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Thread: [M] The Dead Man's Call

  1. #1
    Argon Jaden's Avatar
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    Horror [M] The Dead Man's Call

    Spoiler: Stuff that's important.... Er the reminders? 

    Spoiler: Characters in Waiting 

    So.... anyone up for it?
    Guys, I only have a max of seven proper players. Myself not included. The ones in red are those who still need to get their CS up.
    Spoiler: Player List 



    Axel and Axen Solace

    "But you bloody cheated!!"

    "I so did not. You were not focusing." Axel countered, glaring at his sister. She too glared back at him. Who knew a game of chess on the computer could get so heated? Then again, the twins had their own competitive streaks. Axen snorted, flipping her silvery hair over her shoulder.

    "Well I didn't know getting spam messages was supposed to make me focus more." She sarcastically said, rolling her eyes. Her twin brother sighed and shook his head, leaning back.

    They were waiting for their Pizza to arrive because, why not? Pizza on a Friday night. TGIF. Their mom was probably downstairs but the twins knew that she was watching TV or something similar. The twins looked at each other and sighed.

    "I'm hungry." Axel stated. His sister rolled her eyes.

    "I'm sure this is the part where you say that you could eat a horse." She grumbled. Just then, the doorbell rang.

    The twins were off their feet and down the stairs in a second, playfully pushing against each other to get to the door. There was a slight chill in the household that made both of them hesitate, well made Axen hesitate. Her brother just threw the door open.

    There were red eyes before the world turned black.


    "Huuu~ *hic* huuu.... *hic* *hic*"

    Axen groaned and swatted beside her, feeling the other body twitch slightly. "Wazzup bro?" She grumbled, opening up one eye to see a glowing figure huddled up in the corner. She immediately recognized the ghostly wounds on the crying face and she stiffened.

    "I'm not crying... what the actual heck is that?!" Her brother squeaked, waking up a few inches from her. The twins only stared at the crying girl in their corner as they took in their surroundings.

    The classroom was old, and rundown. The dilapidated tables and chairs suggested that they were in an elementary school. Axel shivered and swallowed.

    "D-do you think we're in t-that s-school from t-the email?" He stammered. Axen swallowed.

    "No shizz bro. We're in Disneyland." She quipped dryly.
    Last edited by Argon Jaden; 06-23-2015 at 05:28 PM.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  2. #2
    Minkasha's Avatar
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    Sophie Solace

    'Sorry sweetheart, work has put me into overtime again. I'll be home by tomorrow morning and I promise I'm all yours to do as you like ;p. You're beautiful, you know that? Made you blush huh? :p It's a Friday night, I wish you the best of luck keeping our Hatchlings in check.

    Xoxo forever always for you babe - The big strong husband ;p'

    Sophie had face palmed after reading what her husband just texted. Being a doctor, his work did this several times a month, but he was saving lives. Of course he had to go and call her beautiful, already feeling the heat rising in her cheeks. Brushing away some of her signature Solace hair from her face, she pondered on what to feed the kids.

    Knowing Axel, he'd be very hungry, he always was these days, a growing boy. The mother smiled in reflective thought of her twins, staring at the cellphone. While she could have taken the time to make a buffet of food to sate the children, Dragon children stuffing it down there throats with ease somehow, she figured that by giving them pizza she could buy some time to cook some healthier foods while they started on it.

    Ordering a pizza for each of her children, she had begun chopping leaves to sprinkle into a salad dish for them. The life of a supernatural mom wasn't so off from the average, spare the occasional frozen object she had to thaw or replace because of her children's powers. Keeping a healthy distance from the counter and cutting boared actually allowed her to see what she was doing and not let her girls block her view. Sophie had wanted to get a reduction after breast feeding the twins, but Alexander always gave a passive protest when she brought it up - he was a big fan of them.

    She sighed, marinating the chopped chicken for the salad dish. Marriage was about compromise: Sophie kept the fun bags that could debilitate her at times and Alexander worked his butt off so she didn't have to work and take all the girl time she needed, that was what her husband had called it of course.

    The doorbell went off and her wedges lightly sounded on the tile floor as she walked to the front door.

    "Children be careful! You could hurt one another!" She spoke up as she saw her silver haired children rough housing down the stairs. While Sophie had calmly walked to the door, a sudden cold feeling hit her and her mother's intuition kicked in - knowing some how Axen was on the same wavelength as her. Of course her son was daft and felt nothing, charging to the door.

    "Axel, st-" Sophie had tried to warn, but the boy already opened the door.

    Darkness took her vision instantly.


    Sophie woke slowly, feeling the pain of laying down on her chest - something she never did for that reason alone. Somehow the strangeness of that made the flower scented woman remember the fear and sudden loss of consciousness.

    Gasping, she sat up, where she was did not have any proper lighting. It was creepy to say the least: old, dirty a ruined classroom was within her eyesight. Sophie could not think of any run down schools in the immediate area of home - living in a wealthier part of the city. That meant she had no idea where she was.

    Looking around the ground she looked around for her purse, hoping to get her cellphone to call her husband, but it wasn't anywhere around her. The voices of her children caught her ear and already she felt nauseous, sickened by the fact her babies were in this situation - whatever dark reality it could be.

    "Axen, Axel!" She cried out, a gentle mother's voice to summon her twins. Using the breaking wall to support herself, she got to her feet. The height of her heeled shoes help give her more area vision and her amethyst eyes linked with the crying figure, and then the shiny heads of her kids.

    Scattered in the room were the unconscious bodies of other minors and she worried greatly for their safety. Running to her kids, she stopped before them, crouching and keeping her back to the glowing figure so she was a barrier between it and her kids, trying to keep their attention. Sophie's hair and skirt brushed against the dusty ground now that she was down to their sitting eye level with a hand on each of their faces.

    "Are either of you sick or injured!? Can you text daddy for help!?" Hopefully they had their cells, she prayed.
    Last edited by Minkasha; 12-02-2014 at 04:41 PM.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 

  3. #3
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    Lisa was sat on the bed with the lap-top on her knees. Reaching up she tucked a stray strand of long blond hair back behind her ears. She was currently on Roleplayer's Forum which was one of her favourite websites and probably the one she visited most. Earlier that evening she had uploaded some cute pictures of her pet rabbits onto her forum-blog but right now she was struggling to write a character sheet. A slight sigh of frustration escaped her lips, despite a good twenty minutes searching on Google she couldn't for the life of her find a decent image to fit the character she wanted to play.

    It was then that the email notification popped up on her screen. She clicked and read it. The message about the school was quite weird, figuring it must have just been sent to her by mistake she simply closed it and ignored it. She turned her attention back to the character sheet, deciding that she needed to edit the description a little bit.

    Then came the ring of the doorbell. Her mom was out this evening so she was home alone. She hadn't ordered pizza or anything like that so she wondered who it might be. Feeling curious she walked downstairs and then opened the door.

    For a split second she saw the red eyes before the world went black.


    Feeling a little dazed she opened her eyes to find herself lying on the floor. Glancing around she saw the walls and furnishings of the classroom. She also noticed the other bodies lying on the floor, particularly one girl with bat-like wings protruding from her shoulders. She'd never actually seen another super-natural person before, besides of course her own mother. Was that girl perhaps some kind of fairy or demon?

    Off to one side of her she could now hear a woman checking on her kids, however the thing that really drew her attention was the sound of crying. Raising her head and shoulders her eyes were instinctively drawn in the direction of that sound. There she beheld the crying child surrounded by the eyrie blue glow. She stared at the apparition with her eyes completely transfixed by it. It was at that point she really started to freak out.
    Last edited by Crazywolf; 12-02-2014 at 09:50 PM.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

    The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart

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    Vitani was napping in a tree feeling more protected there than on the ground, but she really would have preferred a cave where it was nice and dark. She woke up abruptly when a raven as black as night flew overhead cawing quite loudly. She rubbed her eyes and stretched her wings out to their full span allowing them to wake up too. She stood up on the sturdy branch of the tree and leaned herself against the trunk, looking out at the vast expanse of the forest.

    Vitani felt at home her among nature and she loved the animals that kept her company. She saw a fox chasing a rabbit and she thought to herself how quickly life can end. You go along and enjoy your time then one day you just... poof and you are gone. She watched as the rabbit quickly ducked into one of its many holes and felt a little less pessimistic.

    Vitani jumped from the branch and unfurled her wings to take flight. She flew over the entire span of the forest and saw many travelers and animals. She hated hunters and would often heckle them, just because they couldn't see her or hear her didn't mean she couldn't manipulate them or their things. At last she finally came to the ground and pulled her wings back letting them rest neatly behind her.

    Suddenly the raven from before flew at her face and she screamed. The bird cawed as if laughing at her and flew away just as quickly as it had come. She looked on the ground and found a small letter. She wondered who it must be for and took it up in her hands. As she read it she became afraid because it felt like evil radiated from the letter she held. She looked around hoping to see some wood nymph or a forest sprite laughing at its trick but found herself alone. She listened intently and noticed with great fear that there was no sound. As she began to breathe heavily she heard a rustle behind her. Suddenly ravens by the hundreds came at her all cawing loudly and her world went black as they came upon her.


    When she awoke she found herself inside something she thought was called a classroom. She had found a book once about a child who was in "kindergarten" she thought she recalled that the girl's name was Judy? At any rate she had never seen one herself and felt very alienated. It was then she noticed she wasn't alone. With a feeling of dread she looked at all the people there.

    She saw a woman standing between to children and... she felt her heart go into her throat as she saw the glowing blue figure that appeared to be crying. Whatever it was it wasn't normal or even neutral in nature. It was clear that there was something... off putting about the child and she quickly to her gaze off it. She then saw all the other unconscious children and a blonde-haired girl had looked at her to which she quickly hid herself inside her wings.

    She left only enough room between her wings for her to be able to look out. She stared at the crying figure and waited for it to do something... anything. She refused to be caught off guard by it and kept her gaze intently upon it while her own face was hidden from the others. She felt safer behind the protection of her wings but knew that they only provided a blocking of eyes and could not really protect her. Reluctantly, she dropped her wings so if anything happened she could react and move quickly. This figure will not get the best of me. Its crying is only more off putting and I have no pity for it.

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    "Take that, suckers!" Ian screamed, victorious. His screen flashed with a bunch of crows surrounding an odd looking scarecrow as it tried desperately to bash an strangely erotic looking cat-girl. In the process a bunch of other avatars had been hit, sending curses and not so nice comments about his mother blasting on his headphones. A bunch of these tiny creatures disappeared from the screen, followed by a choir of "Damn" and "F***"
    "Not bad for a support, huh?" He said in a cocky manner to the microphone on his headpiece.
    "Oh screw you" answered his friend Georgine from the other end of the planet. This internet thingy sure was wonderful.
    "Stop f***ing around and help me!" protested another voice. "Minions got me low on health!" the female voice added in a desperate manner.
    "Minions? Jeez, Menie, you really ARE a noob" he answered mockingly. Melanie Gutierrez. Friend from highschool, her parents were latin american inmigrants. She wasnt exactly pretty but Ian kinda fancied her. Besides, all the other girl were out of his league. Talking about Leagues...
    The little scarecrow avatar sent a crow flying and bouncing off what oddly resembled a robot and a Unicorn lady?
    "God damn it Fiddle, youre supposed to be support!" complained Menie again as her avatar wasnot only being hit by minion now, but what seemed like a giant alligator.
    "Im coming, im coming. Dont be so bossy" Who had put this girl as ADC? She was ging to bring the whole team down and he was stuck as support.
    After a few seconds of map navigation he came to a really weakened furry blue thing.
    "I have come to rescue thee, m'lady" said Roger mockingly as he approached her friends avatar "Seriously? From all the cool champions out there, you pick a freaking Yordle?"
    "Oh, screw you, it looked cute. Besides, dont need your help anymore." she responded angrily "I managed by myslef. What a suppor you are"
    "Just get a room you too" said a voice with a strong indian accent on the microphone.
    Outside his fantasy worl, Roger took a sip from his Coke. He needed cffeine if he was to stay awake the whole match and still have time to level. He glanced at his Celphones clock. 2:00 am. The night was still young. He had the habit of staying up until 4 o clock on weekends. 2:00 on schooldays. He didnt want to look like a zombie after all.
    This had become a routine for him. Wake up, got to school, play videogames. This was his life. Not a lot of friends if you didnt count the online ones, and no girlfriend at all. Who needed one anyway? If he managed to get into the international league, he wouldnt even have to study anymore.
    It was his life dream to join an international gaming team and travel the world playing his favorite game. He had spent about a year or two by now, playing and becoming better. He could say, not without braggin that he was one of the best players out there. And still, nobody seemed to know him...
    He kept playing for a few hours, until the doorbell interrupted him. He looked again at the clock. 3 in the morning. Who the hell could be bothering at three in the morining? His parents were out of town, so it definitively wasnt them. Then who?
    "Hold up guys, im going AFK for a sec, someones at the door."
    "Who the f*** knocks on your door at three in the morning?" Menie asked suspiscious.
    "Ooooh, someones getting laid!" said Georgine with a sarcastic tone, which was followed by the laughter of his gamemates.
    "Haha, real funny" the doorbell rang again, insistent. "Seems to be important, i better answer." this sead, he removed his headpiece, left it carefully on his desk and walked lazily downstairs.
    By the time he reached the door, the doorbell had rang about five times, desperately.
    "Im coming!" he shouted. Jesus, didnt these people know patience?
    He placed his hand on the doorknob, and hesitated. Should he open? It couldnt be good if it was at three in the morning.
    "F*** it Ian, youre a man, behave like one" he thought, as he turned the knob and opened the door.
    When he saw the red gleaming eyes, he knew he had made a really bad choice.
    __________________________________________________ ______________

    By the time he woke he had a drool puddle under hes cheek. Did he really drool that much? Geez...
    It took him a few seconds to realize that: a) he wasnt in his room. This looked like a classroom. If the calssroom had been ran over by a stampede of furious water buffalos and moldy bread had been glued to the walls. And if that wasnt enough to scare the crap out of him, b) someone was crying.
    And not a normal sobbing. It was one of those creepy sobbing you usually hear in movies or games, just before some sh** jumps at you and scares you out ofyour wits. Roger knew instantly that this was not a place to trust.
    Did he feel scared? Pffft, of course not he was a man.
    The sobbing grew louder and louder, and it didnt take long before Roger knew where it came from. A little gril, with her back turned on him, with long black hair, sobbed loudly in the corner
    Ok he was kinda scared. Scared. REALLY SCARED.
    "I gotta get the f*** out of here, he whispered to himself." just as he whispered, the girl turned around. She was plae, and had a hungry red stare. She began to crawl towards hims, as he backed off slowly, trying hard not to screm
    "Ive played enough Silent Hill to know where this is going" he said, trying no to pee his pants.
    "Where do you think youre going? " a deep voice whispered behind him.
    Last edited by Inkisdorian; 12-02-2014 at 10:57 PM.

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    Default Dreams of a Broken Past

    Lao walked along the corridor of darkness in the realm of Death. His mother had given him a simple mission. Kill an Imp and bring back it's tail. He had faced countless Imps on Earth before. They were a piece of cake, Except for the fact that in the Underworld they had triple the strength. Even so, they weren't that hard to kill. . .If he were in his demon form.

    His mother had given him specific instructions. 'Do not transform your body. If you do, You won't get dinner.' She said. And to make maters worse, she had made it so he hadn't had breakfast or lunch either. Right now, he would eat the Imp if Imps were edible. Then he heard something up ahead. Lao was ready. He concentrated his hearing and heard a dozen pairs of feet. They were light and quick, like an imps. Lao knew things would go sour real hard, real fast. The first Imp came from behind, latching onto Lao's limbs with its claws. Lao quickly ripped it off and threw it at a broken stone wall. It hit the wall, breaking it in the process and deeming itself unconscious. Lao saw three more come from in front of him. He summoned his magic and began his fight.


    Lao didn't remember much later. His dream shifted to when he was walking home. His shadow was. . . deformed. One side had it's short hair and the other had long jet black hair reaching down to her back knee. His left eye was blue, while her right eye was blood red. A single horn sprouted from the right side of her head. If you split him down the middle, the only thing similar was their height. The doors to his home opened and he walked into the cathedral, blood dripping from the tail in her hand. One thing that was different, aside from all that was physical was that his side was horrified...while her side was smiling. Blood was splattered over their naked body. They looked up to their mother. Even their voice wasn't spared. "Mo...ther..." They said simultaneously. Their mother held back a shocked gasp. She soon realized what she had done was a mistake, but a necessary one. She came down to them and embraced them.

    "It's alright, My Lao..." She said and Lao felt the bones in her side start to deform and change. Her skin, eyes, and horn changed. He was back to his human form. He began crying. He embraced her back desperately.

    "I did...I didn't know I was capable of..." Memories of what occurred an hour or so before flooded to him. Even if imps were vile creatures...they didn't deserve deaths like what SHE had granted them.

    "Shh..." She told him, and he fell asleep in her arms.

    Lao's eyes opened to someone knocking on the door to his home. He looked around him. He was back in the human world. Out of his dreams. He closed the book he had fallen asleep on and wiped his face. He walked over to the door and opened it, only to fall back into the darkness.

    Lao opened his eyes again and heard people talking around him. He slowly sat up and stayed quiet. Taking note of the mysterious surroundings.

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    Kane was sitting at his desk surfing the internet on his desktop, watching random youtube videos, browsing forums, and doing a little reading on a website here and there. Him being bored was an understatement. He had absolutely nothing to do tonight. As he continued surfing an email notification popped up on his computer. It was odd and looked like just spam. Though he normally passed on reading anything like this he felt compelled to scan the pop up this time. As he skimmed through he rose an eyebrow and chuckled. The spam was stupid; Kane was fairly sure he passed elementary plenty of years ago. He shook his head and began to click off.


    A loud repeated knock echoed through the silent house as soon as Kane clicked off the ad, with a loud feminine voice accompanying it.

    "Door!" The young boy's mother yelled.

    Kane sighed, the almost instantaneous knock slightly unnerved him.


    The knocking continued.

    "Kane!" His mother yelled once more.

    "Mhm." The boy grumbled. He turned his head around and looked over at his doorway, briefly considering getting up and answering the door. But on second thought it was too far away, he'd rather not. "She can handle it." He turned back around and resumed his surfing.


    "Kane! Someone's at the door!"

    "I know." He answered plainly.



    The scream shrieked through Kane's skull like a banshee and he shot up out his seat. Once he calmed down he sighed, shaking his head, and making his way out of his room, not wanting to make his mom any more angry. Once he stepped out of his room and into the hall he saw his mother trotting at the other end, likely about to storm into his room. She stopped in her tracks when she saw him.

    "Are you gonna get the door?" Anger was clear in her voice.

    "Obviously." Kane said as he turned and made his way down the stairs.


    Kane clenched his teeth. This was ridiculous, who knocks on the door this much? At this point it was less than a knock and more of an attack on the door. Every knock became louder and more forceful as he made his way down. Once he got to the bottom of the stairs he stopped. The knocking continued and with each knock Kane got a feeling of dread. But most humans have the curiosity to have to see what it is or to shrug off instincts.

    But Kane was different. He did indeed shrug, but he turned around and started walking up the stairs, deciding that whoever was at the door was out of luck. As he made his way back up the stairs he noticed something that made that feeling of dread make his heart start pounding.

    The knocking had stopped.

    The knocking had actually stopped. And with it, the entire house seemed even quieter than before. Kane stopped and looked back at the door while slowly continuing his trek up the stairs. A feeling of true dread coming over him. He started speed walking back to his room. But as soon as he turned and entered his doorway, he saw it

    Red eyes and then darkness.


    Kane groaned and slowly opened his eyes. He expected a bright light to hurt his eyes, but was met with a dark room of some sorts. He was laying on his back on the cold tiled floor of this room, the scenery was hard to make out but it was old and had a feeling of... he wasn't quite sure of what, but it wasn't good.

    He lifted up and got on his feet looking around. He saw a girl with wings? He assumed it was some costume. There was a blonde girl staring at another group, an adult woman standing with two others, apparently her kids, another guy, and an older man compared to the rest of the group. He was about to say something, a rare occurrence for Kane, until his attention was drawn to what everyone else's was. In the corner there was girl with an eerie light blue hue crying.
    Last edited by Camelpaks; 12-03-2014 at 02:44 AM.

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    Axel and Axen Solace

    The twins blinked in surprise at their mom. Axel widened his eyes in worry and frowned. What was their mom doing here. He scrunched his nose and looked up at her.

    "Mommy... what are you doing here?" He asked with a concerned tone. Axen raised a silver brow at her brother.

    "She's here to teach you how to finally clean your side of the room, Captain obvious." She snarked, before shooting her mom a confused look. "I dunno how we got here. Did we nuke a spell or something" She asked, raising a brow.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

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    Sophie Solace

    "Oh no..." Her small and warm hands held to their cheeks, thumbs brushing their faces tenderly. Sophie looked over her shoulder to the crying entity that gave her horrible and dark vibes. "Come on hatchings, we need to make sure you're safe..." She grabbed each of her children's hands and helped them stand. Squeezing tightly, she laid her eyes on the minors who were becoming conscious.

    "Children..." She called out to all of them. "Let's gather up, stay together for safety..." the woman started to take charge. Her amethyst eyes focused back onto the purple eyes of her kin, she spoke quietly and pointed to the brown haired boy that had been gawking at the phantom child, he appeared unharmed and healthy. "Go stand over by him, okay? I need to check on all the others"

    If Axel and Axen listened to her and stood with the boy, she would walk over to the girl with the bat wings and kneel down at her, extending a hand. She did not know at all what this girl was, but she looked unhappy as any of the others.

    "Sweetie, are you hurt or sick?"
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 

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    Ray groaned and tried to sit up. The last thing he remembered was reaching for the door to go grab a drink. That stupid email.... He looked around and saw some others in the room with him. If it wasn't for that email, I wouldn't have had an excuse to go out... He leaned against a counter as he got to his feet. I wouldn't have had a reason to go to the door... And I wouldn't be here right now... He turned and saw a small girl crying in a corner a few feet away from him with an older woman kneeling next to her. The hell is going on here?!
    ~~Don't drink and drive. Take acid and teleport.~~

    ~~Compliments do not boost the ego of a Leo. They already know that they are the shit.~~

    ~~I'm not saying let's go kill all the stupid people. I'm just saying let's remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out.~~

    Quote Originally Posted by Cee69
    You are the cat Skype deserves.
    But not the one it needs

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