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Thread: Gears (M) IC

  1. #1
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Default Gears (M) IC

    The battle begins...

    Germany shores...

    The sound of helicopters and jets filled the air as bombardments struck their targets. Aliens opened fired and aimed wildly in the air, hoping to hit a moving target. GEARs were being transported to the battlefield, by either sea or air. What remained of the fragments of Humanitys' ships have also joined the battle.

    Jacinto was in his GEAR when the Commander was making his small announcement.

    "Attention all GEARs, This is Commander Blake. We all have suffered from the enemies all before, we have all lost that was beloved to us, we have ripped from our future. But today, today is the day we make a pay back to those who have ripped us from our society. Today is the day, not one more human soul gets slaughtered, tortured or killed. We will push on, and drive the enemy forces off of our planet, because this is our home, and we will not be taken kindly off of this world! Make these Aliens pay for their mistakes GEARs! Show them what Humanity can do!"

    There was a cheer on the comms, Jacinto gives a small clap as he watched his hud. He could see they were coming up to shores of the Aliens' defense. He could see Plasma fire coming from the ground. He inhales slowly as he gripped the controls of his GEAR. He could feel the rumble of the wires on his machine was shaken, the helicopter that was escorting him was shot. He quickly pressed the released button and landed on the beach.

    Moving his GEAR up and ready for battle, he raised his arms and began to fire his weapons. He looked to his left and his right, more GEARs arrived on the beach, several were already shot down and hit the ground and never moved. He could tell the pilot never made it. Pushing himself across the beach, he could still see the plasma fire hitting in his designated area, but can't see the enemy. He got on his comm link, "The enemy is burrowed behind some trenches, we need support fire!" He shouted over the radio.

  2. #2
    Enigma83's Avatar
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    A darker colored GEAR approached from behind the trench in which the Aliens were hiding and then vanished. One by one strangled cries echoed up from the trenches until the GEAR was noticed and was forced to retreat "I got seven or eight of them" a voice said over the comms

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  3. #3
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    The spider mech lumbered down the beach, sinking slightly into the sand with every heavy step. Next to it were two smaller and regular GEARs, running down the beach with it. Inside the girl Sammy was at the controls, frowning at the lack of position data. Sure she could do a blind barrage fire, but she liked scoring hits upon the enemy. With this she tapped the screen that had one of the GEARs with her on it and seconds later her com rang out. "W1D0W this is Patrol One, awaiting orders."

    With her gaze back on the command screen she quickly typed in a message without even looking. She just needed some sort of concentration to bombard, and for that she needed positional data. Damn, what are the scout and recon teams doing. Without data I'm just a damn fortified hunk of metal.

    "Roger that W1D0W, Partol One breaking off. I'll relay data once I have it." She watched on her tactical HUD as P1 broke off. Suddenly P2 started to break formation, speeding off to the side. "W1D0W this is Patrol Two, hostiles spotted westward. It's your call to engage or not, but we're not at the link up location yet."

    Sammy didn't bother to send a reply. She just stopped her GEAR's forward motion and began to turn to bring more of her arsenal to bear. She switched her tactical HUD to a battle HUD and grinned as she flipped the launchers and guns on. A simple press of a button and the launcher hatches opened, sending a wave of missiles towards the rapidly approaching aliens right over P2's GEAR as he began to fire his weapon.
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

  4. #4
    Enigma83's Avatar
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    "W1D0W" the dark colored GEAR called over "The enemy is deeply entrenched, I attempted to use stealth but their pack too tightly. We need an organized assault"

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  5. #5
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Jacinto quickly maneuvered around on the battlefield, he fired several rounds as he spotted a few aliens who targeted him. He accidentally bumped into several Aliens who were using a trenched area as cover. He quickly thinks and decided to tackle one of the Aliens to the ground while the other jumps on his back. He was fighting off two Aliens, while he was wrestling with a couple of Aliens, he heard his comm link set off though it was faint.

    "--We need an organized assault"

    "Yeah you're telling me!" He said as he grabbed the Alien he tackled by the chest plate armor and fired several rounds from his weapon, the bullets pierced straight into his head, causing it to explode. The second Alien tried to rip his GEARs' head off, but Jacinto did a maneuver to avoid his head being ripped off. He flipped the Alien over his shoulder and placed the twin barrels to its' chest and fired several rounds. Jacinto was out of a breath for a second.

    "W1DOW, This is STRYKER, concentrate your fire on large groups and force them to spread out, CROSSFREEZE, just as SS....ah screw it I'm just going to call you CORROSION. has said, use your ice cannon to draw out enemy forces, CORROSION, when CROSSFREEZE flushes them out, take them out!"

  6. #6
    Enigma83's Avatar
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    "This is Shadow speaking there's something you should all know, I have an Infra-sound cannon" The Shadow's pilot said "If I can get somewhere, like a valley, I might be able to take down the majority of them"

    At this point an Alien had approached behind Shadow, it launched itself at the GEAR and attempted to crush it with it's bare hands. The GEAR spun around and flicked out two wrist mounted blade, sticking one in the Aliens chest and another in it's stomach. The GEAR then pulled it's hands in opposite directions and ripped the Alien clean in half
    Last edited by Enigma83; 01-14-2016 at 08:34 PM.

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  7. #7
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    Sammy growled. She knew what to do, but without targeting or positional data she'd be firing blind. She started to hit in a message for as such when her battle HUD map started to light up with enemy contacts. "W1D0W this is Patrol 1, you should be-" The gun fire in the back ground and the sudden ceasing of the audio was enough for Sammy to know what had happened. A shake of her head was all she could do as she brought up her tactical map.

    Outside the W1D0W seemed to suffle in place a moment, lifting and setting down it's feet, and then hunkered down low. A strange thing to see if one didn't know what was about to happen. Hatches upon the top of the GEAR opened up, artillery launchers rolling out and turning into the direction Sammy told them to. She brushed her finger across the map where she was striking and then hit a button on the console.

    Anyone withing the range of the blast radius would get a warning on their screen with a 10 second timer counting down. It would be enough time for most pilots to escape. When the timer hit zero Sammy slammed a fist down onto the firing button. Every artillery placement began to fire, the force from the blasts making W1D0W's stance more understandable as each launch pushed down on the GEAR. Missile launchers opened up and began to fire as well, following the shells towards the targeted area. This is what she was made for, wide spread long range destruction.
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

  8. #8
    Enigma83's Avatar
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    I'm honestly not sure, it might be a cave, but it's too dark to be certain.
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    A counter appeared on the inside of the Shadow's cockpit
    "Oh shit" the pilot said, urging his GEAR to run at top speeds to get out of there

    The force of the shell sent the GEAR flying forward
    When it got up the pilot looked at his status "Yeah remember that Infrasound cannon? Well it's busted" the pilot relayed to the other GEARs
    Last edited by Enigma83; 01-14-2016 at 08:34 PM.

    Spoiler: Favorite Quote of All Time!!! 

  9. #9
    Member TheExiledChampion's Avatar
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    After seeing STRYKER jumping into the trench filled with alien troops, Lionel jump down into the fray as he plunge White Reaper's twin blades into one of the alien's back. Then decapitated another one that tries to charge him from his right, once they were down, he took a quick look around before having the two blades sheath in a bit for better mobility with White Reaper's right hand. "Best we get moving before W1DOW blow this place up," Lionel exclaimed as he had White Reaper look at STRYKER with it head.

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  10. #10
    Argon Jaden's Avatar
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    Avery sighed, flashing over the battlefield, eyes scanning the war through his console. Maybe he shouldn't have stayed up all night. Yawning, he noticed that the scattered enemy forces was starting to was starting to regroup. He yawned again.

    "CrossFreeze, use your ice cannon to draw them out, We'll hold while you load up."
    He heard Ash command. He circled the air, spiraling away from an alien that nearly managed to grab at him before he shot it at its face.

    "This is CrossFreeze." He reported in, blue eyes narrowing when he checked his cool down time. "Canon should be ready in thirty seconds so get ready to fire Ashy!" He chirped, waiting the seconds to run down.

    The soft 'ping' sounded inside his cockpit and he grinned. He flew back, the canon on CrossFreeze's back charging. One hundred feet above ground level, the blond pilot slammed his palm down on the button. The canon glowed brightly, dimmed then shot out a bright ball of ice energy at the enemy. His GEAR tilted back at the momentum but he quickly balanced himself, just as a resounding Boooom!! sounded out. He flew down, following his ice canon with a shower of bullets. The enemy began to lose formation and Avery grinned, taking down three aliens as they slowly trued to move away from the attack.

    "They chilled now. Should be easier to take down." He scanned his map once before engaging in random fire. "Lio? Jaccy? You guys might want to shoot at eleven o'clock. Something's approaching." He mumbled, trying to warn them about the signal, a rather fast one, approaching them.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

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