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Thread: The Island- Multiple Fandom Roleplay [M] (IC)

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    Member DannyPhantom's Avatar
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    Default The Island- Multiple Fandom Roleplay [M] (IC)

    Arthur Morgan

    The sound of seagulls along with the sound of the waves crashing rang in the outlaw’s head. The sounds made his head seem like it was pounding. He slowly opened his eyes, only to shut them again as he was soon faced with unexpectedly intense sunlight. The man soon pulled himself into a sitting position, and opened his eyes.

    “This doesn’t look like any area we have set up camp in.” The outlaw, a man called Arthur Morgan thought as he felt the sand under him and the scorching heat that surrounded him.

    Upon realizing that he was most likely in unfamiliar territory, Arthur instinctively reached for his cattleman revolver. To his relief, he still had it equipped to his side. He didn’t count his remaining bullets, but he knew that he should have enough to last him at least a little while, providing no Pinkertons or other enemies of his were around.

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    As the blue hedgehog started to come to, he became aware of the scents, sounds and textures around him. One emerald green eye opened, then the other followed. The hedgehog found himself under the shade of some sort of tree, with some sunlight poking through the gaps in the leaves. A groan escaped the hedgehog’s lips as he pulled into a sitting position. His knees were up to his chest, and his arms were placed in his lap as he took in the surrounding area.

    “Okay... where did Dr. Eggman take me this time? The last thing I remember was dealing with him and Infinite, but I feel like I’m missing something in between then and now. But what?” Sonic thought as he surveyed the area carefully for several moments before getting to his feet.

    “Egghead, where did you take me this time?!” Sonic shouted, not that he was expecting the doctor to reply to his question.

  2. #2
    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    Commander Sheppard
    As she fell she could feel her broken body being ripped apart. Then she felt nothing, correction she didn't feel the pain years of abuse brought on by war had brought. She didn't feel the weight of the universe on her shoulders anymore. She felt better than she had in years. She felt free. She stood up. She looked around. She was on a white sandy beach. "This must be that Heaven Ashley spoke about." She took her helmet off. She then remembered she lost her helmet when the Reaper attack on her way to the Citadel. She looked at her armor, it was pristine. She had her weapons. "Why would I need armor and weapons in heaven." She looked around her and saw others.

    Samus Aran
    Samus was catching up with an old friend Armstrong Houston. She excused herself to answer the call of nature when she saw intensely bright light. When the light subsided the first thing she noticed was she wearing her armor again, the second thing she was on her ass. She stood up and looked around. The first thing she saw a big blue spiky haired animal thing. "What the hell was in those drinks?" She readied her blaster just in case.

    Rayne was just got through repelling an attack by the Brimstone Society. They were not to thrilled she took over her reincarnated and now dead again father's kingdom. It's not like she asked for him to be reincarnated, she still didn't know how. She's been meaning to look into but between Brimstone and the other vampire clans attacking she hadn't had the time. She was also not one to do research herself. She was tired and was heading to bed when an intense bright light went off in her face, it reminded her of the Sun Gun's output actually. When the light subsided she expected and she wasn't dead she was a little surprised. She noticed she on a beach and was under a beach umbrella. She grabbed the umbrella and armed herself with one of the Carpathian Dragons. She noticed many strange things on this beach, her eyes were drawn to the blue furry thing. "Great. Some midget with a furry fetish. Just what I needed." She rolled her eyes.

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    Tyrael was standing on Sanctuary giving orders to the Horadrim...and then he wasn't. He found himself standing with other people, all looking rather strange. But, for one as ancient as him, it did not faze him. It was curious, though. Normally he could still feel the connection to his brothers, but he cannot now. "Strange." With a flash, El'druin, the mighty sword of justice, appeared in his hand.

    Looking around, most appeared to be human, but others...he could sense more, he could sense the darkness of undeath in one in particular. Not evil, which was slightly confusing, but he would watch and see.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

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    Member DannyPhantom's Avatar
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    Arthur Morgan

    “Dutch? Miss Grimshaw? John?” Arthur called out, getting to his feet. He felt like someone, or something was watching him, so he turned around and was met with some rather interesting figures, certainly ones he knew. Not too mention, they were all dressed funny too.

    “What in the hell?” Arthur mumbled under his breath, studying the figures closely. One appeared to be a woman, which confused Arthur more. As far he knew, there were certain clothes women were supposed to wear, even though Sadie Alder purchased what could be considered a man’s clothing. Speaking of Sadie, was she here too? Was anyone from Dutch’s gang here? It was certainly time to do some investigation...

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    Feeling at least a pair of eyes were on his back, Sonic turned around. What he saw was some figures that seemed to have their focus on him.

    “Can I help you?” Sonic asked, blinking in confusion as he tried to recall if the figures before him were familiar at all. His ear twitched as a fly buzzed around it, and Sonic found himself getting impatient. If he didn’t receive an answer soon, he was going to see if he could chaos control to familiar territory. He wasn’t thinking about the fact that he lost his chaos emerald in the latest fight with Dr. Eggman.

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    Commander Shepard
    She saw the blue fur creature, she immediately realized she was definately not in Heaven, if she was it was definately not like Ashley described. She approached the one she thought was the least likely to kill her and to understand her, the one dressed as a cowboy. "I'm Commander Sheppard of the Systems Alliance Navy. Have you been on Earth recently? How long has it been since the Reaper's left?" She was prepared to unleash her Omni Blade on him if necessary.

    Samus Aran
    Samus made no motion in any direction she was watching everyone she could in her field of vision. She was playing it safe for the moment. She was most interested in the only one not currently clustered with another like her.

    Rayne noticed the Furry's ear twitch. She thought to herself, Furry costumes don't twitch like that. She pulled the beach umbrella out of the ground and made her way over to it. "Yes you can help." She was beginning to wonder if this one tasted as good as humans. "The name's Rayne. Do you happen to know where we are or what this place is? Also purely out of curiosity what are you?"

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    Tyrael, in human form, walked over to the assembled people, easily being taller than all of them, some by several feet, and certainly more broad, a mountain of a man. He looks over them all. "It seems none of us are where we last remember. For what purpose we have been brought here, I do not know, but if we all have been brought would perhaps be prudent if we worked together. It would be best if we introduced ourselves. My name is Cain, and I am a wanderer." A little lie, perhaps, but in such a strange place, it would be best not to reveal his true identity, for who knows who might be watching.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  7. #7
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    Commander Sheppard, Samus Aran, Rayne

    They disappeared just as quickly and miracously as they appeared.
    Last edited by KRCmdrSheppard; 01-31-2021 at 05:40 PM.


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