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Thread: RPApocalypse {M ~ IC} (H)

  1. #1
    Wobbles's Avatar
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    Default RPApocalypse {M ~ IC} (H)

    Rated Mature for violence, language, and jumpscares.

    OOC ~ Always Accepting

    Approximately 6:30 AM

    I shouldered my bow and gazed up at the early morning sky. Mist cloaked the forest in a grey blanket, and though it was cold and moist, I enjoyed it.

    Well, what little of it I could.

    Those - those things were still out there. They attacked us at random. Just last week one of our comrades had died. We'd buried him on the far side, hoping the Hyenas would stay clear of us. No such luck. I could hear them howling in the distance.

    I looked upwards again. One of their
    hovercrafts was up there somewhere, way up there, probably watching me right now. I shuddered at the thought. Alien stalkers. Not creepy at all.

    I turned and marched back down the slope from whence I came. All our advanced weaponry was the first target. They'd blown up the ships, planes, and even triggered some A-bombs. That wiped New York out for good.

    I sighed as the ground softly made its way past my feet. At least I wasn't all alone. That would have been terrifying. But as it was, I had some companions. Some were pretty good cooks, too.

    I paused for a moment. Something rustled in the undergrowth. Gods, don't let it be a Lizard. No way I could take one of those one by myself. But it was only a plump rabbit.

    Whoa. A plump rabbit? Dinner is served, folks.

    I carefully and quietly nocked an arrow to the string. The rabbit's ears twitched. A slow breath, and a loud twang later, my next meal lay bleeding out into the soil. I picked it up by the arrow and continued marching, a bounce now in my step.

    There was only one Hunter among us, and I was good with a bow, so occasionally I'd go out for a walk and come back with some meat. Surprisingly enough, both our Scavengers were guys. I'd given them a hard time about it when they were chosen - the men cook for the women now! But it was all in good fun.

    I crested a ridge and jogged down the opposite side, brushing away some overhanging branches and entering a small clearing. A few limp forms were splayed in various locations, and I grinned. The lazy bums. They hadn't even gotten up yet.

    With much banging and commotion as could be mustered, I made my way over to our makeshift kitchen. I hit a pot loudly with my arrow.

    "Oi!" I yelled. "I guess I get all the breakfast then?"

    Last edited by Wobbles; 10-15-2013 at 07:58 PM.

    Spoiler: Beware the bite. 

  2. #2
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    I awoke about as comfortably as I always did, which of course meant I felt like I'd been dead for about three years, and so I was slow to rouse completely, the chill in the air slowing my movements a tad and forcing me to hold the thin covers around myself to combat the bite of the cold against my skin.

    "What time do you call this?" I moan groggily, so groggily in fact that I transcended groggy itself. I checked my watch to answer my own question, and found that it was before noon. "What kind of savage wakes up in the am?"

    I looked over at Spidey, who still held the arrow and the pot threateningly, as if daring me to fall back to sleep. God, of all the times to not sleep through an alarm, I had to choose the time when the blanket was particularly comfortable. I stumbled to my feet, with such a lack of finess that it probably looked like I was falling in reverse.

    "Yep, I'm awake. For now at least"

    I stifled a yawn, and then another, then a third yawn tried to break my defences. The fourth declaration of tiredness won out, despite my brave resistance, and I was forced to wage the white flag of morning and surrender control of my body to the damned noise. I noticed the rather fat rabbit that Spidey had clearly salvaged from whatever unholy place where people woke up early.

    "I got this" I took the rabbit from her grasp and sat a ways away from the group to skin it, some people didn't appreciate the smell. "Ya know, we should really find some vegetables, or at least something painted green. An all meat diet won't do us much good, and they say eating nothing but rabbit will kill you outright"

    In a few swift motions I had de-limbed the rodent and peeled its fur and skin from the meat inside, finishing the process by twisting the head off like a screw top jar, I then used the small Swiss Army knife i carried to scoop out the offal from the pink carcass, thats when the smell came into play, luckily the hunting trips with my father and brother had prepared me for this, and the pungent odour did nothing to dissuade me.
    I dug a small hole and buried the skin and entrails, far away from the camp. The covering of dirt would hide the smell and prevent any hyenas or lizards from stumbling across it and, by extension, our camp. Come to think of it, I looked around swiftly, did you get wolves in these forests? My word, I knew nothing about America.
    Can I return it if it doesn’t fit?
    It always fits. Eventually

    Spoiler: The pretty colours hide my lack of personality 

  3. #3
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    I awoke suddenly at the loud banging and reflexively reached for my rifle, but it was only Spidey trying to get us up. I relaxed a bit and removed another rock out from under me.

    Yup, I'm definitely going to be sore today.

    I stretched a bit and rubbed my eyes, trying to clear away the remnants of sleep. My back ache per the usual, but that's what I get for sleeping on the ground all the time. Then again, we're all kind of forced to. I looked around at my fellow survivors and was once again baffled how this rag-tag group managed to get together. Everyone had come to California for one thing or another, but that was far in the past. Ever since those...well, Shadow Things came, we've barely survived.

    Those things are the reason we can't live in a house or anything. It's like they know exactly where everything is. If we went even close to what used to be civilization we'd be torn apart by Hyenas, Lizards, or who knows what. At least here we can hide ourselves and hope they don't find us. I looked around at everyone again, sighing internally.

    Everyone here is so did it come to this?

    Everyone was about the same age except me, being about 4-3 years older than everyone. I was a natural choice as a guardian. I knew how to handle weapons and was of course the eldest. It made me feel responsible for all of them. I could hardly keep a stone face when one of our group died last week. If I lost anyone else...

    I shrugged the thought off. Best not to think about that now. I instead turned happily and expectantly towards Crumpet who was preparing a rabbit Spidey had caught. Food is always a welcoming sight, so seeing it immediately brightened up my mood. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.
    Last edited by Oren; 10-15-2013 at 09:21 PM.

  4. #4
    That one Reaper Guy
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    Crouching low in the bushes, I watched as what I assumed was Spidey kill a rabbit. After a few minutes of waiting, I followed her footprints to a small campsite.
    "About fucking time..." I grumble before I speak up.
    "Um... Hi... I'm SoulReaper... And uh, are you guys by any chance Spider-Fan, Mane of Kurls and Crumpet Cannon?"
    He wasn't sure if it was them, but It was worth a shot. At the very least, they weren't and he'd be on his merry way. Or they could just kill him and take what he had on him.
    "I also have a car with some stuff in it, if that helps..."
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    I grinned. "Vegetables? In the morning? C'mon, don't be such a mother, Crumpie!" I laughed and made my way to the center of the clearing, starting up a small fire. The other scavenger, Craze, either wasn't up or was out. Probably the latter, but I was too lazy to look. I scratched my neck - it felt like there was someone watching me. I shrugged it off and smiled at Mane of Kurls, who had just woken up.

    Suddenly a voice rang out behind me. Instantly on the defensive, I drew my sword sheathed at my side without thinking and whirled.

    Oh. Bother. NOT something to kill.

    When he introduced himself as SoulReaper, my face lit up. "Heya! Another survivor! Yep, that's us. A few logs of people are still asleep, but yeah. I'm Spidey." I sheathed my sword and stuck my hand out in a jovial manner. It'd been a while before anyone else came.

    Spoiler: Beware the bite. 

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    I had stood to attention as soon as I had noticed the newcomer, my knife held cautiously yet firmly in preparation for having to defend myself, not that I could do much good with this thing in a fight, anyway.

    Once the newcomer introduced himself as SoulReaper, I let out a sigh of relief, calming my tensed muscles as much as possible. Not very much, it turned out.
    I nodded in greeting and went back to extricating the rabbit's meat from the bones, which I threw into a bush, thinking of no use for them at this time. I then deftly chopped up the flesh into bite sized chunks of moist meat, ready for a beautifully bland rabbit stew.

    Once this was done, I was left with a few handfuls of mortally challenged rabbit, which I deposited into a large stew pot and brought over to our little kitchen, utensils and cutlery ranged out across the relatively flat surface of a fallen tree trunk, from which I selected a separate metal container which held some clean water from a previous trip out into the surrounding forest. I poured most of the water into the stew pot along with the meat chunks and then set about adding a range of flavourings, namely some herbs I had found a few days earlier that had tasted alright, and didnt seem to be poisonous.

    The mixture was runny, with no real vegetables to thicken the broth or add any substance to it, regardless, I took it over to Spidey's newly lit cookfire and set it down carefully upon the bundle of flaming wood, hoping the uneven surface would not topple the pot at all.

    "It'll be more like rabbit soup than rabbit stew, but at least it's food. And it'll fill us up just fine"
    Can I return it if it doesn’t fit?
    It always fits. Eventually

    Spoiler: The pretty colours hide my lack of personality 

  7. #7
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    I jumped a little at hearing the sudden voice, but hearing actual english from somewhere other than those in the group helped me refrain from reacting with my rifle. I turned toward the voice as Spidey drew her sword and spun toward it as well.

    It was another survior. He introduced himself as SoulReaper. Spidey took to him instantly, sheathing her sword and extending her hand in greeting. I figured she could make all the introductions and I'd make sure nothing went awry.

    I used my rifle to pull myself to my feet. I grabbed my bladded tonfas and strapped them to my waist, watching as Spidey interacted with the newcomer. He seemed genuine, but in these conditions I decided to remain cautious toward him until he proved himself trust worthy. Sometimes you just never know.

  8. #8
    That one Reaper Guy
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    I was surprised by Spidey's sudden deadliness, but even more surprised by her sudden social attitude. She had a sword, and I had a pistol. Odds are, I would've won.
    I take her hand in mine, and after a quick shake, I turn to everyone else.
    "Hey guys..." I see the stew going on the fire, and immediately I begin to salivate.
    "I-uh... I have some canned stuff in my car if, if uh, you could use anything..." I say, my mind being clouded by thoughts of warm food.
    For the past three weeks I've been eating either nothing at all, or cold food. It would be nice to finally have something warm for a change, and if I could help it be better, then I'd jump at the chance.
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    After seeing the kid nearly start drooling from the rabbit that was cooking I couldn't help but smile. Eating canned food can keep you alive, but a hot meal goes a long way and it looked like he hadn't had anything hot or fresh for awhile. I stepped forward, hefted my rifle over my shoulder and extended a hand.

    "Good to see someone else has survived. Name's Mane of Kurls. Kurls with a "K" that is. You can call me Mane, or Kurls, or whatever else you happen to think of."

    I continued to smile as I spoke, honestly glad he was here. The canned food would definitely help us out, and if he was any good with the pistol he had then we'd be better defended from attacks.

    "If you want someone and I can follow you to get your cans and store them here and then we can have some hot soup. Sound good?"

  10. #10
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    I Drove the Bus from hell through the forest and saw a group of people ,Living people, and nearly put the bus in a tree, i stopped it and got out ,cussing under my breath, then said "Hello Party People, fun police, give me your fun" and giggled at my own joke
    Genocide run in progress

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