I just thought I’d make a thread about things not hated.
> Taco Bell.
Yeah, betches. I like Taco Bell. They have nice chalupas.
> Crocks.
Fine. They’re not exactly aesthetically pleasing. But have you ever thought that some people don’t give a shit about fashion? Crocks are comfy as fuck. Why give people a hard time for choosing comfort over what is *fashion*?
> Rey.
Yup. :o
I don’t flipping hate Rey.
Don’t get me wrong. I get the hate for her in The Last Jedi, which is just an all around terrible film. But she wasn’t that bad in The Force Awakens. I get that she is a Mary Sue, who defied reason at times. Fair afuuuuckingnough.
But so was Luke Skywalker, an ace ex-wing pilot with no training, who used the force to make an impossible shot that even a computer had trouble making. And this was all within five minutes of being lectured on how to be a Jedi. So, whatever.
> Rap music.
Some really incredible shit exists in the genre.
This was made fun of in my school. But fuck them. Anime is an artistic outlet that has a lot of good and a lot of bad, like all art forms.
> Public displays of affection.
This get a room shit. They are in a room, and you just happen to be in it. So what? If it’s a problem to you, why don’t you go get a sit alone and be sad room? And if the kissing couple is outside, then why don’t you just walk somewhere else... outside?
> Comic Sans and Papyrus Fonts
They’re disliked. But why? They’re designed perfectly fine, and work perfectly fine in context. Perhaps a bit overused, but for things like informal headers or your school report on Mesopotamia, I don’t see the issue.
Anywho. That’s all I got on my train ride home.