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Thread: Never-Ending Conquest Player Characters

  1. #1
    Tolvo's Avatar
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    Default Never-Ending Conquest Player Characters

    Player Characters

    Welcome to the world of Never-Ending Conquest. To get started you'll be needing your own character to play as. Some things to know right now.

    It costs mana to cast spells. When you submit a character we will be discussing the cost of their spells to balance them.

    Currently each player gets one character.

    If you have questions about making a character please ask away in this thread.

    There are no limits to how many players a faction may have.

    There is pvp, but it's not the focus so try not to make characters intended just to snipe other players, it's just no fun.

    I won't be editing your character sheets for you. I'll link to them under accepted characters, any edits and updates to your character please put on the one linked to.

    When a character completes a Main Event or Battle they get 5 more mana and 3 passives/spells/abilities.

    Spoiler: Character Sheet 

    Last edited by Tolvo; 09-21-2017 at 02:30 PM.
    On Hiatus from RP'ing
    My pronouns are She/Her, and They/Them. If it's hard to constantly switch just stick with She/Her.

  2. #2
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    Player Name: Eddren
    Character Name: Destrin Vetrux
    Alias(es): The Serpent of Lux Pass
    Faction: Southern Kingdoms
    Age: 29
    Appearance: Destrin is rather plain, the most extraordinary feature of him being his short stature. Built from head to toe in muscle, however, this is often overlooked--Especially since it seems that he needs no height to remain deadly.

    Featuring a shaven head and an equally clean-shaven chin, the various battle-scars from his many battles are on display. A smirk runs across his mouth, as though he's in on a personal joke that none of those around him are privy to, and his hazel eyes hold a sort of contempt for all those around him.

    Equipment: Destrin's equipment has been updated severely over the course of his military campaign. He now wears the spiked plate armor of a Demon General, won from one of his sieges. It once had several holes in them, but Destrin had daggers put through those holes and forged into the steel, giving it a spiked appearance. The hilts were of course cut off, but then reattached after being reforged into serpents to crawl across his armor. The spikes and serpents were enameled silver, but the rest of the armor remained black.

    He now wields two picks into battle, as well as an Inquisitor's Pistol, newly modified with a Fire Wand like the newer Mage-Muskets. Due to the size of the pistol, the wand had to be specially made so it could fit along the length of the handle and still fire down the barrel.
    He carries with him a shovel of an ordinary variety, a jar of alcohol, and a pack with various healing supplies.
    Civil Attire:
    Outside of battle, Destrin wears simple, grey attire, a tunic and trousers, along with a silken black overcoat that fits not with the rest of his attire. It shows a figure similar to ouroboros, save with daggers stabbed through it to give it what seems like a spiked appearance. On his feet are black boots, and around his waist a black belt.
    Mount(s): A gelding named Varreck, Jessie the Demonic Horse

    Mana: 55

    Abilities (A note about abilities. You get ten in total. Whether that be spells, passives, or powers. If you have ten passives you'll have zero spells or powers. If you have three spells, and three passives, you'll have four powers left over)

    Spells -
    Spectral Duplication - Destrin can cast a spell which uses mana to create equipment similar in nation to an item he has on hand. The spell may scale upwards to as many as five duplicates for a duration of twenty minutes, however--They have to remain within fifteen yards of him. 2-4 Mana depending on what is made
    - Hurled Insults: Destrin started out with the practical, the mundane, some would even dare say the every-day. But he was not satisfied with this. His insults were like cutting barbs to his foes, goading them into mistakes they'd otherwise make. But, much like his magic, this was not enough. His gun killed people when he shot them with it. Insufficient. There was only one way to remedy these failings. By combining all three into one signature spell. Upon casting, Destrin focuses the barbed words of himself and all allied soldiers into pure, magical energy, then further focuses them into a total of five pistol bullets. Their form depends on the insults used in creation, as does their potency and accuracy.

    Steel Spell - Destrin can, for any object, living or nonliving, give it the properties of steel. When applied to living beings, it temporarily stiffens them up until they're unable to move. For nonliving things, it simply makes them essentially steel for five minutes. 1-5 Mana depending on what it is.
    - Steel Patterning - Destrin's experience with enhancing himself defensively with steel has lead to him creating a new, specialized method for using the Steel Spell. He can now create patterns over the surface of something and make only those patterns steel, rather than the whole object. While this isn't essentially too different from simply turning parts of something into steel, it can be done far more efficiently than he was previously capable of.

    Earth Rebound - Destrin's dong-striking adventures in fighting the dread Demonic Behemoth has given him new demon-granted powers--The ability to use the Earth itself to slingshot himself at the enemy. This spell creates a field around him where the Earth becomes capable of absorbing one attack from Destrin.
    When struck by him, the Earth will temporarily buckle and then launch him away, with the force of the launch depending on how hard he struck the Earth to begin with. He can control the direction by striking in the direction he wants to go. 3 Mana

    Passives -

    Spoiler: Passive Troop Improvements 

    Spoiler: Passive Technological Innovations and Fortress Improvements 

    Spoiler: Passive Personal Improvements 

    Spoiler: Unique Units 

    Powers -
    Sunder the Earth - Upon soil, Destrin requires a shovel. Upon stone, Destrin requires a pick. However, with either one, he can deliver an earth-shattering strike that can do in a split second what would take an ordinary man minutes.

    Sunder the Flesh - And upon flesh, Destrin can use a pick to do to a man's head what a large stone block does to melons. This sort of terrifying strength extends to just about anything that's under his pick when he goes for his overhead swing.

    Hi-ho, away we go - Destrin's battle with the Behemoth taught him but one thing--He really needs a way to climb vertical surfaces with his picks. With this in mind, he perfected a new method of movement. By swiftly striking a surface hard enough to just barely pierce it with the tip of his pick and then pulling it downward with tremendous strength, anything capable of bearing his weight can send him launching upward. If he has a second pick, he can do this in succession, though it is rather tiring and of course, doesn't work if there's a lip to the surface.

    Stabilized Vault - Destrin's becoming increasingly aware that he's simply lacking in mobility in combat, and as such, has developed a technique for quickly closing in upon his enemies. By stabbing pick-axes into the ground, he is capable of giving himself a solid hand-hold and throwing himself forward at the enemy. A crucial part of this technique is the ability for him to also smoothly remove them as he pitches himself forward.

    Destrin's past is one wrapped in mystery. The only things fully known--Half because the man tells more tall tales than anyone else out there, and half because he has a bad habit of fighting in battles with massive casualties on both sides--Is that he started off as a mining foreman, before he conscripted into the military. He was supposedly simply absurdly smart at that point, but military success after military success ended with the man gaining a taste for battle.
    Upon principle, it seemed he only took equipment from men he'd defeated in battle. His first acquisition--A knight's greathelm. However, he quickly found it difficult to continue with this streak, as soon after, he was placed in command of a small unit. That unit only seemed to grow with each successive battle, and now he more or less only ever gets to see battle when he sneaks in among the soldiers' ranks, backed by men he's charmed into remaining quiet.
    It's said that he gained his seemingly superhuman strength and magical powers through a bet made with a demon, though nobody knows what that bet was...

    Battles Participated In -
    Battle of Giu Soto City
    Battle of of Brudgeon Fields
    Battle of Paradisuto
    Battle of Ruination Summit
    Battle of Demon's Head
    Siege of Joetel
    Last edited by Eddren; 09-11-2017 at 10:40 PM.

  3. #3
    Tolvo's Avatar
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    Character accepted and added Eddren.
    On Hiatus from RP'ing
    My pronouns are She/Her, and They/Them. If it's hard to constantly switch just stick with She/Her.

  4. #4
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    Player Name: cashpop
    Character Name: Khanna Saree
    Alias(es): Watchful Mother
    Faction: Southern Dominion
    Age: 31
    Appearance: She stands with an athletic body at 5’6” with long blonde hair, usually bundled up into a bun in most situations. Her eyes are bright gold and her skin is tan. She also has dimples if she smiles. However, not many have seen her face as she usually buries her head underneath her sand colored hood.

    Khanna tries to never stand out in a crowd, always preferring to cover herself in her cloak with the hood down and her back slightly hunched over. If you were to walk by her, you’d probably think she was just a simple old lady.

    Armor: Khanna wears a tight form fitting inner tunic as well as loose black and brown colored leather armor: breastplate, gauntlets, gloves, leggings , and greaves. The leather armor doesn’t fully cover her body. There are openings around the joints to allow Khanna more open, quick, and precise movements.

    Wr Quiver: A quiver being able to hold 120 steel tipped arrows, 90 being broadheads and 30 being bodkin.

    Side: Two silver daggers, a sizeable pouch, a smaller version steel warhammer.

    Misc: She wears a sand colored cloak complete with a hood. The cloak is large enough to completely cover Khanna’s body.

    Bow with no String: An immaculate design is etched into the body as well as having no string. When the user tries to use this bow, a solid string of light will appear at both ends of the bow, allowing the user to draw it back and fire arrows with more range. If the user has no arrow in hand to shoot with, instead the bow will manifest an arrow made of pure magic which then can be fired as a normal arrow.

    The bow also has the ability to transform from being a short bow to a longbow, and vice versa. This allows the bow to be used in a variety of situations.

    The bow has a rune embedded within itself, protecting it from disspells and disenchantments.

    Civil Attire:
    Khanna simply wears the tunic she already had on without the armor. Occasionally, she would wear different colored tunics of varying sizes, but only if she is bored of the color or needed a quick change to throw off potential pursuers.

    Khanna never wore a dress, but is curious about it.

    Mounts: A Kiger Mustang named “Cherry”.

    Mana: 25


    Spells -
    Final Shot: Khanna is rooted in place as she charges this attack. She can use either a physical arrow or magical arrow. Once Khanna releases the attack, the projectile is blindingly fast, as if it was instant. The shot is unblockable by any means and will pierce through anything at a very long range before the magic surrounding the arrow dissipates.

    Hail of Arrows - Khanna enchants an arrow, either physical or magical, and fires it into the air. After a few seconds, the arrow bursts into a myriad of more arrows of the same type from a focal point, raining down upon a large area below. The area is circular and the average area span is 20 meters.

    Passives -
    Watchful Mother: When allied soldiers look upon her, they will feel protected by her watchful eye, inspiring them to fight harder with less fear.

    Watchful Mother (+1) - The effect of this passive is increased also allied soldiers will fight with a calmer mind, confidence, and steady resolve, becoming even more resistant to morale breaking tactics so long as they know Khanna is behind them.

    Part of the Crowd: Khanna will be able to blend in with any large groups of people she is within. Allowing her to escape or sneak around undetected. However, it has to be an appropriate group to blend into. (Obviously, can’t just blend in with a group of demons).

    Teach by Example: Any soldier would watch in awe at Khanna's skill with the bow and will be inspired to match her skill. Allied ranged units will gain a boost to range and accuracy. Units under her command will gain a larger boost.
    (Ranged units, it does include missile and siege units)

    Leader of the Moon Turtles - Having been placed in a position of commanding a conjoined group of mercenaries, of her father and the one she currently lead, Khanna has access to a sizable number of specialized units who have been veterans of many battles before the war had broke out, most of which came from the "Sword of The Moon" mercenaries. Unlike other soldiers, the mercenaries each have an insignia of the Moon or Turtle, to signify which group they belonged to previously, either her father's or her respectively.

    Despite having two groups merge, the mercenaries still retained their badges.

    Those of the Moon badge are usually those with better close combat fighting prowess, much more effective than the typical frontline warriors.

    Those of the Turtle prefer the ranged weapons. Having been under Khanna's leadership the longest, their skill with their respective missile or siege roles are refined.

    Powers -
    Rapid Fire: If Khanna continuously fire arrows, her fire rate increases. It will continue to increase until she decides to stop or gets tired.

    Transform Bow: Allows Khanna to transform the state of her bow.

    Hawkeye: Khanna enters a state of calmness. Her mind is cleared of distractions, only focused on the mission at hand. In this state, Khanna’s accuracy and range with the bow significantly increases, allowing her to fire at targets across a battlefield but at a slower fire rate. However, it can also be interrupted.

    Unmask: Using her daggers or any dagger-like weapon, Khanna would be able to critically attack any shield or piece of armor with a precise strike and completely shatter or mangle it.

    Shield Breaker: Khanna fires an arrow with great power, the impact is strong enough to be able to push back heavily armored foes and dent the strongest shields or completely break weaker armor and shields.

    Super Jump: Khanna leaps forward and upward a great distance.


    Khanna was born and raised in a mercenary group, named the “Sword of the Moon”, that was contracted to a governor of a town in the Southern Dominion. The leader of the group, Abhay Saree, was her father. Khanna grew under the tutelage of her father, learning the art of combat and his stratagems. Soon, Khanna grew to become a fierce woman of 20 and her father allowed her to command her very own group of mercenaries, which she named “Sand Turtles”, along with an enchanted bow.

    For the next decade, she had lead raids and short conquests across the dominion for any rich benefactor that wanted a job done. Since the rich people apparently had problems with other rich people, Khanna had no shortage of jobs to fulfil and would gladly carry them out, just as long as her employer offers more than their competitors. Khanna follows a code of honor, where if given a mission and was accepted, that mission must be completed. Other benefactors will not be able to deter her, even if offering a much more vast reward.

    However, not all is well. Abhay was killed by an assassin. Khanna was able to capture this assassin and interrogated him. It was revealed that the governor that her father’s mercenaries were contracted to had betrayed them. Khanna’s response was to send herself and her own assassins. With her skills, the job was done quickly.

    Khanna then took leadership of her father’s mercenary group, combining her group with her father’s. The new group of mercenaries was then called “Turtles of the Moon.”

    Soon, a new governor was seated, the son of the previous one. Strangely enough, this new governor wanted to conduct business with Khanna, and she happily accepted.

    During the dead of night, the new governor was still awake in his office. He felt a cold silver blade rest upon his shoulder. The owner of this blade spoke to him, “I am not like my father. My assassins are everywhere. If you harbor any intentions to betray me, I will know.” Then the blade was lifted away. The governor quickly twisted around, only to catch a glimpse of a sand colored cloak leaping from his window.

    Another year passed and so far the new governor had provided adequate jobs for Khanna to complete. Soon, a new message has arrived from the governor. The message entailed of a possible war involving every faction in the land. It was an invitation, and Khanna wanted in.

    Battles Participated In - The Assassination of Marquis Philandouil
    Last edited by cashpop; 03-13-2017 at 10:53 AM.

  5. #5
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    Character accepted Cash.
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    My pronouns are She/Her, and They/Them. If it's hard to constantly switch just stick with She/Her.

  6. #6
    I of the storm
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    Player Name: Evening Rain

    Character Name: Arael Zandramas

    Alias(es): the Darkener (used by enemies and those who fear him), Ninth Magister of Mersus (denoting his ascension as the ninth lich of Mersus), Weaver of Shadows (moniker of respect used by allies), Spinner of Lies (archaic title used by former enemies, some still use it now as a title of respect), Disciple of the Blessed Death (denoting a master of necromancy capable of raising new Deathborne), Curator of the Midnight Tower (official role and title within Deathborne society), He of the Hundred Vales (Anonymous term used by the Gossamer Cult), Lord of Machinations (title given after a series of successful schemes), and Exalted General of the Deathborne (denoting his role as a high ranking general), Cardinal of the Great Order (His official position in the Church of the Great Order.)

    Faction: The Deathborne

    Age: 274

    Appearance: Arael is a lich, and as such appears as a gaunt skeletal figure with hollow eyes. Despite this, he is able to make expressions and movements as easily as if his body were living, due to the dark magic that animates his body.

    However, due to his subtle magics, he wears a powerful glamour - concentrated illusion magic that seems to hold substance - if he is touched it will seem that the illusion is actually real. He appears to all who see him as a tall (6’2), androgynous man (although not masculine) with a lithe, feminine figure and long black hair. He has thick, dark lashes and a sharp beauty to him. It is very difficult to determine his gender save from his flat chest. He is soft-spoken and well-mannered, with a voice that if one listened closely, could be identified as belonging to a male. It has a silvery liquid quality to it that entrances and captivates an audience. Strangely, although he never raises his voice - his words are still easily heard by anyone that listens. He is slender and light of body, with cool grey eyes that glow with spectral light when he performs certain Mersian rituals or casts powerful spells.

    Equipment: A long staff of dark ash. Atop the haft is a brazier that burns with cold blue, magical flame. Any who look into the flame begin to see strange images, shadows and flickering apparitions within the fire. The staff can conjure damaging blasts of fire at enemies.

    He wears shimmering black armour, and a long black cloak in battle that provides moderate protection. Its main ability is the way that it deceives the eyes of onlookers, and makes Arael appear to be in an area within several feet of him. This makes it extremely difficult to hit him, as his position always seems to be in a place that it is not.

    He possesses a black crystal that thrice per day allows him to scry on a location or particular target, this is a unique item that he alone has access to, being the curator of the Midnight Tower.

    In addition, he carries a spear of masterwork design that can store a spell and a soul, trapping them within its blade.

    Civil Attire: He dresses in elegant sable silks, with tight cloth around his neck, and adorned with pieces of black armour such as the pauldron on his left shoulder that seem more for appearances sake than combat practicality.

    Mount(s): Mercy, a coal black wraith steed with spectral glowing eyes - extremely fast and capable of flight.

    Lunaris, a skeletal wyvern imbued with supernatural speed.

    Mana: 55



    Field of Deception**: This spell affects the spellcaster's entire army. The ability lasts 4 hours. All creatures of the spellcaster’s choosing within the area become disguised, appearing to all onlookers as a different type of creature. This spell costs 12 mana points if cast during a battle, but any mana spent before a battle will be replenished.

    Mass Invisibility: This spell affects an area in a 100 foot radius. All creatures of the caster’s choosing become invisible until they attack a victim. This spell lasts for one hour. The ability is typically used to hide several units of creatures. Costs 6 mana points

    Phantasmal Forces: This spell creates the illusion of up to five squads of creatures (using that creature’s standard formation size). The illusions appear to be real and solid, but once they enter combat and are struck - they dissolve into black mist. If they are not struck in melee, they will not revert - and appear from a distance to fall and die under arrowfire as a normal unit would. Costs 5 points of mana.

    Hallucinatory Terrain: This spell requires a full hour to cast. The spellcaster creates a massive illusory field that encompasses the terrain, enabling the spellcaster to change the way the landscape appears. The spell can conceal or create the impression of any natural feature - including trenches or walls. Must be cast prior to a battle.

    Voyage into Darkness**: Arael invokes a powerful spell comprised of both necromantic and illusion magic. Darkness envelops the battlefield, empowering all undead within the area - making them stronger and more durable. In addition - living creatures within the area begin to see illusions and images that will make them paranoid and confused, and are affected by the darkness. This spell lasts for thirty minutes. The magical darkness has no effect on undead. Costs 12 mana points.

    Greater Illusion: Arael can create any illusionary effect. This effect has no actual damage, but can create psychological advantages. It cannot create creatures, but can conjure any form of environmental illusion or effect. Costs between 1-5 mana points depending on the effect created.

    Raise Dead: Arael can resurrect fallen friends and foes, raising them as simple zombies if they are enemies, or undead of the same type if they are allies. Costs 1-10 mana points depending on the unit raised.

    Delusions of False Enmity: The target squad becomes afflicted with strange illusions that afflict their mind and confuse them to the point that they perceive their own allies to be their enemies. For the next several minutes they will treat their friends as if they were enemies (but still treat their enemies as enemies). Costs 3 mana points.

    Seed of Terror: Causes a single unit to feel intense fear, doing everything in their power to flee from Arael's forces, and perhaps attacking their own allies in their haste to push through and retreat. This spell lasts for five minutes. Costs 3 mana points.

    Eldritch Mist**: An ethereal cloud of mist 60 feet in radius settles over a targeted location, heavily obscuring the area for 10 minutes. Those caught within it to hallucinate apparitions and monsters in the fog, causing them terror and possibly to strike at their own allies in their confusion. No matter how hard they try to leave the radius, they tend to find themselves stumbling around in circles. Costs 5 mana points.

    Ethereal Stride**: Units in a medium-sized area ignore unit collision and can move through terrain until they attack an enemy or the spell ends, which lasts 30 minutes. While under the effects of this spell, affected creatures can drop and assume ethereality at will. Costs 7 mana points.

    Chaos Strands: Arael weaves a dark web of illusions in a large area, causing all living creatures within that area to see personal, horrible or unspeakable visions. As a consequence, victims become extremely confused, acting in an erratic way as they become unable to discern between reality and fiction, friend and foe. Some might become incapacitated, some might turn on their allies, some might run in fear - or some might act in a totally unexpected way. Overall, this causes mass confusion. Costs 8 mana points.

    Unholy Frenzy**: Undead in a small/moderate area move and attack at double their normal speed as necromantic energy flows into them. The spell dramatically increases strength and endurance, and grants regeneration. Costs 4 mana points.

    Chains of Tartarus: Abyssal chains of inky midnight animate around a target, pulling tight and restraining a victim for one minute. The chains follow the movements of their intended victim, and move with supernatural speed, not ceasing until they have ensnared a victim, or they are destroyed. If the chains afflict an airborne enemy, the victim does not fall but is instead suspended in the air. The chains sap their victim of strength, speed and endurance down to half their original total over the course of the minute. At any point, the chains can be destroyed by light-based magic that is reasonably powerful, or dispelled by a highly competent spellcaster. Costs 4 mana.

    Abolish Magic: Arael destroys magical effects in a medium area, dispelling enchantments and existing spell effects within the area of his choice. Magical items within the area are affected only for 5 minutes. Any spell effects that Arael chooses not to dispel are unaffected.. Within the area, persisting for 5 minutes, any spell effect that was dispelled cannot be used again within that area. Any attempt to do so will result in the magic fizzling out within moments. Costs 7 mana.


    The Gossamer Cult**: Arael's years of infiltration in other realms has led to the blossoming of a clandestine spy network known as the Gossamer Cult. Members of all other factions begin to report to Arael on troop movements and other useful information, and the cult does not just include those in the lowest eschelons of society. Promised immortality, they do not fear death. The cult's influence has spread, and their subtletly increased. A branch of the cult, named the Masked Myriad act as assassins who can assume the forms of other individuals.

    Glamour: Arael can weave complex illusions to make himself appear in all respects to have any appearance that he chooses. His voice also changes, and he can throw his voice via magical ventriloquism.

    Perverter of Truth**: Arael has a powerful innate sense of charisma, and when he speaks - his words carry some sort of imperceptible enchantment that laces them with the illusion of truth. He has an enhanced ability to deceive and persuade those he speaks to. These powers have increased significantly, to the point where he can convince people to go against their own nature and accept a place within the Deathborne.

    Spinner of Lies: Arael's illusions are so well crafted that they are without flaw, causing them to be indiscernible from reality. This means that any holes that might pervade an illusion (such as sound) will be covered up, and they are much more difficult to disbelieve.

    Sudden Death: Arael's tactics often rely on subterfuge, illusions and ambush tactics. As such, his forces have become adept and skilled at surprise attacks. Units under Arael's command cause particularly devastating amounts of damage and shock when attacking a victim with surprise.

    Dark Harvest: Arael feeds on the fear of his enemies, converting their terror into mana. Over the course of a battle he can gain 1-10 mana based on the fear of his enemies.


    Shadow Puppets***: Arael has closely studied the union of necromancy and illusion magic, and it has led him to develop a new technique of raising the dead. Although taxing and slow, thus only practical outside of combat - Arael is able to bring back fallen heroes as Deathborne revenants, who retain their former abilities, powers and minds. However, the revenants have twisted personalities, which are a ruthless echo of their former selves. Any compassion, or former loyalties are abandoned - and their negative traits such as cruelty or mercilessness are amplified. Their strongest impulse is an irresistable loyalty to serve Arael - however if they spend more than two weeks away from him, that loyalty will fade. They will remember their past lives, their former loyalties, although their personalities will remain hateful mockeries of their former selves. If Arael encounters them after they have broken free from his control, he can reassume the bond. However, it takes a full minute to do so. If asked to directly murder or torture someone that they deeply loved from their past life, the revenant may struggle against the order, and depending on their willpower, manage to refuse the task. Now that his control is magnified, it is almost impossible to resist. Magic cannot dispel this bond, and while Arael is within his phylactery - the revenants are driven by an impulse to travel to his location. Once there, a fragment of his mind gives them orders as if he were alive, and control does not begin to fade. Only five of these undead revenants can be controlled at a single time.

    Backstory: Arael Zandramas was once a nameless peasant boy from the Western Empire who had no privilege nor talents to speak of that would help him get ahead in his working life. He was neither strong, nor fast, nor quick. In order to escape this miserable life, he took the opportunity to join a church. He did so not out of piety, but of pragmatism. There, he would be able to learn to read and write, and discover more of the world. Although he found the religion itself dull and idiotic, he learned extremely quickly - and eventually became a respected priest. Nobody suspected that he was a faithless heretic who was already working to further himself. Inciting a witch hunt against mages, Arael ordered spellcasters to be hunted, executed, and their spellbooks confiscated. With this bloody business done, he took the spellbooks and began learning the arts of magic in secret.

    In particular, Arael felt a certain affinity to illusion magic, but there were few who studied it, and magic was mistrusted at that particular time in the empire’s history. Using his contacts in the church, the priest learned of a group of islands collectively known as Mersus. Here, it was rumoured that sects of necromancers and spellcasters who wielded forbidden magics had gained power, and begun forming a society. The young man departed his hometown without looking back, and set sail for Mersus - accompanied by a crew of inquisitors who believed he was leading them on a grand witch hunt. When they arrived at the isle of Mersus, the priest sat back and watched as they were slaughtered and reanimated by the necromancers of the isles. Intrigued and pleased, the priest took the name Arael Zandramas - and offered himself to the Deathborne.

    Now free to pursue his desire for knowledge in peace, he was content for some time - learning the secrets of necromancy. It was not long before he began concentrating in a strange field, the field of illusion magic. He had come to the conclusion that such powers would be vital for winning wars - and wars were most certainly on his agenda. First, though, he would need to become immortal. That way he would have all the time in the world to plot, scheme, and set his plan in motion. He performed a dark rite to become a lich, and swore his service to Mersus forever. Naturally - while he pretended to follow their beliefs of undeath, he was inwardly unmoved. For him, religion was a tool toward power, even as it had been before. Over the next two centuries, Arael honed his abilities as a mage and as a commander, as well as strengthening his political position.

    As the Curator of the Midnight Tower, it is Arael’s task to oversee and protect the structure used for scrying on distant lands. As such, he has been entrusted with the black crystal that enables such abilities.

    Arael was firmly in favour of forming a crusade into other lands, following the prophet with feigned loyalty and conviction - yet never truly feeling it. As one of the magisters of Mersus, Arael was made a commander - and now hopes to use his powers to advance even further. He is renowned as a cunning strategist and political mind, who has often advanced his own position at the expense of others. It is widely believed that he is utterly devoted to the cause of undeath - but in fact he only sees it as a tool. A gift that should be reserved only for the deserving, and only when it benefits him.

    His ultimate goal is unknown, in part because he shares little to no information even with his close confidants (who number few to none in any case). Only he is aware of the burning ambition that burns in his heart. He wishes to attain mastery over life, death and everything in between. He seeks to watch the world tear itself apart, and rule its ashes.

    Reduced to a hollow shell of a man by the death of the last person he held dear, Arael came to believe that humanity was inherently monstrous, a cancer on reality that was erratic and abhorrent. He does not believe in fate or a higher purpose, only in opportunity and the power of individuals. Broken by loss and the darkness that blossomed within his own heart, one of Arael's goals is to find fiery spirits with strong personalities and reduce them to his level - break them as he is broken. He clings to power because it is all he has left to believe in.

    As an ultimate pragmatist, Arael is unlikely to make bold and dangerous decisions unless an excellent opportunity presents itself. He has formed a pact with the demon Baigujing, who is beholden to his service.

    Events and Battles Participated In
    The Battle of Faali Shrine
    The Burning Front
    Invasion of the Burning Isles (Naval)
    Battle of Kasai Palace
    Peace Summit of Hexin
    Invasion of Archaon
    The Battle of Dral
    Last edited by Evening Rain; 08-31-2017 at 01:09 PM.

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    Alright character accepted Evening Rain!
    On Hiatus from RP'ing
    My pronouns are She/Her, and They/Them. If it's hard to constantly switch just stick with She/Her.

  8. #8
    Derpnaster's Avatar
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    Player Name: Derpnaster Sysadmin Virtadmin, Netadmin, Secadmin, any sort of admin you need really.
    Character Name: Kenna (Ce EN AH) (Celtic name, I forgot what it means but it's a feminine name along the lines of beautiful)
    Alias(es): The Warden, The Hammer Keeper, That Tiny Purple Menace With An Ungodly Oversized Hammer
    The Elf. Little Mountain
    Faction: The Southern Kingdoms
    Age: TBD
    Spoiler: What Happens When Magic Goes Wrong 

    Armor: Some sort of slightly stepped down version of field plate, Kenna's own custom smithed harness consists of a steel breastplate, gauntlets, tassets, and greaves, while all else is protected by thick padded clothing or leather to keep weight to a minimum for this small framed warrior
    Buckler Shield: more like a round shield for this diminutive soldier Kenna was issued this when she joined the army officially.
    Muffler: A short red scarf to keep warm, not much else
    Hammer: A two handed hammer with a large granite head, the head alone is too big for Kenna and the haft is roughly twice the height of this petite pugilist. It is however a weapon of some renown, having belonged to a fallen general of the Southern Kingdoms Armies it carries a reputation as heavy as it's solid granite head. Fortunately no one has sought to reclaim it for said general's next of kin or for a place of honor, or rather none have succeeded, all how have tried have found the already heavy hammer too heavy for them to lift, though Kenna seems to have no trouble with it.
    Civil Attire: Unfortunately due to her size Kenna is unable to wear adult attire, forcing her to instead endure children's dress when she is not in her armor. She doesn't go out much because of this and tends to avoid, when possible, any ceremony that does not let her wear armor.
    Mount(s): Hamfast, a Shetland pony Hamfast has served as Kenna's mount into battle since she was accepted into service, though not large his size and speed make him reliable and able to maneuver in ways a full sized horse cannot.
    It also places her hammer at roughly chest height for most men.


    Mana N/A (Kenna is actually unable to use magic on her own)
    Spells -

    Passives -
    Inspiring Presence: Despite her small size, and presumably weak stature, Kenna is a steadfast presence within a unit. Soldiers speak tales of her holding lines thought to be lost by all others, doing so by literally standing on the dead bodies of both friend and foe to "get a better shot at em". Others tell tales of this crazy purple thing diving hammer first into battle, only to be found later sitting on a pile of dead bodies and broken helms. It is this borderline crazed commitment to her fellow soldiers that has proven to be an inspiration to her fellow men, Soldiers around Kenna fighter harder and more fiercely.

    Undaunted: Even before she was turned into a pint sized adorable fuzzy purple thing, Kenna held little heed of fear, she faced down foes considered mighty with naught but cloth and an axe. Now, despite her size, Kenna fears even less. Size means nothing to her, and neither does power. Kenna greatly resists fear effects, magical fear is just about the only way to make her consider fear at all.

    True Hero: Though she is small in stature, and most definitely not the first image that comes to mind, Kenna possesses in spades the bravery, honor, loyalty, and strength to be heralded as a hero. She herself denies this claiming to be just a soldier doing her job. This ability has no apparent effect but may gain effects as Kenna grows in renown and commits great deeds.
    (Update Level 1 Hero): Kenna's resolve to not let her fellow warriors die, and her wisdom in battle has given men who have fought with her before even greater confidence. Kenna no longer needs be with a unit to grant the benefits of Inspiring Presence provided that unit has fought with her before.

    Level 2 (Aka Crazy Purple Thing): Kenna's innate bravery makes her dives and charges far more effective, as Kenna pushes deeper into enemy lines she gets even more ferocious dealing even more damage to units around her with her hammer.

    Level 3 Imposing Figure: Kenna's legend has spread far and wide across many nations. Against foes who know of her or have heard her tales she inspires fear.

    Level 4 Fearless. Kenna has stared down certain death, and offered it dinner. Magical fear is now less effective than before and she feels no fear of death
    Fur Coat:
    Kenna's short purple fur has had to regrow after getting burned mostly off, it is now longer and thicker, granting Kenna a 1000% bonus to fluffiness and improved resistance to the environment as a whole.

    Light Feet: Kenna spends so much time keeping up with the bigger people she developed strong legs that mean she moves faster than your average human, even with a massive load such as her hammer

    Spiritwalker: Kenna's connection to the other side has began to manifest in her shrunken form. Kenna can sometimes hear spirits whisper and bring news to her that others may not always guess.
    Level 2: At times Kenna can now see the other side and more spirits, regardless of if they wish to bee seen or not.

    Level 3: Kenna can now speak to and interact with spirits.
    Greater Might!
    Kenna has not skipped any sort of workout, her trials have made her stronger and thus hit harder than ever before. She is roughly twice as strong as normal.

    Moderate Illiteracy.
    Kenna has a hard time writing and reading human languages, she cannot write them on her own and takes a while to read them.

    Warg Puppy. Kenna tamed and adopted a Warg pup during her time in the Troll Mountains. It can serve as her mount
    Powers -

    Hammer Down: Kenna swings her great hammer overhead and brings it down, hard. The ground impacted by the hammer is left unstable for a brief moment, erupting a second later. Lightly Armored units caught in the small eruption risk severe harm, and critical injury if the actual hammer hits them. Heavily Armored units, while for the most part safe from the eruption part have their armor reduced in effectiveness due to the damage from the sheer weight of the hammer bending the plates.

    Glorious Charge:
    Gathering her courage, and lifting her mighty hammer, Kenna leads a charge into the heart of battle. Other soldiers may join the charge and add to it's power. Units hit by the brunt of the charge are broken up, any magic in the process of being cast is also broken up, and effects that require multiple soldiers lose their potency until the unit can reform. If more individuals join the charge it's effects stack, potentially opening large holes in armies to aid engagements or escapes.

    Used against a single soldier Kenna can only charge on her own. In this way she can initiate duels or jousts (Player Characters or Significant NPCs only)

    Hero's Resolve: After a Glorious Charge against specific units (Players and Notable NPC's) Kenna's Resolve let's her strike harder against that one target, while dealing less damage to other targets (Her heart is not as into that fight) until the duel or joust is over. Or Kenna and her Target are more than thirty feet apart.

    Might Of The Granite Hammer:
    After winding up a great swing, Kenna unleashes a terrible blow focused directly in front of her. Once started this blow cannot be stopped or blocked (You really want to stop a giant block of the second hardest rock on earth?) It is, however limited in range to just in front of her, On a hit any unit, armored or no, takes massive damage, risking great injury, and has their armor basically crushed, if any, Unarmored Units risk a mortal blow if this initial hit lands.
    Following this strike is a follow up as the weight of the hammer drags Kenna around and away from her target leaving her briefly exposed to retaliation

    Shield to the Face: Kenna's buckler may act like a roundshield in her hands, but that means nothing when it comes flying at your face. Kenna can, when it suits her, fling her buckler at a target to deal a little extra damage and free up her arm, making her able to swing her hammer faster and thus hit more things.

    She can pick her shield up later to gain it's defense back at the cost of attack speed.

    Up and Over: By putting a certain amount of force into a swing Kenna can throw her hammer, and herself with it a distance, this lets her clear gaps she could not otherwise cross or even clear small walls while still keeping her weapon.

    Sword of the Aegis: Kenna has claimed a sword as her own, when using it she gains altered powers.
    Hammer Down is replaced with Spinning Strike
    Spinning Strike: Kenna whirls around slicing through all in her path and reducing armor of enemy warriors and tripping them up.

    Might of the Granite Hammer is replaced with Hero's Gambit:
    Hero's Gambit, Kenna engages the foe in desperate combat her first strike against a foe has the power to instantly kill them, however a miss or a block can leave kenna open for a long time as she recovers.


    Kenna was once a proud and tall Elf, her skill with arms almost without equal among her kin. But what was perhaps most inspiring about this warrior was the tenacity which she attacked each battle and skirmish. She was unrelenting, skillful, cunning, but totally unrelenting in her pursuit of her tribe's enemies. Some, wisely saw it as a danger, but others in higher power sought to use that ferocity as a weapon.

    In the long years of waiting the Barbarian hordes built themselves up after their shameful defeat at the hands of the Empire. They were driven onward with tales of home and the fires of fury lit beneath them. It is thus that Kenna was first exposed to battle.

    It was to be their first blow against them empire, The Chieftain Iskar himself was to lead their band in glorious battle. And Kenna was to aid in delivering a quick and painful blow to the usurpers.
    The barbarians laid in wait within the Bygjoan Forest, unseen thanks to the concealing magics of their shamen. It was almost noon when finally the wrenches passed along the slender forest path, little suspecting the fearsome foes that surrounded them. Iskar gave the word and the trap was sprung, caught unawares the bastards could do little to properly defend themselves. They broke up in groups, spreading throughout the forest, yet soon the Empire recovered, for unbeknownst to Iskar and his valiant forces, They too had workers of magic, pathetic dogs and ill treated as they were they soon were in heated battle with the Shamen, spells flying back and forth. And amid all the chaos Kenna still fought like a lion set for the kill.

    Alas misfortune struck. The call to regroup had been sounded, and each obeyed as best he could, they would gather for one last mighty strike, but as they were returning one of Kenna's shield brothers was caught in desperate battle with one of the scum. Kenna rushed to save him, quickly putting the dog out of his misery and doomed servitude.
    Her shield brother escaped, but as she tried to follow one of their accursed mages threw a great and powerful spell, a Shaman moved to counter it with his own magics, and the two spells collided just above Kenna.

    What happened next few can really tell. The spells mixed and fused, bubbling for an eternity, yet hardly for a second. All took cover as the magic burst, all that is but Kenna who was absorbed into the vortex of unstable energy.
    Some say she was killed and reincarnated on the spot, others say she was polymorphed by the strange magic, but none knows for sure as magic is a fickle thing. All Kenna knew is that it changed her, what was once tall proud and fierce, was brought low. As the spells burst the set fire to the whole forest, leaving Kenna, changed as she was, alone and thought dead.

    When Kenna awoke the moon shone bright through the smoke filled woods, all around her was burned to a crisp. Yet she remained untouched. At first she could not stand, the strain of her transformation was too great. Yet slowly strength returned to her, she stood, confused and scared, yet driven by some greater will she started south, though her homeland lie in another direction. Driven south Kenna slowly came to learn of her new condition, she no longer felt cold at night, a fine layer of fur kept her warm, yet she now stood no taller than a grown man's hips.

    Ashamed and shunned Kenna scraped and scavenged to survive, her skills in hunting and combat serving to keep her fed and the most basic of survival skills keeping her warm with fire and shelter.

    Yet ever southward she journeyed, never stopping more than a few nights. Driven by a will and power not her own Kenna went on. Until at last she stumbled one day upon a battle.

    Great and desperate it seemed to her. A battle between men of large size and clad in a dull steel, the two sides were at each others throats, fighting it seemed to the death. In their midst was a fallen warrior, his proud weapon, a large hammer with a head of hard grey granite, it seemed one side was fighting to defend that body, while the other wished to take the weapon, and several times they nearly seized the weapon. Yet a last surge seemed to seal it for the attackers they would take the weapon, but at that moment the will that had thus far drove the diminutive Kenna this far, surged within her and in a fit of blind heroism, she dashed past all weapons, ducked under horses, and seized the great hammer. Lifting it with all her strength she brought it to bear on the attackers. Who stood shocked at the small stature of Kenna, yet they soon gathered themselves. But too late, the defenders regrouped around her, driving back the attacking force, shouting cries of "Hail the hammer keeper, For the Granite Hammer!" They won the day in that last push of desperate but glorious battle, they won the day, and Kenna, who was thereafter brought before many leaders and soon given leave to bear the weapon she recovered, found at last an army once more, a new ferocity was sparked within her, one of valiant defence of these men, one that only a hero so small could turn into such a mighty flame.

    Battles Taken Part In: Battle of Fort Schwarztoteh
    Last edited by Derpnaster; 09-05-2017 at 03:17 AM.

    "Life before death,
    Strength before weakness,
    Journey before destination."
    -The First Ideal

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    And character accepted and added
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