with powers that weren't just. He had talked of the Annihilation Act just yesterday with Payton, and the VP had been shocked to hear that he was passing it nationally. He had been so opposed to it. But then out of nowhere he changed his mind.
    Maybe that's why he had called this meeting. He wanted to talk about what had changed his mind. It made sense, he supposed.
    But it was almost twenty minutes after he had wanted to meet. The president never ran late.
    The man glanced around for the president again. But he didn't see his face anywhere. A sigh left his lips and he assumed that the man couldn't have beaten traffic. He had to get home to his wife soon. Another five minutes and he would leave.
    But he never made it to five minutes. As soon as he turned to glance towards the clock again a bullet shot through the air and ripped through his skull. All he felt before he crashed to the ground dead was a sting.
    There was a commotion that began to rise in the air. People rushing to get away from the dead body, others racing forward to help or see what had happened. The man that had taken the shot pulled away from the roof across from the mall. He folded his sniper back up into a square and slid it into his pocket.

    Washington, D.C 7pm

    Clayton stood before the thousands that had gathered at the mall. Behind him the police tape was blowing lightly in the breeze with the dying light. The body had already been taken away by ambulance. The mall had been shut down for investigation.
    "Today marks a grievous day in our history." He stated softly into the microphone someone had given him. He was stood on the back of someone's truck that was now surrounded by civilians. "It was this place that our enemy has taken down a great hero. He served in the War on Iran with my wife. He knew her to the last second of her life and came back from the war with a message to my sons from her. 'Just when you think you can't, know you can!' The message is now a plaque hanging in the White House. The White House- a symbol of our nation's strength! We are mighty, we are great just as Payton was! The only difference between him and America is that while he was a mere moral that could be killed, America is a great nation that cannot be destroyed! I can see America's life in all of your faces. Al Qaeda may be able to take us down one by one, but they will never be able to take down America!" He paused and looked out at all of them. The waves of people went on for as far as he could see and then some. He could see tears glistening in the eyes of citizens and others raising their hands in salute. Other though with stag faces. None of the faces were the same. All of them strangers, but bonded together in one thing.
    "I don't know why they took his life. I can make all the assumptions and guesses I want, but my best friend is not going to rise from the dead because of it, now is he? I don't know why they think they can challenge us or even hope to take us! If they can hear me now, I just want them to know that they have made a trespass on the hearts of Americans that will not be forgiven. You can take my life next, you can take my family's lives! But you can't have America!" An uproar rang through the gathered crowds. Americans raised their fists into the air, others waving guns, mini-flags, and children lifted high on their father's shoulders screaming with mighty wails. The people were ready for this to end, they all wanted to see the destruction of those who struck their homes.

    Last edited by Kicks; 03-23-2014 at 04:54 PM.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  2. #2
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Tamara raised her red eyes to the three way mirror. She knew people were behind the mirror watching her, writing things down on clipboards, studying her. But what would they find? How would they explain the vice president's death when she had been in their custody for days? A sadistic smile spread across her face as she gazed at the mirror. They wouldn't be able to explain it. It wasn't logical for someone to give orders while locked up, isolated from mankind.
    Thick, heavy cuffs that encased her whole arms chained her in place. The cuffs around her legs went clear to her calves to prevent movement. That's what they had thought when they chained her in place against the reinforced wall after the chair had failed. But she was stronger than they had ever expected. She could move her limbs and knock people out with a single blow to their head when they tried to touch her. A few times they had even made the stupid attempt to try to take blood from her. But she scared them off just as easily with fangs like knives. She had bit one of them, taken off their skin and part of their muscle. It was fun to watch them freak out over that. It was fun to watch a soldier shoot the bit scientist through the head. It was fun to watch the body be carried away. But it was exceptionally fun when she heard the chaos about the vice president's death. So many were petrified, wondering how she had done it. Wondering how she had given the order to kill the vice president. But they didn't know her special gift. They just assumed she was a monster with super strength, nothing special.
    With the vice president dead it left room for her right-hand man to step in and take office. But nobody knew that. If they did she would kill them. She had killed Roy, attempted to murder Jonah and when that failed had his memory wiped. She would not hesitate to murder those who got in her way to victory.
    All the questions they asked her she had never given an answer for. She had made a deal with them. In exchange for her 'cooperation' they would have to kill the team that troubled her. The military hadn't given her an answer yet. After all, it was their greatest weapon she was talking about destroying.
    Present Day 6 am
    Base Trinity, Utah

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Faye lied on her back wit her hands on her stomach and her eyes staring at the ceiling. This sucked. Why couldn't she sleep already? In the past two days Faye hadn't gotten more than a total of 4 hours most likely. She rolled onto her side at last and scanned the bunker to see if anyone else was awake.

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    I sit in my office at my desk and blow smoke from my cigar. "Henry!" I turn and see my long time Underboss and old friend Lucy. "We've got some forms that you need to fill out." I stare at her slowly as I push my cigar into the ash tray. "Ja, what are they for?" I state as I reach into my desk and pull out a coke o cola. "Nothing much it's for the payout for that investment in Las Paradiso." I knew what she was talking about, Las Paradiso was a new project in the Nevada sands, it was a safe house a big one that'd make a lot of cash for me. "I see bring them here." I state slowly.
    Last edited by Death101; 03-23-2014 at 05:32 PM.

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    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Blake quietly stepped out of the men's locker room inside the bunker room. He sneaked over to the suitcase that was claimed by him from Adalia. She had been generous to locate some clothes for them, and he always wondered how she managed to be on top of things when her life was probably as much of a mess as their's was. He had a towel around his waist because he had forgotten to grab some clothes when he woke up to take a shower. He had trouble sleeping that previous night because he heard a lot of commotion coming from outside the bunker. He had figured something big had went down, but never investigated it. With how their team was always brought around to the details, he figured they would be told sooner than later.
    He grabbed a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, and a red sports jacket before slipping back into the locker room. He was hoping he had been quiet enough to not wake anyone up. But it seemed as if everyone on the team were light sleepers. And why shouldn't they be? They had all survived through California. One learned a lot when they were faced with monsters and zombies twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

    "She's not going to give anything away." Caitlin reasoned with the head scientist, "Tamara is a monster and she'll see to it that she can destroy whatever she can whenever she can. Even if she does happen to 'give away' the cure for this awful infection, it will more than likely cause for the opposite to happen."
    The Swedish man glanced at her over his large spectacles. "So then what are you suggesting we do? If she won't give up the cure, that leaves us stuck. We've researched the infection through and through. The only thing we've come up with is a way to paralyze those blasted monsters."
    "I heard of a guy researching the same deal." She stated with a soft smile, "I say we just recruit whoever we can willing to find the cure."
    "A guy? We can't just take anyone off the street to help in our research." The head scientist spat back to her, "We need someone who knows science!"
    "Don't worry about it." Caitlin assured him with a passive shrug of her shoulders, "I'm sure you'll have no problem with catching him up." She was turning her back on him already to go make the call when she threw another statement over her shoulder, "Oh, and maybe if you were to go to California you might find some answers. I don't think anyone on your team has even been there. Have an American give you a tour. I hear Richard's more than willing to lead an expedition."
    The man pursed his lips into a straight line. "Just go make your call to whoever that guy is."

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Something finally caught Faye's eye but it was hard to distinguish who it was. They were just an outline until she realized they had gone to Blake's bed and she made the assumption that it was Blake. Faye rolled back onto her other side and closed her eyes. She hadn't really done anything since her talk with Colton because she figured it wouldn't do anything. Anyway she approached Blake she felt like he would turn it into some sort of joke.

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    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Blake finished getting dressed. He combed through his blonde hair with his fingers only to just shake it out like a dog when he figured it was too wet to even bother. Quietly he left the locker room again and slipped towards the bunker door. He had heard somewhere that the sun was beautiful this early in the West. But he wasn't so sure, so he would have to find out for himself. He slipped out of the bunker and into the yard. He didn't have to go too far to see that the sun was already peaking and smiling across the horizon. Whatever had happened last night had died down now because although the soldiers rushing around base were hurried, it was a lot quieter than it had been.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Faye finally got up when it seemed Blake had left. She went into the girls bathroom with a change of clothes and took a shower in nice warm water that seemed to soothe her mind. Showers always seemed to make her feel better and made her feel as if all this stuff wasn't really happening and washed it away.

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    "God, so many forms." I state as I set the last one on the done pile. "There, take them away." I sigh as I stand up and throw my coke into the trash can. "God, there are way too many forms these days. Where did the days go where we could just relax." I sigh as I sit back down. "They ended after it broke ou-" I stare at her and she gets my point and quiets herself. "Leave me alone I need to think." I state as kindly as I can.

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    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Blake's view of the rising sun was slowly cut off by giant, dark clouds obscuring the sun. It was a sign that it was going to storm. He hadn't seen a storm since New York, and that had been practically deadly. But he figured this storm wouldn't burn their skin or zap them if the rain drops hit them. He could see a few drops of rain start to fall from the sky. They hit the ground and left gray stains. Soon the drops came down as if someone in the sky were showering the earth with a hose.
    Blake stepped back towards the door to be put under the small lift of the roof. At least here the rain wouldn't get on him. It was a chilly morning but he wasn't bothered by it. He had come to believe that Utah was just a cold state that never got any better. Every state had its perks and downsides, so he wouldn't complain. Especially this early when he was trying to keep his mind clear of anything troubling. It was hard to do because it seemed he was constantly worrying over something. Tamara was on this very base, something had happened last night to upset the soldiers, and now it looked like it was going to storm. But he was also worried over what was going to happen to them next or what they were going to do next as a team.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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