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Thread: Shadows of the mountain (Arcus andCfavano)

  1. #1
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Default Shadows of the mountain (Arcus andCfavano)

    It was early morning, the sun hadn't even peaked over the towers mountains that hung on one side yet. In the mountains' shadow was a patch of prairie, the stretched down the entire length of the mountain range. Until it disappeared in sight, thanks to the heavy fog that not only clung to the air, but to clothes hair, fur, and anything else it can cling too. Bathing everything in a filter of white. If you were to look on the opposite side of the grassland, the side that didn't hold mountains, far in the distance you would find an ocean. The reason this place, something that helped to bath this place in fog and shadows daily.

    You could travel for months and the not see any trees or signs of man. The closest that you would find, would be creatures that were long ago tame or domestic, but now are just as wild any any other. It was in this desolate place that the fire demon was sitting on a decent sized stone. Dropping from head to toe from the moisture. Waiting patiently for the mountain tops to turn a rainbow of colors, ready for the fog to disappear.

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    Crouched down in the tall grass like a predatory feline was Leilianna. She stalked her prey like a hunter would, for hunting she was doing, and her elfin grace helped keep her silent. When she was but thirty feet away, she took out and cocked her crossbow. cocking the lever, she called upon her powers to summon forth ammunition into her bolt quiver. 8 faintly glowing, semisolid ectoplasmic bolts formed in said quiver, and her body was temporarily coated in a translucent, shimmering seepage from the astral plane as an after-effect of her power. Loading the bolt, she made a quick mental command and the crystalline crossbow glowed faintly with deadly psychokinetic energy.

    Slowing her breathing, and going prone, Leilianna took aim. She had one shot before she was noticed, so it would be best if she could kill in said shot, or at least wound before the battle is joined. Focusing on her target, she swiftly, but gently, pulled the trigger and off said blot went, taking on the stored psychokinetic energy.

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    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Ignia sighed as all the water soaking her, started to evaporate. As the flames around her wrists and ankles roared to life. As water evaporated off her body, the fog around her, got thicker. Making it hard to see what exactly happened, when it cleared slightly. The demon appeared to be hit in the shoulder, clutching where the arrow was. Kneeling just in front of the rock where she had been earlier, only now she looked draw and the fires around her wrists and ankles glowed a brilliant yellow orange.

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    The arrow hadn't killed her, but she also hadn't noticed Leilianna yet. Cursing inwardly, she once again focused her mind as she rose into a crouch. As she drew on her power, her eyes began to glow like silver flames and a burst of rainbow light explodes outwardly from Leilianna's crouched form as she activates her Telekinetic Thrust power sending the rock hurtling toward Ignia in an attempt to crush her.

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    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    The rock passed right through the flames that had seemingly been Ignia, just a few moments before. The flames slowly flickered out, as the dying flames. Seemed to temporarily thin, before the moisture formed fog once more. The rock itself flew 10 feet, before it simply came to a stop.

    From inside the fog, there came a couple more lights of fire. A lot of which died quickly, as a voice from in the fog spoke. "A rainbow huh? That is an interesting affect and one not really useful. If you want to be sneaky... Don't you find fog interesting though? It can both thicken or thin, based on the heat and humidity there is. Now you had your fun, shall I have some mine of my own?" The voice was cold and and somewhat cruel. Before a stream of fire headed toward the half elf.

    a number of different Fires continued to seem to appear, dance and disappearing in the fog. Slowly getting closer to the hunter.

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    "Well, shit" Leilianna said, leaping to the side to avoid getting incinerated. She was...mostly in the clear, but some of the flames brushed against her leg, causing a second degree burn on the calf. She once again fell o the ground prone, but this time in pain. Luckily for her, her mind kicked in and with focus, she was able to suppress the pain from her injury. While on the ground, she brought forth more power from her inner self and cast Inertial armor, surrounding her body with an invisible personal force field. Her eyes once again flashed silver and there was another burst of light.

    She stood up quickly and, calling on another power she knew, Energy push. A loud Bass tone dounded as the light show happened once more and, extending out her fingers, a blast of cold shot in the direction from whence the flames came. "This is no game"

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    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Ignes' eyes widened, with a click, she brought up her shield. Just as the freezing gush of air hit. The heat that came off her shield helped to fight off that cold, most of it. It caused the fog around her to thicken momentarily the fog immediately around her. For just a moment acting as a smoke screen. Before thinning and revealing the fire demon, now with a couple small patches if ice. Most of which were slowly melting, except one on her shoulder. Where under the red you could see red.

    Despite almost being frozen, the demon laughed. "Now dear, what makes you say that?" She said in a coldly teasing voice. Still holding up her shield and pulled out a strange blade. One that almost looked as if it was more decorative, then meant for actual fighting.

    The demon herself had smile flames curling around her mouth, like she was a dragon.
    Last edited by Arcus; 10-18-2016 at 03:32 PM.

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    Leilianna looked impassive as Ignes spoke her taunt. "If you have to ask that question, then perhaps you do not understand the situation you're in." Leilanna moved quickly backwards, seeming to skate across the ground, working the action of her crossbow rapidly and repeatedly firing bolts at Ignes, seemingly wanting to keep her distance and not wanting to close to melee. It was as if she did not want to fight up close.

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    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Ignias' eyes flashed and walls of blue, white flames surrounded her. Thinking it would protect her from most of the arrows. But she didn't take into account that the arrows didn't exactly have a physical form. As the first one shot out. She tried to hit the ground, having several hit her. She groaned and growled, before shaking her head. "Elf, Unless you haven't noticed. I'm a demon, people trying to kill me is not that is new for. So why not try to find some amusement or fun in it? Do you expect me to go crazy at every single person that wants me to die?" She ended mockingly, but lacking the cold cruelty that has been present, every other time she has spoken.

    When she did finish speaking. She breathed out a long stream fire trying to chase the hunter. Attempting to keep the fire wall up just a little longer. The fog both thickening and thinning, as more and more of the moisture that hung in the air heated, evaporated and disappeared. She didn't know who would win, but either way, she at least wouldn't make it easy for the elf.
    Last edited by Arcus; 10-19-2016 at 12:57 AM.

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  10. #10
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    "Killing is not something I would classify as 'fun'. I view it as business, nothing more." Leilianna said, calmly.

    As Ignes began her breath attack, Leilianna skated toward her quickly in a sudden charge. To dodge the flame, she dropped down into a slide, avoiding getting incinerated, but still feeling the heat of the flame, and singing some of the ends of her hair. As she got near, she did something unexpected. Siding the crossbow into its waist holster, she closed her hand as if she were holding a sword, and, sure enough, a shortsword of glowing purple light formed in it.

    Using the momentum of her movement, she made an overhead chop, followed by a quick thrust toward Ignes's chest

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