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Thread: Spirits Ablaze: Kaika Cho (Gummi) vs. Ethos Revontheus (Hoef)

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    Default Spirits Ablaze: Kaika Cho (Gummi) vs. Ethos Revontheus (Hoef)

    The empty ambiance bothered her greatly...

    Not a single soul echoed out to her senses...

    ... it felt so dead here...

    "Dammit Kaika... this is supposed to be some illusion... a test... keep yourself together..."
    the teenager cursed to herself in grumbles, standing in a desolated hallway of an abandoned skyscraper in some post-apocalyptic city.

    In her understanding, this was only an illusion made by the spirits to test her strength, physically, mentally, and emotionally. What she didn't know... was that she wasn't alone here.

    Kaika Cho, the Spiritual Pact Bearer of Life Energy, wasn't the only soul in this "illusion" world in the first place.

    >>¿pǝʎp I ɯɐ ɹoloɔ ʇɐɥʍ oʇ˙˙˙<<

  2. #2
    Giga Onion
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    「Post 1」【Ethos Revontheus】 「Post 1」

    "Take a step forward and you shall be consumed with sorrow and damnation..."

    "Take a step backward and you shall be consumed with hatred and eternal strife."

    "Make your stance and choose young master for there is nothing that can save you from the curse..."

    "And in the end... We kings shall rise as one being..."

    Ethos listened to the Four Kings speak in mysterious tones and tongues. He paid no attention to them, but their words seem to strike at Ethos subconsciously which could be problem if those words get to him. He could be enclosed in a mindset of eternal strife. He didn't want to become a raging hulk of a monster. He didn't want that at all, and what made it worst as the area he was transported to. A place. A place not of his own world.

    He stood firm amongst the silent corridors and walkways. He stood in a hallway with all four kings standing behind him in a four-finger formation. "Kindle the flame Entalarmer," spoke Ethos in a tone that rumbled the atmosphere ever-so-lightly. The rumble was vague enough to be felt, but [equally] had the affect of causing hairs to stand on end.

    The warrior's eyes wandered the hallway as the sun leached its way onto his golden armor causing him to shine amongst the [otherwise] lonely hallway.

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    -Move 2-
    ~Kaika Cho~

    For the past 10 or so minutes, the brunette was starting to wonder as to why she was here in the first place. What was the purpose of this test in depth? Before she could even get to a clear thought on the matter... her senses immediately picked up on something new. Wait... she should be the only one here!

    "Kindle the flame Entalarmer."

    Sure, it was simple words, but that tone of voice sent shivers down her spine. Just enough to have her take cover around the corner as she spotted some shining source from down the hallway. It was pretty obvious that she didn't get out of the way in time, allowing whoever it was to see at least a part of her long strands of hair before she got herself out of sight. Now that it was clear that there was another presence here, it made the youthful girl wonder on what the hell she was dealing with. She wasn't sure what she could do first, because Kaika had no idea if going in close was the greatest first move. For the best, she silently manifested a single energy blade in one hand, and a transparent energy orb in another. Letting the orb go off in one direction, phasing through the old concrete walls of the building, the teenager had the energy blade be sent off down into the hallway where the source of reflecting light, going at speeds quite like a quicksilver bullet.

    >>¿pǝʎp I ɯɐ ɹoloɔ ʇɐɥʍ oʇ˙˙˙<<

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    「Post 2」【Ethos Revontheus】 「Post 2」

    Ethos brow furrowed for a moment before the suddenly jolt of his body had caught him off guard. It penetrated his right chest - narrowly piercing the heart. He stood there for a moment before looking down at the energy blade that had narrowly ended his life in a moment's notice. He gripped the energy blade and crushed reducing it to nothing. His anger flared with a fiery rage. How could anyone lay a hand upon him and come close to striking him down? Whoever this person was he [or she] was no joke.

    Blood leaked from the area of penetration, but that did not bother Ethos at this current moment for there was a bigger problem at hand. He struggled to comprehend the strength of his opponent. How could such a stranger do so much damage to him and yet to reveal their true identity? This question angered Ethos as he covered the hole that lied on his left breastplate.

    "HOW DARE YOU STRIKE ME DOWN YOU PEASANT," screamed Ethos as his own [unjustified] anger flared.

    "Calm Ethos," said Entalarmer as he lit up the hallway in front of them ablaze, "Your enemy will succumb to my flames. That may very well calm your anger."

    Ethos looked at the fire with a straight face, after moments of calming down. "Tis correct," Ethos said as he turned his back to the blazing hall of crimson, "The flames shall deal death."

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    -Post 3-
    ~Kaika Cho~

    Her breath held in as if she were underwater, the brunette waited for anything, anything that she could hear from the other presence that she felt. The silence was absolutely killing her... and when she thought it would remain that way, this other presence had yelled out in abrupt anger after possibly being stabbed by the energy blade.


    ... yeah right, is that seriously your respo- she mentally spoke in some amusement to this, but her eyes widened when she felt the temperature around her beginning to skyrocket in terms of heat. That meant one thing: whoever this was set the hallway in flames, the fire spreading towards her location. Not wanting to become "deep-fried" Pact Bearer any time soon, Kaika immediately snapped her fingers, sending herself to where her transparent energy orb had managed to relocate itself at.

    Sure enough, she was some distance behind her foe... someone who happened to be in some ancient golden set of armor. The problem was, where she was warped to was out in the open of the hallway that was left unsinged, and her opponent was starting to turn around.

    Thinking fast, she generates another energy blade, a bit rushed so that it didn't have much power as last time, and let it go off towards him. It might catch him off guard again, but it was obvious that she would be targeted from this point onwards once she's spotted.

    It must be a whole new encounter for whoever this man was, to be assaulted like this from a simple teenager like her.

    >>¿pǝʎp I ɯɐ ɹoloɔ ʇɐɥʍ oʇ˙˙˙<<

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    「Post 3」【Ethos Revontheus】 「Post 3」

    Yet another surprise attack that caught Ethos off-guard. This time the blade didn't penetrate as far leaving the blade to stick out of Ethos' left shoulder. He looked at the blade unmoved or unnerved. He took a minute to digest the situation before realizing that his true opponent was actually a woman - young woman to be precise. A teenager - no more than fifteen years of age. This was striking to Ethos. Very striking. How could a teenager who is no more than fifteen easily able to nearly kill him in one shot? Clearly this is no ordinary opponent. This opponent was of power and of skill. His eyes trained on the teenager before grabbing the blade and crashing it to nothingness without even batting an eye.

    "You have defiled me twice little girl," said Ethos with his awe-inspiring voice, "You have tainted my legendary armor and now you must pay the price for your actions. PREPARE TO DIE!"

    Ethos unsheathed the Blade of Revontheus and brought out the Shadow Shield of Nulgath. Both arms were occupied with these two forms of weaponry. Ethos stepped forward a pace before thrusting his blade forward pointing towards young girl, "Entalarmer!" "Yes master," said Entalarmer as he breathed in and then out unleashing a maelstrom of crimson in the direction of young woman.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 04-26-2015 at 05:41 AM.

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    -Post 4-
    ~Kaika Cho~
    BGM - yoshikawa45 vs. siesta45 Ep2

    A nervous feeling swelled up in her... being able to tell that her opponent wasn't going to be some pushover like all of the other demons that she eliminated ever since getting her "power." It was coming to the point where she needed to transform... pronto. Maybe she should had done that instead of rushing her power to manifest that second energy blade?

    "You have defiled me twice little girl."

    Yeah... no shit sherlock.
    she mentally said to herself, her hand slowly reaching over to the old bandaging tightly wrapped around her left thigh.

    "You have tainted my legendary armor and now you must pay the price for your actions. PREPARE TO DIE!"

    Great... as if she already had enough people out for her head by this point. Yet, even if he made it very clear that he was indeed out to deal out death to her, Kaika didn't dare to chicken out. For all she knew, this was supposed to be some test, some simulated event...

    "... good luck with that when your opponent can't d-"
    the brunette gave a sly grin as she began to slip a small gem out of her bandaging. At the same time, the man had pulled out two pieces of weaponry, giving off an essence that she didn't sense before. Of course, she didn't get the chance to finish her taunt, the battle was abruptly beginning.


    There goes that strange phrase again, and in an instant, those similar flames from before began to race its way toward her vulnerable physical state.

    the teenager had to get on the move, using her right hand to conjure up a protective field. Well, as much as it sounds convenient, it was actually a chore to do when she was trying to distribute her energy into that small gem held in a tight grasp with her left hand. For her, it was truly a struggle to get things working with all of this pressure, and one little mistake could end up with her being burnt into a crisp. Moments later, her eyes flashed a bright magenta, vibrant with an essence of life.

    "Behold... the first song... the grand essence of antiquity... I, the Pact Bearer of Life... call upon the blessing of... Lucem. ...Heed... my... call!"
    she managed to speak out the incantation, letting the gem disappear in her hand as the protective field immediately wore off by then. While she was engulfed in a heavenly light, she was also apparently consumed by the flames that were once held stationary by her protective field. One can assume that she perished in the flames, but... timing does make a difference.

    When it seemed to be over, the storm of crimson that was thought to be the end of her was somehow redirected to the sky, the cause of this being a wave of her energy being sent up to project the fire away from the transformed Kaika. She now wore a garb of pink, and wielded a sword that was otherwise known as the Wing of Lucem. Well... she wasn't exactly unharmed by the attack, her right arm showing some sign of burns as well as parts of her hair being singed.

    "... my hair... Y-You... Forget your armor, you're going to be the one that DIES!!"
    it was pretty much her turn to be unreasonably mad. Instead of being mad because of her burns, she was more upset that a small portion of her hair was ruined. Her eyes flashing once with that shade of magenta, she charged towards the armored opponent, both of her hands clutching the hilt of her golden sword as she tried to land several blows and swings aiming for his chest.

    >>¿pǝʎp I ɯɐ ɹoloɔ ʇɐɥʍ oʇ˙˙˙<<

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    「Post 4」【Ethos Revontheus】 「Post 4」

    "... my hair... Y-You... Forget your armor, you're going to be the one that DIES!!"

    'She is indeed strong,' thought Ethos as he held his ground against the ferocious woman as her sword strikes lashed out at his shield and armor. He wasn't fast enough, but his armor did put up a fair amount of stress compared to his shield. He kept his shield at the ready and close to his chest for that was to be the main strike point of this woman's ferocity. Ethos, along the Four Kings, backed away from the ferocious woman gaining some ground. However when he leapt backwards he leapt into the fiery pits of hallway behind him. Ethos made quick work to step out of the flames, but his aura had enticed even the strongest of foes. Ethos came out of the flames with only minor burn marks across his armor and weapons.

    The wound in his chest and shoulder were starting to affect him at this point and it was tiring him. Could he really stand a chance against a teenager who seems to be far more stronger than him? Ethos surely didn't think so, but Baxter and Arras didn't think so. "Master," Baxter paused as he looked at Ethos, "Allow me to excavate this land in which we have been confined to." Ethos looked at the king with a glint of hesitation, "Then so be it. Even if it means destroying what ground we stand above." "Arras," Ethos stabbed his blade into floor of the hallway, "Do what must be done to ensure our victory." "Yes master," said Arras as he stepped forward and with a raise of his hand a massive tornado circulated around the entire battlefield encasing the two fighters in a airy arena.

    Ethos pulled his blade out the floor of the hallway as the fires were blown to smithereens. Ethos stood amongst the wind as it blew with violent fury, "NOW YOU SHALL FEEL THE WRATH OF THE FOUR KINGS!" His voice rumbled against the wind. His voice was as though God himself was speaking to this young woman. "YOUR DEATH SHALL BE SLOW AND PAINFUL," he screamed with a godly voice as he pointed his blade towards the sky, "ENTALARMER!" "Yes master," responded Entalarmer as he added the fiery bliss of crimson. The crimson flames molded together with the tornado creating fiery walls that would set anything that challenged it ablaze. Thunder rumbled as mother Earth reacted these unnatural and down right unrealistic forms of nature.

    Ethos, after finally gathering enough energy, went forth and swung his blade swaying to the song of flames and darkness. He swung his blade with all his strength - horizontal, diagonal, vertical. Every possible way the blade could be struck he struck. He wasted no time sending in the strength and will of victory.

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    -Post 5-
    ~Kaika Cho~
    BGM - The Comrade's Song *remix*

    Time flew fast as her unnecessary anger determined her following actions, which was primarily attempting to strike him down as fast as she could. As much as she wanted to continue this onslaught she had going, Kaika thought twice about it before taking the time to back off, make distance as she tried to charge more energy into her golden sword.


    The brunette heard those words as she realized that a swirling storm of blazing ember surrounded them, and she didn't necessarily have the time to attempt a quick warp out of here. Guess she would have to tough it out until she's pulled out of this simulated dream... if it really was a test brought by the elders.

    While one would assume that she would go at it with aggressive movement, Kaika knew that she did that once, and it would be predictable. Now it was her turn to be the one under pressure, the man bringing his blade at her in almost every kind of swing, thrust, or strike you can think of. Seeing that it was too risky to avoid the hits by now, she was left to resort with defending herself, narrowly parrying each strike. Unfortunately despite her spiritual power, she was quite too frail to handle this for too long.

    At the last second, Kaika's eyes widened as she lost her grip of her own sword, the golden weapon being cast aside without it's wielder. Luckily it didn't collide with the fiery tornado that was their borders of their battle, but she had to hurry it up before she's caught in another cluster of strikes. In that attempt, she held up a single hand to form another protective field, but due to the rush she was in, it wouldn't take no more than one hit to shatter it apart.

    Besides, all she needed to do pronto was to grab her sword before she would take too much of a beating...

    >>¿pǝʎp I ɯɐ ɹoloɔ ʇɐɥʍ oʇ˙˙˙<<

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    「Post 5」【Ethos Revontheus】 「Post 5」

    Ethos' eyes lit up with a violent, but righteous, fury. A fury that was only accepted by few and rejected by many. The ferocity was dangerous as it carried the intent of murder and blood shed. The blood god, Khorne, would have been proud of this malicious individual as his strikes proved that even the flashiest of warriors can carry a lot of damage with their strikes.

    He leapt backwards after his reign of offense had subsided. He relinquished his momentary reign of brutal offensive movement to remain himself at a defensive stance for he anticipated worser attacks and moves to come. They're arena was already set, but her unpredictability had not set Ethos at ease.

    He swayed the flames from fire-tornado and it wrapped itself onto his blade as a means of adding fiery damage to his strikes. If he struck now with all his strength then sparks would fly and so he waited. He waited for the chance to counter any on-coming attack. He prepared himself in defensive stance slamming his blade onto his shield making sparks fly as a means of taunting the young woman.

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