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Thread: A Ripple in the Drift (IC) [M]

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    Member Nitestrike776's Avatar
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    Sci Fi A Ripple in the Drift (IC) [M]

    Fourthday, 1st of Sarenith, 322 AG
    Early evening by Absalom Reckoning
    The Drift

    The vastness of The Drift expands seemingly endless. Countless ships traverse its depths, progressing from one part of space to another, just as they have for hundreds of years. Some fly between points relatively close in proximity, such as to the same or neighboring systems, while others travel between locations that are an unfathomable distance apart physically, though only days to weeks apart within the mysterious realm of The Drift.

    These ships include transports for cargo or travelers; military ships, both official and mercenary, on patrols or maneuvers; explorers heading to chart systems and worlds to expand understanding of the deep reaches of The Vast; and even roving pirate vessels, intent to gain something from any ship they happen across.

    While on occasion, various ships pass or interact, it is common for ships to take their entire journey through The Drift without crossing paths with any sort of ship, entity, or any of the numerous land-masses, planar bubbles, creatures, and other strange wonders that dwell within (or have been unwillingly drawn into) The Drift. Indeed many journeys through The Drift are practically mundane, apart from the nature of the transport itself. This has led the majority of folk to view such travels as standard-fare for the everyday.

    Some trips, however, inevitably end up becoming more interesting than others...
    Last edited by Nitestrike776; 06-19-2022 at 08:55 AM. Reason: Adjusted mistake in title

  2. #2
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    2 years earlier

    "mmmm" she groaned as she lifted her head from her desk in the cabin she shared with her younger sister, Zeana.
    Emriko looked around the cabin. It was a bit of a mess. She had started packing the night before, and then got distracted with some new ideas for a small project. There were still clothes and personal items strewn about, and some odds and ends she had gotten out for her new project.
    She looked at the time.

    11:50 AM PST

    She sat there looking at it fore a few second before remembering the transport left at 12.
    Her eyes widened as the realization hit her. She would be left behind.
    "Oooooooh, no!" She shouted, and rushed to get dressed and finish packing. Throwing whatever else she needed into her duffel, she burst out into the corridor and almost ran into Ceasha.

    "Hey, watch it!"

    She continued to pass others as she weaved her way through the massive ship that was the Constella. An old, repurposed carrier turned into a generational merchant ship. It was only one of a number of vessels in the Corisa Trade Fleet.

    "Hey, aren't you supposed to be on the transport?" Someone asked as she ran past.
    "On my way!" She shouted a response.

    She soon burst off the ship as people continued to load and unload cargo, company representatives and customs officials looking over merchandise, and pre-ordered shipments. Others were still haggling over goods not already purchased or spoken for in makeshift stalls.

    She ran across the landing platform, weaving her way around other ships and their crews and cargo in her mad dash to the shuttle taking passengers to the transport.
    She finally made it, stumbling up the ramp in a pant, her ears and tail drooping from the exertion of her flight.

    "Name?" Asked a man with a pad, standing at the top of the boarding ramp.
    "Emriko *pant* Corsia *pant*..." she said between gasps for air.
    "Hm. Another minute, and you'd have missed the transport." The man said, "Go and take your seat."

    She walked in and found an empty seat. Putting her duffel bag in the over head, she sat down next to several other odd characters. Soon, they would take off. and in another day or so, she would be at the academy...

    Firstday, 29th of Desnus, 322AG

    "Emriko Kiyata Corisa, due to lack of discipline, and disregard for safety, you are hereby expelled from the academy. You have 3 days to pack. please, say your farewells."

    On the 3rd day, Emriko Corisa was escorted off campus, and got onto a transport...

    Fourthday, 1st of Sarenith, 322 AG

    Emriko stepped onto the transport and took a deep breath. She was heading home.
    The academy was great... but short lived. Well, she at least learned a few things, and there was nothing keeping her from learning more.

    She followed one of the crew members to cabin she'd be sharing for the trip. It was about what she was used to, with about 4 beds and a table and chairs. Not much different from the dorms or her room back on the Constella.

    She dumped her duffel on the top bunk of the right side of the room, and decided to get more comfortable.
    Normally in a more human form, with her foxy ears and tail showing, she decided to strip down, and let out her fur.
    Her face now that of a fox, and her body covered in fur, she donned her jacket again, and left the cabin to explore the ship.
    They'd be taking off soon, and she wanted to see the effects from whatever window she could find.

    She wondered the ship, exploring, and finding the different areas like the mess and entertainment lounges. After a while, a voice came over the ship comms.

    "Attention passengers and crew. We will be taking off momentarily. Please find a secure seat until we've left the the planet's atmosphere." said the voice, supposedly the captain.

    So, Emriko made her way to the nearest window seat she could find and made sure she was secure, and watched as they entered orbit, and then broke away.
    The whole process took a good few minutes. But finally the voice came again, "You are now free to walk around the ship. Please, enjoy the trip."

    Once they were far enough from the planet, they jumped into the drift.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 07-01-2022 at 07:54 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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    Two Days Earlier

    A young woman looked upon her city with its bubbly, shimmery domes and beyond that the peach-colored clouds of Roselight to gaze ever so beautifully at Liavara. It was most gorgeous, even after eight years of seeing it every day; she loved it. The days were always pleasing, as were the nights. She couldn't fathom still being on Eox with her... so-called parents. They were imprisoned most likely - she couldn't imagine them getting away from the Stewards, not like that... she loured.

    "Today's a huge day, Zolena, what's with the frown?"

    The human individual, now known as Zolena, abruptly lost her train of thought to look at the vesk beside her who was speaking in Vesk; Jatar, her mentor and friend, was quite imposing to anyone who didn't know him, especially since he stood just a little over eight feet - bigger than most other vesk.

    Zolena never wanted to talk about her past on Eox so she shook her head, also speaking in Vesk, she responded with a smile, "Oh it's nothing, just lost in thought," she giggled.

    Jatar didn't give her a smile back, instead his expression shifted to concern, "It's okay to be afraid."

    She wasn't a fan of that word, "I'm not afraid!" Zolena snapped back without hesitation, glaring up at Jatar. The vesk stared back up at the sky as they sat together. He didn't say anything, and after a moment she looked away from him and apologized, "I didn't mean to snap at you, forgive me," Zolena sighed, "I just... was thinking about Eox again, with everything that happened."

    Jatar settled his gaze down on her, "Don't worry about it," he smiled and patted her on the back a little too hard. He knew almost everything, Zolena's adoptive parents had known Jatar long enough to trust him with her past details. She didn't like people knowing, it was simply an ugly past nobody needed to know except a select few: Jatar and her adoptive family. Not even her friend, Nirva, knew much about her former life. She was a barathus who taught her much about Liavara and its moons and Brethedan - not to mention the Dreamers.

    Zolena said after some pause, "but you're not wrong, I'm at least a little afraid."

    Jatar smirked, "like I said, it's okay. And I forgive you." He was such a humble and kind vesk, which was much different from a lot of his kind. However, he was still brutish and never showed conflicting or adverse emotions to just anyone. Eight long years they had known one another and they had confided in each other a great deal of things - him more than herself... but she trusted him nonetheless. And he trusted her.

    She smiled and hopped on her feet, stretching her back with her hand reaching towards the sky. Zolena knew it was time for her to leave - time to say goodbye to Jatar... some feelings were there, but he was fairly older than her and she knew those feelings were not returned to her. She hid her feelings well and dismissed them as nothing but a small crush. She had already said goodbye to her family; her older brother, of course, wasn't there to wish her well. He was a sensitive bastard and he always tried to hide it, but Zolena knew well. He would probably cry in front of her, most likely turning away and spouting nonsense about how he wasn't actually crying.

    Zolena suddenly said with her euphonious voice, "Well, I'm off," she turned to her friend, "can't miss that transport."

    Jatar stood up as well, as he towered over her he gestured for a hug which took her aback. He was never a hugger, ever. And he also knew she wasn't a hugger either. Zolena stood there awkwardly and with a huge step of bravery on both parts, they embraced... ever so awkwardly and it lasted a few seconds. Her heart almost skipped a beat when their embrace departed. There was an unbearable silence until Jatar spoke up, "Farewell, my friend. Until we meet again."

    "Farewell," Zolena smiled. She turned away and began running along the steel covered ground, not daring to look back at Jatar.

    Her running was clean and quick, swiftly moving past people and sprinting when she could. There were many who said hello to her and others who shifted their gaze away; eight years on Roselight and she still had her haters. She found it amusing more than anything else. Sure, she was a total mess when she first arrived and her brother liked to spread all sorts of gossip at the time but she was simply a child. He got his lecture though and eventually stopped gossiping about her. However, that didn't stop Zolena from making a ruckus - running away from home and getting into all sorts of trouble. The thing she never did was steal, even on Eox; she could never, in a million years, bring herself to steal. She mostly just got into fights with others her own age, sometimes with adults but that never got physical like it did on Eox. A myriad of individuals on the planet were evil enough to mess with a child, but even at her young age back then Zolena could outrun and outmaneuver almost anyone.

    She snapped herself from her reverie as she could see the transport station was just up ahead, Zolena had finally arrived after only ten minutes of running. She was wearing her every day clothing with her industrial backpack of necessities and her diasporan rifle slung across her shoulder.

    Present Day

    Zolena laid back in her bed. It was a free day for her as she spent many hours working as a medical assistant. The person supervising her, who happened to be on Absalom Station which was also Zolena's main destination, really didn't hold anything back. Her adoptive parents helped her get the job in the first place - not that she knew nothing about medicine as she did earn her right to be working such a field after a few years of learning medicine. She picked up on the field quickly thanks to her adoptive father who knew a great deal, as did her adoptive mother.

    Zolena enjoyed the private bunk that she was granted; she didn't like to share spaces especially when it was with total strangers. She let out an exasperated sigh, staring at nothing in particular. She figured she could move around the ship, doing more investigating of what kind of individuals were on board and the vast amount of things she could be taught.

    And so she did, she wondered around and took notes of anything out of the ordinary for her. Knowledge was important and so she sought after it, even if she was afraid...
    Last edited by ElizabethStark; 06-29-2022 at 03:07 PM.

    "Thank you, Master."
    "You're welcome, My Padawan."

  4. #4
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    Konienko Orbital Human Habitat - Docking Level
    Fireday, 15th of Kuthona, 317 AG - Late night

    The little old woman turned, looking over the rim of her glasses as Irene opens the maintenance corridor hatch and carefully closed it behind her, an industrial backpack on her shoulders.

    "There was no problems getting away?" Baba huffs, her hoarse voice with its thick Westcrown accent, leaning on her cane as the young woman approaches.
    "They were still celebrating the Yule Feast," Irene smiles, handing her the access card she had in her hand. "I told them I had a headache. Mother will sleep in tomorrow, she may not notice I'm gone until Sunday when the servants come back. I had no problem getting into the maintenance shafts with this."
    "Good, good," Baba fidgets. "This is a big step, to walk way like this little one. Are you sure you want to go?"

    "More than anything, Baba," Irene says earnestly. "We're so bored on the executive level! All my friends do is drink, get in trouble or prep for the next party or the next prank! I have to get away, I don't intend to be useless."
    "I had to ask," the old crone says, producing a satchel from underneath her brightly colored shawl.

    "You are now Iris Jones. This holds your new identity card, phone, ticket for your flight, and a credstick. It should be enough for your first year in college, living in the dorms."
    "Is there something else in here?" Irene frowns, the bag being heavier than she expected.
    "Yule cookies, some lumpia, and two squeeze bulbs," Baba shrugs. "You should have more than just the clothes on your back and these few things on your trip."

    "Thank you," Irene gushed, hugging the old crone. She stiffened in surprise, then relaxes, taking the young woman's hug.
    "The lounge is past that door on the right," Baba points. "You should check in, your flight leaves just before midnight."

    "Thank you," Irene said, stepping back and bowing, then heads to the door and her new life, beyond.

    The old crone sighs, rubbing her eyes.

    "Getting emotional on me, Baba?" Milka asked, stepping out of the shadows.
    "Trying to get these contacts out, they irritate my eyes," Baba straightens as the tiny plastic lens slid onto her finger. The hologenerator flickers off, revealing a more youthful figure wearing a second skin under the shawl and a utility belt. She fumbled with her free hand to get the lens case out.

    "Why do you wear those things?" Morozoko Bakhvalova's major domo asked, shuddering slightly as she pulls out the other lens and slip it into the case.
    "People expect Baba to be old, so I have to look the part, but I can move freely about the station like this without anyone being the wiser. And nobody checks for contact lenses," she sighs, nodding towards the door. "So, are you really going to let her go?"

    "We've made all the arrangements," Milka nods. "Her mother will get regular reports on her progress and she gets her freedom. Besides, if we did not, she might find another way that we didn't cover."
    "And my payment?"
    "Already delivered to your sons."

    Present Day

    A red-flagged request appeared on Iris' maintenance board - steward reporting a passenger threw up after transition. Whee. In moments, a pair of maintenance bots were detailed to the passenger's cabin to clean up the mess and sanitize the carpet.

    "Iris!" yelped her boss, catching herself on a grab bar. "Do you have to lug that pack everywhere? Why not stow it in your locker?"
    "The room I have to share with five others?" Iris smirked, shaking her head. "My locker has my line uniform and a few minor things."
    "But it's got a lock, right?"
    "A cheap one. I"ll just stick to bring my pack with me."
    "Well, tuck it in some place where I won't trip over it, okay?"
    "Yes Ma-am!"
    "And cut out that Ma-am crap, you're making me feel old."

    Iris smirks, but focuses her attention on the next ticket to come in.
    Last edited by Enigma; 06-25-2022 at 01:01 AM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Qidel, Aerie of the Sun
    Seconday, 30th of Desnus, 322 AG

    Qerrik kneeled alone in the darkness. A thin band of pure light like the corona of a black hole wrapped all the way around his head at his temples. His silver eyes reflected dim, fiery orange. His wings were folded tightly to his back, not a feather out of place. A woman’s voice came from the darkness, cold and clear and imposing.

    “Do you understand what is required of you?”

    “Yes, Lady Cheerriti.”

    “Do you understand what it will mean for our House?”

    “Yes, Lady Cheerriti.”

    “Do you understand the consequences of failure?”

    “Yes, Lady Cheerriti.”

    “Good. Then rise, noble son of our great House. You will be the key to our survival in the coming darkness. Your success is our success, you failure is our failure. Do not fail.”

    As she finished speaking, the room itself shifted. Qerrik’s thoughts were drowned out amidst the sounds of grinding rock. Blinding light pierced the darkness and Qerrik’s pupils reflexively contracted. What began as a sliver became a crack, became a doorway, became a wall. A blast of heat immediately filled the room, and Qerrik slid his helmet over his head. A mask fitted over his mouth and nose to supply him with cool air and the recycled moisture his body gave up. From inside the amber-tinted visor, Qerrik could make out the baked desert landscape that was Fullbright.

    He strode forward. Stretching out his wings, he crouched down, gripping the edge with his fingers and talons. The hot desert wing ruffled his primaries. There was a strong headwind today. A storm from Darkside had billowed over the Ring of Nations into Fullbright before dissipating. The remaining currents would make his trip easier. Taking a deep breath, he flung himself into open space.

    He plummeted. Folding his wings tightly to his sides, he careened toward the boiling white sand at the base of the Aerie of the Sun. Slowly, his wings extended. His tail angled left, and he caught the air current. He rocketed up and around the entirety of Qidel, lifted by the winds that hit the base of the spire and turned up. Now amongst the clouds, he sidled over into a Darkside-bound jetstream and breathed a sigh of relief. This current would get him to the Ring of Nations by breakfast tomorrow.

    Thirday, 31st of Desnus, 322 AG

    Qerrik touched down in a public park. After so long in the air, the cool solidity of earth was a welcome feeling. The grass tickled his talons, and he wobbled only a little bit as he made his way to the nearest fast food place. He ordered a couple breakfast sandwiches, and paused only briefly to breathe and ponder the morality of eating cooked eggs. He decided he was too hungry to care in that moment.

    Finishing his meal, he carefully threw his wrappers away and began walking toward the transport ship that would take him to Absalom Station. His wings twinged from the journey, and he was in no rush. He enjoyed the naturally cool breeze and the smell of growing things. Qidel was dreadfully lacking in those departments, unless you count cave drafts and poisonous lichen.

    When he reached the ship, it was nearing 11 o’clock. The ship, a massive white transport liner, was named The Halcyon Comet, and could fit 3,000 passengers. He had booked a suite aboard nearly two months ago, and was itching to get aboard.

    Finally, he was allowed entrance, and made his way to his room. A large, nest-like bed dominated one wall, while the other was taken up entirely by an entertainment system. Dropping his bag on the floor, Qerrik doffed his armor where he stood and fell into bed. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow.
    Last edited by Yggdrasil_Hugger; 06-26-2022 at 07:28 AM.
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    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Megamark found an agency that saw promise in the abilities he showed, including acrobatics he had worked on since very young, soon after that crash of the tour ship. They took him in to train him for colonizing some distant world with few if any inhabitants, which could have materials to exploit. He learned there, and during this he fell away from a cult he had been involved with, turning soon to more sensible faith that was established in Absalom. Soon there was opportunity for Megamark to be sent on a quest he was trained for.

    Megamark Mowgli said his goodbyes to Regdonic the android who had adopted him and mentored him, with Regdonic giving him his blessings. Megamark soon afterward entered the ship about to launch through the Drift as one of ten other individuals, male and female, and most of those also mantype humans, while there was one android among those individuals, while the ship was bound toward a distant group of wild worlds on the outer edge of the galaxy along one arm of the spiral, those worlds hardly inhabited, where there could eventually be colonies formed. There were mappers, speculators, geologists, and others there among the group.

    They were all seated and secured, and the ship launched off quickly without incident. Megamark watched through a window, waiting for the sign of their entering the Drift.

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    On board the Halcyon Comet transport liner, The Drift, Present Day

    The hum of the ship in operation is now a pleasant background sensation to those aboard, with the ship having been under way for the better part of two days. While artificial lighting systems work to aid the circadian rhythms of passengers and crew alike on the vessel, inevitably, keeping a normal cycle of activity on a ship so distant from any star or moon is not so simply accomplished. Even at this ‘nighttime’ hour, activity is present around the Comet.

    Though its intended use is transport, the ship itself seems a step more toward a cruise liner with its comfortable accommodations, plethora of entertainment options in-room, extensive offerings of private rooms of varying sizes for customers able to afford a range of levels of accommodations, large spacious common areas for varying uses, and dining halls that look more like restaurants to suit differing tastes. While basic bunks and pods are available, many are not in use as most of the passengers are made up of the rich or affluent. From business people with a higher range of travel budget, to celebrities, and even some nobility from scattered worlds.

    The crew is also always teeming about the ship, though that’s more out of necessity than choice. All areas from entertainment to engineering work in four six-hour shifts, allowing for time for rest and even recreation as even the crew are able to enjoy some of the offerings of the ship, though many choose to keep to themselves in their own dwelling sections with private crew cantinas and shared bunk-rooms of varying sizes.


    Halcyon Comet Engineering Station 17G

    The screen of Iris’ maintenance board brightens from its dimmed state as a new ticket comes in. A quick scan of its contents shows that the issue is located in one of the common areas set up with tables and chairs as an observing room with viewing portals into the space surrounding the ship. One of the holo-tables is not displaying properly, and the localized helpdesk was not able to get it working, indicating either a serious issue, or a serious amount of ineptitude on whomever was on-shift. Either way, it has been passed up the chain to Iris.


    Halcyon Comet, Suite 233

    After sleeping through most of the first day after the long flight to the Ring of Nations, and much of the second day of Drift travel. Qerrik awakens to the chime of the room service wall unit, announcing the arrival of his evening meal in the delivery tube. Above the small panel that allows access the delivery system’s contents, a small, gently illuminated screen displays the arrival time of the meal in large black numbers 8:30pm, on the calm blue backlighting.

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    The display dinged just as she was taking a swig of coffee. Iris eyed the maintenance board sourly, then slid the cup back into its holder.

    "A steward is reporting a glitch in one of the holo-tables, and it looks like they tried to fix it themselves," she sighed, reading over the ticket. "I've got to visit in person to run diagnostics."

    "Have fun," one of the techs muttered, leaning in towards their screen.
    "Don't let the boss catch you playing your game," she whispered, slipping on her backpack.
    "She's never down here this early." Still, his hand hovered over what had to be a programmed kill switch.

    "Back as soon as I can," Iris grinned, heading out, cramming her hat down on her unruly copper hair.

    The elevator door slid open with a brassier ding, and she stepped out into passenger country. She tugged on the brim of her hat, nudging it down slightly, hoping to avoid attention. She'd checked the manifest, of course, but none of the families were listed there.

    She could hear her heart thumping as a pair of wealthy passengers turned a corner, but they barely glanced at her as they walked by, giggling between themselves. Once they were out of earshot, she sighed in relief and hurried on her way to one of the portside observation lounges.

    The table was easy to spot, someone had put an "Out of Service" standee on it - and the maintenance panel was ajar.

    "Ahhh, please tell me they didn't poke around inside," Iris grumbled, slipping off her pack and kneeling beside the table so she could peer inside, hoping to spot anything out of alignment - which might happen if someone touched one of the holo elements, which ran hot while in use.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Aboard the Deimos transport ship, The Drift, Present Day

    The Deimos plods along steadily through The Drift. A transport ship through and through, she bears cargo as well as travelers from all walks of life. Most of the ship houses the various shared cabins the passengers use of assorted sizes and groupings. Most are the standard 4-person variety, with a small table in the middle and a lavatory to share, and 4 separate bunks with safe-storage lockers built in for personal items. The lower budget options of more confined sleep pods are also prevalent near the cargo holds that transport different types of goods for businesses at either end of the journey, or belonging to some of the passengers themselves.

    The crew have much the same accommodations as those in the multi-bunk cabins, though many are lucky enough to have their cabins not fully occupied. They maintain the ship’s systems, as well as the limited services like food and medical assistance provided, though with fewer common areas to tend than might be found on some pricier alternative transport vessels. Indeed, the Deimos is, for the most part, a no-frills affair. She’s made for fast and efficient transport, and the economic design and services available reflect that. Even the lighter amount of crew currently assigned to the vessel are able to easily keep up with the demands of the ship, with rotating 8-hour work shifts, which allows for each group to have an 8-hour block meant for self-care and rest, and one for free time and leisure.


    Deimos Crew Cabin 12, bunk F
    Zolena’s single occupied bunk in the space made for at least 5 additional crew makes the unused area seem a vast emptiness (especially considering the unused bunks are slid neatly into the wall as they are not in use). The light is dimmed in the deepening evening, though the rooms lights are controlled only from the panel instead of some ship-wide timed system. From beyond the cabin door, the chatter of the rather friendly crew bantering (as those who have worked for a length of time in close proximity do) is clearly audible. While newer to the ship based out of Absalom station, Zolena is at least familiar with the ebb and flow of the crew’s patterns and behaviors, though being in a room on her own, there is still a note of separation in her presence aboard the vessel.


    Deimos, common areas

    After witnessing the shift from normal space to The Drift, Emriko is able to complete the exploratory wandering throughout the areas of the ship she is authorized to occupy. While few in number, the common areas are well equipped to entertain most passengers for even lengthier trips. The small viewing areas with different popular programs on display where users can tune their comm units to receive the audio from the particular show they wish to view offers a nice variety with a consciousness of space in mind. The exercise and recreational areas provide the spaces to have fun or at least stay active during the journeys that passengers might otherwise use as an excuse to stay dormant. There is even a small but well-kept arcade-style area with a variety of titles that both children and adults could enjoy the use of (quite surprising for a vessel this small). Most of the rest of the ship is made up of essential facilities, crew quarters, and other maintenance corridors and various rooms to house systems Emriko would be familiar enough with given her time spent on the Constella, along with the cargo holds held by most ships.
    Last edited by Nitestrike776; 06-30-2022 at 06:36 AM. Reason: typos

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    Aboard the Argo exploratory vessel, The Drift, Present Day

    The Argo steadily makes its way through the Drift. It is bound for a small system in Near Space, which contains a few hospitable planets that were the focus of a survey mission put forth by the Avrian Group, an agency specializing in contracting for larger entities in matters of research for potential colonization efforts. The light crew of the Argo was hired to transport the small group of agency employees to this preliminary examination of the planets in this system, and then back after the planned few weeks. This had the additional purpose of testing some of their newer hires to see how they fare in the field doing what is generally standard work for Avrian Group.

    The ship is small but serviceable. One of the bays was filled with inset rest pods for the passengers, small enough to fit all of them on a single wall, but large enough for them to each sit or lay comfortably in, and could even double as escape pods during emergency situations. The opposite wall held shared washrooms for use of the passengers. Each pod contains small built-in storage compartments for personal items. The crew had a single bunk room they shared near the flight cabin, standard for this sort of craft. Other than the cargo hold, which was filled with the supplies for the journey and work ahead, the only other area on the ship was the small mess hall with tables enough for the crew and passengers to all sit and eat comfortably. Many also occupied this area during the flight, as it was seen as preferable by most to sitting alone in their pods for the entirety of the trip


    The Argo, Passenger Bay, Passenger pod 16

    Megamark’s dimly lit pod sits far enough off of the floor to allow easy entrance and exit, unlike those requiring the use of the rungs affixed to the wall between each column of pods. A small simplistic display shows the current time and date. In the passenger bay it is quiet, as those present are resting in their own pods, and the rest are likely in the mess hall, playing various games and swapping stories with other expedition members and off-duty crew, or reviewing materials and preparing for the assigned work.

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