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Thread: Damara Liakos - Slytherin 1st Year

  1. #1
    Minkasha's Avatar
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    Default Damara Liakos - Slytherin 1st Year

    Spoiler: Description 

    Legally: Diodoros Liakos Chosen: Damara Liakos

    12 – Held back; 1st Yr - Leo

    Able to stand by own convictions unshakably
    Possesses a high endurance to pain or mental anguish
    Community oriented (among pure bloods)
    Prestigious family origins
    Empowered by Purist Blood* (See History)


    Has a disdain for muggles and muggle-born
    Struggles with intense gender dysphoria.
    Materialistic (and accustom to her expensive living)
    Subconsciously relishes in the pain of muggles and muggle-born
    Held back by sexist beliefs within herself
    Drastically high spell failure due to Purist Blood.* (See History)

    Spoiler: full character sheet 

    About Damara:

    Damara is a conflicted figure with the promise of great power. This power comes from her anger, an emotion she has a mixed relationship with and it also comes from her very blood that she is ignorant of. A great deal of changes are happening through her body, more than she is even aware of and now lives as an experiment for her family’s growing interplanetary ambitions. Spoiled, selectively kind, and filled with cultural, familial, and religious prejudices Damara stands right before the fork in the road – choosing between the power of her anger and the layers of superiority ingrained into her from a young age, or, being rebuilt in her transitional phase of her life into a woman entirely different than what Diodoros was and foreseen to have become.

    Friends & Family:

    • Konstanitos - Familiar (NPC)
    • Cristo Liakos*(Barred from this family name) – Great-Uncle [Deceased] (NPC)
    • Alfio Liakos*(Reinstated with family name) – 2nd Cousin (NPC)
    • Basilius Liakos – Father (NPC)
    • Calandra Liakos – Mother (NPC)
    • Erastos Liakos - Younger Brother (NPC)



    Damara meets her first teacher at Hogwarts in a chance encounter made from her wardrobe choices (in this case bringing everything she owned). Unexpectedly the professor made it very clear he, as well as the staff, was aware of her half completed transition and attempted to preach mutual respect simultaneously for half bloods & muggle-born. Shocked and horrified with a clear cultural clash that came too soon for the Liakos girl; and it did not help that the messenger himself was one of the lesser blooded. Damara has been pushed inwardly to continue into Hogwarts and face whatever happens in the dream of being a proper member of her bloodline and appeasing her parents.

    Entering Hogwarts for the first time, Damara has a chance encounter with a boy who represents many of her cultural values. Caryxander and her banter and she begins to make a first positive acquaintance at Hogwarts. Caryxander, 'Cary', despite his extensive knowledge of the pure bloods could not recall who Damara was. Knowing well Cary would never figure out, and to why he wouldn't be able to, Damara skirted his lacking best she could. Both were sorted in Slytherin where they met pure bloods Michael, Tamara, and Douglas. Interference from nosy second years disrupts their first meeting but also unites them in a 'us' versus 'them' mentality that helps solidify their new friendships.

    Into the Viper's Nest - 1 Sep 2117 - Slythern Students
    Led by the house prefect (Elladonna Archer), Damara and her new friends (and others) are welcome into the sickly green, watery and mysterious common room of Slytherin. The dark appeal of the new space couldn't keep things at bay and fitting for such a cunning and cruel house to out Damara in a rather overt manner. Disallowed to proceed up the stairs to the female dormitory, Tamara and Eloise were dragged down with her. Injured and humiliated, Damara tried to stand her ground and perceived Katrin's efforts as disingenuous - gathering a deep hatred for the girl, and Eloise. Things progressed into unusual territory as Damara was the first girl to walk up into the boy's dorm where she faced the usual uncomfortable growing pains a girl might expect in an area of boys. Caryxander found her glancing over her transition to be deceptive, causing a small rift between her and the pureblood boy. Resigning to her situation, Damara found a bed and quietly slept.

    Waking the next morning in the first year boys' dorm room, Damara quickly pulls herself away, contemplating what she could do in her bleak and strange situation. Awake from a very early time on her first day of Hogwarts study, she spent some time in isolation in the boy's hallway until the mysterious and handsome boy, who she has had brief encounters with thus far, told her of the Headmistress wanting to see her. Their hands touched and he helped her to her feet, but Damara cut off any further interaction - not knowing if the boy was pureblood or not. Heading downstairs, Damara meets the Headmistress intimately for the first time which grants her a deeper respect for the woman's power she so easily displays potently. Elladonna silently resits the help she is commanded to give Damara, but comes to comply - much to Damara's righteous enjoyment.

    Damara is guided into the girl's dorm for the first time. Here she reunites with Tamara, blossoming their new friendship even further. Conversely, Damara follows the anger in her heart and drives away Katrin from the room. The Liakos girl swears to bring pride to her family name while at Hogwarts and braces herself for the future now that she's among the girls where she ought to be.

    Looking For:

    Specific Plot:
    Last edited by Minkasha; 09-23-2017 at 06:07 AM.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 

  2. #2
    My Son; My Sun.
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    Happy with all of it, as discussed. I would sort her into Slytherin, because of her lust for family status, her disdain for muggleborns, and her love of the material.

    As we also discussed, with the familiar - he would definitely be restricted from classrooms (as are all students' pets) - but given his size, even at this young age, I don't think he would be allowed free reign of the corridors or castle either; she would be told he'd have to be kept outside (maybe with the groundskeeper, in a magically erected pen?) though this isn't to say that she'd always listen to that instruction.

    With her magical ability, I would still restrict her to the spells of her level (those taught to a first year) but think it would be feasible for her to attempt level 2 spells, (or one level above her own, in following years) with this bringing the probability of failure up to 50%, and a 3x power spike when emotional (rather than 6x). What do you think?

    (Also psst, we usually get people to submit their chars here first, but since we discussed it already I don't mind. )

    If you're happy with those restrictions on the familiar, accepted.

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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    My Son; My Sun.
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    On a separate note, I think there's potential for some interesting interactions with my Gryffindor 1st year, Tilly, - she has a natural affinity for animals and a love of those mystical, that would mean she would be fascinated by Kons; and if he's anything like other beasts, he'd quite like her, too. However, though a pureblood herself, Damara's disdain (bordering on sadism) toward Muggleborns' would definitely cause them to clash. Could be interesting. ^^

    Ella, once she got over her initial judgement (since they'd share a common room, and she'd see that the younger girl had to use the boys dorm) would probably get along quite well with her, though she would see herself as superior due to her age and I don't know how Damara would take that. She does come from a very well-to-do family, and is the poster child for a 'proper' pureblood daughter (aside from the firewhisky habit, which few are aware of) so Damara might well see her as the kind of girl she 'should' ally herself with, for appearances sake. (Being a 'proper' lady and all that.)

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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  4. #4
    HaelKatrin's Avatar
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    Ooooooh, I see some interesting interactions with Katrin Edlund! This is gonna be fun!!!!!!

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  5. #5
    Minkasha's Avatar
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    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 


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