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Thread: Alanoth's Battle Arena Character Thread

  1. #1
    Member Alanoth's Avatar
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    Fantasy Alanoth's Battle Arena Character Thread

    General Information:
    Name: Alanoth "Harbinger of Terrible Death and Wondrous Destruction"(in Elvish)
    Age: 127
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half-Elf (Human-Elf)

    Build: 6'3" tall, Lightly Muscular Athletic
    Hair: Black, short
    Eyes: Green/Brown/Hazel
    Distinctive Features: None
    Clothes / Armour: Silvery colored plate armor that is made from a combination of mithril and dragon scale. No helmet. Armor includes breastplate, pauldrons, gauntlets with chainmail undersleeves, greaves, and boots with chainmail adorning legs.

    Fighting Style:
    Weapons: Alanoth's Two-Fold Blade--Elven styled sword that can split into two smaller swords if necessary. Approximately four feet in length in its complete form, with a golden hilt adorned in Elven runes which covers six inches of the sword itself. All of the runes are nothing more than the description of his exploits, and there is a split in the hilt that when pried open allows fast and smooth transition between single and dual blade contact.
    Blade of Halfir's Forge--Traditional Europenan-esque styled, with a three and a half foot long blade and a hilt shaped like a T. The blade is adorned with Elven runes, which allow Alanoth to summon the blade's power, that of great fire magic.
    Elven Bow--A traditionally shaped golden bow of elven design that is nearly unbreakable and only requires maintenance on an average of once a year.
    Abilities: Change Weapons--The action of switching between any of Alanoth's weapons takes half a post, approximately one full paragraph, to execute. Cooldown/Recovery time is one post.
    Heal--Can heal himself or an ally of most injuries except death and poisons. Takes one post to charge and cast, two posts to recover.
    Attributes: Elven Agility, High Magical Affinity, Mastery of Archery

    Personality: [wip]
    Background: [wip]
    Why don't I stick with just one roleplay genre/forum/site/method? Because limiting myself would be sooooo boring! - Alanoth

  2. #2
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    *Quickly dashes and attack*

  3. #3
    Member Alanoth's Avatar
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    Why don't I stick with just one roleplay genre/forum/site/method? Because limiting myself would be sooooo boring! - Alanoth


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