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Thread: Thieves Be We Group RP (Under Construction)

  1. #1
    Member MimiDumpling's Avatar
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    Default Thieves Be We Group RP (Under Construction)


    This RP is built for the Newcomer Group to play together as a way to get to know each other better. At the moment this RP isn't open to people outside the group but that may change. :) From now on I will put all updates for the RP here :)

    I would love to hear any feedback or comments on this so feel free to chime in or send me a pm. :)

    I have a version of the map that doesn't have labels or districts on it if you need it.*

    Thieves Be We

    An authoritarian Emperor rules his lands with an iron fist. The people live in despair and the Empire’s neighbors tremble in its shadow. Yet the Empire is old and its convoluted web of corrupt officials and deep-seated feuds between powerful families has made it sickly. Within the halls of the Imperial Palace are whispers of dissent. Powerful individuals plot to carve out kingdoms of their own, the peasants simmer with rage and hunger, and a small collection of intellectuals, who call themselves The Movement, plot something grander. Something that will change the world. In order for their plan to succeed however they will require the assistance of less than desirable folk. When freedom cannot be won by valor or bought with gold it must be stolen. Can a motley crew of thieves be trusted with the Empire's destiny? Will they be liberators and revolutionaries, cruel usurpers, or simply yet another failed rebellion?

    Despite their small numbers and deep secrecy, the influence of The Movement is vast. Foreign kings, Imperial commanders, and locally respected farmers brush shoulders in the tense, secretive meetings held throughout the Empire. One such prestigious member is Princess Viorica the Younger, twelfth daughter of Emperor Adronicus himself. The Movement has granted her the responsibility of preparing the strategically critical city of Maldomus for revolution. Under the pretense of seeking a suitable husband among the Empire’s more neglected noble families, Princess Viorica works in secret with Movement contacts to send a message to the seedy underworld of Maldomus.

    A wealthy patron known as V is seeking a talented and discrete team of thieves, killers, and spies for hire. The rumors of V’s intent and identity range from the Emperor himself fooling rebels to a violent king of crime seeking to expand his territory. Whoever the mysterious V is, they are being treated as legitimate clients by some of the most powerful criminals in the city and the promise of land, silver, and title seems a once in a lifetime opportunity to many in the decaying city of Maldomus.

    About the Empire

    Coming soon. :)

    The Districts of Maldomus

    Royal Grounds

    Officially property of the Emperor, the Royal Grounds of Maldomus is a quiet and highly secure stronghold for the city’s elite. With its imposing inner walls and brilliant red brick buildings it seems almost mystical next to the grimy plaster and poorly maintained clay rooftops of the rest of the city. Entry to the Royal Grounds requires permission from the Governor's House and the majority of Maldomus will never walk on its grounds. Having been under the care of the High Lord Felix for decades it sports a well maintained garden, elaborate walking maze, and a man-made pond filled with imported exotic fish. It sits atop a rise that brings it above the smog of the Forge district across the river.

    Spoiler: More Info 

    Spoiler: Notable Residents 

    Silver District

    Those of low blood who are fortunate enough to establish a bit of wealth in Maldomus congregate in the Silver District. The buildings are taller here and in better repair than can be seen elsewhere. Stern faced guardsmen patrol the streets for any sign of discontent and are quick to remove anyone who looks as if they don’t belong there. There are no official restrictions on who may enter the Silver District but it is well understood to the citizenry of Maldomus that it’s best to stay away from the Silver District if you don’t live or work there.

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    Spoiler: Notable Residents 

    The Grand Market

    The Grand Market is the greed-ridden, wilted heart of Maldomus’s shattered economy. Though the Empire is wealthy and produces far more than what it needs, the prices of the market are dangerously high. The violent organizations that control it’s hundreds of stalls and shops charging whatever they like so long as proper dues are paid to those in power. Crime runs rampant and its streets become a deadly maze at sunset. Though only a diseased shadow of what it could be, the market still manages to provide a wide variety of goods and services to the people of Maldomus. It is said that the only thing one cannot find in The Grand Market is an honest man.

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    Spoiler: Notable Residents 

    Southern Burrows

    During the early days of Maldomus the Southern Burrows were simply an extension of the Grand Market. It was here that the unskilled laborers of the city constructed their homes. As the agricultural industry outside the south eastern gate continued to grow the wealthier farmers built homes and storehouses in the burrows as well. As the urban and rural lower class merged the district began to reflect their culture. Encouraging verses from The Holy Word promoting safety, hard work, and temperance are displayed on well crafted signs across the district.

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    Spoiler: Notable Residents 

    St. Padrig’s Cathedral

    Located on the serene Bellum Island, the towering white walls of St. Padrig’s cathedral stand pure in the heart of the city. It’s tall stained glass windows depict the great feats of St. Padrig, a crusader from long ago. It houses a massive bell, gifted by the Emperor himself, that rings the hour as well as calls for morning and evening prayer. The island also contains a large park with walking paths, towering trees, and hidden gazebos for private conversation. Stones describing the deeds and will of the Gods can be found throughout the garden and are believed by the faithful to be placed by the Gods themselves.

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    Spoiler: Notable Residents 
    Spoiler: Religion Details 

    The Forge District

    Throughout it’s history the Empire has rarely seen lasting peace. Conquerors and warriors are valued most in Imperial society but a close second are the artisans that craft the terrifying weapons of the Empire. Martial technology has always been the Empire’s sharpest fang and such reverence is reflected in the industrial sectors of its cities. Massive compounds work day and night forging tools and weaponry for the front. Soot clogs the air and collects along the roads like snow. The sky is obscured by smoke and the buildings are gray with streaks of grime. Most buildings here are made of large cobblestone or red brick and are arranged less chaotically than other districts.

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    Spoiler: Notable Residents 

    The Lost Quarter

    Ten years ago the southeastern corner of the city was known as the Flower District. It served as a center of art and culture. High Lord Felix, the governor, spent much of his early years as governor sponsoring performers and artists. He would host grand circuses and poured the taxes of the city into filling the Flower District with grand statues and fountains. The most spectacular of his projects was a massive greenhouse, intended to be filled with plants from all over the known world. Then the invaders came.

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    Spoiler: Notable Residents 


    Spoiler: Notes 

    ♥ I added spoilers to clean it up a little and moved the details on religion to it's own section under St. Padrig's Cathedral :)

    ♥ Thanks for reading! ♥

    Last edited by MimiDumpling; 02-10-2022 at 11:38 PM. Reason: Clean up

  2. #2
    Member upscalerat's Avatar
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    Thank you for the tag! I am very​ interested in this!

  3. #3
    Member MimiDumpling's Avatar
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    Thank you for being interested in it :) hopefully we wont have to wait much longer for more people :) I'm going to post a character bio for Viorica some time today. If you want to start making a character that would be great. :) I think that will spark people's interests more too. I think we have more than enough background info now lol. If you have any questions about it or suggestions though just let me know :)

    This is the template I use for my characters if you want to use the same one as me. :) Feel free to add more stuff to it though if you need to. :)

    Physical Sex:

    Last edited by MimiDumpling; 02-09-2022 at 07:10 PM.

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    Princess Viorica Evander the Younger

    Gender: Female
    Physical Sex: Female
    Orientation: Straight
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Race: Imperial Human
    Age: 18


    Given her royal blood, V learned the ins and outs of the Empire’s most elite society practically from birth. As the 12th daughter of the Emperor she has always been more of a political asset than anything to her parents and older siblings, all her life being prepared to be married off to placate her father’s subordinates. As a result she displays a calculated demure meekness and strong sense of propriety when among those of her class.

    In private and among trusted friends however her true personality shines through. She is a strong willed, ambitious woman with an almost extreme sense of justice. She believes herself to be a champion of common folk and is well known for her charity and sponsorship of the arts. She is incredibly passionate about her ideals and unintentionally affords little merit to any philosophy too different from her own. Like all who are born into wealth and power she is naive to the depth of commoner’s struggles and can be condescending or even cruel at times despite her good intentions.


    V is of average height for an Imperial woman, standing 5’6”, and has a petite build. Her eyes are a deep gray that appears black in low light, just like her father. She follows the fashion trends set by her elder sisters but has no personal interest in extravagant gowns, corsets, and the like beyond fitting her station. On the rare occasions she will be unseen by others for an extended time she wears tight fighting breeches, high boots, and coats tailored to appear similar to those worn by wealthy men but tailored to suit her femininity. Her hair is a stark black and she prefers to wear it down when in private. At court and day-to-day she sports elaborate buns and braids in accordance with court fashion trends.


    V is well educated on a wide range of academic subjects such as mathematics, rhetoric, and history as well as the arts. She enjoys painting and is particularly inspired by the few female artists who have left their mark on the Empire. She has a strong love for dance as well and is an eagerly pursued partner at her Father’s feasts and balls. She has been tutored in fencing and performed well under some of the finest instructors in the Empire but has never once been in anything remotely resembling a physical confrontation outside of practice. The strongest of her skills however is her ability to navigate the political world of the Empire, relying on the perception of the court that she is simply a spoiled royal child with no thoughts of her own but dreams of marriage to mask her intricate plans for revolution.


    V’s father, Emperor Adronicus Adonis, has many children and pays little attention to them save his older sons. Her mother likewise has little interest in her children, spending her time by her husband’s side at the throne. Therefore V had a very lonely childhood, only seeing her family at formal events or occasionally running into them in the halls of the palace. The majority of the people responsible for her during childhood were servants and ladies of the court. Her younger brother, and the youngest of the royal family, spent some time with her but was sent to the War Academy at a very young age.

    To combat the loneliness and escape the glittering prison she’d been born into, V began to devour the great sea of books and scrolls of the Imperial Library. It was during that time that she first met Lorekeeper Tatius, an irritable old scholar well known for his controversial opinions as much as his contribution to the scholarly community. From Tatius she learned of lands without kings, women who are emperors, and heard the stories of men and women whose deeds and triumphs had been erased by the Empire.

    As she approached womanhood and neared her inevitable faith of marriage she became more enthralled by Tatius’s stories and even began to trade her exquisite jewelry for foreign books and maps despite such contraband being banned by Imperial law. During her quest for forbidden knowledge she caught the attention of The Movement and immediately connected with their cause.

    Now a grown woman, her father has begun discussing marriages. As dictated by custom she is expected to travel the Empire and rub elbows with the nobility not privileged enough to spend time at court. This was the perfect opportunity for The Movement to plant her in Maldomus, a city critical for their plans, and V accepted her mission without hesitation. She has been living in Maldomus Manor, using her wealth to build contacts throughout the city's underworld in secret, searching for a team she can trust to care more about gold than honor or country.

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    Name: Kear Gale
    Gender: Female
    Physical Sex: Female
    Orientation: Bisexual
    Pronouns: She/her
    Race: Imperial Human
    Age: 27

    Kear is rather rough around the edges. She has something of a brash personality, generally preferring to be blunt and straightforward over tact. However, the woman is also cunning and cautious, and knows when to change how she plays her cards- when to be polite, when to stroke an ego, and how to keep her enemies close. While she isn't quite fearless, she certainly is steadfast, and a rock in troubled times.

    Amongst her close friends, she has an easy smile and an easier laugh. She wouldn't hesitate to risk it all for the people that she loves, and is generally proactive in attempting to solve any worries that they might have. Conversely, she has difficulty opening up to them and allowing them to do the same; Kear feels that her burdens are her own, and no one else needs to bear them, while happily taking on others'.

    Kear is on the taller side for a woman, standing at 5'9". She has a lithe build, which can amount to something of an unassuming appearance. Her eyes a greyish shade of green, and she has long, brown hair that she often wears tied up. When she is being especially discrete, she will go so far as to pin it up into a tight bun, so that it has no chance of getting in her eyes or acting as a grabbing point for any potential enemies. She wears leather for all of her boots, armguards, pants, and vest, as a form of armor that isn't too restricting to move around in, and is quiet. Furthermore, she wears her belt as a sash across her chest, upon the band of which she keeps the sheath to her dagger.

    Kear never received any formal education, and is decidedly lacking when it comes to book-smarts. However, she more than makes up for this with her street-skills: she can read people extremely well, as well as keep her own in a fight. She is also very quick to learn the lay of the land- of course, her experience in the Grand Market helps for that district; but even in a new building or area of the city, she can quickly construct a mental map of where a passageway should let out, or where a room should lie. Furthermore, she is rather observant, a skill that often comes in handy. Aside from the above mentioned, which is all a great help to her in her life as a thief, Kear also enjoys cooking and making music. Finally, she has also picked up some skill with numbers, again due to how often she has spent time around merchants.

    Kear was raised by a woman who ran a brothel in the Grand Market. Kear knows this woman is not her birth mother; Kear's birth parents were, to her best guess, likely farmers in the Southern Burrows or merchants living near the border, and likely lost their lives in some skirmish or another. Kear does have a vague memory of being a child, only a few years old, and very upset when she met Marsa, the woman who raised her. Having a business under her belt meant that Marsa often only made sure that Kear had a bed to sleep in and food to eat, but it was enough.

    Kear spent much of her childhood being taught the lay of the land by other children who lived nearby. They would fight and bicker and play with equal amounts of force; one young boy even took the time to teach the rest of them their letters. These years were fun, but ultimately forgettable. At some point, Kear and her friends fell into petty theft, stealing apples and pastries to share here and there- and being quite messy about the whole ordeal. It wasn't long until Kear was caught and marched before Marsa.

    Upon discovering that it had taken Kear several months to get caught, and that Kear would rarely, if ever, keep all of her spoils to herself, Marsa confessed to Kear that the brothel was more of a front than not; it was an information post for the thieves' guild, of which Marsa herself was a rather important member. From that point, Marsa took Kear more fully under her wing, and instructed her in how to better watch her own back and utilize the guild's resources, as well as contribute towards its causes.

    After a decade of growing and proving herself to be invaluable to the guild, Marsa offered Kear another confession- that she wanted to retire, and she wanted her charge to replace her. Only twenty four at the time, Kear was reluctant to take on quite so much responsibility; but she was ultimately convinced to take up the mantle with the promise that Marsa, now as a less active member, and more focused on the brothel, would still be there for her to seek advice if needed. Since then, Kear has assumed Marsa's responsibilities, though this handover is unknown to the rest of the city.

    A mask that Kear wears for heists. She also wears a short, brown cloak with a hood while stealing on official business, to protect her identity on the rare instance that she is seen.

    Last edited by upscalerat; 02-16-2022 at 06:44 PM. Reason: Adding character sheet


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