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Thread: [M] Agents: I want to protect (Supernatural edition)

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    Default [M] Agents: I want to protect (Supernatural edition)

    [M] Agents: I want to protect (Supernatural edition)

    Rated M for violence and may contain naughty grownup thoughts and adult language, drinks, and drugs.


    Once upon a time…

    There is a legend, well, more of a true story actually, that the world was calm, everything was in balance between supernaturals and the humans, and everything was perfect. And so it remained until someone got greedy. All chaos started when the humans or the supernaturals wanted power. Depending on who you ask, you might hear the story told one way or the other. Either way it goes, the world had been upset by the power hungry. It didn’t matter who you were or what species you were, the only thing that mattered was power. Great power to rule everything, to control what was in balance and harmony. The power to control who had a great life and who suffered, the power to take over powerful governments and make them your own. The power to rule the world and maybe even others.

    The legend part of this isn’t so much focused on the power hungry trying to take over the world, or how the supernaturals are hidden among the humans, but about a piece of information. The information that can make everything the power hungry want come true. It was never written down, because the people knew that if it was it was sure to fall into the wrong hands at some point. Yet they could not bear to destroy it. But how could they keep this information alive? The legend goes that the original piece of this information was found deep underground somewhere, hidden among the dirt, written in a language that wasn’t even a language. That piece of stone on which the legend is written says that the information will never be found again. No one will be able to find it again. The legend says that anyone who tried to find it failed, and it was lost forever. That was the end of the legend.

    But then one must ask why people would actually tell this legend if this material was forever gone. The truth is, it isn’t. The information to access this power still exists. The secrets have been passed on in secrecy among one organization, one that would always remain pure, one that has been passing on the information for centuries among certain people. Only certain people know about this passing of information. But no one really knows what it is. Except the one who feeds this information. The one who feeds this information does it in such a way, so that the people who receive the information don’t even know that they have received the information.

    The information is precious and no one knows quite what the effect of this information would have if it were put together and written down. The legend is currently treated as a story made up to fascinate people, but in the minds of others, who really believe that the information exists, but they have no idea of where it is being stored or how it is being stored. But they will stop at nothing to get their hands on it and spend all their time trying to get it, so that they may have the knowledge to have the power it gives.

    The supernaturals have also created their own legends. To the humans, they are just legends, stories made up to scare people or to entertain people, or even to explain bizarre and unexplained happenings. But they exist alright and are no legend. To the supernaturals, the upset of balance was caused but humanity’s greed and humanity has gotten the better part. Therefore, they have resorted hiding among the humans, who haven’t a clue they even exist. The supernaturals do, on the other hand, know about the legend and know the information contained in it is true and wonder and seek it not knowing where to find it. However, they continue looking and creating mysterious happenings among the humans, all for the purpose of trying to find it. The only clue about this legend they have is that it contains the secret to power and that the humans have it. But they have no clue who and where the information is.


    The agency goes a long long long way back. No one knows who the founder is. But the head of the agency is always burdened with the task of the special knowledge of seeking out supernaturals. It is included in the oath they take and is part of the agency’s standards. Why this is, no one really knows. But they do it anyways. They know what they must pass on, but they know not what they pass on. The content is in riddles and the legend lives on through that. They feed special agents this information. Time goes on and the information is passed down. Time and time again the heads of the AGENTS agency just keeps feeding the information with out even realizing it for what it is… until recently.

    Blake Knight, a man almost ready to undertake the oath to become the new AGENTS head agent, always studied a lot about the things he learned. His brother, always trying to follow his footsteps, sometimes got in the way but Blake never really minded the company of his little brother Tezuka. Sometimes studying became lonely, but nothing was ever a bore when Tezuka was around. And Tezuka helped him uncover the greatest secret of all. The night that everything became clear to him was because Tezuka was also one of the information holders. He and Blake were both fed parts of the information that was in the legend.

    The night before the “Great Disaster,” Blake was excitedly flipping through books with his brother Tezuka right at his side. Like most little siblings, Tezuka always wanted to know something new, something interesting, something never heard before. So Blake told him something odd he remembered his dad telling him when no one else was around. He started reciting this information, and oddly enough when he was done, Tezuka said something that their dad had told him when no one was around. Blake was quiet for a moment after Tezuka had said a piece he remembered. It hit Blake and Tezuka like a brick in the head, the two so very different pieces fit together. Then they spent the rest of the night realizing and finding out that the information they had been fed was the one from the legend and that it existed in their minds and they were going to pass it down together.

    As dawn hit, so did the start of the “Great Disaster,” that’s the new dawn that Tezuka hates the most. That dawn was the start of a new, horrible day. The day his parents died, the day everything was put on his shoulders including the agency, the day his only brother, Blake, died, the day he had to take care of his parent’s friend’s daughter, a girl he didn’t even really know. But worst of all the first memories of her was bad. The “Great Disaster” blew up part of the agency, and killed a whole bunch of higher ups, but the information wasn’t lost. It died with everyone who died, but they had all already passed it on to various individuals. And Tezuka and Blake had figured out their share.

    The worst part about becoming head wasn’t so much the passing on of information, it was more of the paperwork, and taking care of his parent’s friend’s daughter. She was the problem. This short tempered girl that his brother cared so much about, the girl who came around every so often for his brother to baby sit, indeed, she was quite annoying. But, although he didn’t like her, Blake had, and when she was around, it was like he was invisible to him. Tezuka eventually got over the attention stealer, but never took a liking to her short temper. However, they eventually got along, and he tried to see what his brother did, and he eventually did, so he started keeping secrets from her to keep her safer to make sure his brother’s friend was safe. And because of that, they were distant.

    But enough about that, Tezuka, the current head, is very good at paper work. This makes his job a lot easier, considering he can practically do it in his sleep. The only thing he really has to think about is the supernaturals. He has to keep tabs on them, and since going out and doing it himself could end up badly, he has to inform his fellow agents, the ones he trusts and knows are capable. The more you know, the more likely you are to encounter the supernaturals when you get out of the agency for a brisk walk, or for some fresh air on the roof, because he knows, the supernaturals are everywhere. And they most likely work for the one thing that’s trying to destroy everything to get power and will stop at nothing to get it. This bad agency that’s been trying to steal the information that has been so sneakily passed down, and get to the thing that supposedly gives ultimate power, something that may not even work anymore. But none the less, the information must stay safe from the PRODIGIES. The Profound Reckless Ominous Disaster Igniting Guys In Excellence Society, the guys who like to hire these evil supernaturals who of course want to find the power that is in the legend. Yet ironically their leader is a human.


    The old leader, Midenori Kosaki, who was a supernatural, suddenly disappeared. But how could someone who was so mysterious, with some amazing abilities great for creating chaos and destruction and interrogation and everything great for the agenty type of work just disappear without a trace, unless he was never alive. A ghost perhaps, but that didn’t really matter because the agency soon had a new head: the equally capable (yet definitely human) Keith Lenard. He really really really likes supernaturals and in this way seems to have taken after the old leader the ghost of Midenori. But what really happened to the ghost?

    Midenori, an above average ghost, was the head of the PRODIGIES and couldn’t have just disappeared. He still lurks the PRODIGIES and advises his adopted son Robert Wong aka Keith Lenard. That is how it went in the PRODIGIES agency.

    There is one thing about the legend most never suspect, and only a few have seen this side of the legend: that the information contained is true and actually exists. The PRODIGIES have been trying to figure out this legend and make sense of the story they so fondly have passed on. Though their version is a little bit different, and is closer to the actual story of what really happened. They are only missing one thing. The information the AGENTS have. They themselves have no clue as to what this information is, but they know they want it. They feel they MUST have this information and they will stop at nothing to get it. They don’t know specifically who knows it, but they do know that if they just keep kidnapping and interrogating and destroying it will all be worth it in the end, because they will never give up until they get that information.

    The “Great Disaster,” was operated by Agent K( Keith Lenard) under the supervision, skill and intellect as the previous head, Midenori. Together with the help and power of other supernaturals they were able to make the AGENTS suffer a great amount of their best agents and killed the higherups. This is known as the “Great Disaster” for the PRODIGIES because it was such a success it created such a disaster for the AGENTS. However, the AGENTS seemed to have gotten a little stronger since this event, and the PRODIGIES had no explanation to this and therefore ignored the AGENTS small little victory of recovery and continue to plan evil.

    The only thing that now stands in the way is the AGENTS. The AGENTS seemed to know everything. They had the information, THEY kept tabs on a lot of the supernaturals in the forest next door. THEY had stuff the PRODIGIES didn’t even know about, but the one thing they didn’t have much of was the SUPERNATURALS. Yes, that was the strength of the PRODIGIES: the powers of the supernaturals. Something that only they had a lot of. In fact, they encouraged the way the supernaturals acted. They ecruited them, supported them and they accepted the supernaturals as themselves. It turns out the supernaturals are quite good at the agenty field and make quite efficient agents.

    Together, they believed they could get the information and have the power for themselves it seems. And the PRODIGIES and the supernaturals together can be quite efficient. Especially since they are both after one thing, Power, because THEY are the power hungry.
    Last edited by Agent Rina; 03-13-2014 at 10:23 PM.

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    At the AGENTS HQ….

    It was another calm and quiet day in the office. That is, it was calm and quiet until the door in his office was rudely opened by a slightly pissed off Agent X7. Her day had not been so good, and now his day was going to be pretty bad until she left his office. He still couldn’t quite see what Blake saw in her. She was annoying when she wasn’t mad, and even more annoying when she was. He sighed as she entered and waited for her to rant about something she wanted him to tell her.

    She walked up to the desk and began her rant. “ Tezuka, I can’t believe you! You absolutely had to take it all for yourself, didn’t you? And why the heck was that jerk in the cafeteria at the same time I was! I mean he totally pissed me off and now you do to! Tell me where it is!”

    He sighed as she kept talking and thought this is what it’s all about? Ice cream? Gosh her sweet tooth is getting bigger every day. It must be because Blake kept giving you some when ever you were mad.

    “Sorell,” he said, “calm down.” That immediately shut her up, so he continued on, “ I know that you know that there will be a new mission, and no, you are not going to be assigned on it. Unless it involves you, which in that case, then you’ll know about it, and maybe I’ll brief you in, but until then, no, you’re not going on it. Also I’m sorry I estimated the wrong amount of ice cream and I’m sure they’ll have more tomorrow. So I am forcing you to go on a mini vacation so that this new mission does not involve you. Go out into the city and have some fun. But like always, YOU MUST BE BACK BEFORE NIGHT FALL!”

    Her mad expression still didn’t change, in fact, she looked kind of disappointed.
    “Why do you always keep me off of missions! You never let me do anything! I’m practically 20 and you still keep me off missions! What is your problem! And the curfew? I don’t need one! I can take care of myself!”

    She was about to go on when Tezuka pulled out an ice cream cone out of no where, just like Blake used to do. No matter how disgusted her expression was, he knew she would take it no matter how mad she was.

    “You want it? Then be back before night fall.” Tezuka replied holding it out to her. Her expression didn’t change, she snagged it and left the room. She would be back before nightfall. Tezuka sighed spoke out over the intercom, “ ATTENTION ALL AGENTS EXCEPT AGENT X7, YOU HAVE A MISSION, THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO DO IS TO GO OUT, AND DO YOUR OWN EXPLORING AND INVESTIGATING TODAY, JUST MAKE SURE YOU DON’T GET CAUGHT. GOOD LUCK.” And with that, he clicked the intercom button off and continued his paper work.

    Meanwhile at the PRODIGIES HQ….. Keith walked through the quiet halls of the secret passage to a room where most people just didn’t go. He could hear his own hallow footsteps echo through the hallways. He opened the door to the room. In there was none other than Alex Henderson, or rather Sean, Sean Davis, who had teleported himself there and probably ran out of teleportation for the rest of the day and got stuck there. Unusually enough, his wings were out. He was staring at the dot in the middle of the floor and even though he had defiantly heard Keith walk in he didn’t look up.

    “ Sean…. Is there anyone else in here?” Keith asked.

    Sean just shrugged, kept silent, and kept looking at the dot

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    Several rapid shots were fired, and a smile of satisfaction appeared on Amber's face. She chuckled, and lowered her pistol to see a perfect cluster of shots in the paper target across the room. She holstered her handgun, and put a hand on her hip. "All in a day's work." She smiled to herself, and glanced behind her at the pile of targets she had already ripped through. I suppose I should stop using up all the ammunition... She thought to herself. The stuff was expensive after all. The room she was in was dark, with black walls all around. These walls would catch all the bullets, and later today someone would come to collect them so the lead could be melted down and reused.

    She took her ear and eye protection off, and put it away, as well as took down the newly deceased target. She ran a hand through her short blonde hair, and trotted up a set of stairs, out of the practice range. Amber reached the top, and smiled to herself. The Agency was so big... People rushing to and fro. It was her home, and she belonged there. The agent straightened out her shirt, wondering how to pass the time before she was needed. Normally she'd just practice and practice and practice more, but she had been doing that for the past hour. Her hands would get sore if she continued on like this.

    Suddenly there was a call over the intercom.


    Agent AK grinned, and took off, her feet carrying her to her room. There, she dressed for her undercover exploration. Oh how she loved dressing up. Previously, she'd been wearing a mossy green shirt and baggy cargo pants. Now, she let her hair down and put some tights on. Over top, a lovely, very flattering white dress. To top it off, a pair of black heels and a purse with everything she could need in it. She then set out to hiding weapons all over her body. About six tiny knives, a gun in her purse and a smaller backup tucked in a holster hidden at her thigh, concealed by her dress. In her purse she stashed a long, ebony wig and bright red lipstick. Her dress could turn inside out, and would be crimson. This way, she could jump into a bathroom and come out as a different person. A couple of smoke bombs never hurt anyone, she she took a few as well.

    She walked out, ready for a night on the town. "All that's left is to find my girlfriends and make it a real party." She murmured to herself, wondering where to find the other female agents.


    In a small bedroom in the PRODIGIES agency, a seventeen year old curl laid curled up on the bed. She starred blankly, waiting... waiting for anything. Her mind was filled with anger, sadness, and bitter thoughts of revenge. She was seething with hatred and pain. Just waiting for someone to point her in the right direction so she could unleash her fury.
    Spoiler: Clicky clicky -------> 

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    The world has changed, hell the old country, had even changed, she had been back to see the changes, the adaption, time changed everything, the old religions had fallen like dominos leaving no clear remnants in the end. What was there was Christianity, the future, the past, the present. Here in America time never stopped, the past could exist with the present and really was she surprised? It had been fortitous that she had been discovered after a rather effiecient clean up of her latest victim, they had promised something new, something unique. A chance to be more than serial killer, to give a purpose, it all sounded utter bullshit, but well money could persuade this Irish lass, now she had no doubt, they were more interested in her origins, than her skills, she knew the game. Although in the end, her appearance was deceptive enough apart from red pupils bleeding out ichor and her pale youthful face, with long black hair, she appeared like a goth, but when you saw her smile, you best hope you were far away, because in truth she was lethal, dangerous even. Then again most never saw her true face, they heard the forewarning, the ever cruel siren swan song, as the fat lady sang, and the show stopper began, old myths die hard, old legends are never forgotten, Renny Higgins was Irish Banshee as old as the ruins around the Island. Her cruel conniving scream terrifying the supersitious, Batman had nothing on her, she was fear incarnate, on her emerald green motorcycle, the revving and purr the song and serenade to your funeral, the endless yell suggesting the end. Once marked, once known, what killed people was the paranoia and phobias of the myths, she simply complete the tale, and let people realize, the old gods, the old guard of creatures, existed to this day.

    Parking her motorcycle out a rather nondescript pub, she entered with a swagger her reaper gaze piercing the souls, with great ease. Their were many, who could die today, but she had a job, a simple one at that, teach the bar owner a lesson.

    Heading straight towards him, she smirked at him and stared coldly, "De PRODIGY allerge bein' fucked wi', enjoy yisser everlastin' sleep an' let yisser body be a message." within a flash her shotgun was out, and she levelled the barrel, firing uncaring, turning back to stab some prick who decided to get funny.

    With a gutteral shriek, she removed the knife, cleaning the blade careful, before turning to others, "Dis is waaat 'appened wi' people who git any ideas aboyt feckin wi' us. jist be glad yer live ter clap dis, an' tell everyone, de PRODIGY 'ill feck up any cunts. scon are Renny 'iggins an' yer are alive, be grateful an' leave, tell everyone, de cops, de C.I.Fucking.A an' F.-FuckingB.I."

    The denizens appeared unsure, before departing the bar immediately, the chorus of police cars sounding nearby, as the cops finally arrived an impossible scream would echo through the street, shattering nearby souls, and causing fear, but the source would vanish as a loud revving was heard in return.

    The Irish Banshee -- the Silent Scream had struck again.

    (Traslation of Renny:

    The don't like being fucked with, enjoy your everlasting sleep and let your body be a message.

    This is what happened with people who get any ideas about fucking with us. Just be glad you live to see this, and tell everyone, The PRODIGY will fuck up any cunts. I am Renny Higgins and you are alive, be grateful and leave, tell everyone, the police, the CIFuckingA and F-FuckingBI.")
    Last edited by Rulke; 07-30-2013 at 10:01 PM.

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    “ Ug! Why can’t he just let me in on the mission! Seriously!” Rina Tamahoshi mumbled to herself. She tried to think of just one good reason why Tezuka had purposely kicked her off of this mission and got all touchy about being back before dark. That part didn’t make any sense at all. She tried to think of a logical explanation, but none came to mind, none, absolutely none. She walked over to a tall office building and went up to the roof, where it was quiet. The wind was nice, the quietness was nice, and the weather was perfect. It wasn’t night yet, so she had a whole day on the rooftop to herself. She wasn’t mad now because the thought of keeping to herself was a good one, and she was too busy trying to think of a way to get in on the mission. She lay down on the roof and stared up at the clear blue sky, with a half smile on her face.

    Keith smiled at Sean. Then, Keith spoke,
    “ the door’s over there, and also, I have a mission for you and some others. I found out that some AGENTS agents are going to be doing a little investigating, I’d like you and some others to find these agents, kidnap them, and bring them back here for interrogation. So I’m going to go talk to the other guys, and as for that dot on the floor, I know it’s interesting, you’ll eventually see what’s written on it if you keep looking, but for now, get going on your mission. Oh, and why do you have your wings out? I haven’t seen them in their beautiful full in awhile…”

    Sean looked at Keith. “ I felt like getting some flying done, since I carelessly used up all my teleportation for the day… and that dot… where did it come from?”
    Keith smiled. “ tell you later, I’ve got to brief in some other agents…” with that he walked out of the room to go find other PRODIGIES agents he felt were up to the job.
    Sean finally stopped looking at the dot, and flew out of the room, and drew his wings back in, and walked out into the city to begin his mission.

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    The room was dimly lit, the dusty bulb on the ceiling struggling to fill the space with its dirty brown glow, which kept sputtering and failing as if it were sick.
    Three chairs all set around a small table were the only pieces of furniture in the room, they were chipped and flaking, and they looked like they might be damp to the touch, they surely hadn't been used or even thought of for years.

    In each chair sat a man who had seen better days, at least better than the room and the furniture, all three of the, had their hands tied to the chairs, and two of the three were slumped with their heads bowed, the third had his head raised because someone else was holding it up.
    And punching it over and over again.

    The fourth man in the room was tall and held a nameless authority that permeated the air everywhere he went, even this tiny dilapidated room felt menacing when he was in it. He pulled his fist back for one final brutal lash to the man's broken and bloody face, the blow made the other two men flinch and the walls seemed to quiver as the vibrations passed over them, so vicious was the delivery.

    He stood back, letting the man finally slump forward and bow his hurting head, the poor wretch was probably too hurt to move, or even cry out. That suited the tall man just fine, he brought out a small butterfly knife and flicked it open, playing with the unfolded blade a little before suddenly driving it deep into the sitting man's knee.

    This is the point where a lesser man would say something about just another day at the office.

    Agent Ω was not a lesser man, he twisted the knife cruelly as the man in the chair cried out, the blood curdling scream making the flaked plaster on the walls shrivel along with certain appendages on his fellow captured men. The man's eyes rolled into the back of his head until only the slightly yellowed whites were showing, along with a great deal of tears.

    Agent Ω, Paxton Wreath to those who cared and Abraham Locke to those who dared, set the butterfly knife down on the table, where the runes on its surface glowed yellow, having become visible and active on contact with the man's flesh. The knee in question sizzled slightly as the blade's magic worked its way through the wound, doing things to the flesh that would make a hardened doctor cringe, and permanently earn Wreath exclusion from any organisation that favoured interrogation. Fortunate for him then, that he worked for the AGENTS, they technically did not exist, so neither did he, or by extension, his methods of getting information.

    "Feel like opening up? I'd really hate to permanently damage your other leg as well", his tone suggested that he would in fact love to damage the other leg, as well as every other limb.

    "Fuck you, AGENT" the man snarled out through tears, "I'll skin your whole fucking family!"
    He bared his teeth, displaying canines that were much too long to be human, as well as a dark purple tongue that ended in a deadly point.

    Wreath snatched up his blade once more and leaned in close to the man, firmly grasping his neck with his other hand. He leaned in and whispered threateningly.

    "Listen, freak. You've got ten seconds to kindly tell me where the drop-off point is or I will make sure you and your buddies are dust and your healthy teeth are donated to little old ladies in need of a new set of gnashers"

    Before the restrained monster could reply, Wreath brought the knife up and slammed it down hard onto the table, where it quivered slightly, he stood up and put his hand on it. Eyeing the shivering supernaturals around the table.

    "Lets see who's next, hm?"

    He snapped his hand around and the blade started to spin on the spot, the runes on its surface blurring with the speed, making a small Catherine's Wheel of bright yellow and orange. Eventually it slowed, and the men around the table shuddered whenever it passed them, they silently dreaded the outcome of the knife's revolution, the one who had already felt it's deadly point looked particularly terrified.

    As the blade was coming to a stop, he cried out with a voice full of horror and dread in equal measure.
    "Okay! Stop! Stop! Stop! I'll tell you whatever you want to know!"

    The knife came to a stop, the blade was pointing at him menacingly, Wreath snatched it up and put it into his pocket.

    "Well. Aren't you lucky." He leaned in close, "where is it?"

    The restrained monster was more than eager to reply.
    "Industrial side of town! Old warehouse on the wharf! It's hidden in the only black crate there!"

    "Which warehouse?"

    "Charon Shipping Ltd. official storage warehouse! It's huge, got a lotta abandoned boats inside!"

    Wreath leaned back, bringing out a large intricately engraved revolver.
    "Thank you for your cooperation, you've been very helpful"

    "So.. So now you'll let us go?"

    Wreath winced, almost in pity.
    "Don't you watch movies? Never say 'so you'll let us go?', whoever says that is always killed after a witty one-liner"
    He loaded the gun, shaking his head disapprovingly.

    "So you're not letting us go?"

    "I'm afraid not. And no witty one-liner for you"

    He unloaded the gun into two of the three men, they disintegrated in an eye-catching display of orange ash and pyrotechnics, eventually settling into softly glowing piles of black ash and a set of fully preserved teeth. He turned the gun on the third, who was snivelling pathetically.


    Wreath listened to this while the man in the chair cried, when it ended he asked of him.

    "Do you reckon interrogating and wiping out a vampiric drug ring before hunting down their merchandise counts as 'investigating'?"

    The vampire choked through tears.
    "I... I. I guess...?"


    The bullet tore through the vampire's yellowed eye, exploding out of the back of his head flanked by ash that was igniting into a brilliant yellow glow as the vampiric 'life' exited his body by force.
    When Wreath left the room, all that remained of his crime was three piles of ash and three sets of teeth.
    Can I return it if it doesn’t fit?
    It always fits. Eventually

    Spoiler: The pretty colours hide my lack of personality 

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    Amanda bowed her head and sighed, she hated being stuck inside at the hq. Why couldn't they just let her out? It didn't seem like too much to ask...wasn't it her job to be out there anyway? Yet instead here she was, sitting in a dull room cleaning her weapons. She was certain they were 100% clean considering she'd spent the last hour or two disassembling them then cleaning them and putting them back together again...Today was truly the worst day of her life.

    A smile spread across her face as she heard the announcement about heading out, to her it was more like an excuse to beat up burglars and other small time criminals...that was how she rolled, if she couldn't get a proper mission then it was time to save some old ladies...though she didn't care for the poor old sod's well being, more her own personal gain. Amanda stretched and gathered up her gear before looking around the room and heading out calling out, "Well Shadow is outta here for now!" as she left making sure that people knew she was gone...she hated it when people chased her up mid mission.

    The girl was hit with a wave of fresh air as she stepped out, it seemed like a good day today perfect conditions for sniping...not that she was planning on killing anyone. Maybe just a bullet or two through the knee cap of a car thief. Or perhaps she would just patrol, "Why is this job so bad?" she said to herself walking about the city trying to stick to the shadows, she felt out of place even with her Barrett in it's case. It looked more like an instrument in there but even so she felt out of place...she was kind of hoping to bump into another agent.

    That was her new plan for today, meet up with a fellow agent. She looked at the time and decided to hit the restaurants, It was that time of the day when everyone rushed for lunch...the hard part was deciding what kind of place an agent would eat at. "Wait...why am I going through so much trouble to meet up with someone?" she spoke out loud feeling that would help her understand how stupid what she was doing was...perhaps the truth was that she was bored, she couldn't stand 90% of the people she had to work with and constantly got into fights with them....maybe that's what she wanted today, a fight.

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    Yoko sat in a small room that she would sometimes call her own. In one hand a book of ancient text which was being eagerly read over by her sapphire hue, in the other hand a goblet of red liquid. Giving her substitutional drink a sip, she continued her reading. A metallic voice rang out, “What are you doing!?” Yoko blinked for a moment before setting down her book and looking over towards her enchanted blade which had finally awoken from his little ‘nap’.

    “Someone’s grumpy when they wake up,” she retorted teasing the soul inside her weapon. The amethyst colored eye which sat just above the hilt of the blade, gave a quick glare.

    “I hope you know they have your own kind in the interrogation room today, with him,” the metallic voice rang out again. Yoko sighed, her small smile fading as she looked towards the ceiling as if somehow its boring coloration could bring some sort of enlightenment. She had felt the others presence before they were even delivered to the interrogation room. They were still young in their new race, only ten or twenty year’s tops. While she knew his ‘methods’ were most effective for a mortal to gain information from any supernatural being it still upset her to some point. It was hard to change the hearts that are easily tempted, easily swayed like those of the three she felt downstairs.

    “I hope that if everything is once again calm, he too will restrain himself in a more peaceful time,” Yoko said with a solemn tone before putting her finished glass on the table beside her.

    “Are you stupid! Even now that you are on their side I can’t help but feel he can’t wait to kill you!” Yoko gave a harsh glare towards her weapon, one that shut up his little rant. A rant she had heard what seemed like a thousand times since she joined the AGENTS.

    “As you know I am more then the average vampire, I have quite a few tricks up my sleeves.” The blade’s eye rolled as he listened to this, the two of them knowing what kind of horrible tortures were going on in other parts of the building. It was a constant. As far as ‘Claude’ (the sword) was concerned this place was too dangerous for Rosalind, especially considering there were no other supernaturals with the AGENTS other then her as of yet. As they sat there in silence, Yoko felt as the ’others’ left this world one by one. Just before the final vampire was killed the intercom in headquarters interrupted the deafening silence.


    “Well I guess I should head out then,” Yoko sighed removing herself from her seat. Picking up ‘Claude’ she put him in his holster before removing herself from her dorm. “Tonight’s going to be a long night.”
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    Rina looked blankly at the sky, still trying to think of a way she could possibly get involved in this new mission that she was so rudely excluded from. Being the only agent not allowed on this mission made her mad, so she was determined to find a way to get herself involved. She knew that doing your own investigating means you can investigate anywhere: with that instruction, you could even go on your own mission and get into the PRODIGIES place if you felt like it. Then an idea hit her like a brick. If she could find one or several of the agents on the mission, she could get involved if a PRODIGIES agent were ever to attack. She quickly got up and looked out over the building, pulled out a pair of binoculars and started to look for fellow agents, even though she wasn’t quite sure what she’d do once she found one, but she was going to try to get on this mission.

    Sean looked around the mall. It had been a long time since he had been there. He remembered breaking the glass in the front years ago. It had been a lot of fun. But this job at the PRODIGIES was much more fun. Since a lot of the trustworthy agents were girls, it made his job a lot more fun. There was only one down side to this job: he absolutely hated to bump into guy AGENTS agents, because he knew they were really scary and they made him queasy on the inside. His good natured and friendly personality was quite good for a disguise as being an agent. He liked to talk to the people he kidnapped, and he like to talk unless he was interested in something. The city was full of good looking girls he could talk to and it was never a bore to do some scouting in the city. He left the mall and began to just walk around with a huge grin on his face.

  10. #10
    Naraness's Avatar
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    Amber quietly hummed to herself. She saw Agent X7 leaving the building, looking very mad. At that point, she began to wonder why she had been excluded from the mission... She and Rina had lived in the agency as long as she could remember, so they knew each other pretty well. Both of them having lost their parents, and growing up to be some of the finest agents in the agency. It wasn't hard to figure out where she was going. Whenever an agent needed to think, they tended to find the highest building they could get to in a few minutes, and climbed to the top. Amber started to follow her, but then saw Yoko. The perfect girl to join her on their mission of the day. She flicked her hair out of her eyes and walked over with a small grin on her face. "Ready for a night stalking the town?" She chuckled. Agent AK stopped and put a hand on her hip, leaning her weight from on foot to the other.

    She knew that she probably looked ridiculous, in a building full of agents while she was dressed like she was going to go get a drink and party for the night. But it came naturally for her to disguise herself. It made her feel safe, and it was exciting. Besides, wasn't being an agent all about no one ever knowing who you really are? About being able to vanish in plain sight? Yes, these simple parts of her job gave her thrills like nothing else.


    Eldasha stared at her ceiling. Her stomach whined with hunger, her eyes burned with tears that felt like acid. "Why?" She mouthed the word quietly. There was only one thing that could feed her hunger... Only one thing that would make her feel better for a little while. And it disgusted her. It horrified her. It made her insides writhe in agony at the mere thought. At the same time, when she was draining the life out of a human she felt like a goddess. She felt so powerful, and unstoppable. It was addicting... Intoxicating... Her heart started racing as she imagined warm blood going down her throat.

    And then her body convulsed as she gagged uncontrollably. She would have lost her stomach contents, except that she had nothing left to throw up. She looked at her arms, seeing that she was even thinner than she had been yesterday. She would die if she didn't feed soon. Eldasha trembled, partially from her conflicting emotions and partially because her body couldn't run like this. She needed blood. She needed to kill. For a moment, she considered sinking her fangs into her own flesh. But that would only make her weaker. For the first time in a few days, she moved. She stood up, and stretched her tired, achy limbs. It was time. She couldn't stay here.

    She dressed slowly, like a robot. There was barely any thought behind her actions. This was just something she needed to do. Her eyes burned red with hunger, and an anger than she couldn't place. As she walked out of her room, her eyes were set on the path before her. She would go, she might even leave with another vampire if she could find one. And if she was lucky, she wouldn't be caught by an AGENT in the process. She was so weak that if one of them got to her before she could kill, she wouldn't be able to fight back. But in a way, she welcomed to prospect. The idea of being caught, and maybe dying was almost pleasing. What had she become?
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