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Thread: The Enigma Notebooks

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    Default The Enigma Notebooks

    Notebook I: Victorian Gentlemen’s Clubs

    Enigma - 02-12-2022, 01:36 AM
    Notes from Fur-Covered Cogs

    Probably most important though, would be the Secret Orders (Freemasons, Odd Fellows, etc), Social and Gentlemen Clubs. For some, the gentlemen clubs were a second home, a place in the city. It might be where Sukone's character stays when they're in the city. Maids to tend to the rooms, fine dining, gambling, smoking/reading rooms and the like. (Newspapers, approved works of fiction and treatises that re-enforce the social orders - and in a way, a guilty pleasure they could lord over the lower classes.)

    If you've seen Downton Abbey, may be familiar with staff rooms and steep servant stairs to allow the staff to travel around the homes unseen as they do their errands.

    Gentlemen's clubs were exclusively male sanctuaries

    Unmarried staff (and even married staff, depending on circumstances) sleep in the servant quarters (attic rooms or a private section) in the club, so they're receiving room and board along with a salary. This makes them immediately available should one of the members staying overnight needs help, as well as allowing them to start early to prepare the club for the members' arrivals.

    And by offering this little ragamuffin a job at the club, they're giving them free room and board, decent clothes to wear (even if it's just a uniform), job training and experience, and a way to pay back for the vase that the broke, by deducting a little from their wages each week. Really, they're helping Luna out with this.

    The reason gentlemen's clubs were male only is the upper class men spent a lot of their life in boarding schools and the military, so they're more comfortable being among men. It's what they're used to. Being in a female household for the first time since they were children is like stepping onto the Mars surface, so the clubs were their escape. And all the staff is male, often former military like the Sergeant Major, recommended by a senior officer who's a club member.

    Should the club board become aware that their sanctuary has been invaded by a woman, they're likely to fire her on the spot and demand full payment for the vase - and since she can't at present, it's off to debtors' prison for her - or worse.

    Okay, going to suggest some NPC senior staff members for The Promethean Society.

    Club Manager: Sergeant Major Tutor Bryn "Shut it" Williams (ret.) - head member of staff, a muscular florid man with ginger hair and a pointed handlebar mustache. He treats the club members with due difference and respect and can verbally peel strips off the hide of any member of staff who steps out of line. 20+ year Army veteran. Has the key to the club's wine cellars and pantry.

    Deputy Manager: Bombardier Issac 'Solly' Solomons (ret.) - lean but muscular, dark hair, wears round glasses. He has some theater experience, efficient organizer and sharp. Father was a pawn broker. Only other person who has keys to the club's wine cellars and pantry.

    Club Secretary Gunner Gilbert Beaumont (vet) - a slight yet wiry man with a pained sickly smile who acts as though the weight of the world rested on his eternally weary shoulders. Always complaining about the weather but can be depended upon in a pinch. Coordinates the club entertainments, meetings, and in charge of the library. Luna's boss.

    Head Steward: First Sergeant Alfred Fitzsimons (ret.) - a lean wiry man, slightly balding, with a pencil mustache. Former street thief who was sentenced to serve in the Light Calvary. Wound up as an army scout with a reputation as a scrounger. He misses nothing but is very discrete, watches the stewards under him with an eagle eye. Anyone who thinks he's the one they want to meet in a dark alley may live long enough to regret that.

    He is in charge of the stewards, who take care of the rooms and hallways, they also can step in as valets for the gentlemen guests.

    Head Footman Gunner Nigel "Parky" Parkin (vet) (Sgt.Major falsely believes Parky to be his son, having had a brief affair with his mother in his younger years) - Muscular young man who serves at the Club Entrance behind the Front Desk. Handle the member's mail and deliveries, guards the entrance against intrusions.

    Footmen receive the club members and their guests, deliver messages, and help serve at meals. (Possibly porters?)

    Head cook Master Chief Irwin Laroche (ret) - small slight French cook, has a small green house next to the kitchen where he grows fresh herbs and is a dab hand at spicing (frowns if you season your food without tasting it), very good with knives and an expert climber. Rumored to have been a cat burglar in his younger days, expert jewelry appraiser. Manages somehow to get into the wine cellar and pantry despite not having a key for them.

    Assistant cook Gunner Harold Horace Herbert Willy 'Lofty' Sugden (vet) - a small, rotund man sometimes described as a turnip or a mushroom but has an amazing tenor voice which even the Sergeant Major is in awe of.
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    Notebook 2: Manufacturers and Names

    Enigma - 06-25-2021, 12:22 PM
    Ross Firearms
    Christmas Knives
    Yang Metal Industry
    Jensen Cutlery
    Church Ordnance
    Mauser Tactical

    This list may be expanded.

    - - - Updated - - -
    Last edited by Enigma; 08-01-2024 at 03:13 AM.
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    Notebook 3: Sci-fi Catalog - Gear

    Enigma - 06-01-2016, 01:00 AM
    This will be the discussion for equipment a player will need in a science fiction game.

    Tech Application
    Tech Name:

    Enigma - 04-12-2018, 11:02 PM
    Tech Name: Omni Generation VII (Civilian - Generation LVIII)
    Manufacturer: Seares Industries - Communication Division; various manufacturers
    Rarity: Common among interplanetary travelers.
    Appearance: 0.1875" x 3" x 6" tablet with hardened glass touchscreen.
    Intent: Pocket-sized smarter phone with intelligent (not sentient) assistant, rated complexity 4.
    Strengths: Can be linked to most planetary/shipboard comm systems (Fee service), accepts voice commands. Portable personal entertainment tool with app store. GPS enabled. Customizable/storage for personal files.
    Weaknesses: 10 mile communication range, standard civilian encryption. On screen keyboard/small display, anything complex will usually require a docking station and/or wireless peripherals. 5 day battery life/12 hours continous streaming. 1 datachip slot.

    Tech Name: Omni (MilSpec - Generation LIV)
    Manufacturer: Seares Industries - Goverment Services Product Division
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Appearance: 0.375" x 3" by 5" tablet with synthetic diamond touchscreen.
    Intent: Ruggedized pocket-sized smarter phone, rated complexity 3.
    Strengths: Diamond-chip architecture allows it to operate in hostile environments without loss of function and radiation-hardened, can survive drops without shattering synthetic diamond screen/internal components. TEMPEST III shielding. Can be linked to most planetary/shipboard comm systems. Installed with Survival database, Rad Counter, Atmosphere Alarm, Watchdog Infrared Sentry program, distress beacon. 100 mile comm range. 8 day battery life, 24 hours continious streaming. 1 datachip slot. Can link with compatible devices.
    Weaknesses: Older generation Omni being phased out for Generation LV units. Cannot install apps from online app store, programs and files are installed via Master Workstation or datachip. Many new applications cannot run on the older system. Available on the market as government surplus, units are often purchased for use by shipboard crews as a cheaper alternative.

    Tech Name: Multiscanner Attachment (MilSpec - Generation LIV)
    Manufacturer: Seares Industries - Government Services Product Division
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Appearance: 0.5" by 3" by 5" module designed to clip onto the back of a compatible MilSpec Omni.
    Intent: Allows identification of chemical, biological, and radiation sources.
    Strengths: Includes a science database to further identify and interpet the scans.
    Weaknesses: Older generation model, requires compatible hardware or an adaptor. Maximum range of 500 yards. Cannot be stacked with other scanning modules.

    Tech Name: Medical Scanner Attachment (MilSpec - Generation LIV)
    Manufacturer: Seares Industries - Government Services Product Division
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Appearance: 0.5" by 3" by 5" module designed to clip onto the back of a compatible MilSpec Omni
    Intent: Diagnostic tool to assist medics and doctors to identify illness and injuries in the field.
    Strengths: Includes a detailed medical database.
    Weakness: Older generation model, requires compatible hardware or an adaptor. Maximum range of 2 yards. Cannot be stacked with other scanning modules.

    Tech Name: Engineering Attachment (MilSpec - Generation LIV)
    Manufacturer: Seares Industries - Government Services Product Division
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Appearance: 0.5" by 3" by 5" module designed to clip onto the back of a compatible MilSpec Omni
    Intent: Ultrasonic, Chemical, and Radiation Scanner designed to assist in repair and maintenance.
    Strengths: Includes Helenic technical manual database.
    Weaknesses: Older generation model, requires compatible hardware or an adaptor. Checmical and radiation scanner has a maximum range of 500 yards. Ultrasonic scan requires direct surface contact, maximum penetration of 1 cubic yard.

    Tech Name: Augmented Reality (AR) Glasses
    Manufacturer: Seares Industries - Entertainment Products Division
    Rarity: Common
    Appearance: Type I look like regular glasses and can be made into prescription lenses; Type II look like plastic impact-resistant safety glasses.
    Intent: Multiuse device that has replaced personal phones and computers, links to city networks or systems and displays information as screens, wearers can make phone calls and have limited interaction with virtual objects; most often used in gaming and visual entertainment.
    Strengths: Allows the use of simple gestures - balling of the fist while extending the thumb and pinky brought up to the ear signals the intent to make/receive a phone call - user can specify who they are calling. Holding hands in front brings up a virtual keyboard for terminal mode. User can reach out to "touch" a virtual object to select it.
    Weaknesses: Must be joined to a system or network to work. Cannot actually touch virtual objects. Some accidents where players have followed virtual objects into traffic or unsafe locations.

    Tech Name: Foldable HoverBike "Broomstick"
    Manufacturer: Seares Industries - Government Services Product Division
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Appearance: Compact lightweight frame with a small seat and luggage rack on top and folding foot rests. Frame holds a closed fuel cell nestled between two small gyro-stabilized contragravity units. A folding handlebar with headlight is connected to a small reactionless thruster that cantilevers under the frame for flight mode, the unit turns with the handlebars. If folded, safety interlock cuts off the thruster.
    Intent: Portable compact scooter primarily used for ground transport of paratroopers deployed in the field; repurposed by ship crews as personal transport to terminal.
    Strengths: Easily stored. Closed fuel cell allows for use in any environment. 25 pounds weight.
    Weaknesses: Maximum 500 pound lift, 20 pound thrust. Maximum speed 40 mph. 8 hours operation.[/QUOTE]
    Edit Report

    Enigma - 08-29-2019, 02:15 PM
    Tech Name: Omni (MilSpec - Generation LVI)
    Manufacturer: Seares Industries - Goverment Services Product Division
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Appearance: 0.5" x 3.25" by 6" tablet with synthetic diamond touchscreen.
    Intent: Ruggedized pocket-sized personal computer and audio/visual comm, rated complexity 3. Intended as a personal comm that can be loaded with training materials and approved entertainment programs.
    Strengths: Diamond-chip architecture allows it to operate in hostile environments without loss of function and radiation-hardened, can survive drops without shattering synthetic diamond screen/internal components. TEMPEST III shielding. Can be linked to most planetary/shipboard comm systems. Installed with Survival database, Rad Counter, Atmosphere Alarm, Watchdog Infrared Sentry program, distress beacon. 100 mile comm range. 8 day battery life, 24 hours continious streaming. 1 datachip slot. Can link with compatible devices.
    Weaknesses: Signal is trackable, can be blocked by screening metal such as a faraday cage. Locked device, can only be updated by authorized system.

    Tech Name: Augmented Reality (AR) Glasses
    Manufacturer: Seares Industries - Entertainment Products Division
    Rarity: Common
    Appearance: Type I look like regular glasses and can be made into prescription lenses; Type II look like plastic impact-resistant safety glasses.
    Intent: Multiuse device that has replaced personal phones and computers, links to city networks or systems and displays information as screens, wearers can make phone calls and have limited interaction with virtual objects; most often used in gaming and visual entertainment.
    Strengths: Allows the use of simple gestures - balling of the fist while extending the thumb and pinky brought up to the ear signals the intent to make/receive a phone call - user can specify who they are calling. Holding hands in front brings up a virtual keyboard for terminal mode. User can reach out to "touch" a virtual object to select it.
    Weaknesses: Must be joined to a system or network to work. Cannot actually touch virtual objects. Some accidents where players have followed virtual objects into traffic or unsafe locations.

    Tech Name: Centurion Powered Combat Armor
    Manufacturer: Mauser Tactical
    Rarity: Restricted to Military/Security Forces use.
    Appearance: Heavily armored exoskeleton
    Intent: Strength enhancing armor with laminated plates that resists damage from shaped charges and radiation, independent life support.
    Strength: Clamshell front plate design makes the unit quick to don. Operator can use weapons modified for use. Internal life support for 24 hours operation, unit runs for 14 hours on a single charge pack. Exchangable charge and life support packs can extend operations. Shipping container acts as as mountable storage bay and maintenance module. Unit weight 225 pounds.
    Weaknesses: Must be sized for user. Activation authorization required below S-5. Initial start is at x1 strength amplification; separate authorization required to increase strength amplification up to x29. No installed weapon systems. Combined suit and equipment cannot exceed 750 pounds.

    Enigma - 12-03-2020, 02:02 AM
    Tech Name: Centurion Powered Combat Armor
    Manufacturer: Mauser Tactical
    Rarity: Military Surplus
    Appearance: Heavily armored exoskeleton
    Intent: Strength enhancing armor with laminated plates that resists damage from shaped charges and radiation, independent life support.
    Strength: Clamshell front plate design makes the unit quick to don. Operator can use weapons modified for use. Internal life support for 24 hours operation, unit runs for 14 hours on a single charge pack. Integrated communications and visual tracking system. Exchangable charge and life support packs can extend operations. Maximum 5 times strength enhancement. Shipping container acts as as mountable storage bay and maintenance module. Unit weight 225 pounds.
    Weaknesses: Two generations out of date. Used by budget merc units, survey crews, fire-fighters, school mecha teams. No installed weapon systems. Requires an initial 4-hour dedicated "sizing" to adjust to the operator for each suit they will be wearing, profiles are not transferable. Combined suit and equipment cannot exceed 750 pounds.
    Last edited by Enigma; 08-01-2024 at 03:17 AM.
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    Last edited by Enigma; 08-01-2024 at 03:23 AM.
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    Notebook 5: PAX Confederation

    Enigma - 05-25-2018, 06:27 PM
    Alien slavers raided several worlds, conquering and enslaving, but were finally defeated by a co-ordinated rebellion among the various slave races. One group disappeared with the collected knowledge amassed by the slavers, never to be seen again, but the rest returned to their homeworlds with working ships.

    They were able to maintain communication with each other and eventually trade followed. It wasn't always peaceful, but eventually they formed the Pax Confederation, which was mostly for the common defense and the establishment of standards. It ran well for several centuries, with many worlds joining the confederation. However, a series of minor events over mining rights led to several asteroids being launched at an inhabited planet, with both sides denying involvement but it quickly escalated to war. By the end, there were seven factions fighting among each other. Fleets were using drive-kiling weapons that crippled ships abilities to cross interstellar distances, leaving billions of refugees stranded. A number of planets were hit with massive solar flares that did considerable damage, and they wound up destroying their ability to repair and produce new interstellar ships.

    Following the war, several of the uncontacted worlds produced basic interstellar drives of their own, to a remarkably similar design. Some conspiracy theorists suggest that unknown agencies seeded agents with plans on each of the worlds, clearly in preparation. The question they cannot answer is why this was done?

    - - - Updated - - -
    Last edited by Enigma; 08-01-2024 at 03:26 AM.
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    Notebook 6: Characters I

    Enigma - 06-08-2016, 11:27 PM
    Samantha Elizabeth Quinn - Space Station Orion - 25 Jul 2009

    You can call me Sam, everyone does. I know I look great - average height, pale skin, black hair styled into a pixie, hazel eyes - but it's all plastic. I used to be human.

    I'm from New Haven, a sleepy ag world with some old mines that nobody cares about anymore. My dad was a tech who went around fixing things while Mom was a teacher. We lived in a quiet little village where almost nothing ever happened and I prayed night after night for a little excitement.

    For my thirteenth birthday, we went on a trip to Port Terminus, the only real city on New Haven. It squats in a hole in the ground, don't ask me why. But that's where the beanstalk is. The miners built it during the war to get their ore from the ground to orbit - cheaper than rockets. The whole thing twists, and as it does the cargo and passenger pods go up and down. I remember the guide saying how safe it was. And we got to the top just fine so I could see all the stars I couldn't see back on the ground. I got to gawk at spacers and travelers for a while, then we went back down.

    Only the pod we were in had a bad coupling. It needed fixed, only nobody did. So we fell.
    I was one of the 'lucky survivors' - if you want to call it that. Mom and Dad weren't. Only they couldn't fix my body, so instead they gave me a new one. A cyborg body.

    It took me a long time to get used to it. Sure, everyone thinks it's great to be strong - but just trying to pick up an egg without breaking it becomes an Olympic event. Not that I get to actually 'eat' eggs now. If I slipped, I broke doors, desks - and arms. They made me wear a hat and vest that said "OTH" on it. "Other Than Human". To warn people to keep away.

    I couldn't stay there, but what little money I have only gets me to Space Station Orion. I hope I can find something to do there.

    Enigma - 06-08-2016, 11:28 PM
    Sarah Powers - Space Station Orion - 31 Aug 2009

    You can call me Sarah Powers. It's what's on my ID, best forgery money can buy. Pixie-cut raven hair so black it's flashes blue and deep green eyes staring out of a face so pale you'd think I've never seen sun - it's amazing what someone with a gene-tank can do. At least I'm still human. Well, mostly

    There was another Sarah, with long blonde curls, piercing blue eyes and warm tanned skin, wearing an officer's uniform - but I can't see her in the mirror anymore. That Sarah Black grins at me from wanted posters issued by a dozen worlds. I'll admit to a few mistakes, here and there.

    I'm a pilot with my own small ship, The Dancer, and not just because it's written on very expensive forged paper. She's an older ship, a former yacht atmosphere-rated with some custom mods of my own, all carefully tucked away from prying eyes. She was made for me to take me anywhere I want to go.

    And that's Space Station Orien. Not only is nobody not looking for me here (and certainly not looking like this), but I've got a biotech client with a desire for dragon's milk. Don't ask.

    Enigma - 06-08-2016, 11:29 PM
    Jun'Kai - Scrapyard Dogs: The Spacepocolypse - 3/31/16

    Age: 47 Terran
    Gender: Male
    Race: Sen'ta (a.k.a. "Quaddies" or "Helmet-heads") - humanoid with multiple apendages - two massively muscled over-arms with three-fingered hands suitable for heavy lifting and grappeling, two smaller under-arms with five fingers for delicate work, and an elongated lower body resembling a goat with four hooved legs and a flexible spine that allows them to swivel their torso almost completely around. Their faces are human-like, two eyes, flattened nose and pointed ears, but heavy brows and cheek bones, giving their eyes a sunken-in appearance, as if they were wearing a helmet.

    Appearance: Navy-blue with a black mohawk, graying slightly, 6 foot 2 inch height, 237 pounds, well-muscled build. IMPF Prison ID lasered on left cheek. Usually dressed in olive drab overalls with black boots and tan work gloves. Favors a dark brown leather bomber jacket on liberty.

    Personality: Jun'Kai is more comfortable around machines than people; when he has to talk to them, he comes across as blunt and gruff. Humans he finds especially troubling as they are so fragile - his upper arms and three finger hands are very strong, using them could easily break bones, so he tries to keep his distance, sometimes appearing skittish. If, however, the situation requires it, he will use his child-like lower hands. However, in a fist fight, he is a tank, causing massive destruction.

    Backstory: Junior engineer aboard the ill-fated Comet Galaxy, one of the Summer's Family ships. After a successful collection, they got intercepted by a IMPF Patrol Boat and ordered to stand inspection. The boarding party hustled everyone into the cargo bay while the junior officer in charge "inspected" their cargo and pronounced it contraband. But when the captain stepped forward to tender the expected bribe, the boarding party officer tried to step back and lost his footing, falling to the deck.

    Spooked, the boarding party opened fire on the crew. The survivors were arrested and later found guilty of piracy - including the children, sentenced to 15 years hard labor in the Diego Orbital Prison - disassembling wreckage and reclaiming usable components. The two surviving engineers, Jun'Kai and Hank Summers wound up sharing a cell with Hank's young daughter, Cait, who was still shocked from seeing her mother being shot down in the cargo hold.
    Barely a year later, while her father was checking out a possible escape route, he was killed - his death was classified as an "industrial accident". When the guards came for Cait, Jun'Kai pronounced her to be his adopted daughter and under his care. The guards decided not to press it.

    Six years later, a new warden arrived at the prison. Stating concern for all these children among the prisoners, he ordered complete medical examinations for the women and children. They were all sterilized. A few didn't return - including Cait. The prison seethed for a week before exploding into riot. Jun'Kai led the raid on the Warden's Office, to find the Warden dead, strangled by a bruised and battered Cait.

    IMPF ships responding to the prison alert, before opening fire on the station, reported seeing the Warden's ship racing away.

    Since then, Jun'Kai and Cait kept mostly to the rim, working on independent ships and hoping to avoid any Spacepocolypic run-ins with the IMPF.

    Modifications: Jun'Kai has a "Second Brain" installed at the base of his spine, a shielded digital archive of ebooks, manuals, music, and entertainment that he can access at will. It also records everything he experiences.

    TRS Type: Tachikoma Engineering Heavy Suit (AI)
    TRS Appearance:

    Role: Engineer

    Weaponry: Tachikoma - 7.62x51mm light machine gun in the right arm; 50mm grenade launcher "snout"; cutting torch in the left arm; liquid wire turrets for grappling, rapelling or restraining.

    Personal weapons - Combat shotgun & stun baton.

    Other Items: Belt tool kit (flashlight, EOD multitool, mini-pry bar, diagnostic tablet), orange zippo lighter.

    Other Info: Prefers bar stools and narrow saddle-like chairs.

    Enigma - 06-08-2016, 11:37 PM
    Caitlyn Ivonova Summers a.k.a. "Raven" - Scrapyard Dogs: The Spacepocolypse - 3/31/16

    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Appearance: 4' 9" tall, lean wiry build, dark hair in a crew cut short, grey eyes. Likes non-restrictive clothing - body suits, dresses. IMPF prison id tattooed on her cheek. Hers has an "X" added at the end. Sometimes mistaken for a child because she's short.

    Personality: Because of her short height, she's often mistaken for a child - which she uses to her advantage, hiding her bloodlust until she's closed in and about to strike. Prison has made her hard and self-reliant, but she has a hidden soft-spot for small children and underdogs. Those who try to abuse that weakness don't live very long.

    Backstory: Survivor of the Comet Galaxy massacre, Cait was imprisoned with her father and his assistant, the alien Jun'Kai, who adopted her after his death. Prison was hard - a spacepocalypse - rations were lean. She learned to scrounge and to pick locks, but most of her earnings went to others more desperate, extra rations filling the empty bellies of growing children, though she was still a child herself. With the lean rations, she barely grew.

    When a new warden demanded checkups for the women and children, she reluctantly complied. After being scanned, she was given a "vitamin" shot that knocked her out. She awoke to find herself in a clean bed in a strange room - one of the new Warden's harem - other teens like herself - and like them, she had been 'silenced' - vocal cords cut, so they couldn't talk. It was supposed to make her feel 'helpless' - instead it made her angry.

    As servants of the Warden, they were privy to all of his meetings, so they were aware of the unrest growing in the prison blocks. When the riots happened, they were ready to strike. While the others held him in his chair, she used the silk sheets from his bed to strangle him. When Jun'Kai and the other prisoners broke through, she was already working on the locks to his private ship.

    Since escaping, they've been working together on the edge of known space, away from the garden worlds preferred by the IMPF.

    Modifications: Reinforced skeleton - nanites have carved channels into her bones then filled them with surgical titanium. Enhanced reflexes allows her to react faster - but it quickly tires her. Enhanced strength - synthetic muscle fibers interlaced with her own muscle gives her twice her natural strength.

    TRS Type: Light power armor
    TRS Appearance: A lightweight armored suit, combined with her enhancements and smaller size allows her an advantage in all but a level plain.
    Role: Striker
    Weaponry: Bullpup assault rifle, 5-shot Judge revolver .45/.410, Gurkha Kukri knife.
    Other Items: multi-tool, lockpicks, crow bar.
    Other Info: (What did I miss that you want to be known?)

    Ship CS
    Name: The Buzzard
    Age: 70+
    Appearance: Refurbished combat shuttle in gray and darker gray.
    Backstory: Cait's and Jun'Kai's share from the sale of the Warden's ship was more than enough to buy an old combat shuttle from a scrap heap and to get it refurbished.
    Weaponry: two weapon pods with short-ranged missiles, forward Gatling gun firing depleted rounds.

    Enigma - 03-10-2017, 12:59 AM
    Full Name: Samantha Igorina Bakhvalova
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Race: Human
    Homeworld: Mars Colony
    Appearance: This girl reminds you of a looming thundercloud. She has hooded gray eyes that are like two pools of mercury. Her silky, straight, black hair is medium-length and is worn in an uncomplicated style. She has a lean build. Her skin is pale. She has a small mouth. Her wardrobe is utilitarian, and is completely navy and white.
    Role: Fire Controlperson/Electronics Technician
    Biography: Born April 4, 2200, three weeks early, in the family tube farm, Arsia Mons, Mars, where she began learning hydroponics systems. Age eight, her father began teaching her how to repair the electronics. Age 16, she began taking the train to Mars Port to hang out in the lounge, watching all the people coming and going.
    When the Qlodath attacked, she volunteered for the Mars Auxillary, which was co-opted into the Interstellar Navy Corp shortly after its creation. Her evaluation and experience showed her suitable for technical training, so she was moved to the Advanced Training Batallion during bootcamp, then the Basic Electricity/Electronics program, then to the Fire Control School. She confided in one of her classmates that at the rate she was going, the war was going to be over before she wound up on a ship.
    The following week she was promoted to Petty Officer Third Class and shipped out to the INC Hermes, Guided Missile Destroyer, in a Lunar drydock undergoing repairs after a nasty encounter with the Qlodath. It shipped out 72 hours later, ready to face the enemy in the asteroid belt. In the third attack over Ceres, the Hermes was hit badly, engines destroyed and the hull burning in vacuum. The captain reluctantly ordered the crew to abandon ship. On her way to the escape pod, she found an officer drifting unconscious in the passageway and dragged him into the pod with her. Once the pod was pressurized, she treated the lieutenant's injuries. 18 hours later the pod was recovered by a recovery sled and brought straight to a hospital ship. Samantha was awarded the Interstellar Navy Corp's Navy Cross and promoted to Petty Officer 2nd Class, granted one week's liberty before reporting aboard the newly commissioned INC Arisa Mons.

    The Arisa Mons participated in several attacks before being destroyed in the final battle with the Qlodath, although they did equal damage to their attacker. Leaving her station, she encountered another injured lieutenant and dragged him through a hole in the hull. Once free of the ship, she began patching his suit when a bolt blew out his helmet.

    Twisting around, she found herself facing a survivor from the stricken Qlodath ship, still intent on fighting. Using the lieutenant's body as a shield, she was able to block the alien's attack. When the three collided, Samantha fired the lieutenant's MMU jets, burning a hole through the alien's face plate. Samantha took away its gun, shoving it her pocket. A recovery sled found the three of them bundled together following the battle.

    Unfortunately she discovered after arriving at the Hospital Ship that the dead lieutenant was the son of Interstellar Navy Corp Commodore Bates, an up and coming officer. On her return to Earth, she was issued a commendation for her action against the Qlodath, a general discharge, and escorted to the base gate with one duffle bag containing one change of clothes and her armored vacc suit. The alien weapon was still in the pocket.

    Going back to Mars, however, meant returning to the family tube farm. She decided her chances of finding a berth on an Earth ship heading out was still pretty good. After a week, she got a job at the Phoenix Shipyard as a repair tech. To zip around the yard, she got herself a hover-bike and a few other items from an auction of government surplus.

    Armored Vac Suit
    Utility Belt
    Omni MilSpec Surplus Generation LIV with Engineering Module
    Backup Datacrystal
    Entertainment Datacrystal
    AR Glasses Type 2
    Belt Electronics Tool Kit
    Roll of Vacuum Sticky Tape
    Pocket survival kit
    Basic Electronics Tool Kit
    Knife Sharpener
    Personal Toiletries
    Taurus Judge revolver
    2 boxes .410 Shotgun Shells
    2 boxes .45 Colt rounds
    Sonic Stunner
    Folding Hover-bike
    Other: Qlodath weapon

    Tech Name: Sonic Stunner
    Manufacturer: Quatermass Arms
    Rarity: Common
    Spoiler: Sonic
    Intent: Concentrated blast of sound that can knock out or daze someone
    Strengths: Non-lethal, legal in most locations. Small handheld device, easy to conceal. Can partially affect those wearing armor.
    Weaknesses: Short-ranged device approximately 5 feet. Effects can wear off in 20 minutes.

    Tech Name:
    Rarity: [Common; Uncommon; Rare; Unique]
    Appearance: [Any description/pictures if available
    Intent: [What is the technology designed to do?]

    Tech Name:
    Rarity: [Common; Uncommon; Rare; Unique]
    Appearance: [Any description/pictures if available
    Intent: [What is the technology designed to do?]

    Enigma - 01-31-2018, 12:58 AM
    Name: Speaker Iona
    Species: Sentinax Seeker Scout
    Age: 12 human years
    Appearance: Preferred - Humanoid Fem, blonde, blue eyed, 135 cm, 37 kg, age 9.
    Natural - a liquid metal octopus.
    Department: Survey
    Role and Rank (if any): Scout
    Personal Equipment: Surrogate Chamber - nanite maintenance and repair module for Scouts.

    Character Strengths: Nanite construction allows it to assume differnent forms, within limits of its mass. Can camoflauge itself to blend into the environment. Strikes can cause it to splash or be punched through, but it would "heal" itself almost immediately.

    Character Weaknesses: Nanites become inert if separated from the golf-ball sized processor core. Nanites are affected by high heat and extreme cold. Detectable by dogs. Iona is also very curious.

    What they hope to find: Wonder.

    What they hope to achieve in the New Galaxy: New life and worlds beyond the existance of the Sentinax.

    Bio: Seekers are miners, a processing core inside a liquid metal nanite "body" that extracts veins of ores by converting the metals into more nanites, then shedding the excess for processing, and were used limitedly against ships, but once it was realized they could freeze or burn them, crews were able to stop them.

    Scouts were a new form of Seeker, taking avantage of new liquid metal color-changing nanites to mimic objects, animals, and humanoid life to collect intelligence and performing acts of sabotage.

    Scouting a village as a local dog, Iona was noticed by a lonely girl, Sarah, whose parents had just arrived and were setting into the base. At first shying away from the girl, Iona allowed herself to take tidbits left by Sarah, but shying away from any adults who came near or other dogs. She soon determined that Sarah was newly arrived and still settling into the pecking order of the children. Both parents were working on the Lyran base, so eventually she would let Sarah sneak her into the house at night, hiding until the parents had put her to bed before joining her for bedtime cuddles - all the while listening to her parents and studying her.

    When she was ready, Iona stretched herself and reformed to be a mirror image of Sarah. It was easy enough in dog form to steal her id, forcing her parents to get a new one for her, and she could appear at the base gate as Sarah, saying she needed to run "errands" for her parents. Until the day she ran into Sarah on the base looking for her lost dog - and she screamed. And screamed again when Iona turned back into a dog and ran off.

    Following the war, it became noticible that Iona continued to take non-Sentinax forms, especially of Sarah. It was decided to let Iona join the mission to explore the new galaxy.

    Enigma - 04-20-2018, 12:08 AM
    [M] Futuropolis 2094 (OOC)

    Name: Simone Temple
    Nikname: Auntie Simone
    Age: 46(?)
    Gender: Fem
    Height: 5' 1"
    Race: Mixed
    Area of expertise: Pilot, Survival
    Appearance: This serious woman has deep-set brown eyes that are like two splotches of mud. Her fine, curly, white hair is worn in a simple, businesslike style. She is short with a slender build. Her skin is dark. She has delicate ears.
    Personality: As a child, she was already a pessimist, suspicious of everyone's motives, and incredibly irreverent, but she was dependable and self-sufficient. Following her ordeal of two decades at the prison workcamp, she has developed phobias about men, sex, and snakes.
    Opinion of ruling western regime: Bunch of pious greedy bastards out to steal the last penny from the sinking ship.
    Origins: Grew up as a street kid in the Undercity, parents unknown. "Simone" was spelled out on a dirty alphabet bracelet on her wrist, she has no memory of when she got it or from whom. Cataloged during the XXXX census at the Temple Street Shelter, estimated age of 9. Census taker recorded her DOB as being that day, June 16th, ten years prior.
    The priest who ran the shelter introduced her two years later to retired three-star General Rafael Hammond, who was touring the shelters to find someone to become the face of homeless youths in the Undercity. As it was explained to him, it would only be a matter of time before she was sold to one of the Undercity brothels. He took her in, treating her like a daughter in all but name, even teaching her how to shoot! She travelled extensively with him, explaining life as she knew it in the Undercity and gaining support for charity programs. Over the years, she blossomed into a beautiful young woman - which begat a series of malicious gossip about her and the general.
    Enraged by this, Hammond's nephew, Elias Durand, a Colonel in the Army, began pestering his uncle to "kick the little gutter bitch back to the Undercity." When the Ninth Penninsular War broke out, he arranged for Simone to be drafted - however, her status and General Hammond's influence got her a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant, Army Aviation, and eventually found herself reporting to Colonel Durand. He assigned her to shuttle duty, ferrying troops, supplies and replacements to the front, and taking the wounded back to the rear.
    On her last supply run, her location came under heavy fire as the enemy attempted a heavy push. Managing somehow to get her badly damaged shuttle into the air, despite heavy flak, she put it into a power dive into the headquarters of the enemy's segment, ejecting at the last moment. She punched a hole into the enemy line, but a stray shot caught her in the left knee. Rescued by friendly forces, she hadn't been at the MASH unit for more than twenty minutes when two MPs showed up to arrest her mid-treatment for insubornation and disregarding orders.
    At her Court Martial, Colonel Durand explained that her orders were to avoid contact with the enemy and to assist with the movement of wounded back to the aid stations. How damaging would it be if pilots disregarded orders by crashing their supply shuttles into enemy lines instead of taking care of supplies and wounded? The board sided with Colonel Durand and Simone was summarily drummed out of the Army. As a result, she no longer qualified for follow-up treatment for her knee injury at a Veteran's hospital.
    The war ended a few months later - as it turned out, the enemy's prince, eager for glory, had come up to personally lead the attack and had died when the shuttle crashed into the headquarters tent. Colonel Durand argued that giving a metal to a pilot who'd been cashired for insubornation would look bad for the Army, so it was quietly forgotten.
    She was quickly hired by Caron Courier service, and worked for them for a year and a half. Hand delivering a package to her boss one night, she was hit from behind. When she woke up, her boss was dead, the package was missing, and the police were arriving. It was later determined her gun was used to kill him, and she was covered with gun powder residue. Simone was convicted and sent to a work camp, where she became an immediate favorite target of the guards. Half her first year was spent in the camp's infirmary.
    A general amnesty was declared twenty years later and Simone found herself back in the city. Fortunately, she had a few connections left that were willing to help her get a job as a pilot with Globus Charters, which runs the older LTI aerotaxi VII and chartered aerobuses. While she does take out the aerobusses, most of her time is spent in the aerotaxis.
    Clothing: Loose black coulottes pants with the pants wrapped around the calfs, tucked into knee-high steel toed boots, scarlet tank top, black utility pocket vest with concealed holster, black jacket-wrap with trumpet sleeves and a kevlar lining, black infinity scarf, studded leather gloves.
    Most important items: Titanium Shock Cane, MiniDek5 SmartWrist (cyberdeck you wear strapped on your forearm, out of date model), AR Glasses (linked to the MiniDek), lapel daggers, Swiss Army Multitool, Beretta 9mm.
    Last edited by Enigma; 08-01-2024 at 03:36 AM.
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    Notebook 7: SciFi Props Catalog - Weapons

    Enigma - 06-01-2016, 01:04 AM
    This is the discussion thread for Science Fiction Weapons.

    Enigma - 04-12-2018, 11:06 PM
    Tech Name: Sonic Stunner (Concealable)
    Manufacturer: Quatermass Arms
    Rarity: Common
    Appearance: Small hand-held device with a side safety switch and a thumb button on one flat side.
    Intent: Concentrated blast of sound that can knock out or daze someone
    Strengths: Non-lethal, legal in most locations. Small handheld device, easy to conceal. Can partially affect those wearing armor.
    Weaknesses: 2-shot short-ranged device approximately 5 feet. Effects can wear off in 5-10 minutes.

    - - - Updated - -
    Last edited by Enigma; 08-01-2024 at 03:43 AM.
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    Notebook 8: The Chimera Program

    Enigma - 02-12-2011, 10:31 PM
    The Chimera Program was an experiment to genetically combine human and animal DNA to create an intelligent cross-breed that could survive in more challenging environments. Originally envisioned for interplanetary survey and 'search and rescue' operations.

    Homo Chimeras possess human intelligence as well as skeletal/muscular changes that allow them to walk upright and to use tools made for human hands. Their voice boxes were also modified genetically to allow them to make human speech. However, most retain their animal heritage appearances, so prefer to wear clothing for both modesty and to help identify themselves as an intelligent being.

    Official classifications include:

    homo chimera canis - Human/Wolf crossbreed. Average height/weight: males 5' 6", 100 lbs; females 5', 90 lbs.

    homo chimera panthera - Human/Lion crossbreed. Average height/weight: males 5' 6", 120 lbs; females 5' 90 lbs.

    homo chimera pithecophaga - Human/Eagle crossbreed. Average height males 37.5", females 42". Weigh ranges from 12-20 lbs, with an average wingspan of 75-85 inches. Tiny hands at the carpal joint allow them to manipulate tools, but use their feet and beaks for heavy lifting. Typically wear a cloth or mesh chest harness for carrying small items and cameras, approximately five pounds being their natural carry limit in standard gravity. Pithecophagans have a shorter natural lifespan, approximately 60 years.

    homo chimera pongo - Human/Orangutan crossbreed. Average height/weight: males 5' 9", 260 lbs; females 4' 2"; 100 lbs.

    Enigma - 04-06-2018, 12:00 AM
    Homo Chimera Taxidea taxus - Human / Badger crossbreed.

    Average height/weight - Males 3', 31 lbs; Females: 2' 10", 30 lbs.
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    Notebook 9: Legendary

    Enigma - 06-15-2016, 11:01 PM
    A fantasy world with Magic.

    The Greeks and Romans of our world created incredible structures, many of which still stand today. Look at the Colosseum, a massive structure for its day, unlike anything the world had seen. And let's not forget the pyramids!

    Medieval castles and cathedrals are a wonder of architecture! Galleons huge improvements over the Viking long boats and Roman triremes.

    Basically, I will accept most tech up to the Middle Ages. Horse-drawn wagons and sleds, blacksmithing, pick mining, plowing oxen, swords, bows, crossbows, and catapults. If you want anything more, please open a discussion thread in the OOC forum.

    One thing I demand is for someone to use tech, they have to establish a foundation for that technology. Explain how they stumbled on it.

    To make gunpowder, someone has to be collecting saltpeter, producing charcoal and collecting brimstone from volcanoes. Grinding it up in the right proportions in the right way. Fireworks before cannons before simple one-shot guns.

    So you have to talk to me before you can use gunpowder or Greek fire.

    Conventional weapons of mass destruction are right out.

    Magical weapons of mass destruction, as per the Magic thread, can significantly damage how much magic can be collected from an area. If you have troops in an area heavily damaged by destructive magics, they cannot provide their deity magic to power his spells. Wizards will be unable to work magic.

    Enigma - 06-15-2016, 11:01 PM
    The Great Northern Plains

    To the northwest of Ashaheim is the Great Northern Plains, a rolling land of grass, shallow valleys and peat bogs. Nomadic tribes of short, stocky wild elves live here, riding the sturdy northern pony and tending small herds of goats, hunting the plains deer - and Oblinsgó, the northern goblins.

    The tribe led by the Chief, with the Ändhë as his deputy on the right as war leader, and on the left the Ardïocú or medicine man, spiritual leader of the tribe.

    The Northern Wild Elves worship nature - Atúrena, the Great Mother; Únsen, the Bringer of Light; Únäla, the Sky Sister. It is their belief that every living thing contains Óúlsú or spirit, so ask practice "Óúlsë Pólogyäth", asking forgiveness for the life taken and uttering "Oodfó Ïftga" before each meal.

    The Oblinsgó are the bane of the Great Northern Plains, small packs living in burrows, using their small gift of magic to harrass their prey before swarming over it in a feeding frenzy.

    The Northern Elves attack the Oblinsgó on sight, taking the heads and shrinking them as trophies. In some cases, the spirit of the goblin is trapped or "Oúlsí Ieten" in the shrunken head, which then mutters and talks with is owner.

    Metal is not unknown, sometimes found in shallow craters and used sparingly for knives and axes. The elves also use the bones and hair of animals and enemies to craft laminated but powerful short bows. Wood is sparse,used mostly for spears, yurt-building and sleds.

    Some elves are known as Oulsä Íngérsá, capable of working great magics. Young Oulsä Íngérsá are often traded for a time between the tribes to learn from other Oulsä Íngérsá. This is done in a small ceremony watched by both tribes, usually done at Áthersgí, great meetings of the nomadic tribes.

    Usually the elves do not leave the Great Northern Plains, but sometimes singly or in pairs can be seen traveling along the edges. They are said to be practicing Únalë Ándërwá, a spiritual journey. Usually travelers carry or wear a small flat, round pebble as a symbol of their journey.

    Enigma - 06-15-2016, 11:05 PM
    Magic in Legendary

    Magic is everywhere in the world, inside of everyone and everything but as a weak force. The more complex or 'advanced' the life form, the more magic they can draw from their surroundings - but it takes someone with the "gift" to tap into their powers to use this force.

    Only one person in a thousand has this gift. This gift can pass to children but can also skip generations.

    But to do anything more than simple witch tricks takes several years of dedicated training, practice and study. For every twenty witches (or 20,000 people), there is perhaps one wizard.

    Schools of wizardry are almost non-existent - in most areas there aren't enough people with the gift to run one. Most who have the gift and want to learn how to use it seek out a wizard to apprentice to.
    As the few magic lines that exist are passed through families, those families have spell books and techniques often unique to that line. Knowing the family the wizard apprenticed under can often tell you what sort of magic they can do.

    However, the more powerful the spell, the more it depletes the caster - and the longer it takes to restore this power. A truly powerful spell can completely wipe out the caster, leaving him defenseless.

    Training and practice allows a caster to learn how to control their output of magic and to pull more from their surroundings.
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    Notebook 10: Arcovis, the Sunken City

    Enigma - 06-15-2016, 10:56 PM

    I'm thinking to set the tone right, I need to create a port, an independent city-state where people of every nation can meet but its reasonably proof from attack due to natural hazards.

    So I'm creating Arcovis, the Sunken City. Nestled between two rivers and sitting on the edge of the sea, Arcovis was positioned right for both sea and river trade with cities upriver.

    But the trading houses hired wizards to help them and to curse their rivals - and it caused a backlash. An earthquake struck, spilling the twin rivers from their banks and flooding the city and lowlands, separating it from the mainland as Arcovis found itself in the middle of the growing lagoon. The houses on the hills were spared as they became islands, while others had to abandon their flooded ground floors, living on the upper floors. Boats started working the flooded streets as walkways and bridges were built between houses and some of the closer islands.

    On one island is the Black Tower - a prison for wizards that sucks the power from them, preventing magical escape.

    Isolated and of little value except for its trading houses, Arcovis is a place for various adventurers to meet up in their travels.
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