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Thread: Dragons and their partners IC

  1. #1
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Default Dragons and their partners IC

    The academy is set inside a mountain range. A lot or rooms and/or caves carved out from the mountain themselves. The buildings and some connecting halls were caved from the mountain and other were built in natural clearlings, backing small forests, streams and cliff faces within the mountains. Combining natural beauty and safety with manmade structures.

    It has been a month since students first started moving into their room for their stay at the Academy. Today was the first day of class. There were announcements going through the different buildings and halls. Good morning everyone, I hope you are all ready for the start of the school year. If you have any issues with your schedules, rooms, or don't know where you are going. Please find your nearest facility helper, you can tell them buy the badges that they wear. For everyone else, please be sure that you aren't late to classes today. If you are ready for breakfast, please head to the dining hall. As Breakfast should soon be ready and if you have any dietary needs that need to be taken in mind. Please let one of the kitchen staff know. The voice rang out in a calm but authoritative tone.

    With the start of the school year, the normally scarce systems were now packed with bodies coming and going. Students of all years and ages there, some with their partners chit chatting about what they expected from the year. While those without talking about if they'd get a partner this year.

    Several teachers and facilities were in many of the halls, mostly just watching the students being students. Getting joy in seeing all the students interacting and being kids. but ready to help anyway that they can for those who didn't quite understand their way around yet.

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    Member Sabes's Avatar
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    Lavender Pearls slowly milled around the schoolyard, watching the bustling crowds of students. She was so happy to see so many students attending this year. She was very comforted by the thought that this was going to be a really nice schoolyear. She sat and preened her old purple scales, then watched attentively for anyone who looked like they needed assistance. She wasn't a faculty member, but she was always willing to let anyone in need under her wing.

    Young Rocco Swiftens was one of those first years who was as lost and as eager as can be. With his bookbag nearly falling off his shoulders and the excess binders, pencils, and papers prepared to fly out of his arms, Rocco looked around, confused. "Where are these faculty members the speaker was talking about?" he asked himself out loud, frustrated.
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    Who are you in a world like this?

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    The old goat was wily and quick, but not quite quick enough.

    Red came down the hillside, a red-skinned girl wearing breeches and a black leather bodice, her amber eyes sweeping the school yard with its bustling students and the big purple dragon, larger than she was when she decided to stretch into her full form.

    Some of them were moving into the mouth of one of the caves, from which the most curious of smells came, of warmth and spice that made her first stomach grumble, despite its stringy meal it had begun digesting. But not one toe would she put past it. With a scowl, she hissed at it and walked away, keeping one wary eye on Lavender.

    The humans were chattering away, making all those unintelligible noises, it was like all they could do, like a school of fish that darted here and there, avoiding her. It was much the same with the dragons. They'd rumble something and stare expectantly at her, clearly wanting something from her, but their smells would sour and they'd look at each other and then her, as if she'd failed. Again, her mouth filling with that strange metallic taste.

    Why did she follow those two, the dragon and its person? It was like a game, but they enticed her further and further from the sea and all those fish, to this desolate place filled with nasty-tasting chattering people. As if it was somehow important.

    So Red stayed on the mountainside, eating stray sheep and the occasional goat before venturing down among them, to listen to their chattering and try to make sense of it all.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Comfortable in her own place to sit and watch the crowds, Lavender Pearls relaxed. Watching the youngsters dashing about was as soothing as watching clouds roll by. After some time, she saw the red dragon walk by and give her a glance. She wondered if the red dragon was in need of assistance, considering the concerning aura coming from that direction. She blinked warmly at her, prepared to open a welcoming conversation. Keeping a calm eye on the red dragon, she also wondered if they had met before. Well, if the situation was right, the red dragon would approach. Relinquishing any pressure to do so, Lavender Pearls looked away at the bustling crowd again.

  5. #5
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    She has slept in and it wasn't until she heard the announcers' voice echo that she started to wake up. Her mouth opened wide letting out something similar to a squeaky roar, as she woke up. She stretched and shook herself off, she was in her dragon form. As that's what she was comfortable with, spreading her wings and jumping out of the part of her cave that was open to the air. Enjoying a morning fly, navigating and learning how the wind around her flows. She could find breakfast in the dining hall in a little bit. For now, she would fly, enjoying the feel of wind against her body and the sun warming her scale. Not noticing as she spun and flipped near the little red dragons.

    She was so excited to start school, which wasn't something that she thought she would say, but all she could do was thinking about the treasure hunts she would be able to have in the future. In fact her bag had more books on maps, legends, and treasures. Than it had of actual textbooks, Aria made sure that she was dressed nicely for her first day of school and headed toward the dining hall. Only getting a little bit of help from one of people with badges the voice had mentioned. She was so excited and didn't seem to realize that she had been pushing past other students to reach the dining hall, practically drooling. "Ham omlette with pancakes, definitely" She said to herself licking her lips. Wondering just how much they would let her eat.

    Lyon had woken up early, had everything packed. Had a quite nice suit on, it looked more expensive than it should of, considering how little he actually had. The same could be said about the decorative leather sword hilt he had on his waist, which he had made himself, but wouldn't tell anyone that. First impressions were the best so he had to look the best that he could. The only thing remotely simple looking was the swords' hilt, which was a simple metal hilt but shined to where it practically glistened and had been recently wrapped in a warm leather to make it look even nicer.

    He somehow managed to find his way to the dining hall through the throng of people. He picked out a fairly simple dinner and while he ate, he looked over his class schedule. Trying to figure out what the day would look like, he didn't know anyone here and with any luck no one knew him either.


    Unlike alot of the kids for their first day of the new year. Ernie wasn't all dressed up at all, he was his simple hoodie and had gotten the first pick of food from the dining hall. Since he known the fastest way to get there, after spending so much time chasing his siblings during their times at this school. He had a surprising amount; oatmeal, toast with jam, bacon and eggs, waffles, and thats just to start with.

    Most people wouldn't guessing it by looking at him, but he could eat quite a bit when he wanted to and with the busy year ahead of him. He figured he should eat and enjoy the food while he could. Especially if he had that cranky goat of a man for his first class.

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    Spots a new student looking flustered and lost. He couldn't help but have a small smile, first days were also so hard. Full of excitement and worry for the new, he went over to the kid and started picking up a few books that had dropped. "Do you need a hand?" He asked with a welcoming smile.

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    Red yawned. The sun was warm, her stomachs full enough and the humans were all excited about something so not about to pester her.

    There was a nice sunny spot against a boulder, a good place to rest your back against. Perhaps later, she could go see what scraps were being thrown out. The other dragons didn't like seeing her filling up on garbage, but this was so much better than what they used to feed her in her cage.

    Later, perhaps, some of the cats would join her for a nap? They were teaching her so much.
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    Rocco looked up at the staff member, red with embarrassment. "Uh," he stammered, "um, y-yes, please. I don't know...what's going on. Should I go to the dining hall first and then look for my classes or teachers? I smell food, but I don't know where I am or where the dinning hall is..." he struggled to pull out a map, but as he was trying to look at it, his books fell out of his arm and sprawled over the floor as other students avoided the mess and snickered at him. He felt so ashamed.

  8. #8
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    She found a nice warm sun spot to stretch on, she could hear all the chatter of the humans and dragons below. She knew this place was going to be crowded, but it felt like there were even more people here than she thought there was going to be. It was almost troubling, but she couldn't let the large crowd make her nervous. So instead focused on the warm sun, as she just laid stretched out in the sun for a few minutes.

    It didn't take her long to go through the line for her food. One plate piled high with pancakes drenched in syrup and the other a large omelet dotted green and pink from the delicious toppings she decided to put into her meal. The only thing the dragon seems to have forgotten was that she would probably need a drink to go along with her meal. Not that she seemed to be thinking about that quite at this moment. Instead, as she left the line and saw how crowded the dining hall was starting to get decided to try and find a place outside that she could eat.

    Mostly she was interested in eatting the great smelling food, but a part of her was excited to meet new people too and see just what everyone else would find interesting.

    As he walked through the hall he saw a staff member helping someone who dropped his books. He was about to leave them be and continued his search for the dining hall, when he heard people snickering at the poor kid. A frown formed on his face, "HEY!" his voice boomed, "WHATS' SO FUNNY?" He challenged, looking around daring anyone to speak up. He might not know the kid, but everyone at their bad days and it bugged him when people took advantage of that. While Lyon got several looks. Not one person said a word against him and most people just kept on their way. While he stood there with a glare on his face.

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    the man was surprised when the kid dropped more books and knelt down to pick up a few more books. "I can certainly help with that, Breakfast is before your homeroom. From Homeroom, then you go to your first class." He explained with a smile and then when he heard other students snickering. He frowned and was about to tell everyone to move along when someone yelled out. All the teacher could do was sigh and after a moment said, "While I appreciate that you want to look out for your fellow students, but we do not encourage confrontational positions or tones among students. If you wish to help, come down here and lets help get things sorted." He said in a stern tone, before looking back to Rocco.

    His eyes and tone softened, "As for the dining hall. I can give you directions to it, it isn't all that far away." Sorting the books, before handing them back. Once the kid had his books in his arms again. The man led the boi to the end of the hall and told him how to find the dining hall. "If you need anything else," The man said warmly, "Feel free to find me. I'll help however I can and if you have any questions feel free to ask. Either now or later, whenever you want," he said.

    He was still enjoying his food, no one had seemed to join his part of the table and while he wasn't sure why. He wasn't exactly going to complain yet either.

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    Lavender Pearls let the sun caress her scales as she settled into a patch of grass beside the bustling building. Taking a nice big sigh, she laid her head down, curling her tail over her talons. She figured that she can keep a lookout for newcomers who needed her help while maintaining a comfortable position...that is, if she could keep her old eyes open.

    Rocco heard the student yell about the other kids snickering. He was impressed but also almost afraid from the yelling kid's tone. He looked up to the staff member as he grabbed his books again. "Thank you," he said as they approached the dining hall. The thought that he could place his disheveled belongings on a table and just think about food for a moment relaxed him. It was nice to know that he could get help so easily and that some kids would stand up for him. Maybe he can meet someone nice in the dining hall! "I appreciate your help, mister!" With that, he went on into the dining hall and tried to find a seat. He saw some spaces by some nice looking kids, but tried to organize his books and papers into his bag before trying to make a fool of himself again while asking someone if he could sit with them.

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    Red opened one eye with a scowl on her human face. Humans were just so... loud! Ancient mountain goat needed time to digest, after all.
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